Hello there! Believe I Haven't seen you around Halloween Town before are you new? Oh I'm terribly sorry, where are my manners? I am Jack- Jack Skellington that is! the king of Halloween, and please, don't be shy to ask questions fellow uh.. "followers" is it?
58 posts
Hello! The Pumpkin King Speaking; I See My Mail Box Has Collected A Terrifying Amount Of Asks! Thank
Hello! The pumpkin king speaking; I see my mail box has collected a terrifying amount of asks! Thank you every one for you curious questions and.. some horrible statements which confuses me so.. BUT no worries! The inbox will be closing soon and I have some major catching up to do for all my adoring fans! May your day be filled with shakes and screams Ehhh heheheh!
skellingtongirl1417 liked this · 10 years ago
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Nightmare Before Christmas Icons
feel free to use!

Gift for my 18th birthday!!!

Something about Lock, Shock, & Barrel really creeps me out :|

Jack said we Should work together
You are Jack! *Gasps*
I apologize followers for not answering your questions sooner!
OK Finally I stop being lazy and draw asks. testing out some linlessart blah blah hope you enjoy!