anyablackwood - Anya's Proud Dumpster Fire
Anya's Proud Dumpster Fire

Anya, She/Her. Writing blog! Snippets, moodboards, etc. I dump everything in here. Not a minor, but please keep asks safe and friendly! Would love some writing friends!

354 posts

I Was Thinking About My Characters Recently And I Got Worried For A Bit That One Of My Stoic Characters

I was thinking about my characters recently and I got worried for a bit that one of my stoic characters wouldn't get mad at anything! Then I realized, "Nah, there are SOME select situations.." It was really fun!

SO! Pick a character of your choice (probably a more put-together character but it doesn't have to be!) and think about their Anger TM.

What would make them mad but would also be really funny and amusing to them?

What would send them into a wild rage? A tirade? Violence, if they're so inclined?

What would make them the kind of cold anger that would lead to months of plotting revenge?

What would make them "not mad, just disappointed"?

No pressure but I had fun with it, so I gotta pass it along!

Sorry for the wait! Holiday season is nuts, especially with finals and suddenly not having a source of income lol. But thank you for the ask!

I was going to go with an Asteria Heights Character, but then I figured that I should try writing one for a WIP I haven't really talked about yet. So I'll be using Teddy from Teddy and Finn (working title).

"What would make them mad but would also be really amusing to them?"

To be fair, Teddy's pretty chill, but mostly because he barely understands what's going on half the time and is just happy to be there, lol. This would probably be the most achievable kind of anger for him, because it'll likely be over something seemingly very simple in human society that he simply Doesn't Get. Like bowls of glass fruits and fake potted plants that grandmas have in their houses. Or paperweights.

I can imagine him being very fascinated by a fake banana, only to grab it and realize it's inedible and being very frustrated while Finn tries to explain why, exactly, his grandmother has fake fruits. But it would also make him very amused, because he finds humans very amusing, so after the initial betrayal, he'd probably start laughing. He'd eventually write it off as yet another interesting little idiosyncrasy humans display.

"What would send them into a wild rage? A tirade? Violence, if they're so inclined?"

I wouldn't say Teddy is inclined to violence, per say, but he's definitely accustomed to it. Being a demon, it's part of his culture, essentially. Rage (especially manifested as violence) is part of everyday life to him, though he's seen as kind of an oddball for not being so hungry for it. I think it'd be difficult to get him visibly angry (it's difficult in general to get him to subconsciously visibly emote), so it'd probably have to be something very over-the-top dramatic. Like hurting his favorite human, Finn. Or his pet demon-mole (that he should not have in his apartment).

If caught mistreating his pet, the offender would likely be thrown off the property (literally - via fifth floor window). If caught mistreating Finn, reactions would range from Asking Very Nicely to leave, to forgetting his strength and accidentally hitting them hard enough to kill them. However, Teddy's very dedicated to being a cheerful, kind, model member of human society, so he'd probably smile widely the entire time. He's not very eloquent so he'd smile and very kindly apologize after having thrown someone through a wall for stressing out The Mole.

"What would make them the kind of cold anger that would lead to months of plotting revenge?"

This is actually the kind of anger that I think he'd be more likely to come across. He isn't the type to get angry very easily, so once he's actually genuinely upset, it's usually a situation in which he's past the point of calming down and moving on. His next step is to ruin this person's life.

Cold anger would probably be a result of something equally dramatic. If you somehow managed to survive mistreating Finn or The Mole the first time, repeated offenses would probably result in this kind of reaction. Surprisingly, his family being under threat wouldn't elicit this kind of response; his siblings and parents are more than capable of returning slights tenfold.

"What would make them 'not mad, just disappointed'?"

Learning that some rumored human custom or convention isn't actually as ridiculous as he'd expected. Like interpersonal/relationship drama not being "as seen on TV". Or the average person's daily attire. Or pancake stacks. He'd honestly be so sad that people don't, in fact, get up to wacky shenanigans while learning the class' lesson of the day, which is "the Power of Friendship". Or that humans don't actually burst into song and dance randomly throughout their days.

I think the thing that would disappoint him the most is is food didn't look or taste as good as advertised, at least the first few times. Those cartoon pancake stacks would have him depressed for a week, lol. (And don't tell him that red velvet is actually just chocolate.)

Thanks again for the ask, @amaiguri!

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11 months ago

OC in 3 Tag

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Rules: Post 3 pictures that represent your OC plus the source

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OC In 3 Tag
OC In 3 Tag

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(Gently) Tagging: @amaiguri, @paintedbutton, @athenswrites, @bunnymermaidwrites, and anyone else who wants in!

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"He was cute. Very cute. Which made her immediately suspicious."

Word count: 10

(Gently) tagging: @amaiguri, @fayeiswriting, @theunboundwriter, @da-na-hae, @cypriathus, @athenswrites, @anoelleart, @nemaliwrites, @justnerdy15, @the-down-upside-finch

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1 year ago

OC vs Cockroach

@the-down-upside-finch tagged me in this and I'm gonna tag @anyablackwood @thetruearchmagos @indecentpause @druidx and whoever else wants to play (no pressure)

Rules: Rate your OCs on how well they’d fare against a cockroach

(For this one, we're gonna get a main character from each of my WIPS >:) because i love y'all and you deserve it)

Piers: 8/10 They'll jump and maybe screech from being startled, especially if it's close by, but they can squash it and clean it up after a bit

Brigid: 0/10 They do not do bugs. Like, at all. Melody will have to come evict it from their dorm room. Alternatively, they'll panic and try to set it on fire and likely scorch a couple other things in the process.

Izumi: 2/10 oh god the way they move Izumi will scream and will make Lapis or Andy come kill it. If she's left to her own devices, there's a 50/50 chance she'll either smash it with her shoe or just cry until it goes away. She's forgetful enough though that she will forget it existed though after a few hours...

Garlan: 10/10 This woman will pick that bug up barehanded and toss it out the window. Her office is covered in papers and stray offerings so roaches (or equivalent in her world) are pretty common

Bithos: 9/10 Smash that fucker, no hesitation, but he might get a little grossed out trying to clean it up.

Cassander: 2/10 No thank you. He will actively call Felix, who is on a mission, to come get it. If it disappears, he will burn the entire house down rather than it come back. (He's not scared of them, but he finds them weird and unnerving).

Alyx: 5/10 Might have a hard time finding the roach (blind) and will absolutely panic if he loses it. If she does find it, she can kill it and toss it without a problem.

Jesse: -10/10 Screaming crying, Lucio has to come get it before he has a mental breakdown (again)

Carter: 10/10 Easy peasy, will pick the bug up and gently place it outside, much to the horror of his husband who is terrified of roaches

Hank: 7/10 Despite being a farming man, he does NOT like how they move. He can get it killed (eventually) but it might take him a minute or to to get the guts to kill it.

LeBlanc: -1000000/10 He opened a package of wafers once and there was one inside the box that fell on him and the poor man has never been the same. He will scream like a little girl and someone else (Micah) will have to come kill it. If it somehow goes missing, he will never step foot in that room again unless it is killed.

Alba Grey: 5/10 Depends. If she's trying to impress Mavi and/or Tabs, she can do it easy peasy, but if she's alone? She might have a slight crying session and have to summon all of her courage to smack it with her shoe. (Don't let the badass exterior fool you)

Karson: ???/10 Isn't bothered by bugs in his space. The only reason he'll even deal with it is if August sees it and gets scared.

Cal: 0/10 NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE this boy does not do bugs (although there is a chance he'll think it's a hallucination instead and just ignore it in hopes it'll go away....)

Eddie: 10/10 This man can deal with bugs so easily. Smashed and cleaned up before anyone (his daughter) notices

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