"But in the end I learned. It rains in hell, and angels can be bad." My name is Amelia, and I'm an Archangel. Feel free to ask me anything!
116 posts
Hey, From Someone Whos Watched Some Things, You Don't Have To Update Every Day. Most Popular Blogs Dont
Hey, from someone whos watched some things, you don't have to update every day. Most popular blogs dont even update every day. I dunno, there's a lot i want to say, so this might turn out rambly but too late now. Comics are a fuck ton of work, I've tried to make one in the past and had to give up. Ask blogs are also a lot of work, but less. It's really a commitment, and trust me, you're doing fine for where you're at, y'know? i think you're doing lovely anyway
Thank you so much, really, means a lot. One thing is to think this to yourself but there’s something comforting when someone else says it, you know?
Ugh, I hate to be the attencion whore but i needed a little bust.
Thanks, really.
More Posts from Ask-archangel-amelia
Hey…*hugs* don't be so hard on yourself, I think your art is amazing! And besides you don't always have to post stuff, you're allowed to have your own life as well, never lose faith in what you do...Cause if you listen to the bad thoughts it'll have a horrible effect on the real you. Alright? You are perfect, this is perfect. "Just the way it is."
I’m sorry... I just can’t help my perfeccionist little devil that makes me so anxious.
And thank you... really... for everything. You are always there and even if you don’t notice it lightens my day, and today it’s a pretty shitty one.
Again, thank you. I kinda needed that one :3
You’re gonna make me love you girl xD
But seriously, thanks. You’re amazing.

A: “We used to argue a lot.”
M: “But it was never something serious. And we stoped after we became Archangels.”
A: “Now we’re way more mature and I’ve stopped teasing him like I used to do.”
M: “Yes, because we’re partners now, we need to know that we’ll have eachothers backs no matter what.”
A: “Still, we’re family. That was an understatement from the very begining. We just became more serious about it.”

“They are always moving and there’s people everywere! It feels like there’s always something to do or somewhere to go.”

A:“I’m not in a high social position. Or... at least I shouldn’t be...”
M: “Sory to break it up to you, but we kinda are.”
A: “I never asked for it. It’s unfair that I get recognition only because of my family.”
M: “I know, but it’s nothing we can do about it.”
A: “Still... please don’t treat me like a high rank. I’m just an Archangel. In any case I should be the one treating you nicely, you are my superior after all.”

“I’m in the city! I was able to go away for a while so may as well take a look while i’m at it. God I wish I could come here more often.”
//Yes, I was bored and in need of asks. Send asks while she’s in the city!