[Skibidi Camera/Speakers/TVs + Others blog!] Hello! I'm AsktheSmolTitans, You can call me P.O.V or Smols! 21 years old, Artist & Writer
285 posts
"Brownie Are You Here?" TV-Woman, Also Known As Echo Enters The Lounge Looking For Her Partner. "E-ECHO!
"Brownie are you here?" TV-Woman, also known as Echo enters the lounge looking for her partner. "E-ECHO! Wait hold on! Galaxy is doing a small mission!" Brownie chirps panicked as he sees Galaxy getting ready to throw the smol potion at Echo. "Aw you're no fun Brownie, Do you want to join being smol with Brownie?" They pout but smile as Echo tilts her head at the smol cameraman. "Oh... Look at how adore you are, I'm fine with joining him" Echo emotes positively as she accepts the smol potion, sitting on the ground next to Brownie.

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Hey, I'm sorry if this is too personal, but is there a reason why you blocked @iloveturtleducks? I'm just curious because they seem genuinely upset about it.
And it's okay if you're not comfortable with talking about it. I hope nothing serious happened between the both of you.
{They left some tags on an ask they sent me after I answered it, following with me asking them if they were upset about the "wars" between blogs. They responded that they were upset which confused me as they were actively encouraging it after taking the Smol potions that I was using for the Smol War Arc.}

{Which this was their response and I got upset over the last sentence and I've sorta been in this funk since the answer as they were just sending asks with the Smol Potions to blogs. It's not really that deep but I felt like I was told to stop doing what I was doing and shut down the Smol War Arc. I really just wanted to do some art for others, asking the artists first before doing so... Sorry if this doesn't really make sense as it's stupidly early for me}
*Watching Dom Studios and Wu_Xing (Original Creator of the Clockmen, excluding Large Clockman) beefing with each other*
Oh dear, Oh Heck, OH COSMOS
{Asking because I'm interested in doing my own little thing but I don't know if anyone wants that - Smols/P.O.V}
[Alright It looks like it's spilt being Yes and Perhaps, So I'm going to ask if there's a particular time you want me to do this as it appears that there is a Yippee War going on or at least I think there's one. Maybe the Week leading up to Valentine's Day or Ides of March?]
"Happy Valentines and Here's Security!! He's a little out of wack from the potion but he's alright!"