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anxiety-slayer7 liked this · 2 years ago
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"tumblr doesn't have an algorithm so likes are WORTHLESS they do NOTHING" well actually likes tell me that people liked my post. they have worth because they show me people saw my post and enjoyed it. that's still interaction even if it doesn't give an extra boost to make Number Go Up even more. yeah I generally get more out of written feedback in tags/replies but likes are still Something, they aren't people telling me "fuck you I'm not sharing your post" they're people telling me "hehe I give your post little a like as a treat."

found an old google doc i made of my favorite bat species. you should suggest more species for my list pls
A post describing 6 types of bats as follows:
Northern Ghost bat
Angry face
Primarily eats moths and apparently likes to sing while doing so. Fuckin superb you funky little ghost bat
Desert long-eared bat
What's he so happy about???
Apparently they get scorpion stings to the face a lot but it's okay because they just don't care and swoop down to eat them whole (stinger and poison sack included) off the ground anyways
So actually he's probably happy about all the scorpion murder he commits
Pallid bat
Greater false vampire bat
Can apparently eat like anything. Bugs? Yes. Frogs? Yes. Birds? You bet.
Like straight up cannibalizes bats smaller than it.
Kind of a killing machine overall really
Wrinkle faced bats
Ugly but full of love
has a flap of skin they use as a facemask when they nap. Fancy.
Their weird skull structure lets them eat a wider range of food than most other bats. So that's rad.
Frog eating bat.
They eat frogs
Fun at parties. Always brings fun food (frogs)
End ID.
(thank you @friendlybat for the ID!!)