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More Posts from Arlertsbaby

saige’s terrortober presents…
a heartbreaking betrayal leads you to seek comfort from the very person that plunged you into this nightmare.
serial killer!keiji akaashi x fem!reader
contents/warnings: murder and extremely dubious consent, reader goes through a trauma and starts making questionable decisions, angst, oral (m!receiving), pussyjob, unprotected vaginal sex, slight bondage, praise, reader’s ankle gets a lil hurt but she’s okay, blood, slight yandere(?)
wc: 2.9k
it was supposed to be the best weekend of the year.
you, your boyfriend, and all of your shared friends had been planning this getaway since last year. everyone ensured to get the time off, saved up to get the nicer rental, even splurged on a pontoon boat to be able to piddle around on the water. this lake trip was supposed to be one for the books.
you supposed it still technically would be.
you just didn’t think it would be something straight out of a horror novel.
slowly, you made your way through the hall, grateful for the homeowner’s decision to carpet the upstairs so that your footsteps could be muffled- even though much of said carpet was now stained red. you kept your eyes trained straight ahead, refusing to look into the bathroom on the left even though you could still see the limp body of one of your friends in your peripheral.
you had to save all your tears for later. if you broke down too soon, there’s a big chance you wouldn’t be getting back up. he’d make sure of that.
the wine cellar is how he must have snuck in. your group had read about in the list of amenities, but no one bothered to notice that it had a door that led outside. it was the only entrance to the house that wouldn’t have been locked. one small act of negligence and now your vacation home had been turned into a hunting ground.
you weren't sure how many of your friends were still alive. out of your original group of eight, you’d passed three bodies so far. it was out of pure luck that you managed to escape his onslaught of the second floor. you hid the second you heard your friend’s bloodcurdling scream after she’d left to go shower. dashing into one of the vacant bedrooms and yanking the window open, you’d perched yourself on the roof outside while listening to his heavy footsteps explore the room. you’d never felt so terrified in your entire life. the term ‘frozen in fear’ didn’t do it justice. it felt as if liquid nitrogen was circulating through your veins.
as soon as the coast felt clear, you quietly slid through the window and padded into the hall, bringing you to your current whereabouts.
a pained yell pierced the stillness that had blanketed the house, sounding off from somewhere near the kitchen downstairs. you paused near the top of the stairs, huddling up against the wall to stay out of view in case he happened to pass by. you couldn’t help but wonder which of your friends was the one getting butchered this time, morbid curiosity bringing a cloudiness to your frantic eyes.
you squeezed them shut. crying comes later, remember?
you couldn’t hear the shouting from below anymore, and you took a deep breath to gather your wits. you needed to find your boyfriend. you cared deeply for everyone here, but the love of your life needed to come first. this is the man you were discussing spending forever with, starting a family with, growing old together with.
even if you did make it out alive, you wouldn’t truly survive unless he did too.
there was only one clear escape route. he had already slashed everyone’s tires, so the cars weren’t an option. however, the pontoon boat was out of view, hidden within the boathouse out back. there’s a possibility he didn’t know it was there, meaning that a water getaway was your best chance at the moment.
which also meant that to get to the backyard, you needed to go downstairs. where the killer was.
every muscle in your body was trying to lock up, refusing to carry your legs down into imminent danger. your brain knew better, however. you needed to move.
wobbly legs took you down the first few steps, stopping for a second to try and tame the shakes wracking you. it was during that pause that you saw movement in one of the living room windows that gave you a view into the backyard.
it was your boyfriend.
he was creeping through the patio with his roommate, one of them monitoring the inside of the house while the other kept his eyes on the boathouse. they must share the idea that you have about an escape. you couldn’t help the smile that came onto your face. your lover was always on the same page as you. even when facing disaster, you proved you were perfect for each other.
you were prompted to move forward again now that you saw fellow survivors, this time moving swiftly. not seeing him in the surrounding area at the bottom of the staircase, you dashed to the backdoor, opening it as fast as you could without making too much noise.
“babe!” you called softly, stepping onto the patio.
your boyfriend turned to look at you, an expression in your eyes that you couldn’t quite grasp. he frantically beckoned you forward, his roommate having an impatient look on his face. you didn’t take it personally. everyone was petrified right now.
you ran towards them, joining them in the middle of the yard. the boathouse was just down the gentle slope of the yard. you could easily reach it in under a minute, especially with how fast everyone seemed to be moving. safety wasn’t too far away.
that glimmer of hope crashed along with the bloodied body that was sent careening into your group. the three of you scattered, your eyes tearing up at the wounded, torn version of your former classmate laying crumpled on the ground before you.
another thump sounded off to the right of you, and you turned to see him now standing directly behind your boyfriend. he had jumped down from the second-story balcony, when he’d gotten there, you had no clue. what you did have a clue about was that your lover was in serious trouble, because your attacker was raising his ax.
“oh, fuck!” your boyfriend’s roommate screamed. “behind you!”
he turned around just in time to see his assailant swinging his ax down, blade aimed straight for your boyfriend’s neck.
your brain hadn’t even registered your movements, deep ingrained need to protect your loved one leading you to grip one of the folding lawn chairs in your hand. you ran towards him, not even caring for the fact he could overpower you easily, and flung the chair against him with all of your might. you watched his steely blue eyes widen in surprise, clearly not used to having someone fight back, his balance breaking as he stumbling backwards, ax now lodging into the ground near your boyfriend’s feet.
a victorious grin broke out on your face. you did it! you saved your man!
the three of you took off towards the boathouse, wind whipping your hair as you ran faster than you ever had in your life. your group had a headstart of a few seconds, the killer having to unstick his ax from the grass. he was able to gain on you shortly after, though, and you figured this man had to have some sort of athletic background. no average man could pull off the feats you’d seen him do with ease.
you could see the pontoon boat, the two men a few steps ahead of you already within reach of it.
almost th-
your foot must’ve landed on a dry-rotted piece of wood, a panel of the boathouse dock breaking and sending your foot below the floor, stuck.
hearing the sound of something breaking, your boyfriend turned to see your predicament. you saw him pause, turning towards you slightly.
“help me!” you cried, eyes locked on his.
he began to take a step towards you, about to come rescue you like you had him not too long ago, until his roommate’s voice yelled out to him.
“dude, we have to fucking go now! there’s no time, leave her.”
when the words reached you, your heart dropped.
and then, when you saw the guilt come onto your boyfriend’s face as he turned and clambered onto the boat with his friend, your heart broke.
the sound of an engine whirring sent your ears ringing, watching the two of them speed away from the hell they’d willingly left you in.
your chest tightened, breathing becoming jagged as the reality of your situation tightened around you like a python squeezing its prey to death.
he left you.
the man you were supposed to marry, to have children with, to sit on front porch rocking chairs with years from now, left you to get picked off so that he could escape. after you’d risked your own life to rush at a murderer to save his.
the burning started at the corners of your eyes, spreading through your lashline before it became so unbearable that you shut your eyes, face scrunching as the drops began their descent down your cheeks.
you saw so much death, so much bloodshed, yet held it all in for the sake of being reunited with your love amidst the chaos.
for the first time that dreadful night, you allowed yourself to cry.
the sobs that wracked your body left your whole frame weak, body slumping towards the dock as you fell onto your knees, not even bothering with your foot still trapped under the wood. it wouldn’t make a difference, anyway. your biggest motivation to survive just cut you deeper than he ever could. there was no fight left in you.
god, you just hoped he’d make it quick. yet, after you threw a fucking chair at him earlier, you figured that wouldn’t be the case. damn, why did the events have to unfold like this?
you wondered what you did to deserve this?
apparently, someone else seemed to be having a similar thought.
“what a selfish bastard,” the voice, cold and cutting said from behind you. if you weren’t so numb, you probably would have flinched when you felt his hand come onto the top of your head. “you poor thing, you didn’t deserve that.”
his tone took on a sort of sympathetic note, confusion forming in your jumbled mind. was he trying to mock you? add insult to injury before he hacks into you over and over again?
the feeling of this thumb gently stroking the top of your forehead brought you to, blinking your tears away as he kneeled down beside you. his other hand then dropped his ax, fingers coming to grip your chin so gently that you almost were sent into denial that these were the same appendages shredding your friends earlier.
you hated how the word “beautiful” came to mind when you saw his stormy eyes, blood streaked all over an admittedly handsome face. the softness that had come across his features had you even more puzzled. he was trying to mock you, right?
“you’re such a sweet thing,” he said, crimson coated hands continuing to delicately hold your head, as if he knew you were fragile right now. you could feel the warm stickiness from his fingers getting onto your face.
“not many people have the courage to face me,” he said with a small chuckle as if he was taking a quick stroll down memory lane, reminiscing on all the people he’d hunted before. “but you did, because you were trying to help someone. i’ve seen so many people show their true colors while facing death, and none of them have been as good-natured as yours. you should be proud of yourself.”
your stomach started to sink.
his rambling sounded genuine. he wasn’t mocking you, he actually felt bad for you. the fucking murderer felt sorry for you, that’s how screwed over you just got.
and worst of all, his words were actually comforting you.
his palms moved to cup your tear-stained cheeks, you leaning one of them into his touch absentmindedly. so warm.
“he-” you hiccupped on another sob. “he left me. for dead.”
a frown came onto his face as he began to shush your cries, thumbs wiping your tears away, painting your cheeks scarlet. “not for dead, sweetheart. you’re good. i don’t kill good girls.”
you blinked, swallowing slowly as you replayed his words over and over again. “you…you don’t?”
“mhm,” he hummed. “like i said, true colors, angel. a lot of the people i’ve taken out were just as shitty as me. i just can’t be bothered to hide it anymore.”
maybe it was the care he was treating you with, or the nice words, or the fact that he was honestly gorgeous, but whatever it was made his words start to make sense in your scattered mind.
his attention turned to your stuck foot, moving to lift it out from under the wood. he examined your ankle closely. “it might be sprained, but i don’t think it’s broken. try not to put any pressure on it, yeah?”
he scooped you up with ease, holding you in his arms as if you were something precious to him. the two of you looked at the purple and pink hues of the sunset, spotting the departed pontoon boat that was now a mere speck on the horizon of the water.
“some people are so cruel,” he said with distaste, as if the onslaught he’d unleashed upon your friends earlier had been anything other than cruel itself. you should have made a note of the irony, but instead you leaned your head against his chest.
you found yourself gently laid down on one of the deck chairs near the boathouse, the man remaining standing as he came to your side, your face level with his waist.
“you were so good earlier,” he said, tipping your head back with his fingers to look up at him. “be good for me one more time and i’ll reward you, yeah?”
he began to undo his belt, and you should have screamed. cried. felt disgusted at his implications. but instead, you nodded your head, staring up at him like he had designed the constellations himself. he had been so kind to you, so comforting, during your lowest point. how could you deny him?
he took the leather belt he just removed and wrapped it around your wrists, keeping them tied in front of you. he chuckled. “just a precaution, sweetheart. you did hit me with a chair earlier.”
you watched on in awe as he pushed his pants and briefs down enough to free his cock, which was as pretty as the rest of him with a flushed pink tip.
“open up, sweetheart.”
you did as you were told, accepting his hard length into your mouth and sucking. he kept a grip on your chin, moving your head up and down his dick the way he wanted. you kept running your tongue along the underside as you were bobbed, drinking in the pleased sighs you heard above you.
“so good,” he breathed out. “so good, such a good girl.”
he started to move you faster, cock slipping in and out of your mouth rapidly as his high neared. he suddenly stilled, removing himself from between your lips.
“did great, sweetheart,” the praise sent tingles down your spine. “but i only like to cum in a pussy, so it’s time for your reward.”
removing his pants the rest of the way, he pulled your own little shorts off.
“keiji,” he corrected. “you can call me keiji.”
“o-okay,” you said. “keiji, are you gonna…you know…”
“what is it, sweetheart? don’t be shy, you can ask.”
“are you gonna prep me?”
he gave you a small smile. “of course i can get your pussy a little wet first, angel.”
he peeled your panties off, bringing his hard cock between your folds and starting to rub between them. the sensation was new to you, little moans leaving your lips. he held your hips in place, bloody fingerprints marring your skin as he continued to slide between your labia.
his cockhead started to hit your clit, increasing the volume of your sounds as the pleasure started to build in your gut.
feeling all the slick gathering on his dick, akaashi figured you were ready for him. ceasing his movements, he positioned himself at your entrance. “alright, pretty girl. deep breath.”
he felt so good filling you up, giving your walls a delectable stretch as he bottomed out in your soaked cunt. you watched him take a deep breath.
“never felt a pussy this good. you truly are special, aren’t you?”
he set a pace that was deep and steady, cradling your head against his chest as he speared you repeatedly. pants and mewls left you, his cock feeling so amazing, the nirvava it provided being the perfect distraction from your heartbreak. the calm after the horrific storm you experienced earlier, brain too weary to care that the very person providing the satisfaction was the hailstorm himself.
it didn’t matter.
nothing you thought you knew mattered anymore.
all that mattered was how good keiji made you feel, a particularly hard thrust leaving you shaking and cumming around him.
you didn’t even realize you were crying until he was cooing at you, rubbing his hand against your back almost lovingly. you weren’t sure if it was your tears or your orgasm that pushed him over his own edge.
“you’ll be okay, sweetheart. i’ll make sure of it.”
saige’s terrortober masterlist
₊❏❜ ⋮ Thrill of The Hunt

Kinktober Day #1
Prompt: Predator + Prey Character: Husband!Kenpachi Zaraki This Work Contains: fem!reader, established relationship, slight manhandling, rough sex, creampie, aftercare hinted to come in the end, author's first time writing zaraki lol WC: 752 Note: today's first kinktober post let's gooooo, i am so excited Taglist: @enchantedforest-network, @arlertsbaby, @nanamis-wifey-reye

That was the only word you needed to hear before you took off into the forest, adrenaline rushing through your veins as you were desperate to get as away from him as possible.
Even if it wasn't going to last long; knowing his power, this experience would still be exciting for you and him. Especially for him.
Running through the woods, you began to feel your lungs burn but you couldn’t stop. You wouldn’t stop. You were way too excited to despite the exhaustion that was soon to catch up to you.
What made you even more giddy on the inside was the deep chuckle you could hear as you heard footsteps closing in on your direction. You begin to pick up the pace, feeling that your lungs were ready to burn from pushing yourself further than expected.

But unlike you, it seemed that your husband had a better idea. And with that, you felt yourself being tackled to the ground. Rolling around for a bit, you were greeted by his grinning face as he stared down at you with an almost predatory look in his eyes.
It made chills run down your spine, but in a good way that made you excited for more. Even more so when he leaned down to your ear.
“Caught ya,” he growled. It almost sounded like saying that in a sing-song tone. No matter how he would say it, it still made you quiver; and ready for the best part that was to come.
Sensing your anticipation, he chuckled once again as he licked your cheek, “You seem to be liking this way too much, and we’ve barely begun, my lovely.”
He wasn’t wrong, and you could feel yourself grow more excited as he began to remove your shihakusho slowly as to tease you and to drag this on. You began to lightly slap at his back to pick up the pace, but he only bit down on your shoulder as a warning and growled at you to be patient. You could only whine in response as you watched him take his time stripping you.
Now bare in front of him, you began to fidget; only stopping when he pinned you down, not just with his hands taking hold of your wrists, but also with a warning glare. There was no better reminder of how intimidating he could be to many and that included you… you truly felt like prey right now and you loved every moment of it.
Leaning down he began to swirl his tongue at your nipple, using his free hand to pinch and pull at the other one. Licks and sucks would later turn to him biting and leaving marks upon your chest and neck, already giving you such a blissful feeling along with an exciting feeling stirring deep inside you.
As he prepared you for him soon after, you were ready to give into your orgasm but you knew Zaraki wasn’t ready for it to end so soon. And so, after cumming on his fingers, you shouldn’t have been surprised that he was ready to overstimulate you into another one. And yet, you couldn’t help but weakly push his hand away to take a breather, much to his almost sadistic glee.
You would soon let out a loud moan as he entered you, and he didn’t waste any time thrusting into you immediately. He didn’t have to worry about prep that much, he knew you liked it rough anyway. This made you reach closer and closer to your release, and you couldn’t wait for him to take you there.
“Love… I’m gonna cum!” You whined out, already close to tears. He chuckled darkly in return, already close to the end himself. He didn’t realize how much game with you as the prey would turn him on so much. He began to pump into you faster and rougher for the both of you to reach your orgasms.
Your legs begin to tremble as you cum, moaning loudly as you do so. Zaraki couldn’t help but grin down at the sight, knowing that you loved this way more than he expected. It didn’t take long for him to reach his end too.
As he carried you off back to your shared home, murmuring “how much of a good girl you were” and how he was “gonna take care of you at home”, you smiled sleepily as you thought over what just transpired.
You couldn’t wait to play as the prey again.
come on my face

wish that was me