Hi there! My name is Alisha! I’m a 19 year old girl who has autism and a 19 year old girl who loves to watch Phineas and Ferb, Wander Over Yonder, Gravity Falls, listen to music, playing Terraria, and makes Perry the Platypus and Commander Peepers music videos on YouTube! Go check out my YouTube channel which has my name (Alisha Bham) and my profile has Commander Peepers to check out my videos on my Perry OCs, Commander Peepers(from Wander Over Yonder) and Perry himself! I usually rp as Perry(mainly) and my Perry OCs Groucho Perry, Fedora Perry, Female Perry, and Fez Perry! If you guys wanna rp with me, plz pm me and I’ll respond ASAP! My favorite character in all of Wander Over Yonder is the one and only Commander Peepers <3! He is awesome, funny, cunning, sly, devious, peep(cuz he’s a peep), SpongeBob(cuz he’s voiced by Tom Kenny), and he’s adorable as hell! In WOY RP, I mainly rp as my watchdog OC who is actually me as a watchdog based on me irl who is the assistant commander of the watchdogs and Perry is the lieutenant in the Hater Empire! Also in rp my laugh is exactly like Peepers but mine is girly, feminine, and high pitched cuz I’m female and Peepers and I are both commanders, watchdog best friends and lovers.Here is the link to my YouTube channel if you want to check it out: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbVWHQyV9C2bF-l9eEns2NA
58 posts
How Are You Doing Alisha?
How are you doing Alisha?

This is my first post! I’m doing good☺️! Thank you for asking! If you guys want to ask me questions, make sure you plz follow the rules as well.
Rules if you want ask me questions:
1. No Bullying/harassment
2. No violence
3. NO SEX(I will NOT tolerate SEX)
5. No 18+
6. No making me uncomfortable and upset
8. You are allowed to ask my Perry OCs questions(but still follow guidelines)
9. Everyone is allowed to share their art(nothing weird)
10. Have fun☺️
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More Posts from Assistantcommanderalisha

Heya guys! I’m back at it again with another post! But this one in particular is about my YouTube channel! On my YouTube channel, I make videos about Perry and his siblings(my Perry OCs), Commander Peepers, and on occasions, myself(watchdog me who is my watchdog oc who is actually me as watchdog based on me irl). On occasions, I also make cameo appearances of other characters like Bill Cipher and Swiper the Fox. I’ve been making these videos since June 2019 all the way up til now! I would deeply appreciate it if you guys would check out my channel cuz it would mean a lot to me. I do also take requests so if you guys on tumblr have any suggestions on what song I should use for my channel and who should sing, plz let me know in the comments below my videos! HOWEVER, I will NOT take kindly to dumbass bots mainly because of their naked websites and pornography cuz I FREAKING HATE IT! Bots on tumblr, LEAVE ME THE FRICK ALONE AND STAY AWAY FROM ME!!!!!!!!!!!! So yeah. If you guys want to check out my channel, here is the link! Also if you guys have any questions about me and if you want to ask Perry and his sibs questions, plz let me know by asking them on my page! I made posts for the main Perry 5 so you can get to know them before asking them and myself questions! But most importantly, plz follow the guidelines and the rules of my channel!
Heya guys! I’m back with another post! But this one is about Fez Perry! If you guys wanna ask Perry and his siblings questions, I’m deciding to make posts about Perry and Sibs so you could get to know them before asking them questions! Finally we have the semi aquatic egg laying mammal of action in fez, the Fez Boi himself, Fez Perry the Fez Platypus aka Agent FezP!

Name: Fez Perry
Gender: Male He/him/his
Age: 12(currently in 2023)
Physical Appearance: Fez Perry is a greenish teal male platypus with yellow tinged tangerine webbing only on his back feet(odd traits that platypuses outside of Danville don’t have) He also has three black hairs on his head, a low long salmon orange beaver tail, deep dark brown eyes in an unnatural walleyed position making him look mindlessly stupid and derpy as a pet, and a duck bill that matches his webbing color. Under his fur, he wears the amulet of Juatchadoon, a siren pendant, and he mainly wears a fez on his head as Agent FezP. FezP also wears a fedora on his head but he wears it on underneath of his fez. Around his arm, he wears a light teal turtle bracelet which is his miraculous in camouflage mode.
Height: 2 feet (60.96 cm)
Nemesis/Enemies: Dr Doofenshimirtz, Rodney, L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N., Dennis the Bunny, and Professor Parenthesis
Friends/Allies: Doof, Phineas, Ferb, Candace, Major Monogram, Carl, Monty Monogram, Lyla Lolliberry, Stacey Hirano, Milo Murphy, Diogee, Balthazar Cavendish, Vinnie Dakota, Melissa Chase, Zack Underwood, Ortan Mahlson, Pinky the Chihuahua, the other agents, Perry, Groucho Perry, Fedora Perry, Female Perry, Bunka da Bunkaquan, Parable the Dragon-pus, Master Perry, Rebel Perry the Rebel-pus, Perry the Platyborg, Sweary the Swan, Perry 2(cousin), Peggy, Ricardo, Penny/Phyllian, Whitney, Mishti, Dairry, Emily, Rose, Amy, Nelson(evil cousin), Pansy(mom), Percy(dad), Kyra(lover and love interest), his backup dancers/dancing trope, and Wayzz(kwami)
Family: Perry(brother), Groucho Perry(brother), Fedora Perry(sister), Female Perry(sister), Kelly(sister), Bunka da Bunkaquan(brother), Parable the Dragon-pus(brother), Master Perry(brother), Rebel Perry the Rebel-pus(brother), Perry the Platyborg(brother), Sweary the Swan(brother), Perry 2(cousin), Peggy(cousin), Ricardo(cousin), Penny/Phyllian(sister), Whitney(sister), Mishti(sister), Dairry(sister), Emily(sister), Rose(sister), Amy(sister), Nelson(evil cousin), Pansy(mom), and Percy(dad)
Nationality/Species: Australian(native to) American(domesticated in) , Male Platypus, half dream demon, and half siren
Born: January 21st 2011
Occupation: Top Secret agent of The OWCA, Household pet, Top watchdog spy of the Hater Empire, Leader of the Watchdog Spies, Lieutenant General of the Hater Empire, and holder of the turtle miraculous
Affiliations: The O.W.C.A.(Organization Without A Cool Acronym), The S.O.K.W.C.A.(Secret Order Of The Knights Without A Cool Acronym) Flynn Fletcher Family, and the Hater Empire
Hometown: Danville
Boss: Major Monogram
Owners: Phineas and Ferb
First Appearance: Phineas and Ferb and The Temple of Juatchadoon
Alinement: Good(in PaF) and Evil(In WOY)
Likes: Being very sassy, showing himself off, wearing a fez, being manipulative, hanging out with my brothers and sisters, making dramatic entrances with his backup dancers, dancing, music, my theme song “Perry in a Fez”, and Favorite Songs: What’s My Name by China Anne McClain and Perry in a Fez
Dislikes: Wearing my fedora under my fez, being questioned about my fez, and why he’s not in Egypt
Miraculous: Turtle Miraculous
Kwami: Wayzz
Hero Persona: CaraFezPerry
Villain Persona: ShellShockFezPerry
Powers/Abilities: Shell-Ter and Protection(as CaraFez), Apportion, Clairvoyance, Cross-Dimension Awareness, Illusion manipulation, Intangibility, Innate Capability, Nigh Omnipotence, Laser Manipulation, Levitation, Molecular Manipulation, Nightmare/Dream Manipulation, Nightmare/Dream Inducement, Possession, Pyrokinesis, Size Shifting, Telekinesis, Telepathy, and Mind Reading(as a half dream demon) enchanted singing voice which allows to manipulate or control others’ actions with its compelling tones. The more of the negative energy he consumes, the stronger his voices becomes, and the farther he could spread his good magic(as half siren but uses it for good)
What his speaking voice sounds like: Very cool, very calm, very collected, and he has a Sassy accent.
Status: Active and immortal
Voiced by/Speaking and Chattering Voice: Dee Bradley Baker
Singing Voice: China Anne McClain
Personality: He can be best defined as “The Sassy Bossy Flirty Dramatic Entertainment" younger brother to Perry. He kinda has same aspects as Perry, but the difference is that he is mostly sassy, bossy, dramatic, and entertainment. This is seen from the fact that he brought backup dancers to a long-lost temple and when he was dancing. He also seems loyal enough to wear a fez even though he wasn't in Egypt. He does have a difficult relationship with Perry but sometimes they get along with the rest of his brothers and sisters. As Agent FezP, he is proud of his abilities as a fez platypus and wants to prove himself to Perry that he can be a good secret agent for the O.W.C.A. As a dream demon, he can be manipulative and he is always sassy in order to get what he wants. When he’s making a deal with someone, his greenish teal hand starts burning with light teal flames. As a siren, he plays with someone’s emotions and he’s ready to show off his singing voice and feeds on the positivity around him.
Hi Alisha, who are your perry ocs?

Hi Watchdog Hank! My Perry OCs are Groucho Perry, Fedora Perry, Female Perry, and Fez Perry😉They may have similar appearances to Perry but they each have unique personalities. They’re Perry’s siblings and if you’re wondering what their accessories they’re wearing are, those are their miraculouses cuz they’re miraculous holders! Groucho Perry uses the rooster miraculous, Fedora Perry uses the Ladybug and Mouse miraculous, Female Perry uses the bee miraculous(cuz she’s actually based on Chloe Bourgeois), and Fez Perry uses the turtle miraculous respectively. Perry also uses a miraculous too! He uses the black cat miraculous! With the help of their kwamis, they transform into animal themed heroes. They’re also half dream demon and siren but they use their powers for good. I am also planning on making posts on them so that way you can get to know them and ask them questions! You can ask them questions too but plz follow the guidelines!
Heya guys! I’m back with another post but this is about the qna! I love to answer your question and same with Perry and his siblings! But there is a catch! If you guys want to ask me, Perry and his siblings questions, make sure you plz follow the rules!
1. No bully/harassment
2. No violence
3. NO SEX(I will NOT tolerate SEX)
4. No 18+
5. No making me uncomfortable and upset
6. You are allowed to ask my Perry OCs questions(but still follow guidelines)
7. Everyone is allowed to share their art(nothing weird)
8. Have fun☺️