Alien Boy - Tumblr Posts
I did a redesign of my bnhasona(Thirteen's adopted son), and now He has two designs that I have doubts about.

The first design, he didn't have iris in his eyes, His eyes glow when he uses his quirk and glow in the dark too, his antennae is basically sensors, to help him hear better and feel pressure in the environment, they also glow, but only when he awakens The Full potential of his quirk(when he absorbs too much Moon Energy in the Full Moon), his veins glow when he shoots light made of lunar energy, depends in which part IS he using(eyes, arms and hands)
The another design, IS he having a alien Head(which do not have ears, but his antennae is sensors and he hear, in little holes in his neck. His veins also glow too, like in the First design, The difference Between The First design and the Second, is that he have ears in his neck(two holes in his neck, One in the right, other in the left, That's why he always walks around with headphones around her neck, many people find this very strange, but it's his way of listening to music and videos).

Things in common in both designs:
- He has lines on his chest, legs, feet and arms, which glow as he uses his quirk, or he is fully awakening his quirk.
- Both designs, he has no iris in the eyes.
- Every time he breathes, you can see his heart, lungs and rib cage bones glowing, which also helps identify whether he is alive or not.
-Every time he breathes The CO2, does not transform into oxygen, but rather into Xenon. (In winter, you can see the smoke coming out of them glowing a little in the dark).
- He has a temperature of 45°C, in winter its temperature drops to 39°C.
- His blood is blue, but red blood, when it comes into contact with him, automatically turns blue.
- His skeleton is very resistant, he can survive a fall of 30 meters without damage, but he cannot abuse it too much, and also if he uses his quirk too much, he can have nosebleeds and in his eyes starts to bleed.
- He has good visual acuity, and he also sees well in the dark.
- His skin is obsidian purple (the color code is #110d1d, and his lines ARE in the color 3d2856).
- His sweat is silvery gray in color, and every time it touches the ground, it is slightly bioluminescent, and it also serves to cool his body down a bit.
- Both the veins, as well as his eyes, hands, and legs glow when he is using his quirk, for example, if he uses a beam of moonlight (which would be lunar gray in color), his hand would glow along with the wrist, and you would be able to see the vein in his wrist/hand glowing with the attack, same thing for when he goes to fly, you can see the veins in his legs glowing, while he flies(and it leaves a trail like of comet, but in color of Gray, what appears when it is traveling at speeds above 400km/h or when he is at supersonic speed).
Headcanons for my BNHA OC: Eirian Kurose:
Eirian is ambidextrous, he discovered this when he was 10 years old
Eirian's voice would be like the gray aliens (it would be like that:
His antennas serve as a second vision.
Eirian, has a "slender" appearance, but he has an athletic build(He gets that slender figure from his biological mother)
He took after his biological father's colors, and his biological mother's body style.
His height is 179cm(180cm with his Hero suit)
He was inspired by his adoptive mother's Hero suit to make his own.
He has known Mei, Shinsou and Tokoyami since they were 4 years old, and the trio decided to protect Eirian from school bullying, due to his appearance.
Mina Ashido thinks he and she are "similar" because they both have alien themes.
Eirian realized that he liked Mei since he was 13 years old, what he didn't know was that Mei also reciprocated this feeling.
His hero costume was made by Mei Hatsume (both Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta), as it is a gift for the love Mei feels for him.
Shinsou and Eirian both like cats, which is what most caught Shinsou's attention to make friends with Eirian.
If Eirian were a girl, he would be a tall girl and athletic.
Eirian weighs about 174,5 lbs(79kg)
Eirian has ADHD and autism level 1 support, he rarely leaves UA, only leaving when he goes to see Mei or Shinsou.
Eirian's hyperfocus is on space and all the planets in the galaxy.
His favorite galaxy is Andromeda.
Mei and Eirian started dating at UA, after Mei asked him and her to be "alone", and she made his costume and gave him a kiss on the lips, making him understand the message and he accepted their relationship, the first person to know about their relationship was Tokoyami, who was rooting for them both.
Eirian's nicknames vary between: Kurose-kun, Ei-kun, Rian-kun, Kurose Shounen, Rian-chan, and alien boy (by Bakugou)
Eirian gets along well with all the girls in the class, including those from class 1-B.
He did an internship with Endeavor, because Endeavor found out about his childhood accident, and wanted to train him, so that he would have control over his quirk and that he himself would overcome the prejudice of those who have mutant quirks and become an exceptional hero.
His original hero name would be Apollo 11(In honor of the space mission to the Moon), but he chose eclipse, to maintain the tribute to his Biological Father
His parents died to a villain called Amaterasu (Villain with a quirk of Absorbing Solar Energy and making solar energy constructs and using solar light beams).
His adoptive mother (Anan) gave him a telescope when he was 8 years old, Since then, he hasn't stopped looking at the night sky, especially planets, because of this beautiful gift from his adoptive mother.
His favorite movies are Avatar, The Martian and Interstellar.
His hero theme would be Starman by David Bowie :D
His hero costume is inspired by astronauts and the movie The Martian(Astronauts mainly, from sci-fi).
He loves sci-fi
His room at UA has details of space and planets, especially in the window of his room, there is space for his telescope, his curtain has a night sky with stars theme 🌌.
With his quirk, before he learned to fly, he mainly used it to jump high (about 10 meters), and used the moon's gravity to make him fall slowly, the problem is that it made him dizzy, and with severe migraines that lasted 45 minutes.
Endeavor, During the internship with him, he asked that Eirian, even having absorbed part of the Lunar Energy at night, and his quirk be "weakened" during the day, asked him to use it in attacks that didn't consume all the energy at once, but rather in smaller attacks.
The beams of Moon Energy that he fires during the day are concussive forces (like Cyclops' Blasts from the X-Men), and reach 1000°C, while on nights with normal moons (including new moons and full moons), they reach 1750°C to 1980°C. On supermoon nights, where he can use his full potential of his quirk, temperatures reach 3980°C.
If he using the bursts of light too much, he ends up getting burns (as if they were in the sun at the beach, when is getting sunburned).
His suit has lunar panels, which allow him to absorb as much Lunar energy as possible, so that he can use them during his Lunar energy constructs/beams during the day, in addition to having a HUD, with information on the CO2 level in his suit, so that he can transform it into Xenon (for him to breathe), and also so that he can see everything more clearly.
His helmet was inspired by the game HALO
He loves Moon Cakes, and space-related foods (Mei & Anan made him a planet-themed cake and he loved it)
He is a humanoid "alien" (he took his mutant side from his mother), and took his father's emitter quirk(which would be to absorb energy from the moon and use it for other purposes).

Willie must be protected at all costs. I love him.

BARBIE MEME 💙🤔 Kishiyama Ryuuma - OC 🤔💙 Speedpaint by Ninjon-chan 🐇💙 from 2023. - part 25.
Ryuuma is a half angel, half demon. He is child of an angel and a demon. He is member of the big Kishiyama family, he has 3 elder sisters (Alice, Akiko and Klio) and a lot of cousin. In my story he lives in the future around 2300. In these years superhumans rule the whole Solar-system and travel through the Galaxy and visit other exoplanets and alien spieces is absolute normal.
You can support me on 🧡PATREON🧡
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Darwin, Jelly and tha one-eyed guy are having an amazing time in their planet UwU

My OC Astro Naut with his teddy bear Comet and him just playing with his hat uwu it made me so happy to draw him again :') i also redesigned his sister but i just have more fun drawing him because he's so cute and smol

I love my babies so much qvq <3 Astro and Cosmo Naut my precious babies who are gonna be cute keychains to sell at a con in september <3

Well, how is he?

My baby alien