Might post some art here some-a-days, like everyone one this app really.
36 posts
Areallyspecialsnowflake - SpecialSnowflake - Tumblr Blog
Im grateful I've found this
Natural, no gimmicks, no masks. All me.
Messy hair, Blemishes, Bare. Are you willing?
You say you want me But do you want the real me Or the me you think you see?
Because I’m not always nice, I laugh too loud, And I sing all the time. I annoy myself sometimes So do you want me?
I'm jealous of AND this talent and art style AND that freaking concept of an idea that genius had.

“what if, LOTR but little animated animals.” by jessica a. m

He’s here
Cats in anime give the kind of vibe I cannot describe but with wich I am also addicted

🐱 Studio Ghibli + Cats 🐈

Tag yourself, I’m basically all of them but uglier

The saddest moment is going to self harm and realising you have to look for clean skin to cut...
Automutilation be like:
Et n'oublions pas mon petit indispensable, le ciseau pour gaucher Maped, édition 2015, trouvable dans tous les magasins de votre ville.
Il est particulièrement agréable, son côté tranchant et son aspect passe-partout font de lui le meilleur ami de celui qui a besoin de se sentir mieux !
Et tout ça pour seulement 5,80€ avec le code ANS disponible en description ! Salut les chous, n'oublier pas de sourire à vos amis/famille !!!
What did you do during lockdown?

Have you ever experienced this ? :
Today, I was in class and started doing a doodle on the top of my textbook, doing nothing in particular when suddenly I draw I curve and BOOM, it became sexually explicit. So I start to quickly scribble my ink all over my drawing so that the person next to me doesn't see it until there's nothing left but a big blue stain.
Tell me I'm not the only one who accidentally drew sexual content on the corner of their school book.
Millenials in a nutshell.

There is another

Why do you have to be this cute? My heart hurts.
Turn sound on 🐶😂
via @thesassyducks on instagram
I just realized Tumblr is really an app for artists and I don't know if I should feel at home like I'm with my people or accept that they're all better than me when it comes to art.
Doflamingo having sunglasses-

“Where words are restrained, the eyes often talk a great deal.”
- Samuel Richardson
Of course my husbando Katakuri is 💙perfect 💙

Talking to the anon about Ace being scared of periods made me do something and... I have nothing to say.
The way it turns its head fricking go me
Snow Fox losing it when its friend does a vanishing act
This, put with the French Cancan,... Is beautiful. I'm in tears!
what a week huh?
This could be a cool wallpaper

Made by Internet Explorer.

Coming into a fandom late