Wingtalia - Tumblr Posts

Little reference sheet of my girl.

It’s one of the traits of beeing an Archangel, along with the color and the especial ability.
I can tell you more about all of that if you like, but it’s kinda long.

He’s also an archangel, and we’re twins! (I’m older)
There’s also my parents, but they don’t know about my blog and, honestly, I don’t want them to know.

“I know how selfish and close minded Archangels can be, that’s the main reason I don’t have so many friends.”

“I don’t think we’ve introduced ourselves.”
Such a cute little kid. By the way, if you ever need help protecting them, I can help!

“I’m quite honored to have an archangel helping me! Not to be rude, but many of you guys tend to ignore my causes to help others.”
"Hello, there!~" the high school student greeted her. "I'm Ollie." He held out a container that had previously been hidden behind his back. "Do you want some cupcakes? I just baked them!"

“Wow, thank you! I’d love some cupcakes! I’m Amelia. Nice to meet you!”
Alfred: it's not often us Hunters see angels. Even rarer to see arch angels. You guys are pretty majestic looking, not gonna lie.

“But I don’t really think we look so different from Angels. Either way, nice to meet you! I don’t think I’ve ever meet a hunter!”
well hello there, im alice. its lovely to meet another girl round here (@ask-angel-alice. I just found your blog and I love ^w^ )

“So nice to meet you! And you’re right, it’s nice to meet another girl! Love your wings by the way! They’re beautiful.”
(Aww, tank you! Your blog it’s lovely too!)
Your brother is so handsome >o

I’m out of ask and bored so I draw my girl in her armor.
Send asks!

//I tried something with the style... Not shure I like it... nop, don’t like it. Next ones will be normal.

That's highly illegal. You can get in VERY big trouble if you do that.

It’s more defensive than offensive and it’s mostly for running away or avoiding conflict and pranking since is incorporeal and it can’t be touched.
Depending on the person you can also have diferent habilities. Mine for example it’s that in my incorporeal form I’m way faster than my normal form and I can use a certain level of telekinesis. It variates depending on your soul power and personality.

“I want to protect everybody that can’t protect themselves. I would never hurt someone who is not strong enough to fight.”

//Sorry not to add your muse in the picture @ask-angel-alice but they are in a very private party.

A: “It wasn’t really dangerous but... I made it dangerous...”
M: “Shhhhh Amelia, Not here. They’ll hear you.”
A: “Right. I’m sorry. I’ll... tell you later.”

A:“I’m not in a high social position. Or... at least I shouldn’t be...”
M: “Sory to break it up to you, but we kinda are.”
A: “I never asked for it. It’s unfair that I get recognition only because of my family.”
M: “I know, but it’s nothing we can do about it.”
A: “Still... please don’t treat me like a high rank. I’m just an Archangel. In any case I should be the one treating you nicely, you are my superior after all.”

//I’ll be working a bit on the story of my blog. (Not exactly now because it’s 2 am and i’ve got to sleep.) But meanwhile you can ask normally. I don’t know how often i’ll work on this but I hope to finish it soon. It may be kinda long tho. (And in case you are wodering, yes they are the F.A.C.E. family.)
Part 1

“I’m in the city! I was able to go away for a while so may as well take a look while i’m at it. God I wish I could come here more often.”
//Yes, I was bored and in need of asks. Send asks while she’s in the city!

“They are always moving and there’s people everywere! It feels like there’s always something to do or somewhere to go.”