189 posts
My TSBS Pet Peeves (or TSAMS/TLAES/MGAFS In General)
My TSBS Pet Peeves (or TSAMS/TLAES/MGAFS in general)
◇ People asking for either two characters to have their own show
- This one in general pisses me off in all sorts of angles. Not every character needs a show just because you want it. Especially after what yall did to mgafs. Almost all you wanted a Monty show, but here we are, and it barely gets any views, and Montys character is everywhere. He's either chill and helpful in TSAMS. Or he's greedy and two-faced in TLAES (unless he's with Earth). And in MGAFS, he's the same with TSAMS Monty but also with a mix of TLAES Monty. What I'm saying is once Monty got his own show, his character was ruined. It isn't stable. And I don't want that with other characters, especially with Jack and Dazzle (also I just don't want them to become traumatized they're a kind of relief of stress to some fans once heavy lore videos come out and are a breathe of fresh air so let's leave it like that). Also, you gotta realize there are people behind the screen who have lives to live instead of being behind a screen 24/7, spitting out videos everyday bc their fans want another show that will triple their work load and ruin the characters while the show goes on
♤ People who comment, "Can't wait for the next lore video!"
- I hate these comments underneath gaming videos. ESPECIALLY IF THEY DROP 2 GAMING VIDEOS IN TWO DAYS. JUST WATCH THE VIDEO AND SHUT UP OR LEAVE AND BE A LORE WATCHER PLEASE! Stop living in the future and live in the present that has the gaming video. It's giving you a break of the lore videos. Take it. You'll need it, especially if you're the one to cry to heavy lore videos (I'm not dissing you if you cry to these, you have emotions. Good for you!)
◇ Those who baby characters
- I'm not talking about the people who say baby girl to characters they find attractive or whatever. You guys are cool and funny at times 👍. I just don't like it when people treat characters like literal "defenseless little BaBiEs WhO nEeD tO bE pRoTeCtEd aT aLl CoSts 🥺🥺🥺" . No. No, they do not. They all have mentioned that they're all adults even though they don't have canonical ages (unless it's dazzle/Evelyn. They're a kid who needs guidance. That I can understand). Especially with Lunar and Sun. Mostly Lunar. You all treat him like a kid. Yes, he may act like one, but he has brought this up so many times. He acts like this because it's what he is comfortable with and used to (also, bc isn't he the opposite of Moon? He's gonna act like that). Not to mention, even the show has brought this up. Lunar can take care of himself he has shown that. He is just restricted because of the Astrals and their distrust with him (probation). Not to mention he has worked with Eclipse and Bloodmoon for a time being. He has expressed he is willing to kill if it came to it (Eclipse Era) and let Bloodmoon kill people as long as it kept him at bay. Lunar is not a baby he has done things that would classify him as an assistant to murder (still love him 🤭).
♤ People who comment "_____ gives you determination"
- It became annoying over time by how much I saw of it. Just stop of you do this. If you don't have anything you want to comment on, then don't comment
Anyways I'll probably talk more of my pet Peeves on another post bc I forgot most of them. Yeah, I ain't done 😈 🙏 Also I just don't want to be seen as a sour grape :P Soo yeah :D!
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More Posts from Astrobuggy

Pio if you're comfortable with it you should draw Lunar and Rez smooching
Omg who said that just now not me hahahahahaha
is this what you wanted


People, please be careful. There are also people tracking children and people and putting bids on them based on their profile pictures on whatsapp, tracking and kidnapping them. Especially young children, so please be cautious, especially parents who have their children as their profile pictures.
Please pass this on to everyone so that they are aware of the danger. I don’t how it is all around the world but I know it can’t just be here so please please spread the word. Thank you.
It's lunars birthday 🎂 😋 My favorite character fr (besides the intergalactic being n shit)

This aint Pomni 😭😭🙏🙏
Omg somebody finally noticed!
More Rez art 😋 I love drawing him. He's so funky

LAES BETTER COME BACK 😤 I need more Rez content it's so dry out here 😭🙏 I miss my manz 😞