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Four, because no one is really paying attention to what is happening in Iran and what the government is doing to its people. And it has nothing to do with wearing or not wearing hijab.

I guess the genocide in Gaza doesn’t count

a helpful slideshow created by my friend @the-celestial-bitch and her sister who can no longer access her blog from her country and has asked me to post in her stead instead
this is what she said:
this is a direct response to all the people whose reaction to what’s happening in iran is a calling them islamophobic and blocking them, furthering the oppression they’re experiencing by the government’s hands. please read this, and repost it on Twitter or Instagram and stop the misinformation from spreading
Yesterday in Tehran, Dina Ghalibaf, a courageous 30-year-old journalist, bravely spoke out against sexual harassment by the morality police. Today, they raided her home and arrested her. She was stopped in Tehran’s subway for not wearing a hijab and was violently dragged into a room at Saadeghieh metro station, where she endured sexual assault and was handcuffed. Despite the ordeal, she bravely exposed them on social media. Now, her arrest raises concerns for her safety. Iranians urge an immediate halt to the Islamic Republic’s war against women, fearing more tragedies like #MahsaAmini’s murder in police custody. The international community must take a firm stand against gender apartheid regime in Iran. #UnitedAgainstGenderApartheid

Iran government: kills people , steals, tortures, It overthrows people's protests , kills more , does terrible things , kills a woman because she didn't had hijab , kills more women for the same reason multiple times , kills Thousand of people on one night, imprisons scientists , acts racist , It imposes Islam on people and kill them if they don't want it , supports killers and ... .
Everyone: I saw nothing
Iran government: shoots a Missiles at Israel ( because Thay hate jew people ) that hit an uninhabited area in the desert and literally dose nothing
Everyone : yay I stand with Iran
Iran government is the best Thay are so good
To everyone asking what's the point of sharing content about the protests in Iran and the killing of Mahsa Amini:
Isn't that reason enough?
And do you know why they beg us for our attention?
Be their voice, say her name!
You really believe the Iranian government would cut access to social media if it didn't matter?
#Mahsa_Amini #MahsaAmini
hey, my kurdish friend wanted to point out that the iranian woman murdered by the police in tehran was a kurd and her kurdish name was jîna emînî. she has mostly been referred to as mahsa amini, the iranian version of her name, in the media & that can ofc still be used to make sure posts about her reach a mainstream audience. however people should make sure to mention her given kurdish name foremost, as well as highlight the fact that she was a kurd in the first place, because that played a part in her facing the violence that she did.

It's been 6 days since the UN confirmed systemic rape of Palestinians by Israel
butcher of tehran dead? fucking baruch hashem saw someone say his ass got ayatoasted lmao
Recently, 227 out of 290 members of Iran parliament voted to execute those who were arrested in the past 8 weeks of uprising. According to Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), the number of arrested protesters are more than 14,000 people. Islamic republic has a long history of mass murders. In the 1988 massacres of political prisoners, more than 30,000 people were executed. In 2019 protests, the government killed more than 1,500 protesters during the internet shutdown. They never stop their criminal ways because blood and bone is the foundation of their reign.
These people, who have the dream of freedom in mind, are going to be sentenced to death if international human rights organizations don't do something about it. We're not talking about nameless faceless people. These 14,000 lives have friends and families, pets and lovers. Let's get to know some of them:
This is Hossein Ronaghi. He is an iranian blogger and human rights activist. He's also a computer programmer and one of his activism areas is internet restrictions and how to go around them. He has a long history of political activities and since 2009 protests, he has been a political prisoner on and off. During current protests, he was called to turn himself into Evin prison or his family will be in danger, so he did that. But even though he was there voluntarily, security forces violently attacked him and beat him. Currently he's in prison with broken legs and no medical attention and a 46-day-long hunger strike. His life is in danger.

These are Elaheh Mohammadi and Niloofar Hamedi, the two journalists who covered Mahsa Amini's murder news. This is not the first time the government arrest and punish someone who spread a crime news instead of arresting those who committed said crime. Media freedom is a joke in Iran and those who speak the truth get silenced. A while ago in an interview with Shargh daily, the newspaper Niloofar works for, she addressed sexism in her field of occupation and explained: "sometimes a female journalist would think with herself maybe I should just give up this job, this job has many safety issues and the salary isn't good at all. but most of them stay. Women journalists never give up."

This is Fatemeh Sepehri, a political activist. She oppose Khamenei leadership and demands a democratic future for iran. She's a mother who lost her child custody to sexism. Her husband was a martyr of Iran-Iraq war. Her brother is also a political prisoner. She was kidnapped at the beginning of current protests and is being kept in solitary confinement.

This is Leyla Hosseinzade, former Tehran university student. She didn't believe in hijab and still doesn't. She refuse to wear hijab while in jail and that put her in a dangerous situation with security guards. She's currently on a hunger strike.

This is Faezeh Barahui, a young Baluchi girl who was arrested during protests in Zahedan, has been in prison for weeks.

This is Fetemeh Mashhadi Abbas, a professor in Shahid Beheshti university of medical sciences. She was kidnapped and is now being kept in Evin prison.

This is Toomaj Salehi, Iranian rapper who's songs are mostly protest songs aimed at the regime. He was brutally arrested and is under heavy torture at the moment.

This is Nazila Maroufian, a journalist who's in Evin prison because she interviewed with Mahsa Amini's father.

This is Marzieh Ziari, a women's rights activist in iran who was arrested and her current condition is unknown.

There are many many many more people. This is just a thin list of more known ones. According to HRANA, among all these arrested citizens, 1,941 of them have been identified and their arrests have become publicly known, 438 of them are university students. Children are among prisoners too but their number has not been reported. The wellbeing or placement of some prisoners are not known and that causes a lot of concerns.