I Need It - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

i humbly ask someone to give me the classic arranged marriage thread

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8 months ago

give me give me


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1 year ago

I want truthful, honest opinions on this. It’s the beginning of a fanfiction, and I don’t know whether I should keep at it. Also writing tips will help,and be as harsh as you want. I need it.

encounter(verb): to meet someone unexpectedly

Captain James T. Kirk sighed as he stumbled down the hallway, rubbing the sore spot on his shoulder where Bones injected the cure to the strange virus that had infected the ship. The medical team had distributed the antidote in record time before Doctor McCoy had forced the entire Bridge crew at the time to end their shift early, allowing the vaccinated Gamma shift to take over. Kirk stumbled again over his own feet, before a hand wrapped itself around his forearm to keep him from falling.

"Careful, Captain. As your energy is drained, it would do you no good to fall before we reach your quarters," Spock's voice told him as they continued walking to the captain's room, his hand still wrapped around the shorter man's forearm.

"You're, right, Mr. Spock." He sighed, leaning against the wall near his door to enter the code. "I'm afraid that we will be unable to play chess tonight, as I'm-" he cut himself off as he noticed his code pad ripped apart, hanging by a couple of loose wires in the wall. He instantly stood straight and completely silent, Spock doing the same. They glanced at each other before slowly creeping into the room, both men ready for a fight.

The completely dark room took a moment to adjust to, but both could make out the sight of a figure huddled in the corner near the bed, a couple of things that had fallen off the selves surrounding it.

"Lights, sixty percent," Kirk called out, the lights coming on immediately.

A young girl, no older than eighteen, lay there glaring at them with big, red eyes through dark, thick lashes. She had tanned skin, giving her the look of someone from the Middle East. Her dark brown hair was tied away from her face, a dark line of red strands pulled together into the ponytail. She had dark freckles spotted all over her face, along with scars over her face and hands, which was the only visible skin, the rest covered by her clothes. Tight, black pants, a dark sweater of sorts covering what seemed to be a white turtleneck. All of these things were interesting, but the thing that caught the men's attention was the girl's obviously broken leg and the large cut bleeding out on her side

Kirk took a step forward to help, before a hand from Spock and a noise from the girl stopped him. She had raised her upper lip into a snarl, her sharp teeth obviously not human. The noise emitting from her was a growl, sounding like one of an animal predator. The noise didn't stop until the two men took a step back, but they didn't stop there. Kirk continued to walk him and his first officer backwards, out of the room, never taking his eyes off of the girl. When they were in the doorway, Kirk forced them to stop.

"Spock, call Doctor McCoy, tell him to bring his bag and to get over here quickly. I'll watch the girl.”

Spock nodded and ran down the hallway to follow the orders, returning a moment later to help the Captain. They continued to stare at the girl until she started to stand, wincing visibly as she did.

"Wait, don't-" Kirk took a step forward, but the girl once again started to growl. Spock put a hand on the captain's shoulder, before moving towards the girl. The growling slowly got louder, and Spock took notice of the girl's nails growing into claws.

As soon as he got close enough to touch her, the girl crouched into a fighting stance and tilted her head, watching him intently. Spock reached a hand forward, and she lunged at him.

Bones finally entered, going wide eye at the sight of Spock wrestling with a young girl. "Jim! What the hell-"

"Not the time, Bones! You got a hypo to get her sedated?!" Kirk yelled at him as he watched Spock and the girl. She obviously wasn't human, as Spock was struggling to hold her down, even with the Vulcan strength that he possessed.

Bones grabbed a hypo out of his pack, quickly approaching the two. "Hold her down Spock, just...keep...her...still..." he muttered, pressing the hypo into her neck as she slowly calmed down, before slumping on the ground. Spock finally got up and Kirk approached the group, bending down to examine the girl.

“Bones, I’ll get her to sickbay. Spock-”

"You're gonna do nothing of the sort, Spock here can take her to the sickbay. You need rest, and if you don't I'm going to inject you with what I injected in her," Bones commanded, leaving the room and gesturing for Spock to follow with the girl.

"The doctor is right, Captain. You should rest. I will take the young girl to the sickbay, and then I will take my rest in my quarters. Good night, Captain," Spock said before picking up the girl gently and following Bones. Kirk sighed before deciding he might as well do as they say. As soon as he's up, he'll check on the girl.




The morning had come, and Kirk found himself in the sickbay, sitting beside the girl. Bones had fixed her leg and the gash in her side, and as she slept she looked younger than she was. Kirk was right with his first guess, the medical scans showed that she was under eighteen, but over fifteen, female, and half human. Everything else was a mystery. Her past, her name, the other half of her species. Kirk was so lost in thought that he didn't notice Spock take a seat right next to him.

"Our shift will begin soon. I am certain that the girl will be alright, Captain. Doctor McCoy gave her the cure, and her injures have been healed," he stated, his hands still in his lap. Kirk sighed and leaned back, about to speak, Bones cutting him off.

“Her vitals are off the charts. Runs hotter than you, Spock, and I can only hope that that’s due to her half we don’t know. She woke up sometime in the night, Jim. I had injected her with the antidote earlier, and when she awoke all she did was stare at me. I gave her some food, light stuff. Soup. She inhaled it like I was gonna take it from her before passing back out."

"Food is food," a voice chimed in.

Kirk stared at the girl slowly sat up, not meeting any of the men’s eyes other than Spock’s. Her back was ramrod straight as she spoke. "Du nam-tor Vuhlkansu." It wasn't a question. Kirk glanced at Spock, who had quirked up an eyebrow in very well concealed surprise.

"Ha, nash-veh Vuhlkansu. Uf tor du stariben nash?"

"Wuh Vuhlkansu ha-tor k' nash-veh, au saven-tor nash-veh." She avoided Kirk's and Bone's eyes, keeping hers focused on Spock.

"You speak Vulcan impressively. Whoever taught you taught you well," Spock said in Standard, allowing the two human men to understand the conversation.

"Thanks, I guess. Listen, I don’t want any trouble. I just needed a ride. At the next space port or civilization with transportation that you arrive at, I’ll be out of your hair," she said, staring at Kirk right in the eye. Authoritative hazel stared into fiery red.

"I'm afraid I can't do that. You're a stowaway, but if you give us some information, we can help you out. Just, simple things, like your name-"

"Call me El.”

"-your family,-"

"Don't have one,” she stated keeping her nonchalant tone.

"or, what species you are."

The girl snorted. "'Fraid I don't have an answer for that one, buddy. Don't know myself."

Kirk sighed and leaned forward slightly. “Well, El, how’s your leg? And your side?”

El furrowed her brow, tilting her head in thought. “It’s….alright, I guess. Not hurting anymore.” She grinned, turning to Bones. “But can I have a lollipop? Isn’t that something that earth doctors do, Bonsey?”

"Yeah, yeah. Hold your stowaway ass right here." Bones waved her away, heading into the second part of the sickbay.

"How do you know his nickname?" Kirk questioned, nodding towards the other room.

El sighed. "I've been on this ship a month, Kirk. I know everyone here, and the name of this beauty," she paused, looking both him and Spock up and down. "Gotta say, pretty impressed with the scraps you get yourself in and out of."

"Miss El, am I correct in assuming that you arrived at the ship two point five three months ago, when we had docked at the starbase Ares II?" Spock cut in, cocking his head slightly to the side.

El nodded. “Was stuck on that planet for a bit when I saw your ship, and the rest is history. Also, no ‘Miss El’. I don’t like it, just call me El.”

“How did you find yourself on that planet, El?”

El just shrugged in answer, crossing her arms.

“El, how did you get injured?” Kirk asked after a moment of silence.

El mumbled incoherently.

"Would you please repeat that, El?"

She mumbled again, and yet again Kirk asked her to repeat it.

Kirk glanced from her hand back to her face. "Fine. I won't tell. Captain's honor," he smiled tersely, putting his hand over his heart. "Spock, we need your honor too."

Spock raised a brow, before his shoulders slightly loosened in the form of a sigh. "I won't tell as well, El. Vulcan honor." He put his hand over his heart. El copied him, nodding at their promise.

"Good. Now, where's my-"

Bones had returned, a red lollipop in his hand. El took it from him- "perfect timing, Bonsey-" and popped it in her mouth before taking it out. "Look, I hate sickbays. Not your fault doc, just not a fan of them. I'm useful. I can fix things, help out some places, whatever you need. Or, if you want, I'll-“

The boatswain's whistle of the ships communications cut her off. "Captain, we are approaching the nearby planet now," Uhura's voice called out of it.

Kirk looked trouble, glancing back at the girl. "Listen, I'll stick by you, or Spock's side for now. I can earn my freedom, and I know enough about how nice it is to not abuse it. Just let me outta here, and I'll be good," she pleaded, both eyebrows raised.

"It would be the most logical thing to do, Captain. We may ‘keep an eye on her,’ as you humans say, and decide on what we must do with her.”

Kirk sighed. "Fine. No funny business, and you'll stick by me for now. Got it?" He said, standing.

“Roger that! No trouble caused, promise. It’ll be like you never found me.”

Kirk sighed and nodded. "Okay. But, again, you need to be by me or Mr. Spock at all times."

"Yes, sir!" The girl saluted and launched herself off of the bed, landing gracefully on her feet. "But first, could I have my clothes back? I'm not one for..this." She pulled at the clothes she was wearing, something akin to a baggy, blag jumpsuit.

Christine Chapel walked in as soon as she finished saying that, the mended clothes of the young girl folded neatly in her hand. "Captain, Dr. McCoy told me to bring these clothes for the girl..." she trailed off, seeing her standing.

"Thanks, blondie. Talk about good timing," she said, taking the clothes with a smirk. The four watched as she dropped the clothes on the bed, holding up her sweater. She turned it around, before nodding in satisfaction. “You guys only mended it, right? Didn’t touch anything in it?”

Bones raised an eyebrow and crossed his hands behind his back. “Is there stuff in it?”

“Nah,” she stated, undoing the buttons on the jumpsuit. “I’m sure you’ve already noticed that I run at a high temperature. This sweater has internal heaters, cause without ‘em I get super uncomfy. Can’t control my damp heat, so I gotta run ‘em high.” She stepped out of her jumpsuit, leaving her in her undergarments.

All four of the occupants to averted their eyes elsewhere as she dressed. She handed the rumple jumpsuit back to Bones, who took it with a glare. She simply winked at him.

"Thanks, guys. Pretty good at this healing stuff.”

Kirk and Spock calmly walked out of the door, El following them to the side. "Just so you know, you might want to inform Scotty that the food replicator thingy is broken. I fixed it, but it's kinda hanging on the edge," she said calmly, shoving the lollipop in her mouth.

Kirk's eyes widened in surprise, and he and Spock shared a glance. "Thank you. You didn't have to-"

"I wanted to." She bit into the candy with a loud crunch. "I've been on ship after ship and I've never seen a beauty like this one. You should be proud of yourself, Captain. I would. I also wouldn't want anything to happen to the crew of a beautiful ship like this, 'cause who would take care of her?"

Kirk softly smiled at her, puffing out his chest in pride. "Thank you. She is a truly beautiful ship, and I'm lucky to have her."

When they reached the ship’s lift, El stuttered for a second as the two men entered and grabbed the handles.

“No other way to get to the bridge?”

Spock shook his head.

El sighed, as she stuff the now empty lollipop stick in a small pocket on the side of her sweater. “Listen, I don’t do…lifts. Bad experience. I’m gonna need to ask you something, if you could.”

“What do you need?” Kirk tilted his head, smiling confusedly.

“A lift on one of your guy’s back.”

There was silence as the two processed the request, before El sighed. “Look, it’s dumb, I know, and I guess I can just try. You know what, never mind, I’ll be fine. Don’t worry about it.” She took a step forward, grimacing as she grabbed a handle, her knuckles turning pale aw she gripped it as hard as she could.

“El.” Kirk let go of the handle and turned his back towards her. Not a moment later he felt her weight as she wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his torso. A face buried itself into his shoulder.

“Thanks,” came her muffled reply.

Kirk just grabbed the handle and called out, “Bridge.” He met Spock’s gaze, who had a small upturn of the lips.

“El, next time I suggest that I will carry you, as I have three times more the strength than the average human.”

El just turned her head to the sighed and nodded, before shoving her face back in Kirk’s shoulder. “I hate lifts,” she muttered. Both men caught it, and could only wonder what had happened that caused her to despise something every ship had.


(Du nam-tor Vuhlkansu) - You are Vulcan.
(Ha, nash-veh Vuhlkansu. Uf tor du stariben nash?) - Yes, I am Vulcan. Where did you learn to speak it?
(Wuh Vuhlkansu ha-tor k' nash-veh, au saven-tor nash-veh.) - I lived with a Vulcan, he taught me.

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2 years ago

You know what? I need money and I am shameless, so if someone offers up to give me $50 I'll draw nsfw Bowuigi and post it here on my Tumblr. $100 for a full-blown comic. Full rendered full detail girl I need money and it's something that I want to draw anyway so like it's a win-win.

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1 year ago

i want NEED to see glen’s ass dimple

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8 years ago

I need a bird. Right now. The bird, me and my clarinet will travel the world playing and singing Star Wars songs.

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6 months ago

Sorry I need sweet loving dad rape so bad need the apologies the "I'm so sorry I can't help myself around you angel" and the "I promise I'll take such good care of you" and ummm the "dad no please stop this is wrong" while I'm cumming so hard on my dad's cock

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6 months ago

wanna “daddy how are babies made?” my way into him pounding my little cunt breeding me over n over n fucking his cum back in me ;(

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6 months ago

She's being too loud, and he's worried about his neighbours. He doesn't understand why she just won't cooperate with him. He loves her, and he knows what is best for her. He is a better father to her than anyone else could be.

So when he's had enough of her crying, he wraps his other hand around her throat to quiet her down, applying just enough pressure to muffle her cries and watch her go pale.

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5 months ago

Okay. Surprisingly not TFF or Zenonia but I have been a TMNT fan for like idk, a while? But my absolute personal fav would definitely be the TMNT 2012 series.

I stumbled upon it when I was like 10 or smth then I just watched it whenever it aired. Like I got so excited. Season 2 finale was ingrained into my memory.

Anyway, my favorite is Leo. At first it was because he was blue and blue is my favorite color then I read the fics and he became my all time fav. So uh here's me sharing an AU in the works.

So. I know its called Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles but I am such a sucker for human au's. I don't know why. Them being turtles is what literally made them special and makes the plot go forward. But them being ergo becoming human is just so intriguing. There are so little of them. So I decided to make my own ig. Theres two of them but imma focus on one first.

Aight. What got this AU going is what happened in the season 2 finale. After Leo gets shredded on that ambush, Shredder tells Splinter that he'd taken his son like what he did to his daughter. But like, you know what happens to Karai.

So what if Saki does that to the T?

Rather than committing defenestration, he decides to keep Leo hostage because either of those things are totally normal to do to a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle. He makes Stockman use a beta brainworm on him to see its effects and if it'll affect Karai in the way that he wants to. It works. But he also turns him human. Idk I just wanted him to be human and for the others to have trouble searching for him. The in plot explanation is that he's basically a guinea pig for Karai.

But Leo is no regular ol' human. He's still on par with his Turtle self, maybe even stronger. They're basically modifying him every time to be the perfect Foot soldier to take on the turtles and Splinter. Also to track Karai because Shredder knows they're close and she'll respond positively to him than anyone else. He probably has the strength that Mutant Apocalypse!Leo has but more compact to look more deceiving.

But since the brainworm is in beta, something goes wrong.

Leo keeps fighting. He fights every single step of the way and makes it living hell for the Foot Clan. He becomes the perfect soldier under Shredder's care for a while but he eventually escapes and breaks free.

Kind of.

To brainwash Leo, Stockman initially heightens his bloodlust. To make him more violent and willing to kill innocents. Then he also has to become obedient to the Shredder and he makes him hate his family so he can enact some kind of vengeance plot on them.

But Leo thinks its bullshit and tries to get control back. He makes himself fight the worm and not submit to the Shredder at all cost. He tries to rebel as much as he can against Shredder's authority.

Since he's y'know, mutating into a super soldier, he kinda forgets the reason as to why he has to rebel. He just knows that he has to.

How exactly?


His subconscious basically shatters itself into a million pieces as to not be able to take Shredder's orders seriously. Well, anyone of authority for that matter. But the brainworm is still there. The bloodlust is still there. He can't stop the craving of blood and violence and war and the voices need it—

Oh no. Leo doesn't need it. Nah. The voices do. They keep screaming at him to fight, to fight like there's no tomorrow, to shed blood and smear it across the pavement, to paint the blue skies/oceans red red red—

And he follows. Mostly to get some peace of mind because damn do these bitches give him headaches.

Yeah. He's not really taking a lot of it seriously. He's becomes like a Chaotic Neutral character as opposed to his usual Lawful Good. He doesn't give a shit about what's happening with New York and why these alien things are roaming the city but its good fighting and a nice discolored bloodbath that will let him have some quiet for a few hours before they start shoving their demands again.

And its fun. And he's good at it. And he's got nothing better to do. And he wants some quiet, dammit. Annoying demanding assholes.

So just imagine Splinter, Raph, Donnie, and Mikey seeing their most law abiding morally ethical son/brother willing to commit genocide like its nothing?

What you're thinking about the voices, yes. Its inspired by Technoblade. Fly high, king.

Its this actually by Derivakat's Voices:

In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity All warfare is based on deception It's always on the verge This pent up rage that's building up You know you can't fight the urge We're burning higher, warming up Let it all out (Blood, blood, blood) Keeping your vow (Blood, for the Blood God) We want it now (Blood, blood, blood) Going out of control We're the voices in your head Gonna scream and shout we want them dead Gonna turn your vision red The battle never ends We're the voices in your mind Our justice must be blind Let chaos be divine The Blade will never die 知彼知己 Know thyself, know thy enemy 百戰不殆 A thousand battles, a thousand victories Burning remains, light the funeral pyre Breaking it up, 'cause we're tearing it down Branding the truth on a world of liars Please your god and release the hounds Let it all out (Blood, blood, blood) Keeping your vow (Blood, for the Blood God) We want it now (Blood, blood, blood) Going out of control You don't need sanity when you have anarchy You don't need government when you have covenant with your god Make them wither away, make their foundations decay You see it coming, it's judgement day We're the voices in your head Gonna scream and shout we want them dead Gonna turn your vision red The battle never ends We're the voices in your mind Our justice must be blind Let chaos be divine The Blade will never die You know you're one of us There's no escaping us There's no one you can trust So leave them all for dust You know you're one of us (One of us) There's no escaping us (One of us) There's no one you can trust (One of us) So leave them all for dust (One of us) We're the voices in your head Gonna scream and shout we want them dead Gonna turn your vision red The battle never ends We're the voices in your mind Our justice must be blind Let chaos be divine The Blade will never die

Also he has a pet bird. A crow that Leo mistakes and keeps calling a raven if you will. Why? She acts as his emotional support bird that brings him out of his fugues and homicidal tendencies. Mostly.

I wanted to give him a pet, okay?

Oh and she's in charge.

(The bird part is inspired by the Consequences of the Dead by Lisbis on Ao3

Why are all the inspirations mostly on DSMP? Idk.)

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2 years ago
Me And The Boys Waiting To Get Tickets For Barbie On Opening Day

me and the boys waiting to get tickets for Barbie on opening day

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7 years ago
1980 Godzilla Lighter
1980 Godzilla Lighter

1980 Godzilla lighter

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10 months ago

i need anakin skywalker in my ear every waking moment, every second of the day. i need him to purely just speak to me until he can't any longer. pretty boy talk my ear off about anything and everything PLEASE omfg.

manipulate me, cuss me out, whisper sweet nothings to me, idc what it is, as long as i get go hear that voice bc omfg

love a pretty boy w/ a nice voice.

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9 months ago
Please Please Please Someone Write Something With Rafe X Reader And Make It Like The New Please Please
Please Please Please Someone Write Something With Rafe X Reader And Make It Like The New Please Please

please please please someone write something with rafe x reader and make it like the new ‘please please please’ music video! 🪩

it would be greatly appreciated if i could be tagged 🥹

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3 years ago

big mushroom time

Big Mushroom Time

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11 months ago
Hope Everyone Is Ready For Some HUNKLES!We're Planning A TWO YEAR CALENDAR This Time, For 2025 And 2026.

Hope everyone is ready for some HUNKLES! We're planning a TWO YEAR CALENDAR this time, for 2025 and 2026. Not two separate calendars, but two calendars, together! Like twins! 2025's theme will be a Mullet!Stan calendar, with probably some Researcher!Ford thrown in. 2026's theme will be two old men around the house or ship, just doing stuff. Like baking cookies or watching TV. Something more domestic and homey, as opposed to the adventures and monsters of calendars past. More details to come, but for now, it's time to GET HYPED!!!

(which means REBLOG PLEASE!) art by @gruvu

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