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Tim Burton’s THE NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS (1993) dir. Henry Selik

Jack sits atop some of his many replacement heads, which were varied not just for expression but for speech as well. Overall there were almost 400 different heads created.
I highly recommend the book: Tim Burton's the Nightmare before Christmas visual companion by David A. Bossert, It's a beautiful visual companion with a lot of information.

Artist: Emanuil Angelov

Jack Skrunklington
starring most of the Halloweentown residents.
I was planning to have them all here but i’ll draw the rest at another time :)

Behind the scenes

🎄 25 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS → DAY SIXTEEN 🎄 THE NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS (1993), dir. Henry Selick "Just because I cannot see it, doesn't mean I can't believe it!"

He angy. From a larger thing I will almost more than likely never, ever post

The Nightmare Before Christmas dir. Henry Selick | 1993

THE NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS (1993), dir. Henry Selick "Why does nothing ever turn out like it should?"

The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)

🎃 31 DAYS OF HALLOWEEN 🎃 day one / thirty-one
THE NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS Directed by Henry Selick (1993)

The Nightmare Before Christmas Directed by Henry Selick (1993)

The Nightmare Before Christmas
dir. Henry Selick | 1993