anyablackwood - Anya's Proud Dumpster Fire
Anya's Proud Dumpster Fire

Anya, She/Her. Writing blog! Snippets, moodboards, etc. I dump everything in here. Not a minor, but please keep asks safe and friendly! Would love some writing friends!

354 posts

Character Voice

Character voice

Thanks to @willtheweaver here, and @the-golden-comet here!

Rules: rewrite your given sentence in the voice of your OCs!

“No I am not scared!”

Lexi: “Scared? No, never! Why would I be? No no, it's okay, we don't have to leave! You want to be here, and so do I!”

Maddie: “I am not scared at all. What is the point of watching a horror movie if it's not scary?!”

Ash: “This haunted house is so not worth it.” *leaves*

Gwen: “No, I'm not scared. I'm actually terrified. But I'll do it anyway. You need me.”

Robbie: “I am not scared of a stupid sound in the basement. I will go see what it is anyway!” *screams the whole time, but he does do it*

Akash: “Y'know, I'm not actually scared at all. But if you are, I'm fine. We'll quit.”

Jedi: “I am not scared of this place...but perhaps I left Carmen alone too long.... I should go back for her.”

Carmen: “I am not scared. Don't be ridiculous. I'll do this myself.” *is internally screaming*

“Why shouldn’t I try?”

Lexi: “C'mon, Ash, why shouldn't I try to do as much as possible next semester? My schedule isn't even that full!”

Maddie: “Liam, why can't I try to turn into a human-eagle-dragon-tiger hybrid? That would be so cool. It shouldn't be that hard.”

Ash: “Hey! I should be able to try a mayo and strawberry jelly sandwich! Noelle, it is not a culinary disaster! You're a chef, you should know it's okay to experiment!”

Gwen: “I should try a new book. Haha, this one looks terrible. I should totally get it! Lexi, it's not a waste of my time, it's a valuable experience.”

Robbie: “Jazlyn! We should see what happens if you blast fire at me! I'll absorb it! Akash isn't even here to say no!!”

Akash: “I should try hair gel to fix my hair. NO ROBBIE I DO NOT LOOK LIKE JIMMY NEUTRON WHEN I USE HAIR GEL!”

Jedi: “.... I will admit I happen to be curious to see what would happen if Hye-Jin could combine her powers... Perhaps a long discussion about the biological components of each would help prepare her...”

Carmen: “Miss Newman, we are testing your powers. Why shouldn't you push yourself and turn the fruit into another fruit!? This is a lab! It's for science!! Tell me, why shouldn't we see what you're capable of in a controlled setting!”

Some of these are unethical :)

Tagging @oh-no-another-idea @chauceryfairytales @mrbexwrites @cherrybombfangirlwrites @anyablackwood


Your prompt: “I don't think that's a bird or a plane.”

I dunno, sorry.

TSP intro

TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites

@nebula--nix @literarynecromancy @honeybewrites @the-golden-comet

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More Posts from Anyablackwood

7 months ago

Writing Log 9

Finally got my shit together and finished chapter 3. It took way too long considering how long it was just sitting untouched in front of me, but I'm trying not to beat myself up too much about it.

For whatever reason, I just couldn't get myself to get around to writing the final scene. It wasn't even a hard scene, nor was it very long. But I guess it just wasn't the vibes, lol.

On to chapter 4 tomorrow. I think I'll treat myself first, though. A nice long video game session. I've gotten back into Cozy Grove lately, so I'll just do some redecorating and feed my spectral animal companions.

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7 months ago

Character Questionnaire Tag!

Thanks for tagging me @alinacapellabooks (here)!


What is your worst nightmare?

Do you have any favorite bedtime routines?

What's your favorite scent?

Let's go with Rhys Whitewood (Scrapyard Boys), Jasper Astrophell (Supernova Initiative) and Saoirse Richards (Scrapyard Boys)!

1.) What is something you would never eat, even if you were starving?

Rhys: Um... I think something I would rather die than eat would be bodily fluids? Like I don't even like to think about that, because just the thought makes me nauseous, haha.

Jasper: Anything that isn't perfectly cooked, fresh food made with top-of-the-line, completely edible ingredients. My body is my temple, so why would I ever ingest anything less than exquisite?

Saoirse: I'm not really a picky eater, but I wouldn't eat anything that looks like it could give me food poisoning, or that seems like it was made by someone less-than-hygienic, y'know.

2.) Would you die for someone?

Rhys: Without a doubt, I would sacrifice myself to protect my twin, Gwyn, or our half-brother, Adrien. Even if he can be a piece of work sometimes and is far from the easiest dude to deal with sometimes, we're still family.

Jasper: Why would I lay down my own life for somebody else? That's ridiculous, my friend! I'm far too marvelous to die - much less for somebody else. However... I think, if it was strictly necessary or an absolute spur-of-the-moment last resort, I might put my life at risk if I needed to save my Father.

Saoirse: Death kinda creeps me out, y'know. But if I had no other choice, I would definitely say that I would die for my friends - they're my family, for better or for worse. Our little Chaos Gang, until the end of the line, that kinda deal.

3.) If you could only save one thing from your home in a fire, what would it be?

Rhys: If my siblings were still inside I would definitely prioritize getting them out before even thinking about other things. But if they were already out... I think I would get some money or clothes. Maybe a cellphone or something like that too.

Jasper: Ha! As if my house would ever be on fire, human. The Astrophell mansion has the most high-tech, thorough security systems in our planet. A fire would be put out by it before it could even start, and if anyone wanted to purposefully start a fire they would have to bypass the security measures, and honestly, good luck to them, haha!

Saoirse: (Doesn't answer at first, gaze seeming distant and viscerally horrified at the mention of a "house fire", hands fidgeting and shaking for a moment before she shakes herself back to the present)... I-I don't wanna talk about that, can you just change the subject?

Tagging (gently): @sleepy-night-child, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @smol-feralgremlin, @oh-no-another-idea, @littleladymab,

@winterandwords, @eccaiia, @sarahlizziewrites, @illarian-rambling

@agirlandherquill, @anoelleart, @ray-writes-n-shit

@writernopal, @anyablackwood, @unstablewifiaccess, @forthesanityofstorytellers

@i-can-even-burn-salad, @cakeinthevoid

@lassiesandiego, @thepeculiarbird, @clairelsonao3, @memento-morri-writes, @starlit-hopes-and-dreams and OPEN TAG

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7 months ago

Find Five Lines

Thanks @aziz-reads here!

Rules: find five lines that fit the prompts, then change ONE for the next people you tag!

A line with death

From The Secret Portal Part One - CW: death

Kwasiyaa squinted, trying to figure out what it was, but before she could, her sister’s body convulsed as the light was jammed into her stomach. “ATSILA!” Kwasiyaa shrieked, her voice cracking, as her sister’s body crumpled to the ground.

A line with fear

From The Secret Portal Part One (Lexi POV)

My head whipped to my right to see a patch of vines wrapped around a tree. I yelped as they detached themselves and snatched in the air toward me, jumping back and almost tripping on the uneven ground. I staggered until it appeared they couldn’t get to me. The vines seemed to notice something above them, and I followed them up until a sight caused a deep shudder to course through me. Ash hung above my head, tangled in and thrashing against the vines that twisted around her body. “Oh, my—! Ash!” Ash seemed to notice me, but from her head hung in an almost-limp fashion, as if she was losing consciousness. Panic rushed through me as I tried to form a coherent thought.

A funny line

From The Secret Portal Part Two (Noelle POV)

My comm beeped next to me, signalling a direct line. I picked it up from the desk in front of me. It was from Dr. Asghar. Confused, I answered it. “Hello?” “Finally! Where are you? I commed your room multiple times and didn’t get a single response! I even tried to have SORARA, and unless you’re the lightest sleeper except for direct commlines, you’re not in your room.” “Couldn’t sleep,” I answered, somewhat truthfully, once I could get a word in the lecture. “Doctor, if I may ask, why are you calling me at this time?” “Why are you awake at this time?” I paused, not sure how to respond a question I’d already answered. Dr. Asghar must have realized this because she went, “Nevermind. I have to run tests today, and I have to get you done and going first. Come up to the lab. Now. I want to talk to you.” She hung up.

A line with colour

From The Secret Portal Part Two (Jedi POV)

Svyatoy Andreyzamok was beautiful. We walked alongside a large river, the Novayavoda, that ran through the middle of the city. The buildings seemed rather uniform, carved by terrakinetics obviously, due to the materials, and near the tops of the buildings were more elaborate designs done in colored stone. They fit with the climate: cold, but not dry. My eyes rested on a teal building with white columns and yellow trim around the windows. I read the sign, advertising it as a health museum.

A line you've changed a lot

From The Secret Portal Part One

Kwasiyaa screamed at the explosion behind her, but the sound that escaped her throat was masked by the deafening eruption. In her state, she lost control of the cloak she covered over herself and her husband, rendering them temporarily visible. [This is the first line of the book, which I've changed a million times]

Tagging @winglesswriter @anyablackwood @winterandwords @sarandipitywrites @space-writes


Your lines: A line with movement, a line with fear, a funny line, a line with colour, and a line you've changed a lot

TSP intro

TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites

@nebula--nix @literarynecromancy @honeybewrites @the-golden-comet

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7 months ago

Nine Lines, Nine People Tag!

Thanks for the tag, @thecomfywriter (here)! I'll go with a snippet from Scrapyard Boys for this one! <3

Rules: Post 9 lines of your WIP, then tag 9 people to do the same.

"I'll fucking kill you when I get out of here," Valen rasped through bloodied teeth, before laughing bitterly, "If it wasn't for these stupid cuffs," He tugged against the metal digging into his skin, though knowing it was in vain, "I'd have fried your ass to a crisp by now, fucker." 

Jake looked down at him with a cocky smirk, shaking off his closed fist a couple of times, "I'll give it to you, kid, you've got some moxie," He chuckled, before grabbing a handful of the other's long, curly hair, and pulling him upwards. 

Valen groaned, biting down on his own lip to hold back a yelp of pain, gasping but still glaring up at the man. 

"Your little gang took something from me, last night, when I caught you sneaking around" The older man purred, "I want it back. It's a simple trade - you tell me where the asset you stole from me is, and maybe," He gave Valen's hair a sharp tug, drawing an whimper out of him "I can consider taking it easy on you and your delinquent friends."

Jake paused, waiting for an answer from the young mutant with a cocked eyebrow. "What do you say?"

Instead of answering, Valen wasted no time spitting on the man's face, saliva and blood hitting the man's cheek, close to his eye. 

Tagging (gently): @sleepy-night-child, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @anyablackwood, @oh-no-another-idea, @littleladymab,

@winterandwords, @eccaiia,, @illarian-rambling, @finickyfelix and OPEN TAG

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7 months ago

Character voice

Thanks @awritingcaitlin here!

Rules: rewrite the given line in the voice of your OCs!

Wow, I'm doing this tag with just one tag? Haven't done that in a hot minute.

"Stand back, I'll handle this."

Lexi: “It's okay, I got this. Just stay there. [To herself] I got this I got this I got this....”

Maddie: “I can do this. Uh, stand back.”

Ash: “Pfft, don't worry, I'll take care of this.”

Gwen: “You...may want to stand back. I'm gonna go handle this.”

Robbie: “Alright, I'll handle this. You might want to stand back. [Pause] ... I'm serious, please stand back.”

Akash: “Okay...I got this. Um... Okay, y'all may wanna stand back.”

Jedi: “Please stand back. I will handle this.”

Carmen: “I told you, I'll handle this! Now stand back!”

Tagging @duckingwriting @writingamongther0ses @winglesswriter @happypup-kitcat24 @anyablackwood


Your sentence: “Look, an anaconda!”

TSP intro

TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites

@nebula--nix @literarynecromancy @honeybewrites @the-golden-comet

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