ask-the-doki-dokis - Welcome To The Literature Club!
Welcome To The Literature Club!

Welcome to the literature club! Here we’ll answer questions and even share poems and such! So come and join us! It’s always fun.M!A: (Soon/Closed) // SFW Ask only!I occasionally reblog :3I allow submissions! Send a poem or send a picture! (post 1-2 a day)

68 posts

I Have A Headcanon That Sayori's Good At Singing And Is Trying To Learn To Play The Guitar To Accompany

i have a headcanon that sayori's good at singing and is trying to learn to play the guitar to accompany it, generally monika and sayori are the more musical ones while yuri and natsuki are more artsy since natsuki likes decorative baking (and baking itself), and yuri is skilled with crafts


I honestly Love this one! I feel like Music is something Sayori would be interested in since we don’t know much about her, and plus playing the guitar could be something that she’s not the best at but she still loves doing it anyways!

And I agree with the last part also!Monika can play the piano well, maybe she makes her own songs like your reality for example.And Natsuki seems artsy to me. Decorative baking is something that she does often if she has the time and baking in general seems like her thing like you mentioned! Sometimes she even brings in cookies or cupcakes for the club :3And I think Yuri would be good with crafts! I think she’d like to make different figures or projects like a small paper town, the basic origami, or a paper mache scenery on a canvas!Things that she does at home by herself. She’s considered a bookworm so I think she’d be nervous about showing her artistic side

This is a cool HC :3

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More Posts from Ask-the-doki-dokis

6 years ago
This Actually Makes Since As An HC!I Dont Have Much To Say On It But The Second Anon Has Given Good Examples!
This Actually Makes Since As An HC!I Dont Have Much To Say On It But The Second Anon Has Given Good Examples!

This actually makes since as an HC! I don’t have much to say on it but the second anon has given good examples! 👍

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6 years ago

hc: before monikas epiphany shes super energetic and caring in an almost agressive way lol. the kind of friend who yells at you to take care of yourself and then takes you out to buy something nice because i noticed youve been kinda down lately

Djaksowjdksjwnkdskwb Tbh this seems super accurate XD

Monika would have probably done ANYTHING for the rest of the club before she became self aware and Seems super supportive!

Kinda like a cheerleader,, and I feel like the others would say that sometimes she’s ready to help when someone isn’t feeling good to make them happy and doing nice things for them

Maybe after she became self aware she was still nice to the others, just not in a usual “ genuine “ way as she used to because she would be more focused on MC

But either way she still cares for the club and her members lol

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6 years ago

M!As are now open!

I guess it can be anything as long as it isn’t inappropriate,,

A silly M!A, A minor change M!A, a serious or angsty M!A, a Mythical M!A, Something from an existing AU, Anything!

I think they’re fun (from past experience) so I will accept those after answering all ask before that (I have like 7 whOOPS-)

Only other rule is that the max amount of ask is 15 because I don’t want stuff to be TOO constant lol

And try to avoid asking for an M!A that has already been asked!

I’m also going to be working on art request I have from Instagram today just like I did yesterday,,

Also Tysm for all the support!

It’s been only 5 days and I didn’t expect this many people to like my page, so Tysm :3

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6 years ago


Well, the name is censured beacuse it's the name of my crush, and I don't want to expose him, sooo... Yeah I hope you enjoy ^^ (Just one thing... I was thinking giving this to my crush but if I do that, I'm sure I'm gonna regret that for the rest of my life... so I'm asking for a little help here..., do you think I should give him? Honestly idk, and I liked if someone helped me out..., Enjoy the poem) **** I like to talk with you You make me happy Every sentence you say Its really funny I know this can be weird But I wanted to say this Please don't think I'm a creep Just forget about it I didn't even know why I said this I think I'm just a jerk Now it's time to school Let's have history class I'm done doing this Is everything like the same You can never change, don't you? You just give me pain... Yesterday you called me piece of sh*t You said it was just a joke I'm sure you didn't feel it But it really hurts (If I had some grammar error please, forgive me, and yeah, I made an English poem :3)


Wow! This is cool!

I’d never have the guts to make a poem for someone I like, so this is nice ;w;

I’m not good with crushes, so I’ll give this a try!

I think it progresses through things you like AND dislike about him, but maybe more of a variation of both? Usually everyone has their flaws so this is fine.

But I think it progresses from good to bad,,

Like I said, maybe a variation of both and giving a bit of an “ I like you “ ending but not just those three words XD

I’m not very good with crushes like I said, but I think this is a good poem to workshop :3

Keep it up! I like it 👍

Poem by @sstupidex !

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6 years ago

(Gone] A poem by me I wish I could be gone. Out of this world. I don't know what would happen, but it would possibly be peaceful, my family would most likely be in grief, but maybe I send them some sort of I'm okay message, I don't know though, I'd maybe smile, I just wish. I could be gone, and in peace, I may be 'too young', but in my heart I'm not too young, I understand too much, and have been through hell, but that's where I live so, that's normal, so yeah. I just wish I could be gone. Gone. Gone. Gone.


This has a lot of emotion! I like it.

What I think this shows how much you may want to disappear because no one may understand how you are feeling, and others may think you’re always ok.

I like the message showing that even if being gone would put someone at peace, and having a young but not so young mindset interpretation of things can cause others to not know what you’re going through.


I think that ‘ gone ‘ is a good way of wanting to disappear and maybe wanting to know how others would feel if you were, or if anything would change.

Like how when this was stated, “ I don’t know what would happen, but it would possibly be peaceful, my family would most likely be in grief, but maybe I send them some sort of I’m ok message. “

This stands out to me because even if things go wrong or you want to disappear from wherever your are, you know that some may be extremely emotional about it and others may not notice, but wanting them to know that “ I’m ok “ so you know that they love you and you still love them is something that’s a good thing!

I’m not sure how deep into yourself and personal problems that this poem goes into, since I don’t deal with my own emotions well either, but I wanna say that what you’re stating is a good message! It’s also good to get your feelings out.

I hope you’re having a good day! :3

Poem by @sketchys-korner !

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