Hanta X Reader - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

itโ€™s a date

hanta sero x reader

words: 5.2k

A/N: i believe in sero supremacy!!! happy birthday to this sweet tape boy, also shoutout to my angel @study-milk for this idea!!!

themes: fake dating, best friends to lovers, characters are in 3rd year


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2 years ago

โ˜… ๐’‘๐’“๐’๐’‡๐’†๐’”๐’”๐’Š๐’๐’๐’‚๐’ ๐’ˆ๐’–๐’Š๐’•๐’‚๐’“๐’Š๐’”๐’• | ๐’”๐’†๐’“๐’ ๐’™ ๐’“๐’†๐’‚๐’…๐’†๐’“ โ˜†

so have you seen those tiktoks of couples playing the guitar together where one person is strumming and the other is holding the notes? i'm not sure if that's the right way to phrase it but i'm sure you know what i mean. anyways, i thought it'd be cute if i wrote a oneshot based on this with none other than sero hanta. the "reader" depicted in this is actually based on me and things i like as i thought it would match the theme quite well (also this is something i dream of doing if i get into a relationship). also i think giving the reader an aesthetic can help others put themselves in other peoples' shoes and experience different things or feel that the content is more personal. anyways, please enjoy~

โ˜ผ๏ธŽ 1.5แด‹ แดกแดส€แด…s โ€ า“สŸแดœา“า“ โ€ แดแด€sแด›แด‡ส€สŸษชsแด› โ˜ผ๏ธŽ


"it's been hours though, sero"

you and your oh so precious boyfriend, sero, are sat beside each other in you impressively cramped dorm room. despite all of them being the same size, your room definetely felt the smallest by far. all the band posters, paintings and pieces of artworks, old records, and polaroids of you and your friends that you have stuck on your wall don't help the problem, but they do look quite nice in your opinion, and sero's too. you also have an assortment of plants sat on and around your windowsill, the leaves of a large monstera shielding half of your record collection from view.

"i know, baby, but you have to keep trying, everybody struggled with that section, it's not just you"

for the past 4 excruciating hours, you have been attempting to master quite an advanced song on the guitar. sero is quite an experienced guitarist and so was able to play this song for you, your favourite song at that, as a surprise for your birthday. you loved it so much that now you are determined to learn it for yourself. in any other situation, you'd think your boyfriend was being very sweet, as he always is, reassuring you with his kind words and pet names that gidve you butterflies. however, now you're purely irritated, you just can't get over the fact that he makes it look so easy.

"awh don't pout at me, my love"

every time. it works like a charm. pouting is sero's weak spot, something you often sometimes use in your favor. you continue pouting while fiddling subconsciously with the strings of the electric guitar resting on your lap, lightly strumming the melody of the song you have been trying and failing to perfect. you pause and watch as sero stands from his seat next to you and repositions himself in front of you. he wastes no time in lifting the guitar off your lap, making sure the strap comes over your head properly before setting it down behind you on your single bed. it is, unfortunately, quite a small bed, even without the guitar there is was still quite a tight space for cuddling but that's alright, it just means you'll have to huddle closer together. no one's complaining at that one, right? he reclaims his seat and sits cross legged in your direction, waiting for you to turn and face him, but you just continue to pout. sighing, he reaches an arm under your legs and lifts them onto the bed, turning you to face him and making you sit cross legged.

"baby? look at me. i'll help you play it ok?"

you try to keep yourself from smiling, let's just say your poker face still needs a little practice. but you just can't help it, everything is going according to plan.

"you will?"

maintaining eye contact with him only makes it harder to keep a straight face, sero seems to be completely oblivious to your secret plan.

"of course. i didn't realize it would bother you this much, babe"

it turns out the two of you have the exact same thing in mind and are both playing along, thinking you're fooling each other when in reality you are both working towards the same goal. it must be true, great minds do think alike.

sero turns away from you and cautiously lifts the guitar through the gap between the two of you, careful not to hit you with any part of it.

"come, sit on this side of me"

he pats a spot on his left and you crawl behind him, sitting yourself down in the spot he assigned for you. the guitar is now rested on your knee again, the neck being held by your boyfriend. this is it, the moment you've both been dreaming of. it may seem like a such a small action, maybe even insignificant to others, but to the two of you, this is a precious moment to keep between the two of you. you enjoy being more intimate without others around, constantly exchanging (mostly) delicate kisses and taking part in wholesome activities together, it's what completes your already perfect relationship. this idea is one you both saw on tiktok. countless couples have made and posted videos of them playing guitar together, the more inexperienced guitarist strumming while the other, who is generally more skilled at playing guitar, forms the chords and keeps everything running smoothly at the neck. both of you were too shy to send the videos to each other, so instead you both came up with a "secret" plan.

a light pink hue is dusted on your soft cheeks as sero shuffles closer to you, wrapping one arm around your waist while the other holds the neck of the guitar. he places a gentle kiss on your temple, and another behind your ear. leaning into him slightly, you take in his calming scent and return the kisses he so generously gifted to you. you lean away from him briefly to grab your pick and something suddenly clicks in his mind. you know exactly what he's doing, and you're playing along; it's finally clear to him that you both had the same thing in mind. he chuckled to himself, shaking his head slightly as his shoulders shake, before ruffling your hair.



you catch his eye and nod, quickly breaking eye contact and shifting your focus to his fingers which were positioned perfectly on the neck, creating the first chord. you adjust your grip on the pick before strumming against the strings, looking back up at sero's hand to check he had shifted positions. you continue playing, constantly reminding yourself of the strumming pattern and which chords only need certain strings to be played. a smile replaces the frown your mouth had been housing as you play smoothly through the section you had been struggling with all day. sero watches in adoration as you smile grows wider, thinking about how cute you look in that moment. your happiness brings him joy. your happiness is all he could ever ask for.

"awh man, we were doing so well... sero? babe, are you even paying attention?"

sero's hand is frozen up, his mind floating away as he loses himself in the thoughts of you, only to be pulled back down as you search his slightly crossed eyes. he jolts ever so slightly as he comes to, relaxing his hand and moving it to rest on your cheek.

"I'm sorry, my love. you just looked so cute, i couldn't help but stare"

he's always so flirty like that, constantly teasing you until you blush uncontrollably at his compliments. this is one of those moments.

"hmph, shut up"

you can pretend to be annoyed all you want, but you know deep inside that sero can see right through you. he always knows what you're think, or feeling. there's no hiding it from him; he knows you like the back of his hand. without a second thought, he tightly wraps you in a warm embrace and peppers your face with kisses, each one as soft as the other. this was just one example of the beauty of your love; it's delicate and intimate in a way that no one else will ever quite understand. you melt under his touch, unable to hold yourself together. his body vibrates onto yours, a warm tingling feeling trickling down your neck as he laughs softly to himself.

"you really do come undone in my touch, don't you?"

burying your face into his neck only makes him chuckle more, holding your head in place with his spare hand and delicately removing the guitar from your hold. he pulls away briefly, placing the instrument back on its stand and placing both of your phones on your dresser.

"surprise attack!"

the bed dips around you as sero jumps on top of you, pushing you onto your back and trapping you under his body. playfully he started doing press ups above you, puckering his lips every time he nears your face to tease you. eventually, you grow tired of his games and pull him down onto you, smashing your lips onto his causing him to gasp into your mouth, his shock coming out as what sounded like a soft moan. you can't help pulling away and laughing out loud, watching as your boyfriend (who is still on top of you) turns completely red, unable to hide his embarrassment.

"d- don't laugh at me, dummy"

a couple hours pass, and sero finally recovers. you find yourself wrapped around him, your legs intertwining with his. his neck feels warm against your face which you nuzzle into him. another thing you treasure most about your relationship are the cuddles. miraculously, cuddling with the love of your life never gets old. the feeling of having the one you love this close to you is completely irreplaceable. you just can't put into words how much you love this boy, no matter how silly and teasing he can be, he's still your precious sero, and you plan to spend the rest of your days with him, and him alone.

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6 months ago

Hanta Sero x Reader Oneshot: Rings

Hanta Sero X Reader Oneshot: Rings

You listen cluelessly as the people around the table all chat in Spanish. You can pick up little snippets of what they're saying from what you remember of middle and high school Spanish classes- that you passed with a C. Not your proudest moment. You feel a calloused hand rest lightly on your thigh.

As your eyes mect his he smiled, gently squeezing the fat of your thigh, "Sorry, mi cariรฑo. My family doesn't know much English." he whispers under his breath, pressing an apologetic kiss to your temple.

You smile at the kiss, gently leaning on your pro-hero boyfriend's muscular shoulder. "Not your fault, " you mutter. "I wanted to meet your family." You glance around the table. They really were a lively bunch- just like him. "She's a good cook." you mutter, leaning over him to grab a rice ball from his plate. You hear him chuckle as you pop the rice ball in your mouth. He wraps an arm around your shoulder, gently squeezing you against him "too bad I didn't get her cooking stills him?" You scoff remember all the dishes he had burnt. "My life would be much easier if you did, trust me. "you mutter, recalling all the times she'd cleaned up the burnt remnants of his most recent codding failure. "Hmm, you know, I got lucky with her as my mother" uh oh somethings off, he never says 'mother' unless he's mad with her or it's a joke, Its made clear which one as he finishes his sentence, "y'know, maybe someday she'll be your mother-in-law... he mutters in a suggestive tone, putting his arm around your shoulders. You crack a smile and bring a hand up to muffle your giggles, "Why? Planning to gut a riny on my finger?" he hummed playfully. "eager much? Well, one day for sure" he glanced down at you. "I don't even have plans to get a ring yet." he chuckles and flicks your forehead playfully. You pout, unknown to the fact that there was a small velvet box in his bedside table, right next to the bed where you two cuddle and talk in hushed whispers. Though soon, the velvet box will be moved to his pocket as he waits for the perfect moment...

Hanta Sero X Reader Oneshot: Rings

~Notes from me~

OHHHHH WE NEED MORE SERO ONESHOTS!! This was so fun to write!! Part two anyone??

Hanta Sero X Reader Oneshot: Rings

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