Self-harm - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

their reactions to seeing your selfharm scars for the first time

prompt: “you didn’t expect them to burst into your dorm room so suddenly.”

includes: eijirou kirishima, katsuki bakugo

word count: 1.1k

warnings: TW!!! self harm in the form of cutting, some light swearing, mention of depression, mental health struggles

 a/n:!!! HEY EVERYONE !!! i owe you a big, fat, apology, which i, sadly, cannot offer you. yes, i disappeared off of tumblr for a good few months with no other excuse that my mental health had gone to shit and i couldn’t write anything good. so whilst i work on the asks that have (kind of) piled up, have these short headcannons.

eijirou kirishima

it was saturday evening

you had told your boyfriend that you were planning on staying in bed and watching netflix all evening

which you did!!

but not because you enjoyed it

you had been stuck in bed, only getting out to attend classes

no matter how desperately you wanted to meet up with your friends and hang out with them, your depression held you back.

so now you ended up in this endless loop of feeling worthless you weren’t doing anything, but having no energy to do anything

your last resort was harming yourself

it felt like the only thing in your life that you had any control over

even just remotely

you felt you needed the feeling of control, expecting to feel better after you did it

which was never the case

so here you were again, saturday evening, hunched over your sink, blood dripping down your arm into it

kirishima had said he was going to go on a party tonight, so the last thing you expected was hearing your dorm room open, shortly followed by the footsteps of eijirou approaching your bathroom


you froze, frantically trying to rinse the blood away and pull your sweater down

you then turned to him, hoping you were fast enough, but judging by his face, it was far too late

“k-kiri.. i-”

you didn’t get to finish what you wanted to say - not that you had an excuse prepared anyway - because he pulled you into a hug

“i’m so sorry i didn’t realise this sooner.” was all he said before pulling away, hands on your shoulders

“will you please let me see?”

your eyes filled with tears, your heart filling with regret upon hearing the shakiness in his voice, nodding your head slightly

he then gently pulled your sleeves up, letting out a soft sigh but without wasting any more time reaching for the first aid kit, pulling out some stuff to wrap you up

you didn’t speak, too afraid to say the wrong thing  in this moment

when he was done, he pulled you to your bed and laid down on it, pulling you down with him and hugging  you

you finally loosened up that moment, all emotions taking over you and you proceeded to just cry into his chest

he just tightened his arms around you and let you cry it out 

“i don’t know what drove you to do this, but i’m sorry i couldn’t be there for you.”

you immediately shook your head

“don’t apologise, ei.  you couldn’t have known. it’s my fault for not reaching out-”

he immediately shushed you 

“what we’re not going to do is blame ourselves for something that none of us could prevent, alright? what we’re going to do is work on getting you better, okay? i can’t stand seeing my baby in pain.”

you sniffled and simply nodded

you better believe he kept his word when he said he wanted to help you get better.

katsuki bakugou

unlike kirishima, katsuki actually knew that you had been struggling with depression

he just didn’t know about the selfharm part

but nonetheless, check-ups on you when you went silent for a few days weren’t rare.

today was one of those not-so-rare days, in which all you could do was wait around until the day was over

as far as you were aware, katsuki was meeting kirishima in the city today, which was why you weren’t expecting a check-up today

so, just as you were walking out of the bathroom after harming yourself again, you were surprised to hear a knock on the door

“oi, it’s katsuki. you in there, y/n?”


you were lucky you just finished cleaning up

“y-yeah! come in, kats” you proceeded to call out, sitting down on your unmade bed

he barged in, permanent scowl on his face

“i told you to open the windows every once in a while, didn’t i?”

he scoffed, opening said window, so some fresh air finally found its way inside

he then finally looked at you, furrowing his brows

“you look more tired than usual. what happened?” he asked, voice noticeably softer than before

you instantly shook your head

“nothing happened... i just didn’t get enough sleep, that’s all.”

he sighed, dropping the subject and nodding

“okay then. i’m staying the night tonight.”

“uh, excuse me? aizawa might literally kill you-”

he shrugged and laid down on the bed, hand in one hand, the other arm sprawled out

he always claimed it was just comfy but you knew it was always a silent invitation to cuddle

and you were not about to pass up that opportunity

you laid down on his arm, obviously

considering it was kinda late already, and the fact that you had been crying prior to katsuki’s arrival, you felt your eyes grow heavy nearly immediately

he was just scrolling through his instagram feed so it was silent for the most part, only chatter from the outside of your dorm sometimes audible

yes, you didn’t take long to fall asleep

also yes, katsuki was very worried - he knew something was up but he couldn’t pinpoint what exactly

he tried shrugging it off, putting his phone away and also trying to sleep

although he struggled a little, he managed to fall asleep

not for long though,

for some unexplainable reason he woke up at 4am, sighing and sitting up

he knew he would no longer be able to fall asleep again, saving himself the torture of turning 294 times in bed to no avail and grabbing his phone 

before he could open any app he furrowed his brows, feeling something damp on his arm

he used the light from his phone to check

and it was blood

that had his eyes widening 

he immediately looked at your sleeping form, eyes scanning over your figure until they stopped at your arm, a gasp escaping his mouth at the sight of your sleeve being covered in blood

“y/n, get up, you’re bleeding.”

he tried his best to hide how hurt he was 

you peeled your eyes open, whining a little before registering what he said 

“i’m what?”

“you’re bleeding.”

you immediately looked down at your arm, cursing under your breath


he wasn’t meant to find out

especially not like this

when you didn’t make a move to get up, he sighed and pulled you out of bed himself

he dragged you to the bathroom wordlessly and pulled your stained hoodie off of you

he cleaned your wounds and patched you up

when he was finished, he pulled you into a hug

a hug

the last thing you expected

you expected everything

you expected him to yell, maybe even blow things up out of anger

but he wordlessly hugged you

“i’m sorry i wasn’t there to help you earlier.”

but he was there to help now, and he sure did.

requests: open

read rules before requesting.

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Automutilation be like:

Et n'oublions pas mon petit indispensable, le ciseau pour gaucher Maped, édition 2015, trouvable dans tous les magasins de votre ville.

Il est particulièrement agréable, son côté tranchant et son aspect passe-partout font de lui le meilleur ami de celui qui a besoin de se sentir mieux !

Et tout ça pour seulement 5,80€ avec le code ANS disponible en description ! Salut les chous, n'oublier pas de sourire à vos amis/famille !!!

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6 months ago

Tw: mention of sh

I just relapsed again... 17 days go to waste but I guess it's fine...

I won't text him, no matter what.

I am scared. He'll get sick of me too.

I'm not going to text him first.

No matter what. I am not allowed to text him

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Hey, I’m feeling fucked up because of the Orlando shooting and making posts that Might Be Helpful to others makes me feel better. So here’s some positive stuff. I’m mostly linking to masterposts. If you have any suggestions for additions, please message me and I’ll add things. This is a hard time for LGBT people and I hope everyone can feel well soon.

Happy LGBT Movie Recommendations 

LGBT 8track playlists 

Comfort Food Recipes 

Mind-Numbing, Distracting Activities 

LGBT Book Recommendations 



I’m From Driftwood, The LGBTQ Story Archive 

I also realize that this can be a really hard time for a lot of people. Here are some LGBT friendly hotlines:

(For ages 13-24) The Trevor Project: 1-866-4-U-TREVOR or online at

THE GLBT National Help Center

Hotline: 1-888-THE-GLNH

Youth Talkline:  1-800-246-PRIDE

GLCCB has a good masterpost, but some of them are not national, so pay attention to locality

Additionally, here’s a list of 146 things you can do instead of self-harming, because I know that things like this can be extremely upsetting.

Stay safe everyone!

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9 years ago
I Had A Bad Couple Of Days And Drew These.
I Had A Bad Couple Of Days And Drew These.

I had a bad couple of days and drew these.

Intrusive thoughts can be a real bitch.

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8 years ago
I Got Inspired To Draw The Future Version My Human Persona.
I Got Inspired To Draw The Future Version My Human Persona.

I got inspired to draw the future version my human persona.

It’s mostly just for funsies, but yeah.

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8 years ago

Hoo boy and here i thought I was over my 'bad time' episodes. But it's four am and I want to rip my face off, eat a bunch of garbage, throw up, rip my eyes out, and just generally destroy myself all over again I feel like I'm going to fall off the self-harm wagon, but I think I'm starting to calm. Writing helps. It always gets worse around November/December and I hate it. Why am I like this what is wrong with you

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5 years ago
Part 3 Out Of 3 For Season 3. Spoilers For Late Season 3!

part 3 out of 3 for season 3. spoilers for late season 3!

welp heres 5 post mind control, a total wreck who is exclusively powered by the screaming rage and terror at the thought of moonchild getting what she wants.

1. growing their hair out and cutting their beard are now severe triggers for them. they obsessively trim their hair far shorter than normal but will cut you if you go anywhere near the beard. dyed their green the most eyewatering, unnatural shade of neon green they could find as an act of panicked defiance and to try and regain some autonomy.

2. insomnia took a hard turn for the worse accompanied by nightmares and panic attacks.

3. fell off a seven year self harm wagon.

4. severe mood swings. desperately wants the comfort of their loved ones but feels too guilty to seek it out

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5 years ago
Early Season 4 Runner Five. Specifically Pre-m22.

early season 4 runner five. specifically pre-m22.

1. a liittle looser on the long part of the mohawk but still obsessive about the sides and beard.

2. a LOT more scars in hard-to-find places

3. feels like everything keeps pulling them back. they want to confess their feelings for sam but want to not be so unwell first because they feel theyd be an emotional burden due to their mental health issues (relevant in the next one)

4. barely sleeps, avoids people. wants help but feels like they cant ask for it since everyone has so much on their minds already. knows this isnt healthy but cant get past it.

just overall a bad time

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4 years ago
Share. Please. In Honor Or This Nameless Hero Whom Because Of This Letter He Or She Sent Me, Could Save
Share. Please. In Honor Or This Nameless Hero Whom Because Of This Letter He Or She Sent Me, Could Save
Share. Please. In Honor Or This Nameless Hero Whom Because Of This Letter He Or She Sent Me, Could Save
Share. Please. In Honor Or This Nameless Hero Whom Because Of This Letter He Or She Sent Me, Could Save

Share. Please. In honor or this nameless hero whom because of this letter he or she sent me, could save a life tonight. 

again, my box is always open.

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9 months ago

I deserve to die In a hole

By: me :P

I deserve to die in a hole 

Decapitated and thrown

From the heel to collarbone

Saw me up with one that’s razor toothed and long

Scrape the skin

Like some good chicken

Until you get some fine, white bone

With ligaments and muscle tossed around 

Make a bandana to tie around and drown

Asphyxiation and deep cuts are the truth

Leave me hanging and mangled with bruises blue!

Put each bone in bonafide fire

That reaches higher yet higher

And leave them there

Cracking and splintering like old stone

Until they’re as black as a completely dark canvas, alone

Take my heart and leave it to the flies 

Let it run it’s course

Let it run through the night

And when a week has passed

Greet the reek and stench of a heart pieced apart!

For that ugly mug of a face

Hit it with a mace

Eye sockets, fill them with snakes

Leave it with no loveable grace

And crack open that ol’ coconut 

For a brain to tip out with no trace! 

There! Right there!

A delectable dish for you

Enjoy the wrinkled remains

A literal brain food!

Cut at one part and suck like noodles from end to end

Or slice it up into a fine, moist piece of Spam

Looks like a square!

And yet there’s so much more to do!

With this nutritious mind of a fool!

Into the machine, it blends and blends

Until slushing out

A meaty smoothie shake!

Whatever you do, it’s not rude

Because at the end of my dismemberment, there are no rules!

So crush me, pull apart me, burn me, slice and dice me, 

Do whatever you want with what’s left of this!


I deserve to die in a hole

Take out your shovels, because decomposition is my next goal…

that poem was cool right chat?


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8 years ago

Person: If you keep a journal, you will feel a lot better about life

4 years later

Me: I think I just wrote a really long and repetitive suicide note

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8 years ago

Because I hate myself so much and I'm scared of cutting too deep, I decided to starve myself at least for the day. I really never realized what a pig I was when I the hunger pains and nausea came way earlier than expected

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3 years ago

I know I'll never be good enough. The only real use I have is to be a fake ass to make others feel better about themselves. When I'm being myself, no one can stand it. If you don't like me, then tell me. Don't just fucking string me along, yell at me, and spread lies. At least when I die, I can say I was honest.

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5 months ago


erm, im on my period rn and i saw the 8lood prompt so might aswell


if you cant tell, this is rufioh, ive 8een thinking a8t him for an entire month,

at first i really REALLY h8ed him 8ut ive put him through so much in my head that hes weasled his way into 8eing one of my faves, homestuck rufioh still sucks ass tho

alt image


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6 years ago

Self harm

What is self harm?

The act of injuring oneself, with the said intent.

Why do we do it?

Because sometimes there is so much pain, so much suffering, so much anger inside, that we need to get it out. We won’t take it out on those around us, we know how it feels and we wouldn’t put another person through the pain we felt.

So what do we do? We take it out on ourselves. We know we shouldn’t but sometimes we aren’t able to think.

I remember nights when I sobbed quietly when I wanted to wail, get it all out. I couldn’t. I took it out on me..

I scratched and I scratched till I bled. And then I did it again, and again, and again.

I’ve stopped now. I found friends with whom I could open up,Talk to about what goes on inside my head, cry as loud as I want  and for as long as I need.

I’ve found my solace in other things. I write. I water color. I may not be that great but it’s something that keeps me sane.

If there are people out there, and I know there are because I was one of them, who hurt themselves to keep a sane mind, don’t. I know it sounds stupid when I say it. Find someone who’ll listen, pick up a hobby, find someone to talk to.

And if you don’t find anyone, talk to me. I’ll listen. I’ll be there for you like how my friends were there for me.



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