ask-archangel-amelia - Not so Holy
Not so Holy

"But in the end I learned. It rains in hell, and angels can be bad." My name is Amelia, and I'm an Archangel. Feel free to ask me anything!

116 posts

Do You Have A Partner?

Do you have a partner?

"Romantic partner? No. Job partner? Yes."

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    crimsonlucy liked this · 7 years ago
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    ask-hitman-amelia liked this · 7 years ago

More Posts from Ask-archangel-amelia

7 years ago

Alfred: it's not often us Hunters see angels. Even rarer to see arch angels. You guys are pretty majestic looking, not gonna lie.


“But I don’t really think we look so different from Angels. Either way, nice to meet you! I don’t think I’ve ever meet a hunter!”

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7 years ago

Puedes decir quien es tu pareja Soy curioso

“Mi pareja de trabajo es mi hermano. Cada luchador a corta distancia necesita alguien a larga distancia que le cubra la espalda”————–(I’m curious about your partner. Could you teel me who it is?)“My work partner is my brother. Every short distance warrior needs a long distance partner to cover their back.”

7 years ago

So... You are a really high rank or what? Should I fear you?

"Ranks are only a way to distinguish jobs and powers. The only real diference is how dangerous we are or if we work in politics or other things. Regarding fisical strenght, yes, you should be scared of me. Archangels are in the top three dangerous positions of Heaven. But one of the lowests in political power or influence in politics."