apocalypsewriters - i think i’m lost
i think i’m lost

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She Sounds So Coool!!

She sounds so coool!!

Path Of Lightning characters: Liz.

Path Of Lightning Characters: Liz.

Liz is one of the two main characters of Path of Lightning: Origins.

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More Posts from Apocalypsewriters

4 years ago

I agree with everyone above. I love the interaction!! Vent about your day, your stories, or ask about mine! Anything.

Reblog If You Want More Interaction W Your Lovely Followers

reblog if you want more interaction w your lovely followers

4 years ago

Thank you so much! They're so cute!! Congratulations again on 100 followers

—100 followers celebration results !!

100 Followers Celebration Results !!

congratulations, @apocalypsewriters !! Victor-Hecate is da winner of the giveaway, and here's the promised chibi art for them :D ! they were a blast to draw and experiment with and I hope you like the product as much as i do !!

thank you so much for entering and thank you for your support :D !

4 years ago

Haha! I watched this somewhat recently so now I get more of the references

And I love it all. I love their interactions, the reasons for being distracted, the winning

board game night: clue edition

nyx and juni throw a game night monthly. it was juni’s idea, of course. they make dinner for everyone, and sometimes they watch movies after the board game! nyx is the one who picks clue because she Loves clue. they invite everyone, even dawn

this takes place in what I imagine is a modern day college au, as they wouldn’t know what clue was in canon. in this, nyx and juni have a little apartment together, and violetta and aster have been dating for a few months. for the purpose of this scenario, nyx and dawn have reached a peace, but aren’t extremely close (I did this because I wanted to include dawn, so don’t read into anything-)

tora is So Pumped although she’s never played the game or watched the movie; she just loves board game night despite rarely winning. 

lynn hasn’t seen the movie but clue was one of the few board games at her orphanage and she played it often, so she’s very good. 

dawn agrees with nyx on one thing and one thing only- clue is both the best movie and the best board game to ever exist. she doesn’t always show up to game night, but she’s determined to Beat nyx this time (and she also is there to have fun, but that’s lower on the list of priorities)

they start the game before dinner and the movie

only six people can play the game, so lynn suggests that one of the couples can team up. she doesn’t even finish her sentence before violetta and aster immediately stop holding hands, and they both say “not it!” at the same time

nyx and juni are obviously happy to be a team because it gives them more time together, but vi and aster are just too competitive. they love the playful rivalry that breaks out during games (“how can one of us win if we’re on the same team?” “exactly, aster!”) 

lynn has to explain the rules for close to fifteen minutes because nyx and dawn keep jumping in to elaborate about the game and to say random trivia. lynn is explaining Directly to tora since she’s the only one who’s never played, but she keeps getting distracted and zoning out

lynn: okay, tora, do you understand now?

tora, snapping back from thinking about how much chocolate she could eat in thirty seconds: understand what

and then they all have to pick what game pieces to be, which is an ordeal, of course,

miss scarlet: aster chooses this one because of the color and because miss scarlet is the only part of the movie she remembers (aster watched half of it when she was five and then got kicked out of the movie theatre)

mrs white: nyx and dawn almost Fight to the Death over this one. sorry to anyone who believes otherwise, but mrs white is the absolute best character, and nyx and dawn agree with me on this. the crisis is averted because juni suggests that she and nyx can be the yellow piece

mrs peacock: lynn likes the color blue (“female peacocks are actually called peahens, and they camouflage with nature so they are mostly brown- none of this bright blue color-”)

mr green: tora likes the color :D she also really didn’t want to be the colonel because of military associations (I haven’t discussed this part of her past yet) 

colonel mustard: juni and nyx take this piece (see above) 

professor plum: violetta’s never seen the movie and loves purple, so she chooses this guy (“can I name her lady lavender instead?” “no”)

once the game finally starts, they quickly find out who’s a good player and who is… terrible. 

tora is absolutely awful, but she is having a lot of fun! she’s horrible at hiding the truth, so everyone knows all of her cards almost immediately. she also forgot that she had to take notes in order to find out the details of the murder. tora eventually realizes that she hasn’t been playing the game right when dawn mentions something about how she has a superior way of organizing her notes. (“…organizing what?” *collective sigh*) oh well, she’s not going to win, but she absolutely loves the game. 

nyx and juni are sitting close to each other. nyx is taking notes while juni is in charge of the cards. they decide on their moves by whispering to each other. nyx has a very good system for taking notes, but she only shares the system with juni, who is almost drops the cards a few times because she’s excited during the entire game.

violetta and aster sit at opposite ends of the table, but they end up bantering so much that nyx and dawn put aside their differences to rearrange the seating so that the Rivals can sit next to each other. this results in cuddling as they play the game- but, make no mistake, they are still Locked in Combat. 

dawn is good at the game. she and nyx are just about evenly matched, since clue used to be the only game they could agree on, so they played often. she’s very proud of a new technique she’s using to take notes, and so dawn boasts about it for a bit. (not too much though; she knows that she’s on Slightly Shaky ground with the group because of her past, so she doesn’t want to push it) 

lynn is also a very good player. she takes diligent notes and watches both the board and people’s facial expressions like a hawk. 

aster and violetta became too distracted by flirting with each other, so they fall behind in the actual game. so it comes down to nyx/juni, dawn, or lynn.

nyx can see in her cousin’s eyes that she figured out the answer, but she and juni have their turn before dawn. they have the weapon and the room figured out and narrowed it down to two options for the person. nyx tells juni to pick randomly, so they go with mr green. mr green with the candlestick in the library is their final answer, and it is correct! 

nyx and juni triumphantly kiss and then hug each other

dawn comes very close to flipping the board

tora, confused: I was mr green, but I didn’t murder anyone, I swear! 

dawn, deadpans a quote from the movie: you didn’t do it

violetta and aster are somehow disappointed that neither of them won and at the same time relived. they just want to cuddle for the rest of the night. and, luckily for them, they can do that while watching the movie! 

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4 years ago

—hannah’s oc fill in the blank tag game

Rules: choose an oc and have them fill in the blanks of the following statements ( created by @hannahs-creations )

for this tag i'm going to be using Spit :D !! so slight warning for cussing !!


I am inspired by Coda, but don't tell 'im that 'cause he'll get an ego.

I think that I am mutant because have you fuckin' seen me?

I have often been told I am a villain, but I don't fuckin' get it. Destroy school property and suddenly the whole damn city hates you.

I love everything about myself, which probably stems from have you seen me? I'm beautiful.

When I am up late at night, I am usually thinking about Coda, usually. How he's doing and how he's feeling, and when he's with me jus' how... happy I am, I guess.

My favorite thing to do in my free time is none of your damned business.

I really dislike Iven because have you seen his face? Very punchable.

I find that school tends to distress me.

I think I am unique because my saliva is deadly.

My most common emotion tends to be anger.

I really hate when people exist.

I find schoolwork to be tedious and feel the world would be better without it.

If I could get rid of any food in its entirety, it would be any and all. Everythin' tastes bitter and gross, I'd be better off if I could photosynthesize.

I think pigeons would be my spirit animal because they're fucking annoying bastards. It's perfect.

I believe I'm better than everyone because I'm better than everyone.

I feel annoyed about this game.

I have zero, zip, zilch pets.

I [am/am not] afraid of commitment because relationships are inherently terrifying. Being vulnerable is inherently terrifying. I could also kill anyone I kissed.

If I became a villain, it would be because I'm filling the role everyone laid out for me.

If I became a hero, it would be because I finally did something praise-worthy despite my morals.

I consider myself to be a antihero.

I think I am not the main character of my own story.

I wish I was done with this questionnaire.

If I could kill one person without getting into trouble, it would be the Principal.

I find that people that exist are really stupid.



@night1rst , @saucysquared , @001arial , @pretend-im-normal , @vylequinne , @screnwriter , @apocalypsewriters , @opes-magnas , @zoya-writes

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4 years ago
This Took Me Way Too Long To Reply To, But Thank You For The Tag @helen-the-bear

This took me way too long to reply to, but thank you for the tag @helen-the-bear

I did do an obligatory wishful thinking one where my style isn't quite so plain and my hair is approximately a month in the future, but this one will do

Tagging: @pagesofcursive @wannabeauthorzofija (neither of you are obligated, and anyone who follows me is also gently encouraged to join in)

Picrew Tag

Thanks for tagging me, @talesofsorrowandofruin ^_^

Rules: make yourself with this Picrew.

For some reason this looks kinda like Hermione, but okay.

Picrew Tag

Tagging: @regan-wickworre @baguettethebooklover and @teasenpaiwrites + open tag

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