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What To Know Before Training In Witchcraft (part 1)

What to Know Before Training in Witchcraft (part 1)
Throughout history, humans all over the world have practiced magick; yet much information on how to perform these abilities were kept in secret from eyes of the unworthy. Due to this, the rise of monotheistic religions were easily able to wipe out much of the knowledge, making it difficult for new generations to discover how to perform this ancient spiritual art. As someone who has trained and devoted themselves to witchcraft for the past 15 years and has been initiated into the Hermetic Path, here are the main things you should know if you seek to become a witch as well:
The basics of performing magick: Every spell requires a foundation of things in order to work, these are Will-power, Intense Focus, Passion/Need for the Outcome, Visualization of Desire, and Understanding of the skills you are utilizing. Without these, the spell will not be kindled and will fall flat. Additionally, the stronger your focus, the stronger your spell will be; yet developing very strong focus requires long training in meditation. When using your focus, it is like having beams of light projected into what you are doing- if the focus is not strong enough, the light becomes scattered. Meditation also assists in visualization, as you will need to be able to hold a mental image in your mind for as long as you require and be able to manipulate its appearance or rotate it with ease.
Most magick requires astral ability, spirit work, and etheric connection. The sooner you learn to astral travel, the better (it can be done through both full-projection and mental projection, which is easier). Yet, you do not need to astral project in order to manipulate the astral, you only need to understand how to use your astral limbs on command (this is done for many areas of magick such as cursing people through summoning malevolent energies, or healing by removing toxic energies from inside one’s body). If you do not learn how to operate your astral body, you will not be able to perform most of magick since magick mostly takes place on the astral plane. Remember that witchcraft is not simple in the slightest and most books on it are either false in order to gain money or too basic to be strong enough spells. Witchcraft is for those who are willing to devote their lives to seeking and perfecting it, as well as those who are wise enough to use it properly. It is not about spell jars or emoji spells (both of which are ineffective), magick is weather summoning, dream manipulation, exorcisms, energetic healing, and the ability to see your enemy’s location through astral sight so you can directly curse them. The possibilities are nearly endless.
Witchcraft is not meant for everyone. I know that most people are wanting to be kind to eachother and be all-inclusive, but not only is this unrealistic for this advanced craft, but also a very dangerous mentality. If someone goes into magick without being prepared, it can cause severe damage or even death in some severe cases. There is a reason why ancient cultures have all had magick reserved for the shamans and priests; it is not meant to be handed out to just anyone, one must be worthy and actually capable of such power. Should you go into witchcraft or spirit work when you have a mental disability such as psychosis, major depression, etc, you are allowing your conditions to become far worse. This is due to many reasons since magick will shift your view of reality and you will also be tested by higher powers to prove your worth (neither of these are easy, but if you have a mental disability, it will hit you even harder and cause severe damage). So either get medicated and stable, or do not go into witchcraft or spirit work. As for physical health problems, do not go into spirit work if you have a condition such as heart disease, as some experiences can cause heart attacks.
The more advanced you become, the more enemies you gain. This goes for both spiritual enemies and humans, since your power will attract malevolent entities of all kinds as well as other advancing witches. While witches can curse (or even kill) you out of envy for your power or if you angered them, malevolent spirits can do just the same usually with more ease and with greater consequences. There are a vast many types of malignant spirits but most of them are tar spirits (entities made of pure malice and look like tar). These can truly ruin someone’s life and cause severe trauma, so you need to make sure you actually know what you’re doing when going into witchcraft or you will be unprepared for such attacks.
As a beginner (Novice-Intermediate Witch), you need to connect with a certain spiritual path (such as Kemeticism, Hermeticism, etc). This is because as beginners, we are still needing to train our minds to believe in otherworldly possibilities and begin thinking in ritually symbolic ways. Once you become more advanced, this connection is no longer necessary. It is best to study as many paths as possible in order to have a wide-range of knowledge, and especially make sure to learn about Animism, as it holds truth. Remember that there are spirits all around us- in plants, water, the winds, the planets. They also wander about and watch us; not all of them are human and in fact, most of them aren’t. There are a vast many different species of spirits, even ones that are unknown in myth or folklore.
Imposter Spirits. If you go into spirit work without proper skills in sensing, hearing, and seeing, you are putting yourself at great risk to be manipulated by imposters. These are usually tar spirits who come and pretend to be deities, demons, and many other things just to get you to trust them. Their two main reasons for doing this are to trick a person into breeding with them in the astral (which creates many more tar spirits, which is horrible) or to simply destroy someone’s life by worsening any present mental health problems. To avoid this, you either need an experienced mentor assisting you, or you need to learn to be extremely cautious, educated in spirits, and take things very slow in this path until your senses fully develop. Remember, just because you called upon a spirit and they seemed to arrive, it does not always mean it is actually them; you need to test it.
You need to be able to cleanse yourself properly. Each day, we gather up toxic energy from people around us due to envy, hate, and many other things. Most people can feel this but pass it off as random bodily pains. In order to heal yourself and others, you need to use your astral sight to see where the toxic energy is (if it’s in your body, just feel for it) then use your astral hand to reach in and pull it out (it helps if you move your physical hand along with it). Once out, burn it in the astral by summoning fire in your hand. Then move your hand across your body where the energy was and heal it with golden light, covering any injuries if you were attacked. However, if you are just beginning magick, it is likely that you will not be able to do at least one of the things mentioned, so you will need to improvise until you are skilled enough through constant practice.
Alternate methods of removing toxic energy are wearing jewelry of alexandrite or by placing black tourmaline on your stomach and slowly rotating it until you feel your energy become lighter. Although these crystals don’t heal everything, so it is best to learn how to use your astral abilities. For healers, you must cleanse yourself whenever possible, even by just summoning fire to move up and through your body in the astral. If you do not, you have a high chance of getting leukemia from the blocked toxins over time. As an advanced healer, you will be able to simply see inside a person’s body with your astral sight and be able to see what physical and spiritual conditions they have so you can heal them.
The Spirit Death: One of the most important things a witch will undergo is the Spirit Death- the shedding of your Ego and current self in order to allow your rebirth. In order to properly perform magick, one needs to destroy their current limited mentality and become “less human” so that they can better absorb higher knowledge and surpass the ordinary person. This will not make you like the gods in complexity, as they are far beyond us. But it will make you vastly different as a person and far stronger. However, this Death requires you to undergo great suffering and perseverance, as pain is the only way we can change and develop true wisdom. This is not something ordinary people are capable of going through, but powerful magick requires great sacrifice.
Even afterwards, you will have to live your life in loneliness when you realize in your higher awareness that you can no longer fit in among others. In order to undergo the Spirit Death, you only need to open yourself up to it and confess it to your gods, the Source, or your higher self. You do not have to destroy your entire ego, only the parts that limit you, or make you arrogant or jealous. Throughout the path as a witch, especially during the beginning, you will fail. You have to learn to fail so you can see what works and what does not, then keep trying until you finally figure things out through trial and error. There is no easy way through the path of a witch.
Part 2 | Part 3
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Women who have an NF personality type tend have prominent Jupiter,Neptune,mercury in their chart

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Anytime I make an astrological post it's always gender neutral. I do not believe in sex/gender playing as much of a role as others might simply because energy isn't related to the gender/sex one has.
Plenty of men can be feminine and have the feminine traits talked about .
Plenty of women can masculine and have the masculine traits talked about.
People who are enby/ unaligned with woman/man can literally be either or just like anyone else.
Energy has never been about the physical body you have or what you align with. Its been about the way you are perceived and act in the world as a whole.
We need to drop this whole female/women act like this and men/males act like that bs because it doesn't acknowledge the reality of life.
I say all this to conclude with asteroids/planets have certain energies and anyone can have them. Their sex/gender doesn't determine if they only display certain parts. They apply equally across the board and it doesn't matter.
We gendered the planets and their energies not the planets actually giving off those vibes.
just saw a post saying pisces are most likely to cheat um
everyone can cheat 😭😭 can we not perpetuate harmful stereotypes because as a Pisces I wouldn’t cheat ever in my life 💀 same goes for Gemini Venus and sag placements too
just a bit irritating cuz some (not all, SOME) people like to hide their bias under the term “astrology observations” when they’ve only seen like what 3 of these placements ever in their lives 🗿