Character Voice Tag - Tumblr Posts
Thanks for the tag @gioiaalbanoart and @madi-konrad! Wow, double tag! I’m choosing to do @gioiaalbanoart’s line though because they tagged me first. Anyway, without further ado:
Kunio: The fuck was their problem?
Nathaniel: Tell me what this is really about.
Ariel: I wonder what that was about?
Solana: What the fuck was that?
Your line is: How could you do this to me?
Tagging @the-golden-comet @deanwax and anyone else who wants to do this!
Thanks for the tags @somethingclevermahogony and @mk-writes-stuff!
Character Voice Tag
My lines are: " I'll be here when you get back." and “That’s a lot of money.”
Your line is: "Where do you come from?"
Izjik: "Nah, don't worry about me. I'm gonna keep sitting right here until you get back."
Sepo: "I can wait. Patience is a thing I can do."
Twenari: "Hm, you're leaving? Oh, I'll just read for a bit - don't worry about me wandering off."
Djek: "I'll wait up for you, man. You go on ahead."
Astra: "Gods a-fuckin-mighty, one hundred geepae! You're payin' me one hundred geepae for a cold rune? I won't argue, but that's your loss, sugar."
Mashal: "Forty geepae.... I think that's more than I've ever owned in my life."
Ivander: "Five thousand geepae? That's quite the payment. I'll certainly take it though, if you can afford it."
Elsind: "Seventy geepae? That's... thirty-five hundred patrits! Bright gods!"
Avymere: "Twenty-five thousand geepae is one hell of a bribe. You must need this influence badly. Unfortunately though, I cannot be swayed by some bits of metal."
I'll tag @elsie-writes @bloodmoonloveletter @honeybewrites @the-golden-comet @katnewman96-blog and anyone else who wants to play :)
Thanks for the tag! This was a fairly easy one, on account of the fact that I always read my dialogue in my characters’ voices. For Kunio, I went with Kaiji Tang, because his voice for Gojo Satoru was exactly I imagined that Kunio would sound:
As for Nathaniel, I went with Jimmy Akingbola:
Tagging @corvys-clover and @moondust-bard!
Voice Headcanon game
fuck it I’m bringing this back.
Rules: Describe or provide clips of what you think your characters sounds like. If it’s from a video or audio clip make sure to credit the voice actor!
I choose the protags of Shadows Over Novald
Alice: when she sings in the story I imagine she sounds like Annapantsu, here’s one of her covers for reference (btw Anna makes really good covers check them out)
…and for her talking I imagine she sounds like Vaggie from Hazbin Hotel (VA: Stephanie Beatriz)
Isaac: Boggart from Elden Ring (VA: Dean Fagan)
As for what Noelle and Alexios sound like: fuck if I know. I never really thought about it.
tagging @the-golden-comet @fortunatetragedy @winterandwords + open tag
Thanks for the tag! This time, I’m just doing Kunio and Nathaniel!
Nathaniel: We’ve been over this.
Kunio: Haven’t we already had this conversation?
Leaving this tag open to anyone who wants to join! Your line is: What the fuck is that?
✨🏴☠️Character Voice Tag 🏴☠️✨
Thank you so much for tagging me, @nczaversnick ! ✨
My line: Your line: Oh no, you're not bringing that near me.
Your line: Another one? Really?
Doing in the voices of Peter and Benjamin from Peter Hart
Peter: Hey, love. Check out this fish :)
Benjamin: Peter….
Peter: ….You see the barnacles under its eyelid? Not a good one. Here, look—
Benjamin: —Peter get that thing away from me! I don’t care much for sick fish, let alone any fish in general.
Peter: Just look! Look….(pointing underneath the fish’s eyelid)….Always watch out for this when you’re fishing, aye? Any signs like this are an indicator that it’s not well to eat.
Benjamin: You could’ve explained that without shoving a dead fish in my face.
Peter: I’ve not shoved in your face, Benji. I’m merely pointing it out. Now, if I wanted to shove it in your face—
Benjamin: (Already backing away) —PETER!!!
Davey: —BOYS. Stop goofin’ off and get back to work!
Peter and Benjamin: Aye, Davey….
I’m going to tag (no pressure): @gioiaalbanoart , @wyked-ao3 , @jev-urisk , @smellyrottentrees , @somethingclevermahogony , @minamaybe , @fantasy-things-and-such , @lavender-gloom , @cowboybrunch , @fortunatetragedy , @autism-purgatory , @quillswriting , @willtheweaver , @honeybewrites , @pixies-love-envy , @glasshouses-and-stones , @willowseed , +open tag! 💛✨
Thanks for the tag! Let’s see what I can come up with for this one…Wait, I think I’ve got it! Have some discarded lines of dialogue from Night Of The Blue Moon:
Anargyros: Why do I need a shovel?
Ariel: Because you need to do something about the body. We can’t leave her corpse out in the open.
Solana: Go bury her in a ditch. Or throw her in a river. Or something else, I don’t care, but we can’t leave a dead body out here for anyone to see.
Anargyros: Fine…
Tagging @mauannacreates and @mundanemoongirl! Your line: You don’t love me, you love them.
Character Voice Tag
Tagged by @gioiaalbanoart here with the line: The hell's that?
tagged by @the-golden-comet with the line: Well, it can’t get any worse….
I actually have a scene that fits both prompts pretty well.
(about to be editing this chapter up a little)
TPKODR chapter: trouble in the high seas
Daimhín watched Oisìn fondly as he walked off. He saw Oisìn turn to look at the sea and get big eyed. He looked and said, “oy, for the love of the gods tell me that's na what I think it is.” Oisìn said, “unless I'm hallucinating there is another blasted kraken heading for us.” Amon said, "ay, that be a kraken but it was better than the shadow of death looming over us if we went the other way around.” Daimhín sighed, “Hill skirt the rocks. Everyone to their positions.” he rang the bell and yelled, “all hands to canon or deck.” This was the last place he wanted to encounter a kraken as the rocks would work against them in any effort to dodge the beast. He watched as everyone moved to follow his orders. He wasn't surprised when Oisìn went to one of the topside cannons they kept on deck. It was bolted down but portable. Amon cheerfully said, “at least it's not going to get and worse.” He watched as the waters started to churn more violently and turned to glare at the fae, “I told ye not to say that ev’r again.” Daimhín was exasperated with the situation already.
Tag list your line is : why do you need a shovel?
@thatuselesshuman @gioiaalbanoart @lychhiker-writes @goth-automaton
@thecomfywriter @evilwriter37 @saebasanart @the-golden-comet
@mauannacreates @kind-lion @alinacapellabooks @kuebiko-writing
@kaeru483 @differentnighttale @theink-stainedfolk @unstableunicornsofasgard
@mysticstarlightduck @demon-sneeze @dnd-and-insanity @smellyrottentrees
@honeybewrites @pheonix358
Sorry fellas, haven't been feeling enough energy to do these till now
Okay so my line is "Hello, how are you?"
Gonna do Downfall again, but some different characters(still only doing a few cause I have several of these I'm behind on)
--"Hello, how are you?"(no context provided)
Felix: "Why, hi, hello, uh, how are things?"
Elos-12: "Halt. State reasoning for current presence."
The Lord of Desperate Things: "Well before we being this gauntlet of mastery and peasanty, I must ask, how fairs thee, instrument of my master?"
Seth: "Dear child, how is it you have come to suffer such windage?"
Gonna stop there, get on to some other things I'm behind on
If I tag you, your line is: "I'll kill them."
@dyrewrites @shepardsherd @the-end-society @illarian-rambling
Character Voice Tag Game
Thank you for the tags, @illarian-rambling and @mk-writes-stuff!
This will be two of them since they both tagged me in separate posts. Bear with me here :P
First line: "Hey, old friend, long time no see!"
Ember: "Glad to see you're still in one piece."
Bo: "By the gods, it's great to see you again, old friend."
Fen: "Shit, you're alive?"
Kris: "The hell are you doing here?"
Evie: "Oh gods, it's been too long! How are you?"
Second line: "That's really sweet of you!"
Ember: "I'll be sure to cherish this, thank you."
Bo: "Oh, well, thank you. I wasn't expecting this."
Fen: "... What do you want?"
Kris, blushing furiously: "... Thanks..."
Evie: "Oh, thank you! You're too kind."
No pressure tags: @gamerkats @cowboybrunch @vyuntspakhkite-l-darling @bard-coded @kaylinalexanderbooks and anyone else who wants to join <3
Your line: "It wasn't me, I swear."
Oh boy, another voice tag, uhh
Yeah I'm not gonna lie, I suck at these. Coming up with how a character talks on the spot doesn't work for me, I do a lot better in scenario and with context
Most my stories are also fantasy so no WiFi lol
Gonna have to go with The Box in that case, he doesn't really talk though cause he's writing his thoughts down. Best I can do.
John: Of course it was to happen now, a failure of modern convivence just as I search desperately for some voice of reason within this world. How normal, how casual, how average, yet undoubtedly devious. As though the universe, worse, the Angels work to prevent a return to sanity. For what purpose? Could the profession and the medical undo a plot stretching back eons, before even our vary universe creation? Impossible to imagine. And yet for some reason they seem to prefer me mad and frothing at the mouth from obsessive pursuit. so much for answers, so much for help, so much for the vast interworking of modern society.
If you get tagged your line is: "Get down from there!"
@dyrewrites @backtoshittyfirstdrafts @mangowords
Thanks for the tag @somethingclevermahogony!
Character Voice Tag
My line is: "Get down from there!"
Your line is: "Oh damn, the wifi stopped working."
(Let's do an antagonist edition, because they deserve some love too)
Vermir: "Why the fuck are you in my ceiling? Are you a rat? Get down, damn it!"
Daedryn: "Uh, excuse me, but could you please step down? It's not safe up there, I don't think."
End: "Get down, flesh of ours. Such behavior does not befit an avatar of the stars."
Undeta: "Get down, you're making a fool of yourself."
I'll tag @hallowedfury @addicted2coke-theothercoke @mk-writes-stuff @pluttskutt and anyone else who'd like to join :)
Okie, last one and then I'll be all caught up. And my goodness we got another character voice tag. Writers on Tumblr, I love yall, but we need to add a little variety to our tag games.
Okay so my line is: "Is it just me, or is it really cold in here?"
Well if it isn't broken, I haven't used it enough, lets try to come up with more Downfall lines on the spot
"Is it just me, or is it really cold in here?"(no context)
The Witch Thief: "Perhaps none of you have noticed yet, but is it not starting to get a tad cold?
Caitlin Skel: "It's freezing in here, like the breath of far deep caves still populated with Roring Burgs, we should move."
Hollower: "Cold."
Alius: "Have you noticed it yet, Michael, the chill in the air which forewarns a coming doom?"
EDIT I FORGOT TO TAG PEOPLE Your line is: "When is it all going to end?"
@dyrewrites @shepardsherd @illarian-rambling
Character Voice Tag
Rules: rewrite a line in the voice of your OCs, then make up a new line for the next people
Thanks @illarian-rambling for the tag! My line is, “God, she’s such a bitch,” although I swapped the pronouns on it a few times
Belladonna: “She’s insufferable. She has no manners, no decorum, no sense of- anything! She’s unbearable!”
Cassie: “God I fucking hate her stuck-up prissy ass. What a fucking bitch.”
Nellie: “I don’t like her. She shouldn’t treat you like that.”
Narcissus: “I cannot believe him. The nerve, the absolute arrogance- to draw attention away from me? At my engagement party? Practically criminal! He should be taken away at once. I will not stand for such despicable behavior at my engagement. This should be about me, not some minor noble with a constant need for attention.”
Ricinus: “That bitch. Whoring herself out again, no doubt.”
Goldenrod: “He’s such an unbearable bastard. Have you seen where his eyes linger?”
Cassiopeia: “That slimy little clever bitch. You think you can outsmart me?”
Stellaris: “I hate her. She’s so mean, and it makes me feel…” *gestures for the right word, eventually settles on one that’s close* “bad.”
Rhys: “She… isn’t very nice, I’ll admit.”
These might’ve gone a little further off the line than usual but I decided to have a bit of fun with this one :). Every character in this one is talking about another character in this list! I’d love to see your guesses on who’s complaining about whom :)
Anyway, I’ll see if @kaylinalexanderbooks @elsie-writes and @autism-purgatory want to play this one! Your line is, “Why are you staring at me?”
Character Voice Tag (1)
I've got two of these to do! For this one in particular, I was tagged by @winterandwords (here)!
My line was "You can't make me do that"
The following characters are from my WIP Supernova Initiative (I have an actual scene with a very similar phrase, so that's fortunate! I just adjusted the wording to fit this game a better, so here goes the - almost - dialogue from excerpt from that scene)
Jack - [sternly, rolling his eyes with a scoff] “I don't work for the Junction, I'm not risking my life to solve your political mess. You can’t make me do that.”
The 'Director' - “Hmm. Actually, I think I can.” [He walks up to the screen on the wall, tapping a button to reveal the image of Jack's friends, as well as his sister, tied up in another brightly lit room] “Because the funny thing is, it looks like you weren’t the only one snooping around where you weren’t invited. They were so easy to catch - didn’t even notice what hit them. And their screams were so delightful~”
Jack - [thrashes against his cuffs, noticing with horror that, not only his team was captured because of him, but that his sister had been injured. Knowing from experience what this man was capable of the sight spiralled him into a rageful panic] “You MOTHERFUCKER! Leave them out of this! When I get out of here I’ll kill you. I swear I’ll fucking kill you, you sick piece of shit.”
The 'Director' - “Struck a nerve, didn’t I? Good. I suggest you watch your tone, or I tell the interrogators to pay your pretty little team a visit again. After all, they were trespassing on high-security property - maybe I want to know why. And you wouldn’t want that to happen, now would you?” [His finger hovers over the comms, ready to make good on his threat]
Jack - "Okay, fine! I’ll… I’ll do it. I'll steal that crappy experiment for you. Just leave them alone"
The 'Director'- “Splendid.”
Tagging (gently): @clairelsonao3, @little-peril-stories, @yet-another-heathen, @talesofsorrowandofruin, @rickie-the-storyteller, @tabswrites, @lassiesandiego, and OPEN TAG
Your line of dialogue is "Don't shut me out."
Character Voice Tag
I was tagged by @kaylinalexanderbooks for this one! Thanks for the tag!
My line was: "Well, what was I supposed to do?"
Your line is: "I don't know whether to be severely worried or impressed. Congratulations."
Tomasa - ... So you blew up the building.
Kyran - Well what was I supposed to do?!
Tomasa - I don't know, anything else? Maybe something that didn't risk ending with us splattered across the courtyard?!
Kyran - It's not like I had all the time in the world! They were trying to kill us, so I just had to improvise - plus, we're alive, nothing went wrong.
Masen - This is a truly riveting conversation and all, but are we going to get the hell out of here or what? I'm personally really invested in this discussion, but I'm not sure if the guys with the crossbows would agree [laughs]
Tagging: @cowboybrunch, @littleladymab, @little-peril-stories´, @rickie-the-storyteller, @lassiesandiego, @illarian-rambling, @inky-duchess, @steh-lar-uh-nuhs, @tabswrites and OPEN TAG
Character Voice Tag!
Thanks for the tag @willtheweaver (here)!!! I'll go with the main cast from Of Starlight and Beasts for this one (:
MY LINE WAS: Yeah, I deserved that.
YOUR LINE IS: I don't know what I was expecting but I'm disappointed in your decision either way - because what the heck was that?
Corah - "Well, one thing's for sure: that wasn't undeserved - I really should've seen it coming, that's on me."
Arammys - "Oh Gods, that went so wrong - I deserve what happened, that was a terrible idea, and I take full responsibility for it but still... that was such a bad plan, oh Gods."
Eidan - "I should've known that this would be the outcome but I was too hasty to notice. I deserve to face the consequences for my actions."
Nimwen - "Sorry, sorry, sorry! Oh, goodness, oh Gods that went so wrong so fast. If someone is to blame for what happened that person is me, but I still should've been more careful. I'm so sorry!"
Tomasa - "Yep, no use running from the inevitable. Time to face the outcome of my poorly planned decisions. Lay it all out for me, and don't be shy. I'm a tough cookie."
Masen - "Fuck. Yeah, I'm not sticking around to find out what that's gonna cause, sorry not sorry. So, no hard feelings whatsoever guys, but I've gotta bounce. See y'all around? (winks)"
Kyran - "Oh. That... isn't ideal. Okay. Okay, okay, I can handle this, I should've seen this coming after all. I hope I can handle this.'s what we're going to do: we're getting the fuck out of here, right now. Because I don't deserve whatever they've got in store for me. Does anyone have explosive powder? I think can improvise a plan."
Maryon - "That was well deserved, I will admit. I made a mistake and it caught to up to me. I guess it is only fair I face whatever comes next - running will only drag things out. It's best to just get it over with., like ripping out an old bandage"
Florynce - "(In a drawn out, wispy voice) Somethings gone wrong. (squeaks) Somethings not as it should be and it's not right and it's my fault. Should I stay and face my fate? Is it what would be proper? (gives a little vampiric squeak, clearly starting to panic) I don't know what to do anymore"
Rin - "Hells no I'm not facing the consequences of that. (pats the person next to him in the back) Sorry pal, this was nice while it lasted, but you know what they say - survival of the fittest, and all that. Oh and be a darling: do tell the guards I said hi, I'm sure you'll have lots to talk about if you still have your head after this. Don't be a stranger! (flies away)"
Elias - "Oh, sink me! (groans, exasperated) I told you this was a bad idea, but who the fuck listens to me in this fucking shithole, eh?! Where the hells is my cutlass?! I'm going to fix this mess - one you should've fixed yourselves but never fucking mind that - properly this time. That's what I get for listening to you bufoons. I deserve this one. Lesson damn well learned."
Leora - "This was the worst idea I've ever had and the execution of this plan made it even more atrocious. I admit my wrongdoing and sincerely apologize. These circumstances are to be expected after what I did - and what terrible leader would I be if I didn't admit my own mistakes. Tell me what I can do to fix this, and consider it done."
Bastien - "My actions were suboptimal and their consequences deplorable. I accept full reponsibility for whatever trouble my actions may have cause and am willing to atone for it fully, whatever your verdict should be it will have been deserved."
Scarlet - "Shit. Okay, yeah. That one is on me - I screwed up big time, I really did. That seriously didn't go the way I thought it would, I don't know why I'm still surprised."
Tagging (gently, no pressure):@littleladymab @cabbojage @lassiesandiego @little-peril-stories @oh-no-another-idea @thepeculiarbird @rickie-the-storyteller @crowandmoonwriting @steh-lar-uh-nuhs @gummybugg @forthesanityofstorytellers @doublegoblin @aalinaaaaaa @starlit-hopes-and-dreams @elshells @illarian-rambling @clairelsonao3 @conkers-thecosy @anyablackwood,and OPEN TAG
Character Voice Tag! ✨️
I love these!! This one from @rotting-moon-writes, Thanks for the tag @lychhiker-writes!
My line: "You should go to sleep." Your line: -Has realized as they're purchasing something.. that they forgot their wallet-
"Get some shut-eye, Star eyes.
"It's been a rather long day, hasn't it? You've done all you can, little one. I'll take care of things while you get some much deserved rest."
"You need your rest. Close your eyes now.."
"If you pass out while standin' there.. I'm lettin' ya hit the floor."
@katenewmanwrites @smellyrottentrees @wyked-ao3 @the-golden-comet @cowboybrunch @fortunatetragedy @zackprincebooks @officialauthorofanotherworld please show me what your beans say when caught in that embarrassing situation if you're so inclined (it's like, my worst nightmare). +Open tag!
Character Voice Tag✨️
Thanks for the tag @the-golden-comet!
My line: “Okay, confess: WHO ate the last bite?!” Your line: Don't touch that, you don't know where it's been.
Characters from my story 🌐7 Circles🌐: from least food-jealous to most food-jealous.
Hmm.. I could have sworn I had another portion in here.. do any of you know what became of it? Val: What, you mean that potato thing?
Where is the... VALIAN! Val: (mouth full) Wot, yu meem da 'tato thing?
(Slow, icy tone) Somebody owes me more food... Who is it?
(Snarling and livid) Are you fuckin' shittin' me right now?! I was edging that one ALL NIGHT! A little sweet talkin' here, a little touch there- gettin' my meal aaallll warmed up for me just for SOMEONE ELSE to stick their dick in MY dinner!?
(He's an incubus and feeds off of lust, so..) Tag Games list: @katenewmanwrites @smellyrottentrees @wyked-ao3 @lychhiker-writes @the-golden-comet @fortunatetragedy @cowboybrunch @zackprincebooks @urbiggestfan-01 @quillswriting (Hmu to be +/- to my tag games list)
Character voice
Thanks to @willtheweaver here, and @the-golden-comet here!
Rules: rewrite your given sentence in the voice of your OCs!
“No I am not scared!”
Lexi: “Scared? No, never! Why would I be? No no, it's okay, we don't have to leave! You want to be here, and so do I!”
Maddie: “I am not scared at all. What is the point of watching a horror movie if it's not scary?!”
Ash: “This haunted house is so not worth it.” *leaves*
Gwen: “No, I'm not scared. I'm actually terrified. But I'll do it anyway. You need me.”
Robbie: “I am not scared of a stupid sound in the basement. I will go see what it is anyway!” *screams the whole time, but he does do it*
Akash: “Y'know, I'm not actually scared at all. But if you are, I'm fine. We'll quit.”
Jedi: “I am not scared of this place...but perhaps I left Carmen alone too long.... I should go back for her.”
Carmen: “I am not scared. Don't be ridiculous. I'll do this myself.” *is internally screaming*
“Why shouldn’t I try?”
Lexi: “C'mon, Ash, why shouldn't I try to do as much as possible next semester? My schedule isn't even that full!”
Maddie: “Liam, why can't I try to turn into a human-eagle-dragon-tiger hybrid? That would be so cool. It shouldn't be that hard.”
Ash: “Hey! I should be able to try a mayo and strawberry jelly sandwich! Noelle, it is not a culinary disaster! You're a chef, you should know it's okay to experiment!”
Gwen: “I should try a new book. Haha, this one looks terrible. I should totally get it! Lexi, it's not a waste of my time, it's a valuable experience.”
Robbie: “Jazlyn! We should see what happens if you blast fire at me! I'll absorb it! Akash isn't even here to say no!!”
Akash: “I should try hair gel to fix my hair. NO ROBBIE I DO NOT LOOK LIKE JIMMY NEUTRON WHEN I USE HAIR GEL!”
Jedi: “.... I will admit I happen to be curious to see what would happen if Hye-Jin could combine her powers... Perhaps a long discussion about the biological components of each would help prepare her...”
Carmen: “Miss Newman, we are testing your powers. Why shouldn't you push yourself and turn the fruit into another fruit!? This is a lab! It's for science!! Tell me, why shouldn't we see what you're capable of in a controlled setting!”
Some of these are unethical :)
Tagging @oh-no-another-idea @chauceryfairytales @mrbexwrites @cherrybombfangirlwrites @anyablackwood
Your prompt: “I don't think that's a bird or a plane.”
I dunno, sorry.
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
@nebula--nix @literarynecromancy @honeybewrites @the-golden-comet
Character voice
Thanks @awritingcaitlin here!
Rules: rewrite the given line in the voice of your OCs!
Wow, I'm doing this tag with just one tag? Haven't done that in a hot minute.
"Stand back, I'll handle this."
Lexi: “It's okay, I got this. Just stay there. [To herself] I got this I got this I got this....”
Maddie: “I can do this. Uh, stand back.”
Ash: “Pfft, don't worry, I'll take care of this.”
Gwen: “You...may want to stand back. I'm gonna go handle this.”
Robbie: “Alright, I'll handle this. You might want to stand back. [Pause] ... I'm serious, please stand back.”
Akash: “Okay...I got this. Um... Okay, y'all may wanna stand back.”
Jedi: “Please stand back. I will handle this.”
Carmen: “I told you, I'll handle this! Now stand back!”
Tagging @duckingwriting @writingamongther0ses @winglesswriter @happypup-kitcat24 @anyablackwood
Your sentence: “Look, an anaconda!”
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
@nebula--nix @literarynecromancy @honeybewrites @the-golden-comet
Character Voice Tag
Thanks for tagging me @thepeculiarbird (here)! I'll go with the cast of Scrapyard Boys.
My phrase: "No one told me I wasn't allowed to kill them !"
Valen: "Oh, fuck off. Nobody told me I wasn't supposed to kill 'em - besides, if that fucker didn't wanna die, then they shouldn't have started chasing us in the first place."
Luke: "What?" (laughs, slightly manic) "They were a problem. Now they're not. Moving on!"
Adrien: "Oh shit - are they actually dead? Like honest-to-fuck Dead-dead?! Oh fuck me, that's just my luck huh. I guess it's Hide A Body Tuesday again. C'mon, ya layabouts let's get rid of the evidence, then we can go order a pizza."
Erin: "The dude was coming at me with a baseball bat! I just reacted! Josh may be an asshole, but that jerk did teach me to throw the first punch so fuck it! What do you mean, 'what am I going to do'? Fuck that, let's just leave the body before anyone sees us."
Maxwell: "(looks at the body, blinks once then twice) Oh shit. Alright, alright, alright, stay calm Maxxie, breathe in, breathe out, think happy thoughts -- I know! (to whoever is with her) I just didn't know it would kill them!!! (calls her dad) 'Okay so, Dad, I'm in a bit of a pickle can you come pick me up? Oh. I may or may not have accidentally blasted someone's eardrums out with my powers, it's a long story -- Alrighty, see ya in five! Thanks!"
Quince: "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh -- (gags). Oh shit, there's so much blood everywhere, oh fuck. I didn't mean to, oh my God, oh my gosh -! Oh damn I boiled someone alive again, oh fuck - it's like a smoothie of guts and viscera all over me oh shit --- (gags again, panic attack starts)"
Emily - "... Well damn. That was - a lot stronger than I had intended that explosion to be, I'm actually kinda impressed. What? That was a really good combustion. Of course, I'm celebrating it! At least it wasn't just a puff of hot air - like that had actual fire in it. I dig this. Aw c'mon! You didn't say I wasn't supposed to kill the maniac with the machine gun."
Josh - "Toodle-oo, fucker! Aw, wasn't I supposed to kill them? Did you want to do it instead? We can find someone else!"
Tagging (gently): @sleepy-night-child, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @smol-feralgremlin, @oh-no-another-idea, @littleladymab,
@winterandwords, @eccaiia, @sarahlizziewrites, @illarian-rambling
@agirlandherquill, @anoelleart, @ray-writes-n-shit
@writernopal, @anyablackwood, @unstablewifiaccess, @forthesanityofstorytellers, @finickyfelix
@i-can-even-burn-salad, @cakeinthevoid,
@lassiesandiego, @thepeculiarbird, @clairelsonao3, @memento-morri-writes, @starlit-hopes-and-dreams and OPEN TAG
Character Voice Tag
Very belated thanks for the tag, @kaylinalexanderbooks! I have a habit of collecting a million of these before doing them all in one go, so I'm pretty sure most people have already forgotten about this one, lol. Regardless, here it is!
My Prompt: “I don't think that's a bird or a plane.”
Luna: "Huh. Y'know what? I don't- I don't think that's a bird OR a plane..." Iris: "That's... not a bird. Not a plane, either..." Claire: "No, no, it's... fuck. Actually, what IS that?...Shit. I've no idea what the hell that is." Felix: "Um... I don't think that's a bird. A plane?? What's a plane? Do they move like that?" Meg: "Nah, that's not it... is that a harpy? That'd be a damn big harpy. A small dragon...? Shit, man. I dunno." Aven: "I've no earthly idea what that is, but that ain't a bird OR a plane."
Short but sweet! Thanks again!
Your Prompt: "You know what? Fuck you."
Gently tagging: @mysticstarlightduck, @writernopal, @oddcryptidwrites, and anyone else who wants in!
Character Voice Tag
VERY belated thanks to @kaylinalexanderbooks!!! Using an assortment of OCs across WIPs.
My line: "Look, an anaconda!”
Luna: "Hey, look! It's one of them... whatchacallits... an anaconda!" Iris: "Oh my God. That's- that's an anaconda!" Claire: "FUCK!" Felix: *gasp* "Is that an anaconda? It's way bigger than I thought it'd be!" Meg: "Haha. Steve broke out of his habitat again." Nina: "Shh! Over there! That's called an anaconda. The scientific name is Eucentes. This particular one looks like a yellow anaconda, otherwise known as-" Sora: "Oh, shit, that's a big-ass snake."
Your line: "God, what is wrong with you?"
Gently tagging: @mysticstarlightduck, @justnerdy15, @wingedcatastrophe and anyone else who wants in!
Character Voice Tag
Very late thanks for the tag, @mysticstarlightduck!
My prompt: "Tell me you're not about to do what I think you're about to do."
Megumi: "You're not about to do that... right?" Aven: "Absolutely not." Nina: "[Name]. You will not [stupid decision]. Promise me. Now." Ailith: "Please tell me that wasn't your plan. Please." Hope: "Well, I'd certainly hope you weren't about to say you would [stupid decision]. I'd hate to have to lower my opinion of you." Gently tagging: @maiemorrae, @kaeru483, @creatrackers, and anyone else who wants in!