aster-riskite - the little sleep deprived one
the little sleep deprived one

BY THE WAY IM 18 now wow

702 posts



*posh voice* The adventures in the unions of Sir Arthur Kirkland and Francis Bonnefoy continue. All American Cooking edition.

I love Al and Matt. I literally live for them, so of course I have to make it about them.

*posh Voice* The Adventures In The Unions Of Sir Arthur Kirkland And Francis Bonnefoy Continue. All American
*posh Voice* The Adventures In The Unions Of Sir Arthur Kirkland And Francis Bonnefoy Continue. All American
*posh Voice* The Adventures In The Unions Of Sir Arthur Kirkland And Francis Bonnefoy Continue. All American
*posh Voice* The Adventures In The Unions Of Sir Arthur Kirkland And Francis Bonnefoy Continue. All American
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More Posts from Aster-riskite

1 year ago





may i see the fics 🙌

also thank you so much for sharing


been thinking about the Hetalia 2ps lately. mostly schematics because like are they evil or just intense?

like what are they? do they exist on the same plane as the 1ps or do they have their own world?

do they exist within the 1ps like some kind of weird sealed away forces, only to be thrust out of containment when the container is injured or overly stressed? (i.e. whatever Naruto/That Guy from Jujutsu Kaisen had going on?)

Are they just the regular nations of another universe out there that's more dangerous and difficult to live in, hence the need to fight for your life?

Are they the assassins to the 1ps diplomats? Secret operatives kept even more under wraps because of their brutal nature, or not even nature because they were conditioned to be like that? Do they envy the 1ps for their peaceful lives?

Fuck. That last idea was actually cool. I've gotta write now ;~;

1 year ago

Germano Week Day 1: Humanverse/Coffee shop

my multishipper ass had no excuse not to participate so-... this is also on my ao3.

Sure, the night was lively in this odd city. There was nothing wrong with this day, and nothing felt like it could go wrong. The sun was shining in red hues as the sun began to set.

Though, there was one thing.

An entire day had passed, and Lovino just now remembered that he was in an unfamiliar city, fatigued, and without a place to crash for the night.

He'd been all over the town, really. He had this habit of going to cities, checking out their museums, spending a ridiculous amount on food, and forgetting that he had a home to go back to.

Usually he'd be able to snag a hotel room.

However, luck had no intention of giving him that grace.

Every single place he'd call: no available rooms.

"Fuck!" He hung up the phone, probably having just struck fear into the heart of that poor woman.

With a frustrated hiss, Lovino adjusted his jacket and kept walking, muttering under his breath about the stupidity of it all. That is, how he was not immune to consequences, as he so needed to be.

In layman's terms, it pissed him the fuck off.

In terms of his surroundings, he found himself having no choice but to walk. There was no point in having a temper tantrum in public, after all. He was going to find someplace a little more private to be furious at the world.

Furious he would be, stepping into the cafe around the corner. Furious he would remain, witnessing dull, almost industrial decor. His fury only burned brighter when his sights were set on that stupid barista, with the stupid blue eyes and stupid blond hair. His even stupider, dull, almost too practical attire, made him seem like a brick come to life.

"Hey, you. Get me a god damn espresso. Make it a double." The first words he spoke to that stupid brick of a man were laced with the hissing of hot coals.

It didn't phase the barista, who began to prepare his order with no other words spoken. What was the point, after all? His customer had already spoken of his order.

Lovino sat down with a huff, watching the man make his espresso, having nothing else to do. He absentmindedly scrolled on his phone as well, noting another 'star exhibit' soon to be seen in a museum a town over. Maybe later, he mentally remarked.

Though, when his phone screen went dark, Lovino had no choice but to heavily sigh.

Now he was lost, without communication, and tired.

The barista looked over at him, stone cold expression never wavering.

"Is everything okay?" He asked flatly, turning the espresso machine on.

"The hell are you talking to me for?" Lovino bit back.

"You don't seem to have anything else to do." The man answered. "My name is Ludwig."

"...Lovino." The man had a point. Plus, somehow, the way he remained so calm in this moment was soothing. (Not that Lovino would say so. He was too busy being in his own head over it all.)

"Nice to meet you, Lovino." Ludwig answered. "Is there anything you want to talk about?"

"Ehh... I'd rather not rant to you while you're working. It'd be a dick move."

"I can multitask." Something caring shone through in Ludwig. "Do you want anything in your espresso, by the way?"

"Hell no. Anyways, I guess the gist of it is that I'm lost in a city I don't live in! What's worse is that there's not a damn hotel big enough to hold one more fucking guy! It's like God hates me, and loves everyone else today! Fucking shit!" Lovino concluded his rant by screaming into his arms, which now acted as a pillow for his face.

Ludwig took a moment to let Lovino recover, serving his espresso. He felt pity for the customer, who currently was breathing deep sighs of malcontent.

" you need a place to stay?"

Lovino's face went red. He wasn't capable of responding verbally in these conditions.

"Nod or shake your head. I promise it's okay." Ludwig found his own face to be warming up a bit. Something about Lovino was extremely cute at the moment.

The customer nodded his head, confirming Ludwig's question.

"Do you mind staying with me for the night? Seeing as you're... Hotel-less."

Lovino nodded again, looking away. "Sure." His pride was hurt, but there wasn't exactly a choice.

Fifteen minutes 'til seven, said the chime of a bell. Outdoors, it was somewhat dark. The gentle breeze wrestled with a tree, playfully stealing a leaf.

Playful. That was a word to describe anything but the scenario Lovino was in. Being forced into the care of a stranger, through a scenario that seems like it would only happen to a man hated by the heavens.

What a weird day.

He downed his espresso with nothing more so say, other than that this was a good espresso. Even if it didn't taste like home.

Somehow, he was reminded of the barista before him through the complex notes of this particular coffee.

Something within Lovino knew that this Ludwig character, despite being a bit of a stick in the mud, was a good man. Kind, even. Good enough to care for a man that God hated. He found himself comparing the guy to a police dog, oddly enough.

Ludwig tidied his counter once more, before grabbing some keys and heading to a door behind the counter. He motioned for Lovino to follow.

"Oh, you live here, don't you? Weirder and weirder." Lovino's remark was considerably less heated with fury. He hardly even remembered what he was angry about. Damn good espresso indeed.

Ludwig led his houseguest up some stairs and into a quaint home. Plainly decorated, besides some pictures, it looked like the owner hadn't lived here for so long.

"Huh... Nice place." Lovino sighed and let himself fall onto the couch. "I'll stay out of your way."

Nodding, Ludwig sat on an armchair and took a few breaths.

Though they sat together in a room in silence for quite some time, there was an unspoken bond between them.

The beginning of something new, perhaps.

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1 year ago

Who are You?

Rating: T

Pairing: GerEng

Word Count: 1077

Read on AO3

Author’s Note: Bring you all some more of @enderwasended DBH AU. 

Ludwig stared out the elevator as it began its descent to the lowest floor. The blur of the sterile blue and white was far better than the two dead bodies that now accompanied him.

It was either him and the cause or those two guards. So why did he feel weird whenever he looked at them? Couldn’t this elevator go faster?

The whites and blues turned into dark grays as he entered the lower levels. Thousands upon thousands of unactivated androids came into view. He was in.

Hacking the elevator, so the traction was locked, Ludwig got to work. He cautiously entered the warehouse, looking around at all the lifeless androids. This would be more than enough.

There was not a sound in the entire room, and yet Ludwig felt what he could only describe as dread as he approached one of the androids. It was all too easy…

Peeling back his synthetic skin, he took hold of the android’s arm. But he never got through the conversion before…

“Easy…Fucking piece of shit…” Arthur’s voice grumbled.

Ludwig pulled back to see Arthur held at gunpoint by another version of himself.

“Step back Ludwig,” the copy warned, “And I’ll spare him.”

Arthur sighed. “I’m sorry Ludwig…This bastard is your spitting image.”

Ludwig froze, save for his grip on the arm in front of him. It was the only thing keeping him up right now. Everything became cold, the edges of his vision dark almost like that time he felt that android die. Except this time he could see. And he could see Arthur at gunpoint, his hands shaking ever so slightly. Arthur was scared too, despite how cocky he sounded.

“Your friend’s life is in your hands,” the fake Ludwig continued, “Now it’s time to decide what matters most. Him or the revolution.”

“Don’t listen to him,” Arthur hissed,” Everything this fucker says is a lie.”

“I’m…I’m sorry Arthur,” Ludwig called, “You should have never gotten mixed up in this.”

“Forget about me, do what you have to do!”

Ludwig turned to his copy. It was like staring in a mirror, except for one thing. The other’s eyes were cold and emotionless. “If I surrender, how do I know you won’t kill him?”

“I’ll only do what’s necessary for my mission,” the copy replied simply, “It’s up to you whether or not that mission includes killing this human.”

Ludwig watched Arthur carefully. The tremors in Arthur’s hand had grown. Arthur stuffed them into his pocket when he caught Ludwig staring. He tried to give Ludwig a determined smirk, but he had been with Arthur long enough to catch the way his lip twitched whenever he was nervous.

“Enough,” the fake roared, shoving the gun harder against Arthur’s head. “It’s time to decide who you really are.”  

Gilbert’s words echoed in Ludwig’s head.  Who are you?  

Ludwig met Arthur’s eyes once more. And at that moment, he knew at least one part of himself. He dropped the android’s arm and raised his hands in surrender. “You win…”

In a split second, the gun was turned on him. Arthur tried to reach for it and wrestle it away. Without thinking twice, Ludwig lunged forward, wrestling his copy to the ground giving Arthur ample opportunity to grab the gun.

But the copy put up a fight, the tussle only breaking at Arthur’s command: “Hold it!”

He was pointing the gun right at them.

“Thanks, Arthur. I don’t know how I would have managed without you.” the fake said. It would’ve made Ludwig’s blood boil if his blood worked like humans. “Get rid of him. We have no time to lose.”

“It’s me Arthur,” Ludwig pleaded.

Arthur swung the gun slowly between the two. “One of you is my partner. The other is a sack of shit. Question is who’s who.”

“What are you doing Arthur?” the fake went on, “I’m the real Ludwig. Give me the gun, and I’ll take care of–”

“Don’t move,” Arthur growled.

“Ask us something,” Ludwig pipped up, “Only something the real Ludwig would know.”

Arthur quirked a brow. “Uh…Where did we first meet?”

Ludwig opened his mouth to speak, but the fake beat him to it. “Jimmy’s Bar. I searched four other bars before I found you. We went to the scene of a homicide. The victim’s name was Carlos Ortiz.”

Ludwig felt his chest contract. “He uploaded my memory…”

Arthur must have heard him because he sat in thought before giving the next question. “Why did you keep saving me…After everything? Despite everything?”

It was as if all of Ludwig’s internal workings shut down. Why had he saved Arthur? It has been a question looping in his mind since they met. Even when it was a detriment to his mission, he put Arthur first. Why? As a machine, he could never come to an answer. As a machine all there was was logic. But saving Arthur wasn’t a logical thing. It was an emotional one. A human one.

“Because I needed you for the m–”

“I’m still confused,” Ludwig cut in, “At first it just felt… right. It was as natural to me as following my mission was. I…I couldn’t even consider a world without you in it, so I would do everything to ensure that never happened. It started out just as empathy, I think, but…It’s more now. W-When I saw you shaking just moments ago I just…I wanted to throw all logic out the window, but I knew that wasn’t wise. What I’m getting at is…I-I think…No, I know now…I love you, Arthur.”

“I…” finally that fake bastard was at a loss for words. Seconds later, at the rattle of a gunshot, he had no words left to the heap he now was on the floor.

The gun clattered to the ground, Arthur staring at Ludwig in disbelief.  

“Arthur I–”

Arthur jumped at him, squeezing him tightly. “I…I love you too…”

And they just stood like that, holding each other, gripping each other like they were the only two in the whole universe. This, Ludwig concluded, was what made him human.

Arthur pulled away. “Now…You’ve got one last mission to do, don’t you?”

Ludwig fought the urge to pout. “I-I guess…”

“Then I’ll be waiting. Do what you have to love.” Arthur gave him a quick peck on the cheek before rushing off. Ludwig just watched, cheeks blue, completely dazed.

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1 year ago
Highlights From Prussia's Close Friends Ig Story Or Something. Guess Who Got Ludwig Liek This (his Name

highlights from prussia's close friends ig story or something. guess who got ludwig liek this (his name starts with v, ends with eneziano)

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