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Eli Writes Sometimes - Updated Intro/Masterpost
Eli Writes Sometimes - Updated Intro/Masterpost

Hey! I've been here for a while, but my old intro post isn't amazing, so I've decided to make an updated one, especially as I've got better at using Tumblr since I made that post.
About me
My name is Elias, but I go by Eli most of the time
My pronouns are he/it, and I prefer to be referred to using masculine terms
I'm a trans demiboy, asexual and demiromantic
I'm a minor, so please be respectful of that
Where to find me
My Wattpad (I haven't got a lot posted there, but I'm going to post more there)
I have a shitpost/fandom blog at @eli-is-an-idiot
My NaNoWriMo profile
I'm currently sorting out Ao3, but when I do, I'll post a link to that
About this blog
As you might have guessed, this is a writblr!
I've been reblogging things about writing more than actual writing, but I'm hoping to change that and post more of my own writing
My WIPs are under the cut
I write a mix of things, but my current main WIP is a fantasy story
Not ok with:
Any kind of hate speech or prejudice
TERFS, transphobes, homophobes, ableists, racists or anyone that doesn't respect other people's existence
Ok with:
Being tagged in tag games - I love these, and I want to try and interact with other people in this community more, so if you want to tag me in anything, please do!
On a similar note, feel free to send me asks or DMs about your WIPs or OCs, or just anything you want to talk about, I'm always happy to listen!
On the other hand, if you want to ask questions about my WIPs, I'd love that :)
Also, if you want to be mutuals, I'd love that and just follow me, and I'll check you out, I'd love to be more active in the community :)
WIPs and navigation under the cut:
General writing things - #eli writes sometimes
Things unrelated to writing - #eli doesnt write sometimes
Each WIP has its own specific tag
The Remnants of Shadows
My main WIP, and the one I'm doing for NaNoWriMo
Intro post HERE
Masterpost HERE
Genre - Fantasy, LGBTQ+
Status - First draft
Specific WIP tag - #wip - tros
Content warnings - heavy themes of death
Alya MacNamara has always been a pillar of their community, helping any kids who needed it with any of the problems life threw at them, so when he disappears, there isn't a soul that isn't devastated - but there's nothing they can do, right? But four of Alya's old kids don't accept this, and swear to find her - separately. The story follows these four as they realise that they aren't alone on the search, and as they try and get along with three others who they have nothing in common with except one person.
For All In-Tents and Purposes
Working title
Intro post HERE
Genre - Coming-of-age, LGBTQ+
Status - First draft
Specific WIP tag - #wip - aitap
Based on my experiences as a closeted transmasc person at a scout camp
One of my favourite things that I'm working on
A young trans boy, Elliot, is forced to go on a week-long scout, being forced to live around girls thinking he's one of them, boys who surely won't accept him, and judging adults watching him all hours of the day. The story follows him as he tries to navigate this harsh environment, and survive until Sunday with his sanity.
Stories 7 Year Old Me Would Have Wanted
On hiatus, I want to return to it after NaNoWriMo
Genre - Short story collection
Status - One story posted, second one being drafted
Specific WIP tag - #S7YOMWHW
Chapter One posted on Wattpad HERE
About 25% of it is me judging my younger self
I recently found a book from when I was about 7 full of prompts and story ideas. I had tried to start writing in it but had always lost motivation, or stopped writing and forgotten the "great idea" that I had. So I'm going to share the prompt, what I wrote then, and what I'd write now.
Enjoy, I guess, and have fun laughing at me as a small child.
Jason King's Guide to the Supernatural
Intro post HERE
Genre - Comedic horror
Status - First draft
Specific WIP tag - #JKGTTS
When Jason King takes a job at a sketchy-looking paranormal investigation company, he’s just looking for anywhere that didn’t ask any questions about why his passport doesn’t match the name that he applied with, not somewhere to make any lifelong connections. He doesn’t know what to expect from being the newbie at Simon Warren’s P.I.S.S (Paranormal Investigation and Sightings Service) Hotline, but it isn’t two bored teenagers who are completely over the seemingly-commonplace supernatural happenings all around them. The story follows Jason as he tries to adjust to his new life as a paranormal investigator and tries to stay alive while combatting ghosts, demons and insane clients.
Follow the Light
On hiatus
Genre - Fantasy, LGBTQ+
Specific WIP tag - #WIP - FTL
I'm probably not going to go back to this, I might, but it's been a long time
There's an author's note and a love letter posted on Wattpad HERE
This is a world of magic - everyone born with strange and dangerous abilities. When Caoimhe and Nyx meet, they are both hiding something. But will their friendship help them overcome the challenges presented by society, their families and, most of all, themselves?
That's all for now, thanks for bothering to read this far :)
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More Posts from Apocalypsewriters
i am so glad i know as much about it as i do. im enjoying the sneak peeks and am also obsessed
encouraged by @pagesofcursive and spurred on by my own brainrot for my new characters, here’s a short story inspired by a combination of one word september prompts from @nosebleedclub
the words were dead insects, spear, and hero, with cuckoo from here
The shrill cry of infants made it hard for Cuckoo to be heard. At least their cries drowned out the discomfort of the hoard in front of her. That afternoon, Cuckoo had been put in charge of seven children; whether they belonged to her parents or her aunts and uncles, she didn’t know. It didn’t really matter, at this point. They were all her responsibility to keep out of trouble — no getting hurt and no getting in the way. Cuckoo herself should have been looked after at the tender age of five and two thirds, but her unfortunate streak of independence had left her caring for the toddlers.
Sighing with too much world weariness, Cuckoo grabbed a dead beetle from the corner of the room. It was brittle and almost turning to dust in her fingers, its wings papery and shattered. It likely starved to death in a home that had barely enough food for the people living in it, let alone pests. She crammed a tiny twig into one of its claws, wrinkling her nose when the claw broke before trying the other. Unfazed by the sheer grime on the floor, she swept up a pile of dead ants behind the beetle armed with a spear. Directly across from the necromancer general and his hoard of undead soldiers, Cuckoo set up a dragonfly with only three wings. She outfitted the brave warrior with two spears, making it a much more helpful and willing toy combatant.
Cuckoo loosed a piercing whistle, drawing the attention of the smaller children, who were breaking from the listless staring and beginning to wander off. Just in time she began her tale, swooping up the opposing warriors in grimy fists.
“Once upon a time, there was a great but tragic hero facing off against an army that took all his red bean paste…”
Many years later...
Hands cradling the back of Cuckoo’s neck and propping up her head where she lay on the ground, Cuckoo gazed into the middle distance. Her attention shifted to staring up at the insects dancing with motes of sparks on the fire, riding the hot gusts of air. Her companions rested nearby, warmed by the fire. It was quiet, save for the occasional hoot of an owl or rustle of a lizard in grass. Flying near the hypnotic lick of flames, the bugs reminded her of evenings in the mud and fallen spices of her home.
Cuckoo wished she could say she missed it. Her home life was stifling, though, and her talents were wasted in that squalor. She missed the guarantee of love from a family, but what was love compared to glory.
On a quest of her own, fighting battles of her own, Cuckoo wondered. Was she now a hero with beetle wings and a weapon of leaves and twigs?
Making smart characters interesting
There’s more to smart characters than just being…smart. They have personalities, and I want to explore some ideas and feelings I had ;-;
Smart character personality ideas:
The self-absorbed smart character. Actually smart, and definitely knows it. Everyone refuses to acknowledge the good ideas because it’ll only add to their ego.
The goofy, passionate smart character. Nerd. Knows a lot of stuff and wants to share it with others.
The quiet smart character. Has a lot of good ideas, but doesn’t say a lot of them. When they do, everyone is really impressed and since the ideas usually work, they go with their suggestions.
The smart character that can’t articulate their thoughts. How do you get the idea in your brain out into the brains of others??? So no one really gets it, and their intelligence feels like it’s wasted. Might talk a lot or only a little.
The quick-thinking smart character that only seems to come up with good ideas when put under a lot of pressure.
Combine them, or give them additional traits.
For example, that goofy and passionate character who wants to share facts might be really shy and terrified of judgement, so doesn’t share.
That self-absorbed character might have a truly good heart, and gets frustrated when no one sides with them because they’re seemingly ego-driven when, in reality, they want to help.
Maybe a smart character with the ability to learn and remember new things doesn’t want to learn because they’re lazy.
Totally up to you. Be creative and combine weird ideas.
Different ways to be intelligent:
Creative and innovative. Thinks outside the box. Loves to explore new ideas, abstract concepts, and weird scenarios. Others might judge or think the ideas are unbelievable. Might not notice the little things that could make one of their ideas go horribly wrong because they’re too focused on the big picture and on the uniqueness.
Analytical. Good at analyzing patterns, numbers, and the little details in a scenario. Very detail-oriented. Often extremely organized. They…well, analyze things. Might not be very creative at all. Jigsaw puzzles and math?
Quick-thinking, especially under pressure. When put in a situation of life-or-death, or maybe under a lot of stress due to that upcoming exam, can push through and make calm, smart decisions.
Good memories and lots of “brain space.” A character could have a really good memory, and recall the details of a memory that no one else recalls. They have plenty of room in their brain for seemingly useless things that just might come in handy.
Musically intelligent. Rhythm, notes, tone, etc. come easily to them, and they might even be able to pick up on sounds and beats that no else can.
Philosophical. Comes up with big questions that others normally wouldn’t. Also outside-the-box thinkers and might get some weird looks.
Language. Linguistics are their own branch of intelligence. Might be very quick at picking up new languages and learning new words, and also is good at communicating ideas through words.