Ooc Post - Tumblr Posts

Made another TF2 oc because I can. Dont mind the garbled description, I wasnt really focused on making the phrases/sentences into a paragraph lol
Going to an anime con and dressing up as scout for a day with my partnerrrr
uggktxirsjrsgixogxitsiteitufzfuxuf >:333

Pictures from the con!!! Im the Scout if you didn’t see my last post btw :3
My partner came with but didn’t have time to finish their cosplay sadly, but they still looked super pretty :3. Their friend (The engineer) came as well so I wouldn’t be the only tf2 character lol. But we did end up finding a medic! So happy they let us take a pic with them heh. We also saw a blue spy, but they were on the phone when we passed so we left them be -v-
Thanks for answering my ask and thoughts about your oc and the Japanese stuff
By the way, do you have any rules like dni?
Ofc! And I made this blog to interact with people as my OC so I’m happy to goof off with yall heh. My only rules are no NSFW and no being rude or mean in general lol.
- ❄️
Did I just spent 280 on commissions???? Yes, yes I did, and I'll do it again!!

dual muse blog for gen.shin im.pact. penned by spencer.
muses: chongyun, and wanderer (kaminari).
muses are both canon divergent. (chongyun: because he is more mature and confident than in game. kami, because he didn't go through irminsul.)
rules // bios // verses other blogs: @marchingasone
creating elemental reactions with: roleplay-abiogenesis2, windsfavored, kaehdeh,

meme tag / self promo
basic rules under the cut:
NO DRAMA. i have dealt with so much of it in the past, i'd like to firmly be left out of it. this means i will not read/engage with callout posts, vagueblogs, or guilt tripping.
if you're going to unfollow, soft block or hard block. simply unfollowing me makes me think tumblr/xkit glitched out, and i'd rather deal with being blocked over an awkward conversation.
i use _tw for tagging triggers. i won't remember everything, so if i miss something that you want tagged, please message me, i'll correct it.
discord is for friends, not just mutuals. if we end up talking ooc a bit, i'll happily trade discords.
i tend to vary my formatting, from colored speech or just plain text, whatever strikes my fancy. you are not obligated to follow suit. whatever makes you happiest!
i'm not interested in writing smut. i'm not comfortable with it, but i am definitely interested in ships.
speaking of ships, both chongyun and kaminari are adults. i'm not engaging in this discourse, and if i see people posting about chongyun being a child on the dash, or even other short men being minor coded, i'll just quietly softblock. i'm allowed to seek out ships for my muses, they are adults and deserve to be treated as such.
I WILL BE SLOW. please do not nag me for replies, or tag me. this is a hobby. know that i will get to it eventually.
added rules to my pinned! basic rules until i create a doc and expand on them a little more!
2. Who was your first muse?

overall or genshin specific? for genshin only, it's actually albedo!
before i came to tumblr with a chongyun blog (which was my first blog), i had muse for a fatui/villain albedo. i plotted out a bit of this au with a friend, but i never really got to work out the kinks of it all. but when i made it to tumblr, chongyun was the first blog i made. moreso, because i saw albedo blogs already, but i didn't see any for chongyun.
it's been a wild ride ever since!
What’s one random headcanon about your muse that people mightn’t know? (for both Chongyun and Kami)
for chongyun
i wouldn't say it's not well known, but it doesn't get the attention i WANT it to get. but chongyun has an earring! i really liked drummer!chongyun aesthetic, especially the tassel earring he's got. so, i took that earring and applied it to any verse i shove chongyun into. he has an earring, and i also headcanon that when he and xingqiu traded tassels, they also made sure both tassels were earrings.
chongyun also, blog canonically, has hair long enough to pull into a ponytail. it's not a super long one, but it's long enough that there's enough hair to pull back and keep out of his face! (he also has mini fangs because i said so.)
for kaminari
kami is a HUGE reader. he loves getting lost in a good book. but even further than that, if kami favors a person well enough, and they have a favorite book, his love language is taking that book and getting it rebound to something far more extravagent and beautiful. he probably did that for cyno and cyno's 'king of invocations' book, at least the first one.
kami doesn't show very many ways in which he does care, still having several walls up. but there ARE little ways in which he's like "you mean something to me, have a special edition book."
4, 18, 21
4. Favourite thing about roleplaying?
my first instinct is to say coming up with plots, but honestly, after yelling at avalon in dms for almost 2 days straight over dynamics we want to roleplay out, it's just sharing excitement with friends. i love plotting, i love getting invested in ships and threads and different dynamics. but nothing can top that serotonin of having your partner just as invested as you are, where you send each other asks and give each other novels for replies and just SCREAM. like the writing is nice, the plotting is fun, but the mutual investment and excitement can't be beat.
18. Are there any AU’s you’d like to explore but haven’t had the chance to yet?
for kami, i really want to hecking write the balladeer. i'm confident in my portrayal of wanderer. i know i'd do scaramouche justice, but i haven't been able to actually WRITE him. i want to write the angry-at-the-world harbinger and have him be the cryptid menace we all enjoy. i will take all threads and ideas please and thank you.
for chongyun, it's not that i haven't written it, but i am so SO SO ATTACHED to my yakshaverse. i have invested so much personal lore and headcanons into the idea that they're cryo yaksha and have ties to the past and explanations as to why they're not in canon lore. i am crawling on all fours and begging to write-
21. Are there certain characters that you gravitate towards?
the short male model types.
they have incredibly interesting lore, and are also HEAVILY misunderstood/mischaracterized by the fandom as a whole. i am the number one defender of short =/= minor, i actually loathe that trope with a passion (stares at chongyun). i want to take the short male models and give them the respect they actually deserve, because the game and fandom won't do it, so SOMEONE'S gotta do it.
with how tired every muse seems to be from time to time, why not hold a tumblr-wide nap event where our muses don't have to face danger, they just sneep.
what are your team headcanons?

chongyun is the powerhouse of the team. the one who takes all the heavy hits for the other three. bennett and tighnari work together to keep everyone else healed up. tighnari also tries to be the voice of reason, and works with kami in that regard. the two of them together make most of the decisions, though they're not strict about it either.
chongyun is also the most protective. with them being the powerhouse and wanting to take all the hits, they also are the most willing to step into dangerous territory, because chongyun 100% can handle the danger. not only do they have a claymore, but chongyun also has cryo and magic on their side. there's not a whole lot chongyun can't handle.
bennett is just happy that the other three don't see him as a burden. i'd like to think that chongyun's yang energy can also at least balance out the bad luck, so the others definitely see him as an assett. bennett and chongyun work well together elemental wise, so chongyun tends to pick bennett when he needs a partner.
kami is also strangely protective of these guys. he'll scoff and mock and act standoffish, but he's one of the first people to swoop in to get his teammates out of danger. he's happy to thow enemies around with his anemo, and get them in position for tighnari to blind them all with dendro.
it's a fun team and it works. also, tighnari definitely enjoys bennett's pyro. it's helped tighnari out on several occasions, so yeah!
definitely a strange party, but they work well together and are protective of each other.
hold on. hold on a minute, i need a fucking minute.

look. LOOK. feast your eyes!
hold on. hold on a minute, i need a fucking minute.
From someone else, it's like a chain thing???:Share 5 songs you listen to and then send this ask to 10 of your fave followers!!
OOC: okay!
Hey dude, letting you know someone in the queer platonic group chat (the one you left after Kai's alter made some acephobic comments, which he apologized for later by the way) said they found receipts on your Twitter of you liking a James Charles tweet, which is really yikes. Also, Rainbow said you are tweeting on your Steven Universe role play account that you were gonna rewatch ATLA, which is like a really transphobic and racist and sexist show, and you should know how Ash feels about, even if they won't say anything about it because of their anxiety. I just wanna let you know, I know Ash can be biphobic sometimes, but they also live in an apartment and their parents are divorced, so they have PTSD from it. I think Ash might write a call out, but me and Rainbow are trying to calm them down because, just beware and maybe stop being toxic.
Ooc: uhhh. Idk anyone named ask or rainbow nor was i in a queer platonic gc. I think you got the wrong person, sorry? I dont think you should be copy and pasting that to random people tho
The queer platonic group chat is a copylasta xx
Ooc: Okay...? I have no idea what that is but cool ig.
Bryce when you left him:
OOC: I've had the " maybe Cupid wont miss " audio stuck in my head all day because of what happened 😖