Archer | He/Him [Bigender] | 24 | ♐️ | CARRD LINK: https://archer-kacey.carrd.co/ | Moved from multi-level-shipper | Gay Enthusiast | Currently into: Murder Drones/ Welcome Home/ Bendy and the Ink Machine/ Poppy Playtime |⚡Spark's VA! (My Pride)⚡| Pinching life's testicles and seeing what happens |
319 posts
The Illusion Of Living (Multi-Part Analysis)
The Illusion of Living (Multi-Part Analysis)
Naturally, first order of business on this blog will be Joeysplaining.
This lovely little directory doesn't link to much at the current moment, but will serve to keep all Illusion of Living posts under one easy umbrella.
okiejofi liked this · 1 year ago
deep-sea-gigantinism liked this · 1 year ago
More Posts from Archer-kacey
Update! Blog Re-Named! (1-1-24)
I WAS TRYING NOT TO CHANGE ANYTHING, but the test username I had here really started feeling like old snake skin! So I re-named to the obvious choice!
I'm not sure if tumblr is going to make you guys re-follow me, if you see this post PLEASE fave it so I have an idea of who's seen the update. Since I only have a handful of people so far, I'll probably send individual DMs as well.
ALSO! I have an A03 account, I'm planning on dropping something small as soon as I can! (It's 90% done, just needs a little more love.)
Love you guys!
Cough Syrup
Smooth Criminal (feat 2CELLOS)
Does ANYONE ELSE look for new music NOT based on the method of "I like this song, I'm gonna find this album and listen to the rest of the songs?"
I'm not knocking people who do, obviously, and hell, I do it now as a way to find an even wider range of music! But as a kid I would literally just find random singles through movies, games, speedpaints, etc, and consequently, my music folder became filled with random shit from basically anywhere.
I think the early 2000's internet definitely had a part to play in my very random-ass, broad taste in music. I don't mean that pretentiously, I'm being sincere when I say there were random 80's hits mixed in with vocaloid and country (and yes I do mean country, though pop-country was in there too), and in the middle of THAT was Christian rock and videogame soundtracks. And I only collected more music genres like pokemon cards as time went on.
If I had to pick, I think electro swing would be my favorite overall genre. (Not because of Bendy, lol, though that played into this fixation later on.) Annnd on the opposite end, I cannot stand mumble rap lol. Enunciation is important to me in my listening experience ._.

yes girl release borderlands that's what i want!!!!!

I've been looking at this shit for days now so instead of continuing to torture myself I shall post it and see what happens. These are all OC's. Another four on the way but I can't draw shoes to save my life so it's a real process