Ddlc Ask Blog - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago
 I Somehow Know What Youre Talking About And I Hate It,,
 I Somehow Know What Youre Talking About And I Hate It,,
 I Somehow Know What Youre Talking About And I Hate It,,

“ I somehow know what you’re talking about and I hate it,, “

(( I see so many small mistakes in the second picture that I just now fixed because I’m a perfectionist, but I won’t have time to redraw this cause I gotta do stuff soon and I’m trying to get ask in XD )) (( Pegria why would you ask this :,) )) @pettisbradley

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6 years ago

(( Looking back, I remember making this at 3 am during spring break and then drafting it pfff ))

Natsuki: Geez Sayori why are you screaming-

Yuri: why is there a random pizza on the floOR-



Pizza: it’s because I fell through the building.




Yuri: I-



Pizza: no please don’t isolate me-

Yuri: I’m going to head home now..

(( plus I drew a couple of the lines XD ))

(( continuation of this ask lol ))

(( Looking Back, I Remember Making This At 3 Am During Spring Break And Then Drafting It Pfff ))
(( Looking Back, I Remember Making This At 3 Am During Spring Break And Then Drafting It Pfff ))
(( Looking Back, I Remember Making This At 3 Am During Spring Break And Then Drafting It Pfff ))

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6 years ago
 These Are Sharp, But I Also Collect Kitchen Knives And Keep A Pocket Knife With Me In Case I Need It.
 These Are Sharp, But I Also Collect Kitchen Knives And Keep A Pocket Knife With Me In Case I Need It.

“ These are sharp, but I also collect Kitchen Knives and keep a Pocket Knife with me in case I need it. “ (( Gn :3 ))

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6 years ago

Hi Y’all! Please read :3

Ok so I feel like this would be fun!

Send in some ddlc related HCs to the ask box if you have any!

It can be about one of the characters, a ship, things about the club or anything you perfer!

I’d like to see them and post them, mainly because I myself are bad at making headcanons and like seeing ones that others make :O

And even though I know I gotta dig deep enough to find them, I can’t seem to find a lot in the ddlc fandom,,

So send them to the ask box if you feel like it lol

( Reblogs would be appreciated on this specific post XD )

Hi Yall! Please Read :3

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6 years ago

hc: before monikas epiphany shes super energetic and caring in an almost agressive way lol. the kind of friend who yells at you to take care of yourself and then takes you out to buy something nice because i noticed youve been kinda down lately

Djaksowjdksjwnkdskwb Tbh this seems super accurate XD

Monika would have probably done ANYTHING for the rest of the club before she became self aware and Seems super supportive!

Kinda like a cheerleader,, and I feel like the others would say that sometimes she’s ready to help when someone isn’t feeling good to make them happy and doing nice things for them

Maybe after she became self aware she was still nice to the others, just not in a usual “ genuine “ way as she used to because she would be more focused on MC

But either way she still cares for the club and her members lol

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6 years ago

i have a headcanon that sayori's good at singing and is trying to learn to play the guitar to accompany it, generally monika and sayori are the more musical ones while yuri and natsuki are more artsy since natsuki likes decorative baking (and baking itself), and yuri is skilled with crafts


I honestly Love this one! I feel like Music is something Sayori would be interested in since we don’t know much about her, and plus playing the guitar could be something that she’s not the best at but she still loves doing it anyways!

And I agree with the last part also!Monika can play the piano well, maybe she makes her own songs like your reality for example.And Natsuki seems artsy to me. Decorative baking is something that she does often if she has the time and baking in general seems like her thing like you mentioned! Sometimes she even brings in cookies or cupcakes for the club :3And I think Yuri would be good with crafts! I think she’d like to make different figures or projects like a small paper town, the basic origami, or a paper mache scenery on a canvas!Things that she does at home by herself. She’s considered a bookworm so I think she’d be nervous about showing her artistic side

This is a cool HC :3

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6 years ago

Hc: natsuki is dyslexic! Read one fic about it and i fell in love with the idea. And ofc trans natsuki, that is unquestionable.

Sounds interesting! Maybe that’s why she doesn’t like more in depth and higher level reading books? Also maybe the reason for all of her “ manga is literature “ debates with Yuri lolAlso the trans Natsuki is an HC that is very common and very goodI like it :3

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6 years ago
This Actually Makes Since As An HC!I Dont Have Much To Say On It But The Second Anon Has Given Good Examples!
This Actually Makes Since As An HC!I Dont Have Much To Say On It But The Second Anon Has Given Good Examples!

This actually makes since as an HC! I don’t have much to say on it but the second anon has given good examples! 👍

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6 years ago

Sorta building from the "sayori's good at singing and is trying to learn to play the guitar to accompany it," headcanon... I now headcanon that Sayori is the guitar we hear at the end of the game with Monika's song... sorta like a small reconsiliation between Sayori and Monika? maybe?


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6 years ago

Oh okay thank you!! I’m at sunshine-sayori, which is a gardening club au. The first couple updates will be mostly uncolored until I can find suitable color palettes :)

Y’all heard it here!Go follow @sunshine-sayori !I’m gonna check out their blog because a gardening AU sounds cool! :O

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6 years ago

Headcanons!! Monika is bi, Sayori is bi ace, Yuri is a demi girl lesbian, Natsuki is a trans lesbian :D


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6 years ago

(my headcanon) Natsuki, Sayori, and Yuri are all dating, their favorite thing to do is go to the bookstore and all read the same book at the same time, then talk about it!! They also like cuddling on Sayori’s couch while eating ice cream and watching a movie, they take turns picking movies. (Yuri picks horror, Natsuki picks disney/dreamworks, Sayori picks comedy or drama)

THIS IS IS GOODNEJWJWKDKWKWI love this, poly ships are great shipsMovie nights sounds like something they might do too :OAnd this is a good HC XD

(( also helloooo I can finally do ask soon again today lol ))

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6 years ago

I have a HC that Yuri is a cat lady and is secretly obsessed with them. She even has her own little cat.

Sjekdsjabwkdj y e s

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6 years ago

HC idea: Monika schizophrenia and we are just the delusions of her head

But does that make us real?? Or fake??Or does that make ddlc fake and we’re the game INSIDE the game??I’m just trying to make this confusing,, good HC!

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6 years ago

I like to think that while Sayori is bubbly and a bit forgetful, shes honestly not as dense as the game/MC put her out to be? I think she also just has a natural knack/inclination for helping others and with the depression under control she could maybe even be like a therapist or counselor once she grew up?

I think that make sense!Sayori definitely does see the light and dark if things, so her being a counselor or therapist and figuring out how to help others is a great idea!I also think she would be able to get better with her depression, though it doesn’t go away.It would make her happy to help others and see them be happy.Good HC!

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6 years ago
Ahhh Tysm For 100+ Followers! Im So Glad That Many Of Yall Like My Art, The Way I Answer Ask, And Some

Ahhh Tysm for 100+ followers! I’m so glad that many of y’all like my art, the way I answer ask, and some of the things I’ve done! I’m also happy I decided to make an ask blog for ddlc because I’ve been meaning to XD Tysm! ✨

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6 years ago

Do you think that Monika and the G-Man are related?

Djaksajdojsjw I looked him up because I have NO idea who he is, and I read about him and tbh I’m not rlly sure XD

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6 years ago





Dannos: “I’m getting some strange readings from the leader of this "literature club”.

Tanner: “once they roll..the numbers have already have a grasp on your soul.”

Khonas: “Monika please! Being this high royalty is very exhausting..uh there’s so much to do like..um..”

Monika: “…I should probably stop accepting new members..”

Yuri: “..are..are you not going to question that two of them have horns..?”

((Oh you better believe I’m doing another appreciation post like these, I’m sorry my homestuck crew, but I’ve been infected by this fandom it’s slowly taking me in. Not to worry however I should be making more posts on Tanners adventure maybe send in asks to you guys. In the meantime yes here’s some DDLC/Homestuck fan art I created by mixing in two programs I sketched on as you can see, not the best result I didn’t even color or double trace my characters. though I really did like my sketches on Monika /it took two weeks to get her to look this good/. Anyways this is a post to show my love to some of my favorite DDLC blogs I follow and watch every time they post seriously if your fan of it follow these people I promise you their art is 100% better than mine it’s totally worth it.))






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6 years ago

PLEASE READ TIL THE END akskkfoskakakwmdls-

School: ok you have testing 3 days in a row starting tomorrow so you gotta sleep

Me: mk lemme look at my ask page first

Me: *looks in box*

A random ask:

PLEASE READ TIL THE END Akskkfoskakakwmdls-



Me: I’m so sorry

School: wait wh-

Me: *reaches for paper and pencil*

School: wait don’t

Me: *slowly opens sketch book*

School: you wouldn’t d a r e-


Ok so I asked a couple friends and here’s who I put as who w h e e z e-

Monika as Pearl

Natsuki as Amethyst

Sayori as Peridot

Yuri as Lapis

This prob doesn’t fit but :,))))

((New M!A coming soon hehehehehhe-))

(( Please fill my ask box! I’m doing this M!A for 10 ask, so the first 10 questions will be answered ))


(( also I have like 3-4 more ask before this so look out for those 👌 ))

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6 years ago


Guess who finished her year long projecttt


Ill be posting ask tomorrow! I’m gonna draw then tonight :3

I’m glad to be back and drawing my favorites!

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