Anya, She/Her. Writing blog! Snippets, moodboards, etc. I dump everything in here. Not a minor, but please keep asks safe and friendly! Would love some writing friends!
354 posts
Character Voice Tag
Character Voice Tag
Very late thanks for the tag, @mysticstarlightduck!
My prompt: "Tell me you're not about to do what I think you're about to do."
Megumi: "You're not about to do that... right?" Aven: "Absolutely not." Nina: "[Name]. You will not [stupid decision]. Promise me. Now." Ailith: "Please tell me that wasn't your plan. Please." Hope: "Well, I'd certainly hope you weren't about to say you would [stupid decision]. I'd hate to have to lower my opinion of you." Gently tagging: @maiemorrae, @kaeru483, @creatrackers, and anyone else who wants in!
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OC Reddit AITA Tag Game!
Thanks for the tags, @willtheweaver (here), @wyked-ao3 (here) and @the-golden-comet (here)!
So let's go with Deimos Soll from Supernova Initiative!
Deimos Soll
AITA for setting up my siblings and their crew for capture bu our worst enemy in exchange for safety against the warlord hunting me down?
Hi. So, I have been struggling with this for a while, and honestly wasn't sure if I should technically post this but since I've got few people I can vent this to, so I might as well give this a shot.
So, for context, I (26 M), did NOT want to betray my adoptive siblings. It was always us against the world growing up and we have always been all each other has had - well, at least until we had The Big Argument a few years ago and went our separate ways.
It all started to go downhill after that day, now that I'm thinking about it. After I left Jack and Cassie behind to pursue a solo career as a sniper, I ended up joining a Khosmonian war faction - I was very much an idealistic youth who knew little of the world of warfare at the time, but I believed that, by joining the Junction's greatest enemy in the civil war, I would have a chance to fight back against the government that destroyed my life in the past.
I was mistaken. Very much so.
It turns out that, for all the propaganda, the government in the Khosmonian galaxies - and especially the military branch I had joined - was just as corrupt as the Junction. I was quickly disillusioned and planned to desert that cause and go back to my siblings to make amends.
And I didn't even get that chance. I had packed my things and was ready to leave, but the warlord that commanded the faction I had misguidedly tied myself to - a monstrous woman named Eldora Thalax - wasn't about to let me go so easily. Apparently I was her finest sniper, and she didn't want to lose that asset.
Before I knew it, she had her soldiers capture me and bring me to her - she made me a final offer, saying she might forgive my 'treason' if I continued to work for her. I said no, and told her I was going to leave once and for all. She... didn't like that.
Eldora decided that, if I wasn't going to comply willingly, she'd make me do so by force - and so the nightmare began. I was locked in a freezing cell, and every day I was brutally tortured and experimented on - it didn't take long for me to realize what she was doing. Her plan was to break my mind and brainwash me into a living weapon.
I spent 3 years trapped in that living hell, barely holding onto my identity and sanity, until finally - on one extremely lucky day - I managed to escape and steal a spaceship to take me back to my galaxy. But Eldora wasn't going to stop hunting me down: 1. she didn't want to let others think she would simply let a prisoner get away from her, and wanted to make me an example, 2. she still planned to recapture me and brainwash me into her obedient soldier. Even as I went back to the galaxy I hailed from, I spent countless days trying desperately to avoid the assassins and agents she'd sent after me, barely getting a moment to even think.
I was at the end of my rope when I made the decision to seek the Junction's government for help - they'd always been my worst enemies, people I despised more than anything and who had destroyed my life and that of countless others over and over again. But I couldn't take it anymore, living on the run with the ever-looming danger of being caught again. Which I knew would happen sooner or later if I was on my own. I turned myself in and made a deal with one of the most influential Junction politicians, the Director, to get protection against Eldora.
They asked for something in return - and their price was that I helped them set up my siblings and their crew (since Jack, Cassie and the others had been the Junction's Public Enemy Number 1 for years now and Jack was the most wanted intergalactic thief of his generation) for capture. I didn't want to do it, but given that I had no choice, I accepted it.
Soon after, Jack, Cassie, and the crew were captured during one of their heists - something the Junction only managed to do due to the information I gave them.
They tasked the crew to do a dangerous heist on a hostile planetary system, making them work for our worst enemy in order to avoid the firing squad, and the Junction made me join them on the heist as well, probably out of sadism to see me struggle to keep the truth of what I had done hidden. At the time, no one in the crew knew I had been the one to blame for their capture.
The worst part is that, by saving myself from harm, I ended up subjecting my brother to the same - if not worse - struggles I had endured, as the Director made him his favorite test subject, torturing and experimenting on him for fun in the guise of seeking scientific progress.
I hate myself with every fiber of my being for what I did, and I would do anything to go back and change the decision I made in the past. If I had known what the price of my betrayal would be, I would never have done it. I would have preferred to spend the rest of my days working with Eldora than to let my brother go through what the Director did and does to him.
In fact, I never should've left them - abandoned them - in the past, after our argument in the first place.
I have kept my betrayal a secret from them ever since we had to start working together again, and it's eating me up inside. I know that if I tell them the truth, it would be the final crack to Jack's spirit - and Cassie... well Cassie would probably try and kill me for it.
And she'd be right.
Tagging (gently): @sleepy-night-child, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @smol-feralgremlin, @oh-no-another-idea, @littleladymab,
@winterandwords, @eccaiia, @sarahlizziewrites, @illarian-rambling
@agirlandherquill, @anoelleart, @ray-writes-n-shit
@writernopal, @anyablackwood, @unstablewifiaccess, @forthesanityofstorytellers
@i-can-even-burn-salad, @cakeinthevoid @thecomfywriter
@thepeculiarbird, @clairelsonao3, @memento-morri-writes, @starlit-hopes-and-dreams
@differentnighttale, @leahnardo-da-veggie
WIP Acrostic Tag
Thanks for the tag, @mysticstarlightduck!
Rules: Share a sentence/snippet that starts with a letter in the given word!
My word: ADORE
Any curiosity she had for the lore behind this world and kingdom were almost immediately stamped out once she realized Google didn’t exist here, and she’d have to dig through a bunch of dusty books to get the uncondensed, long-winded propaganda-laden version of it herself.
Despite the layers of my gown, it was surprisingly easy to move in. I gripped the sides of the window and planted one heel on the sill. “Your Highness?” The man called on the other side.
Or worse; they'd be shape-shifting hot men with barely enough scales in their human forms to even pass as a cheap Halloween costume. She shuddered. Please don't be hot men.
Ruthless, powerful, conniving. Worse than a villain. Ultimately, though, no matter how hard she tried to convince everyone otherwise, she was human like the rest of us.
"Every time you talk, it's like you want me to beat the shit out of you."
Your word: DESIGN
Gently Tagging: @tailsbeth-writes, @nailamoonsi, @theunboundwriter, and anyone else who wants in!
OC in 3
Belated thanks for the tag, @mysticstarlightduck! I haven't posted in a while, so I have a bunch of stuff stocked in my to-do tag lol. I'll be using Meg, Aven, and Nina from Asteria Heights for a little change of pace <3
Megumi Wilson

Aven Donahue

Proserpina (Nina) Heights

Gently tagging: @cypriathus, @fayeiswriting, @da-na-hae, and anyone else! <3
Fantasy worldbuilding: the other races consider humans deceitful and scheming to the core, and there is one example of human behavior that they name each time they warn their young: Humans poison trap their own food storages. Anyone who has been to human residences has seen it, somehow they all do it - to deter thieves, naturally, though some think it is also to avoid suspicion when poisoning a guest or visitor.
Only members of one's own household would know which meats have been rubbed with poisonous plants, and which bulbs grown in the garden will kill you. And they're all stored right next to the proper edible food! And the humans never mistakenly poison themselves this way, they are far too cunning to fall into their own traps.
If you ask a human about this, they will be baffled and insist they've never heard of this custom in their lives. While they may suppose that some other human cultures might do something so wicked, each one reassures asking visitors that their people do not do anything like that. And the truth is, they really don't. Not on purpose, at least.
It's just that humans are the only ones immune to garlic, mint, and many other plants and herbs that are poison to all the other races.
friendly reminder that if you just type shit into a box and use what the computer spit out, you're not "creating" anything <3 You're an AI customer, not an artist, not a writer, not a creator. A customer, who didn't even have the dignity to hire a real person for the product, so you're making a random generator vomit out a ball of words or a collection of pixels so you can call it "your art" for the low low price of your integrity.
I took a creative writing class my freshman year and the amount of students who used AI for their work was astounding. and I honestly don’t get it. why sign up to be in a CREATIVE WRITING class if you need to rely on AI to write for you. it’s stupid.
people like the writer aesthetic but dont want to put work into actually improving their writing. joining a creative writing class? oh! that’s a perfect way to improve! that’s why I joined the class. oh? you joined because you wanted something to brag about to your friends and family? that’s STUPID. people are STUPID.
and who knows, maybe one day these people might become actual “writers”. maybe they’ll spend enough time on chatGPT to get something that even comes close to resembling the blood sweat and tears that other authors—real authors put into their writing. maybe they’ll become famous for it. become a staple in history. meanwhile all the writers who actually cared about writing are left behind without a pot to piss in.
“oh this is so good!” it’s actually miles and miles of code. it’s laziness wrapped in pretty words topped with the pen name of a STUPID person.