Arabella || A blog made to share beauty in Fashion, architecture, paintings, sculptures, human body and other forms beauty find to express itself. Feel free to send messages, since words are also a form of beauty expression.
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Beauty Is A Must!

Beauty is a must!
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Ti porterò nel mio palazzo fatto d’argento e di cristallo, ricoperto di maioliche preziose e porte intarsiate nel cedro, nel mogano e nell’ebano africano. Camminerai nelle grandi stanze su soffici tappeti grandi quanto è grande un sogno o un desiderio mai appagato osservando alle pareti i dipinti dei Re dei Re, con le loro sciabole in avorio intarsiato e i baffoni lunghi quanto i denti di una tigre. Vedrai i giardini dove l’acqua scorre ricca e serena accompagnata dal canto del pavone dalla grande ruota e dal passo leggero dei levrieri afgani, mentre i leopardi dormiranno pigri all’ombra delle grandi palme ed i purosangue arabi dalla lunga criniera e con la coda alta, scalpiteranno sul selciato invocando la tua attenzione. Nel patio suonerà la banda con i loro strumenti esotici e nelle stanze lento scivolerà il vento catturato tra le corte colonne e che, di stanza in stanza, seguirà il tuo profumo di rosea ed incenso, smuovendo le alte tende e i pendenti di cristallo dei grandi lampadari. Ti aspetterò seduto sul trono di oro e smeraldi, nella mia uniforme di comandante di tutti gli eserciti, con la mia corona di Re dei Re e quando ti vedrò spuntare sulla porta della grande stanza mi alzerò aspettandoti, stringendo l’elsa della grande scimitarra con cui ho combattuto e vinto i nostri nemici. In piedi ti vedrò avanzare, regale e più preziosa dei doni inviati come omaggio da re e imperatori. Il tuo sguardo sarà più ricco delle ricchezze dei miei innumerevoli forzieri, sarà più grande dei deserti e delle alte montagne del mio regno, donerà più grazia e colori dei pesci e del corallo che abitano nel profondo mare che lo circondano. I poeti di corte racconteranno la purezza delle tue bellezze e loderanno l’Unico per la benevolenza che mi ha mostrato quando mi hai donato il tuo amore. Il buffone di corte canterà che nessun re, per quanto grande e potente ha più potere della donna che ama e che le ricchezze di un regno non valgono la luce negli occhi di una donna amata, così ogni povero può essere ricchissimo e ogni principe può essere più solo di uno schiavo. Io, in silenzio ti osserverò incedere nella grande sala con le pareti ricoperte dalla tua luce così che sei tu a farlo risplendere come l’alba accende il giorno. Solo allora capirò che nessun regno è più grande o più ricco, del cuore di chi ti ama.
I will take you to my palace made of silver and crystal, covered with precious majolica and doors inlaid with cedar, mahogany and African ebony. You will walk in the large rooms on soft carpets as big as a dream or an unfulfilled wish, observing on the walls the paintings of the Kings of Kings, with their inlaid ivory sabers and mustaches as long as the teeth of a tiger. You will see the gardens where the water flows rich and serene accompanied by the song of the peacock from the big wheel and the light step of the Afghan hounds, while the leopards will sleep lazy in the shade of the large palm trees and the Arabian thoroughbreds with long mane and high tail , paw on the pavement inviting your attention. On the patio the band will play with their exotic instruments and in the rooms the wind captured between the short columns will slowly slide and which, from room to room, will follow your scent of rosea and incense, moving the high curtains and the crystal pendants of the large chandeliers. . I will wait for you sitting on the throne of gold and emeralds, in my uniform as commander of all armies, with my crown as King of Kings and when I see you appear at the door of the great room I will rise waiting for you, clutching the hilt of the great scimitar with which I fought and conquered our enemies. On your feet I will see you advance, regal and more precious than the gifts sent as homage by kings and emperors. Your gaze will be richer than the riches of my countless chests, it will be greater than the deserts and high mountains of my kingdom, it will give more grace and colors than the fish and coral that live in the deep sea that surround it. The court poets will recount the purity of your beauties and praise the One for the kindness he showed me when you gave me your love. The court jester will sing that no king, however great and powerful, has more power than the woman he loves and that the riches of a kingdom are not worth the light in the eyes of a beloved woman, so every poor man can be very rich and every prince can be more lonely than a slave. I, in silence, will watch you walk into the great room with the walls covered with your light so that you are the one who makes it shine like the dawn lights up the day. Only then will I understand that no kingdom is greater or richer than the heart of those who love you.
🕯️spiritual veiling🕯️
Veiling (or head covering) is a spiritual practice that is found within nearly all world religions! Veiling is the act of covering ones head, partially or fully, with an article of clothing or hanging cloth. The type of veil or head covering varies from faith to faith. Also, everyone has different reasons for veiling. In general, it is a sign of respect to ones deities, to the self, and to the sacredness of the body. Vestal Priestesses of Vesta veiled before their goddess, Yoruba initiates cover their head for spiritual protection, Catholic Nuns veil for spiritual distinction and modesty, etc. Historically, women are more likely to practice veiling but there are many practices where men are also called to cover their heads. Veiling is for anyone and everyone who feels called to practice! 💐🌹
(Note, this is an amalgamation of different reasons why people veil. Not everyone shares these same benefits or beliefs. This is a generalization!)
The crown of the head is, in many practices, believed to be the center of divine communication. It is the part of our body that is closest to divinity. As a result, many people veil in order to respect the sacredness of this connection. It’s almost as if placing a crown upon our head to symbolize our pure connection with our gods. It can also be a sign of humility and humbleness before divine. Veiling for divine devotion is often worn during rituals or worship but may not be worn for everyday use (this varies). This practice of veiling results in a closer, sanctified bond with our divinity.
Similar to the last point, the head is believed to be sacred. If the head is not protected, the rest of the body may suffer. Emotional empaths may be called to veiling out of a desire to protect their energy from the world around them. Full-body veils can also be worn for this purpose. It offers comfort, peace, and a sense of spiritual protection!
For many people, veiling is a way of “wearing their faith”. A clear religious habit (form of clothing) sets you apart from the rest of the world. Not in the sense that you are higher or holier than the world but in the sense that your life is lived in devotion. It is a reminder of the covenant you have made within your spiritual path. It makes your faith visible and tangible. My Muslim sisters often express that wearing their hijab creates a sense of unification and connectedness.
I’ve noticed a lot of people, especially women, express how empowered they feel when they’re wearing their veils. It can often garner a sense of respect and reverence. Sadly there are spaces where veiling (especially for muslim women) is met with judgement but, even when faced with criticism, it is an empowering practice. It forces the world to view us as more than bodies to be objectified. It adds a sense privacy that demands respect.
Wearing a veil is a reminder to the world but also to ourselves. When we wear a veil, we are wearing the tradition of our respective beliefs. It is a physical symbol that aligns us with our spiritual practice and reminds us of why we do what we do. I find that I am much more aware of my actions when I am veiling (for rituals and for everyday wear). There’s a sense of responsibility that comes with wearing a veil. It’s highly symbolic and we have to respect its importance.
For many, it is a reminder that we are forever blessed, protected, and empowered by our spiritual practice! It’s like taking up a mantle of power. For some it’s out of modestly but, for most, it’s an outward sign of the blessed relationship that we have with our respective spiritual paths! ✨✨✨✨ Thank you for stopping by! My askbox is always open for anyone who wants to learn more! If you are someone who veils, I would love to hear your reasons and experiences. I feel like there are so many misunderstandings about the purpose of veiling and I hope this post could shed some light! 💐 🌷 🌹 P.S anyone can veil, as it’s a part of pretty much every culture, but be mindful of the style of veil you choose! There are some styles that are sacred and should not be used unless you are a part of that religion/tradition. Do your research.

Orthodox Christian ladies, do you veil when you pray? I have been and I plan on veiling permanently once I’m married.

Castillo de Colomares, Spain (by Miguel Angel)