anyablackwood - Anya's Proud Dumpster Fire
Anya's Proud Dumpster Fire

Anya, She/Her. Writing blog! Snippets, moodboards, etc. I dump everything in here. Not a minor, but please keep asks safe and friendly! Would love some writing friends!

354 posts

Friday Kiss Tag

Friday Kiss Tag

Thanks @mysticstarlightduck for the tag! I've been tagged in these several times before, but I've never bothered to do one, because I didn't think I had any. But it turns out I did! So here's a snippet of Asteria Heights- a scene with 2 for the price of 1!

Rules: "Share a snippet of your characters kissing. It can be any kiss, from familial pecks on the cheek, platonic kisses, forehead kisses, to full-blown makeouts."

“Tadaima,” she called, announcing her presence as she kicked her shoes off by the entrance.

“Okaeri!” Her mother Fumiko poked her head out from her office. “How was the movie?”

“Eh, it was okay. The fight scenes were pretty cool.” She kissed her mom on the cheek. “How’s work?”

“It was alright. Mr. Gallagher keeps asking me for Raskovnik, though, no matter how many times I tell him I don’t sell those.” Fumiko rolled her eyes. Meg snorted.

“Why does he keep coming by when he knows you’re never going to have any?”

“Because your mother’s the best dang herbalist on this side of the Mississippi.” Meg’s father, Benjamin, came down the stairs at that exact moment, smiling proudly. “Ain’t that right, hon?”

Fumiko giggled.

“Oh, you.”

Meg gagged as they kissed. "Alright, I'm leaving."

There it is! 2 kisses in a single scene, lol. Gently tagging: @theunboundwriter, @disastardly (are you still doing tags?), @nemaliwrites, and anyone else who wants in!

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More Posts from Anyablackwood

6 months ago

OC Moodboard Tag

Belated thanks to @mysticstarlightduck <3 I take a while but never stop tagging me, please! Going with Beyond the Mirror this time, since I've done all the mains for my priority WIPs.


OC Moodboard Tag
OC Moodboard Tag
OC Moodboard Tag
OC Moodboard Tag
OC Moodboard Tag
OC Moodboard Tag
OC Moodboard Tag
OC Moodboard Tag
OC Moodboard Tag


OC Moodboard Tag
OC Moodboard Tag
OC Moodboard Tag
OC Moodboard Tag
OC Moodboard Tag
OC Moodboard Tag
OC Moodboard Tag
OC Moodboard Tag
OC Moodboard Tag

Not really satisfied with these... but tbh it might be that I don't know these characters well enough yet. But I guess that means I get to update it one day!

Gently tagging: @kaylinalexanderbooks, @justnerdy15, @kaeru483, and anyone else who wants in!

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6 months ago

the most mortifying part about posting abt your ocs is posting about your ocs

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6 months ago

OC in 3

Belated thanks for the tag, @mysticstarlightduck! I haven't posted in a while, so I have a bunch of stuff stocked in my to-do tag lol. I'll be using Meg, Aven, and Nina from Asteria Heights for a little change of pace <3

Megumi Wilson

OC In 3
OC In 3
OC In 3

Aven Donahue

OC In 3
OC In 3
OC In 3

Proserpina (Nina) Heights

OC In 3
OC In 3
OC In 3

Gently tagging: @cypriathus, @fayeiswriting, @da-na-hae, and anyone else! <3

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6 months ago

WIP Meme Tag Game

I was tagged for this one by @thatndginger (Go look at those memes. They're professional.)

Rules: make some memes for your WIP

I'm going to do my best to be funny without spoilers, but I make no promises that these memes are not inside jokes that require context to understand.

WIP Meme Tag Game
WIP Meme Tag Game
WIP Meme Tag Game
WIP Meme Tag Game
WIP Meme Tag Game
WIP Meme Tag Game

I tried to include Jack and/or Cameron in these too, but all the good ones were way too much of a spoiler.

So, did I do this right? Decent memes?

I'll tag invite: @anyablackwood, @wintherlywords, @winterandwords, and an open tag in case someone who has already done this meme wants to do it again.

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6 months ago

friendly reminder that if you just type shit into a box and use what the computer spit out, you're not "creating" anything <3 You're an AI customer, not an artist, not a writer, not a creator. A customer, who didn't even have the dignity to hire a real person for the product, so you're making a random generator vomit out a ball of words or a collection of pixels so you can call it "your art" for the low low price of your integrity.

I took a creative writing class my freshman year and the amount of students who used AI for their work was astounding. and I honestly don’t get it. why sign up to be in a CREATIVE WRITING class if you need to rely on AI to write for you. it’s stupid.

people like the writer aesthetic but dont want to put work into actually improving their writing. joining a creative writing class? oh! that’s a perfect way to improve! that’s why I joined the class. oh? you joined because you wanted something to brag about to your friends and family? that’s STUPID. people are STUPID.

and who knows, maybe one day these people might become actual “writers”. maybe they’ll spend enough time on chatGPT to get something that even comes close to resembling the blood sweat and tears that other authors—real authors put into their writing. maybe they’ll become famous for it. become a staple in history. meanwhile all the writers who actually cared about writing are left behind without a pot to piss in.

“oh this is so good!” it’s actually miles and miles of code. it’s laziness wrapped in pretty words topped with the pen name of a STUPID person.

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