sup faggs it's ya boi Mally the asshole jester who draws shit! my fucking pronouns are he/him. I'm a fucking asshole sometimes
54 posts
Arceusowo - Mallydrawz
More Posts from Arceusowo

Is an age regressor!
Hello sapients it's Mally I'm here for a small announcement it's about my social medias and my official social medias to not follow any fucking impostor
I don't have TikTok yet so if you see any imposters don't follow them please for your safety
My Instagram is mallydrawz my OFFICIAL Instagram tho i won't we very active on my Instagram account
I have twitter/X now! It's mallydrawz sane username different pfp
Same with my discord account i will probably make one in the future my dear sapients
Anyways that's the message bye bye beep boop!
Mally's pokemon team

His team will mostly consist in Psychic type's and alien related or mostly alien looking Pokemons
Beheeyem (psychic)
Lurantis (fairy/fighting)
Hypno (psychic)
Magnezone (electric/steel)
Orbeetle (bug/psychic)
Metagross (Steel/psychic)