18, he/she pronouns, my name is Wybie! Insta @corvusthecockroach
239 posts
Im Gonna Smack You If You Dont Stop
I’m gonna smack you if you don’t stop
hehe nah man you're probably too short to reach
More Posts from Asinwhywereyouborn
I’d rather be a mistake than a regret I’ve been both I don’t care for either A regret is never loved But a mistake can be loved later
Anya Taylor Joy can have my soul
I just watched this movie again and holy fuck she’s so fine

thats right ive got MORE
also sorry to anyone who thought i'm new in the last post, i've been in and out of this fandom since 2015 i'm ancient SDKLFKLSD
i want a fanfic about seamus' parents, how they met and fell in love, his response to her being a witch (i mean we know it was a nasty shock but i need moooooreeeee)
im kinda surprised we aren't taking inspiration from golden trio era kids parents. im not saying put them all in the same year or that u have to have an expanded storyline for like mrs patil or something but there are so many kids that are pure/half blood when harrys at school so where are their parents in ur fics. even just as filler. seamus' mum, pansy parkinson's parents, literally anyone. sometimes i feel like people think we've "peaked" in terms of fandom so there's no use bothering in incorporating more characters that would actually be there when there's so much more that u could explore