Its A Date
it’s a date
hanta sero x reader
words: 5.2k
A/N: i believe in sero supremacy!!! happy birthday to this sweet tape boy, also shoutout to my angel @study-milk for this idea!!!
themes: fake dating, best friends to lovers, characters are in 3rd year

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More Posts from Annimalq
My Piece for the Citrus Dome Collab featuring Villain!Hawks :D
Rating: Explicit
Characters: Hawks/ Keigo Takami
Word Count: 6.5k
Warnings: Kidnapping, Light Bondage, Sub/Dom Dynamics
The night was hot as hell. Strands of hair stuck to your forehead and sweat tickled your cheeks. Summer humidity was bad enough and it was near unbearable to stand while you were stuffed inside a ventilation shaft. Despite its dilapidated state, the old hospital had been locked down tighter than Tartarus. Iron bars at every window, thick, new padlocks with hefty chains strewn across every door. It had taken a while to map out the internal workings of the building and even now with every precaution you had taken, you still prayed your target was blissfully unaware that the entry to the airways could indeed be silently pried open and, were actually big enough for you to fit; as long as you remained stealthy enough. At some points the rusted metal had groaned under your weight, forcing your heart into your throat as you froze and waited. Your target wasn’t due here just yet, in fact he wasn’t due for another hour or so. Patience would reward you on this job, since Hawks was damn near impossible to sneak up on. You would wait as long as it took. Arriving later would run the risk of being seen either by him or some other lackey at his disposal. You would wait, no matter how damned uncomfortable it was or how much you craved a cleansing shower when all of this was said and done.
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Staged kiss

Can’t believe it took me this long o get to a Sero request
Sero x reader
word count: 1,200 (about)
warnings: cursing, drinking, smooches, some serious second-hand embarrassment
summary: Mina is always trying to force you and Sero together it looks like her plan might just work this time
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Opposites (Katsuki Bakugo x Reader)

Request: Hi! I saw your asks were open. Could I request a fic where Bakugo has a counterpart in UA who has a quirk that opposes his? Maybe something with water? And at first they compete on everything but then they start to respect one another and it grows into something more maybe? If thats too long I totally understand :) - @babyredriot
I’m so happy to get to write for my explosive boy. Happy that this is going to be posted on Bakugo’s birthday (April 20th). Reminder that REQUESTS ARE OPEN for My Hero Academia and all it’s characters.
Katsuki Bakugo was the bane of her existence.
(Y/N) (L/N) was about to become a first year at the illustrious hero school, UA High School. She had come from a small middle school that was nothing to be proud of with the hopes of being a hero someday. (Y/N) did exceptionally well during the entrance exam and won herself a spot in Class 1A.
The joy of her dreams coming true had her basically floating into her classroom, bouncing with each step. Then it all came suddenly crashing down- or more accurately you came crashing into someone.
“Watch where you’re walking, you damn extra!” the voice barked.
Rubbing her head, she looked forward and saw a scowling boy, with ash-blonde hair and red eyes. He would have been cute, if he wasn’t such a jerk.
“Hey, I’m not an extra, you jerk!” she retorted, “it was an accident anyways!”
“Just stay out of my way, extra,” he scoffed, getting up and walking away. She huffed, clenching her fists. Stupid, jerk. I hope I never see him again.
She hopped up off of her feet and began walking forward to where her classroom would be. She was walking behinds the jerk for a few minutes and noticed they were taking all the same turns and walking down the same steps. The blonde turned back, with an even meaner mug somehow.
“Stop following me, extra!” he screamed.
“I’m not!” she screamed back, becoming instantly embarrassed as she became hyperaware that you were surrounded by so many students now. She looked him straight in the eyes though. “This is the way to my class.”
“No this is my class,” he responded.
Then a sudden realization washed over the both of them, and both of you got looks of utter shock. They were going to be stuck in the same class with each other for three goddamn years. This was the literal worst.

She learnt his name was Katsuki Bakugo, though she doubted that even after all these weeks that he had bothered to learn her name. He still referred to her as an “extra”. Not that she cared, she had been trying to ignore him ever since that horrible first meeting. However, he seemed as if he felt almost the exact opposite way about her.
On the first day, their teacher- a weird guy in a sleeping bag, the pro-hero Eraserhead, or Aizawa-sensei. He wanted to do a quirk apprehension test to decide whether or not they were suited to be in his class. Which was exhausting after having worked so hard to pass the entrance exam out of those hundreds of students.
Bakugo’s quirk was as explosive as his temper, specifically sweating nitroglycerin that he can trigger explosions from his hands. It was very similar to her quirk, to manipulate water -primarily water vapor in the air- and release it in attacks from her hands.
He must have noticed this too, because despite the fact that this was a test and not a contest, he still seemed eager to compete with her through every step of the way. It wasn’t like she dissuaded him though, if anything she really wanted to prove him wrong.
The two of them ended up stuck with one another on the bus to the USJ to practice hero work during extreme weather conditions. (Y/N) desperately looked for another one of the girls to sit with or one of the boys to switch her, but none of them seemed too eager to sit next to the ticking time bomb.
“Move, extra, you’re taking up my arm room,” he spat at her.
She glared at him, tired of him already at five minutes, “my name is (Y/N), and you have plenty space on the other side of you, just squeeze over there.”
He huffed something, probably calling her a ‘damn extra’ again, but nothing came from him as he sat back mostly ignored her for the rest of the bus ride. He blew up of course, especially when Kaminari made a comment about Bakugo’s crappy personality which she giggled at. Luckily the ride wasn’t too long and she was able to exit the bus clearly and walk over to Ashido.
The USJ training facility was incredible. She had never seen something so large and complex before, with so many different areas that would provide so many different scenarios, she could feel her heart beating rapidly with precaution as well as ecstatic. They even meet the pro-hero Thirteen!
However that’s when a black mist appeared, and a slender man walked through with shaggy blue hair and covered with white disembodied hands. Alongside were dozens of villains alongside him.
Before she could comprehend, she was transported away from the entrance of the USJ and seemed to land in some sort of ruin. Though, she was not alone, instead there were two men standing in front of her clearly getting ready to attack, as well as her classmate Kirishima blocking an attack from an assailant, and goddamn Bakugo fighting another one.
“Huh.” She readied her hands, gathering water from the container in the side of her costume, then smacked one of them across the wall and covered the other ones head with water and froze it before throwing him to the ground.
“DIE!” Bakugo screamed, having defeated his opponents by sending them crashing into a wall. While she didn’t like him, she could acknowledge that he was one of the strongest in their class. He seemed to look at her too, however she doubted he was admiring her skills as she was his.
As Kirishima managed to knock out him opponent, he turned to them and said, “alright, let’s hurry up and go save the others!” He balled his hand into a fist, clearly passionate, “I’m worried about the guys with less offensive abilities.”
“If you want to go, then go by yourself,” Bakugo replied. (Y/N) could not believe how little he cared about their classmates. Well actually, she could. They were all extras to him. “I’m gonna kill that warp gate.”
“What?” she questioned, “you really think now it the time to act all macho!?”
“Shut up!” he barked at both of you. “The gate bastard is the enemy’s only way out. I’m gonna cut off their gateway route for when the time comes,” while he was explaining his plan to the both of you, he seamlessly bent down and exploded a chameleon quirk user. “Anyway, if these small fry are the ones assigned to us, pretty much everyone’ll be alright.”
She looked at him and smiled, maybe he did have a brain.
“I’m going with you,” she announced, placing the water back into her containers. Despite how much he had looked down on her before, he didn’t question or resist her, instead he let her follow behind him to find the warp gate. She thought maybe he had noticed her abilities.

It was the sports festival when Bakugo and (Y/N) first faced off.
She had been doing very yell for herself. Despite her quirk not being particularly useful to her during the race, she managed to come in a respectful sixth place. She managed to make it past the calvary battle, having focused on taking as many headbands as she could regardless of value so it added up to a victorious score that allowed her to make it into the final event of the festival.
The first battle she had was against her closest friend she made at UA, Mina Ashido. Her reliance on sliding across the floor was countered by using water to make the ground too slippery that she eventually slid out of bounds. Her second battle was against Tokoyami, who was a fierce opponent, but she managed to overcome him with the goal of facing off with the next opponent in particular who she was aching to face off against.
She looked at Bakugo before their match began. She had noticed early on how much their quirks countered one another in certain ways. (Y/N) thought that she had the same level of proficiency as him, although judging from his other matches, he had been fighting a lot more intensely than she had. She balled her fist, she was going to give this match everything she had to offer.
“You should just quit now, water girl,” he began, preparing to attack.
Now that ones new, wonder when I stopped being just an extra. She smirked, readying to attack, “like hell I am, explosion boy.”
He went on the offense first, firing an explosion at her, which she perfectly countered by using the water to render his explosion pointless. Her best chance was to get him out of bounds before she ran out of moisture to fight him with. Once he was close, she blasted him at full force.
“Don’t count on it,” Bakugo screamed, using his explosions to lift off and gain the upper hand. She thought quickly and dropped to roll away before he blasted the ground into pieces, falling into her water trap that froze his feet into position. He was clearly surprised by her attack.
“You can’t move, it’s over,” she stated, a tad overconfident.
He smirked. “Finally a good match before I take first place,” then blasted at the ice around his feet and then proceeded to barrage her with attacks, only leaving her with the choices of acting defensively. He was trying to evaporate all her water and effectively making her quirkless.
So he did know how her quirk worked.
However, she wasn’t going down without a fight. Weaponizing some of her water around her hands, trying to take the lead to back him into a corner by trying to whip him. His reflexes were good and he was almost close enough to cause a good amount of damage to her hand, but she was quicker.
Eventually he got a good shot in and blasted her to the ground, when he moved to finish the job, she hit him across the arena. He had a mark on his cheek, which sent Bakugo fuming, it was the only injury he got all day and it was from freaking water girl!!! Before (Y/N) could revel in her attack, Bakugo was moving with several explosions and she wasn’t so quick to block them this time.
After the dust settled, everyone assumed she was done for, that Bakugo had pulled in another easy but brutal victory, but instead (Y/N) was still standing there, breathing heavily but gathering water vapor for a final attack.
Bakugo wasn’t annoyed though, he seemed froffing at the mouth with pure adrenaline and competitive spirit. “Damn, (L/N), you just don’t know when to quit?”
She lunged at him with one final attack, which landed.
(Y/N) got him.
Bakugo was doubled over and breathing heavily.
Unfortunately, while Bakugo was injured, (Y/N) was completely out of it. So Bakugo was announced to be the winner, but all he could do was stare at her. How could he have not realized she was so strong? Their quirks functioned in similar manners, yet completely opposite. He kept his eyes on her until they took her to the infirmary and then got up to go recover before the finals.
When (Y/N) woke up, she learnt she had exhausted herself all day and had been napping in the nurse’s office. Mina was there, bubbling with excitement about her match and how well she fought against Bakugo. She told her about how she was going to be going to be accepting third place because Iida had to leave for a family emergency, but that she still had enough time to watch Todoroki fight Bakugo. Despite her disappointment, she was excited.
Needless to say she cheered for Todoroki to win, and was surprised that Bakugo won, but wasn’t surprised at all when Bakugo threw a hissy fit when Todoroki didn’t use his left side.
She was called to come prepare to receive her metal, and she felt like a fraud standing next to people as powerful as Todoroki and Bakugo, when she had passed out from exhaustion, she hadn’t even earned third place due to Iida’s absence. She was pretty gloomed out when she stood on the podium.
That was until she saw Bakugo chained up and muzzled, screaming like a feral animal, looking like he was going to tear Todoroki apart, while the latter looked like he hadn’t noticed. (Y/N) had to cover her mouth to hide her laughter as they were lifted into the field and on camera. She was giggling and laughing the whole time, even when All Might brought her metal. She actually started cackling when All Might forced the metal into Bakugo’s mouth.
After the celebration with everyone congratulating her on what was really a hollow victory, but she appreciated her classmates support.
As she finished changing and was walking home, she heard a distinctive noise.
(Y/N) counted her prayers. She turned around and found the person she suspected it would be, but really hoped that it wouldn’t be.
“Since when could you fight like that?” he started.
She shrugged, “a while, I guess.”
“Then how the hell did I not know you could do that?” he added.
“Maybe you never noticed because you’ve been too busy fanning your own ego since you got here,” (Y/N) responded, annoyed with his antics. “Look, I gotta go, Bakugo, so if you’re just hear to yell at me about whatever, save it for class tomorrow, I’m tired.”
“(L/N),” he called out, catching her attention.
“If you ever wanna be a real rival for anyone here, you’re going to need real training. If you held out for a few more seconds, you could have gotten me.”
(Y/N) was shocked, speechless. That might have been the closest Bakugo had ever gotten to complimenting her since the day they met and he called her an extra. Now she was a potential rival. She felt her cheeks warm up.
He flustered by the expression on her stupid face. Which meant he got defensive quickly, “your quirk is a natural opposite to mine. Which means if I can beat you indisputably than I’m the best. And I’m never gonna get a good fight out of you at this rate, so…” he looked down, at a clear loss of words. (Y/N)’s mind was racing, she had no idea what was going on, if this was real or if she was still passed out in Recovery Girl’s office. He got really hot in the face before he screamed, “train with me sometime!”
She took a second to process that, but then she just smiled.

Bakugo kept true to his offer. After their internships (he had done his at Best Jeanist’s agency and she had done hers at Gang Orca’s- at the end of it she hadn’t learnt much but Bakugo did come back with a dorky haircut that gave them all a good laugh for five minutes). Once a week, Bakugo and (Y/N) would wonder off on their own and train together. He was not easy to work with, he had almost no concept of restraint, and he still just called her water girl.
But he never tried to hurt her, and if he did accidentally he would help her take care of it. But she gave just as good as she gave, showing herself to be a match for him several times. He insisted that was the only reason he was even bothering to train with her. Which started to bother him because she started to sit with him, bringing Ashido along with her. As if Kirishima, Kaminari, and Sero bothering him wasn’t bad enough, now he had to deal with her and raccoon eyes.
She joined in studying with him and Kirishima- not because she she particularly needed him help but more so to see his unconventional teaching methods as he almost tried to beat the information into Kirishima. Thankfully, they all managed to pass the written exam with ease. Perhaps due to Bakugo’s training giving her a better understanding of her weaknesses, she and Kirishima (sorry Sato) passed the physical exam as well.
On their way to the training camp, (Y/N) and Mina sat in front of Bakugo and Kirishima, leaning over to talk about what they could possibly do.
The answer was Bakugo spending all day endlessly igniting explosions, while (Y/N) spent her day in a pool manipulating the water into different forms. At the end of the day, the two talked about their training sessions while preparing dinner- she was pleasantly surprised with Bakugo’s cooking skills.
(Y/N) was with Ojiro during the test of courage, Bakugo- angered with his pairing of Todoroki -demanded that he switch with him. She just stuck out her tongue and told him to get some courage and deal with it, much to his annoyance.
Walking together, but she noticed a smoke gathering in the air and blue flames spreading across the forest, (Y/N) gathered moisture from the ground and did her best to extinguish the flames before they burnt down the forest or gave someone poison monoxide poisoning.
During her efforts, she heard Mandalay’s telepathic call about how villains had somehow found the training camp, that they had permission to use their quirks to protect themselves, and that the villains were attacking in the pursuit of a student named Kacchan. In that instant her brain went from zero to a hundred.
Ojiro urged her to return to the campsite, but (Y/N) refused to, insisting she had to try and help Bakugo who was still somewhere out there, being hunted.
She ran with no idea where to search, relying on her ears hoping to hear his awful scream, desperate to hear him yell at someone to die. She ran until her chest burned and her legs were starting to tire, but she forced herself to push herself forward regardless. She silently begged that she would find him before he had the chance to do something reckless, or god forbid something happened.
By the time she managed to even hear something, several voices of the boys in her class that she recognized, and a few of grown men she didn’t. She felt a great deal of heat coming from the side, on reflex she turned and used the water in the bottle at her side to extinguish blue flames. She managed to arrive at a clearing, rolled onto the ground watching as a scarred young man ignored her to instead hold up a small blue ball to her and her classmates.
At black gates opened that she recognized from the USJ attack, they must have been with whoever had attacked them back then, and soon the blue ball turned into Bakugo was having his neck held tightly. She tried to get up, run to him as he was starting to be pulled into the gate. But she wasn’t quick enough before his eyes met hers and shook his head.
Just like that, he was gone.
When the teachers found them, she was doubled over, not in any physical pain but the shock that she had watched Bakugo get kidnapped and there was nothing she could have done. She was quiet and unresponsive when Aizawa walked her back to the campsite and had them all take a bus back to the city and those who needed medical attention to a hospital. Mina wanted to ask her questions after having been trapped in a classroom during the attack. But she knew that (Y/N)’s mind was wherever Bakugo had been taken.
“I didn’t know they were that close.”
“Yeah, their always fighting.”
(Y/N) remained frozen in a state of utter shock and emotional numbness. All the progress she thought she had been making since she began in UA, since the USJ attack, during the sports festival, thanks to her training with Bakugo, didn’t matter when she couldn’t protect anyone.
When Kirishima gave a passionate speech about how they had to save Bakugo, she knew he felt guilty for being so far away that he wasn’t even there like she was when he was taken- he really couldn’t have done anything. But she knew that they would be breaking the law if they went after Bakugo. But even with Yaoyorozu’s tracking device there was still no telling if they could even stand a chance against the League of Villains.
When Kirishima turned to (Y/N) for support, remembering how she laughed fondly when they studied together and how close she had gotten with Bakugo during their first semester, he was shocked when she simply averted her eyes to the ground. She couldn’t even manage a word. The look of disappointment on Kirishima’s face almost burned as bad as the look on Bakugo’s face when he was being pulled into the warp gate that had been haunting her since the prior night.
It was that face that also motivated her to return that night, at the front of the hospital with Kirishima, Todoroki, Yaoyorozu, and Midoriya to save Bakugo, regardless of whatever odds that were against you.
Her heart was heavy all night, impatient and irritable about having to stop to change their outfits and all the other distractions, who knew what was happening to Bakugo while they were getting makeovers. Midoriya placed a hand reassuringly on her shoulder, “we’re going to save him.”
Like hell we are! She smiled confidently, and continued to walk froward.
When they arrived at the base, she climbed on Kirishima’s back and looked up for any sign of Bakugo, and instead watching as the pro heroes infiltrated the base. It was incredible watching them work, but her eyes were still searching for Bakugo and he was nowhere to be seen.
A new villain emerged and torn the heroes apart as if they were nothing before he teleported the league of villains, a few of which she could remember from the previous night as having attacked them, as well as Bakugo who was trapped in the middle of them. They were all frozen. They never stood a chance against the league, but this new villain was able to take down the number four hero in seconds with no effort. Yet she didn’t come this far to leave him behind.
When All Might appeared, hope had returned to them. He was unbeatable, the number one hero always saved the day. Yet they could tell he was holding back, clearly worried about bakugo who was in the crosshairs of the battle. She hopped off Kirishima, they needed to save Bakugo stat, get him as far away from the battle and let All Might fight at his full potential.
(Y/N) gathered as much water in the air and ground as she could muster and moved it to her back, frozen against her back but free moving as wings. She grabbed under Kirishima’s arms as Deku did the same. Her face was not one of fear anymore, now she was focused on one goal.
Todoroki provided them a ice ramp and the other two students took a large leap into the air as Kirishima screamed out for Bakugo.
He looked up into the air. Green hair and sparks? That shitty Deku. A big red blob? What was shitty hair doing here? Water wings? Goddamn it! What is (L/N) doing here! Were all thoughts that ran through his mind for a second before he smirked at the realization, than launched himself into the air with an explosion to grab Kirishima’s arm, suspended in the air for a few miles before they started to lower as (Y/N)’s new wings became more like gliders.
There was no time for conversation once they landed, although Bakugo looked like he was ready to tell them off for saving him, as she knew he would eventually, instead they hurried to find a safer location, and eventually a screen as the media began filming the fight between All Might and the figure in the black suit that they had just left behind.
All of them stopped as they watch the once tall and proud All Might, revert to that of a skeleton-like figure. He was unrecognizable. (Y/N) felt her heart stop, what did this mean? Was there a chance that All Might wasn’t the hero that they had all thought him to be? Could he actually lose?
(Y/N)’s eyes turned to see Bakugo, clearly trembling. She looked him and recognized he didn’t look this scared when he was taken, or even on a battlefield surrounded by villains. This was the closest to vulnerability she’d ever seen him come close to as he grit his teeth.
She reached over and grabbed his hand lightly, there hands lightly touching, a quick movement would easily separate them, but Bakugo didn’t reject her hand. He didn’t hold it either, but he clearly accepted her comfort.
“WIN!” Bakugo screamed, as people began cheering on All Might.

(Y/N) (L/N) would never had imagined she would call Katsuki Bakugo a friend. Hell, half the time she wasn’t even really sure if anyone could truly call themselves his friend. Despite how he tried to deny it, he was always with her, Kirishima, Kaminari, and Mina now. Even when they first started training with one another, they told everyone they weren’t friends. However she was clearly not just another rival like Midoriya or Todoroki.
Yet, she couldn’t find a better way to describe her relationship with Bakugo. They weren’t enemies, despite always arguing and getting into fights over every little thing. They weren’t rivals, despite him always claiming she was just another step yet he was trying to make her stronger. They weren’t acquaintances, how could they be after she held his hand like that.
Sometimes when she thought of him and looked at her hand, wondering how he didn’t blow it off her body when she touched him. They had become familiar. Not enough to use first names, he still called her a nickname occasionally. She hadn’t even been so bold to try and hold his hand again, worried they had both been caught up in the emotion of watching All Might fight for his life. Afraid the familiarity built between each other was nothing more than that.
When they took the provisional license exam, she just smiled at him, a bit cocky with how much she had mastered her water attacks to generate weapons, “good luck, you’re gonna need it.”
He smirked back, “I don’t need luck, just don’t get knocked out in the first round and waste all that training I’ve been giving you.”
She passed the first round quickly and saw Bakugo walk in with Kaminari and Kirishima not far behind him. They just shared a knowing glance. She had never really doubted his ability to take down some people, and he was clearly unsurprised but acknowledging of how she had already passed.
For the second round, she was busy carrying injured people to a healing site when they were attacked by Gang Orca, which she rolled her eyes at before preparing to move the injured ones again. She heard Bakugo scream at the people he was supposed to be rescuing and she could feel her soul leave her body with second hand embarrassment and frustration with his poor attitude.
However the greatest shock came from when she passed the exam with 83 points and Bakugo had failed with less than 50 points.
She watched him, knowing he was not going to handle this set back well. She had known from training with him how dedicated Bakugo truly was to achieving his goal of becoming the number one hero someday. How he never went easy on himself, how he never held back. She felt guilty now at how she had laughed at him during the sports festival, because she knew he hadn’t been the same since he was kidnapped by the league of villains and needed to be saved.
(Y/N) instinctively wanted to reach out, but had to stop herself. She didn’t know how to comfort Bakugo, if she even had the right to. She wasn’t even sure if she was his friend let alone someone he would turn to comfort from. Did she even want to be that person? Yes, clearly I do. But why?
She didn’t say anything as they headed back to the dorms. They were all clearly happy to celebrate in the living area, and (Y/N) was excited to have her license but stayed quiet out of respect for the ones who didn’t pass. She watched Bakugo who was more quiet than usual as he walked over to Midoriya. She felt a pit in her stomach, but she didn’t walk over to stop him.
One by one, everyone went to their rooms to get some rest, but not (Y/N), Bakugo and Midoriya had not returned yet. She told them she wasn’t tired yet, which was a lie. She was exhausted. She sat on the couch with her legs pulled up to her chest and listened to the silence waiting for the door to open eagerly.
When the door opened, her body moved in an instant, bending over the couch to catch sight of Bakugo who was clearly planning on just storming in, however he stopped in his tracks to see (Y/N), who was obviously waiting up for him.
“Can we talk?” (Y/N) asked quietly, not breaking eye contact. His eyes darted around the public space. She suggested, “we can go to your room?”
He looked at her silently, face unreadable, before nodding.
She swiftly got off the couch and slowly walked behind Bakugo as he walked to his dorm room and opened the door. Memories of the night they had all been showing off their rooms came through her mind as she remembered how Bakugo had been asleep when they were doing to contest, and that she was the first person to see his room. That fact made her smile to herself for a moment before turning to Bakugo who sat on the ground beside his bed.
(Y/N) moved to sit besides him. They sat in silence for a few minutes, staring in front of themselves at his shelf, occasionally stealing glances at one another.
“What did you want to talk about, (L/N)?” He asked, point blank.
She sighed, “I’m worried about you, Bakugo. You haven’t been the same since… you know. And I’ve been worried about you for a while but I didn’t know if it was my place to say anything, but I can’t keep pretending that I don’t notice how you’ve changed. How you’ve been affected by this, more so than any of us could have been.” She was trembling now, looking down at his lap, not daring to meet his scarlet gaze as he stared at her in shock.
“I know I’m probably not you’re favorite person, Bakugo. You weren’t mine either for a few months since we met, but I care about you,” she confessed. If Bakugo had been surprised before, he was completely bewildered now. She looked at him in the face, “so please, tell me what’s wrong.”
He looked down in shame.
“How can you care about me when I’m so pathetic,” was all he managed to say, which caught (Y/N) off guard. She would never imagine defining Katsuki Bakugo as ‘pathetic’. “I was so weak I got kidnapped by those punks, then you and Deku and the rest had to save me or else I would have been trapped. You risked your life for me, and I can’t even pass that dumb exam.”
“Bakugo,” she reached out, touching his arm lightly.
“It’s my fault All Might had to retire! Don’t you see?! If I was strong enough to not get caught, he never would have had to fight that guy! It was my fault that the number one hero is gone!” He screamed, just as much in anger as a deep sadness from his evident self-loathing. “I can’t protect myself, how they hell could I protect anyone else?! How could I protect you?!”
She threw her arms around him into a loose embrace around his chest, resting her head on his shoulder. He stopped, dead quiet and whatever tears had been threatening to come out of his eyes stopped as he looked at the girl who was doing her best to hold him. He didn’t know how to react to this sudden affection, but he knew he didn’t want to stop her.
“Stop talking like that!” she demanded, she looked up at him, (e/c) eyes lined with tears threatening to fall and a quivering lip she was holding in a frown. “It’s not your fault that you were kidnapped, or what happened to All Might. None of it is your fault. I’m sorry you didn’t pass this exam, but setbacks happen, even to heroes. But even still, I know you’re going to make it threw this because you are the strongest person I know!”
He looked at her for a second, his expression fading into that of a more melancholic face as he leans down and tries to hide his face in her hair, moving a bit to accommodate her as she moved her arms to wrap around his neck.
She looked at him, their faces inches apart, a small grin on her face, “I trust you with my life, that’s why I went that night, knowing you would have done the same for me. That’s why I know you’re going to be number one. Which is never going to happen if you keep wallowing in self-pity. So please, just be the Bakugo I know who argues with me and would yell at me for hugging him.”
For a moment Bakugo looked at her and never thought he had seen her more clearly. He despised her that day she knocked into him. Disliked her when she tagged along at the USJ. Respected her during the sports festival when she managed to hold her own. He even cared for her when he saw her in that forest and hoped they would leave her be. Now, he saw her and how she saw right through him and thought maybe he could even love her.
He leaned down, resting his forehead against hers, his face a soft red pigment, “what if I don’t want to yell at you for hugging me.”
She looked up at him, blushing at their close proximity. She continued to grin. Katsuki Bakugo truly is the bane of my existence and yet despite that she felt her heart beating loudly but her mind never so clear.
“Thank you, (Y/N),” was all he said before softly placing his lips to hers.
Red-Handed (Bakugo x Reader x Kaminari)

First of all I would like to say….I don’t have an actual explanation for this. This vision was brought to you by Yellowtail Pinot Grigio! This is the longest piece of filth I’ve ever written. Warning: Explicit Content. All my characters are over 18, if you’re reading this you should be too.
There’s a lot going on in here including: Dub-con, deepthroating, some slight cuckholding, anal, reluctant threesome, electrocution play (is that what you call it? It’s a very tiny part though), double penetration There’s a Part 2!
There’s a Part 3!
Word count: 4,420
“We’re not gonna get caught, Princess.”
You shouldn’t have believed him; you really shouldn’t have, but it’s hard to say no to your sexy ass boyfriend sometimes. You and Bakugo had only just started dating, but your physical attraction to each other had always been off the charts. Having finally wormed your way into each other’s romantic lives after years of pining, you were free to act on your lustfulness and act on it y’all did. Sometimes in spaces where you really shouldn’t. Especially in spaces where you really shouldn’t. Bakugo seemed to have a kink for almost getting caught, and that was starting to rub off on you as well. What you weren’t prepared for, though, was ACTUALLY getting caught.
Keep reading
In a Sleepy Town [Headless Horseman x Reader] [MASTERPOST]
This is going to be the main post I use to navigate people to in regards to chapters and information on the story and such. While I would appreciate liking and reblogging the post; I would sincerely appreciate it if you would like and reblog the actual chapters as well!!
The notes shouldn’t matter, but they do. I am continuing this story based on response that I receive from it.
||IMPORTANT|| If you are an artist or an author who has created content for the Horseman story and proper credit has not been given, PLEASE let me know what your username is so I can give it. I am not able to see the usernames of people who submit works to me.
I’ll be adding more content over time.
CHAPTER SEVEN [coming soon]
PARTY-CRASHER [oneshot][non-canonical]
Horseman full body by
Horseman & The Alabaster Steed by Lojomojouniverse
Horseman in the Forest by
||Asks in regards to the story (generally non-spoiler asks that I’ll answer about the characters, town, plot, and everything else)||:
What Moorwick looks like
||Dumb stuff I’ve found||
Went to Ross for cups, found this