astrologhoul - Just Another Demon
Just Another Demon

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253 posts

Little Paws & Cute Tails| Hybrid

Little Paws & Cute Tails| Hybrid™


Posted: 1/29/2021

Words: 777

Little Paws & Cute Tails| Hybrid

Shina carefully places the scared fox were the quiet kids where. The area had a small ball pit, some scattered toys, small cubies full of books to read, and of course, the giant legos.

The area wasn't full. It has like five children, and with (Y/N), it would be six."Hi, cuties~ I brought somebody here to play. I hope you guys play well and get to know each other." Shina gave a reassuring smile to (Y/N). (Y/N) clenched her fuffy black hair in her arms, creating a shield to protect herself from the other.

Some of the kids had gone back to what they were doing, but one kid stood up from his lego set and waddled toward (Y/N). The kid had dark brown hair, two light brown feline ears, and a light brown tail. It was a boy as much as (Y/N) could identify. Then again, she had not interacted much with a kid her age, making her very shy.

Taking a step back (Y/N) fell on her butt, surprised, and even more sacred. Why was the boy approaching her? Did she do something bad? "Are chw okie?" The boy now in front of her crouching down, tilting his head to the side. "Do chw havth owie?" The boy had a worried face

"donth be shcared. do chw wanth tho pway withh me?" The boy gave (Y/N) a smile holding his hand out toward her.

(Y/N) felt safe with the boy that had approached her. The fact that he hadn't yelled or spoke loudly made her conclude that she wanted to be friends with the feline boy. (Y/N) placed her tiny hand inside the boy's hand. The boy help (Y/N) stand and started to look around for and more owies. Luckily he didn't find any, so he gave her a big hug and started walking to his forgotten legos.

"My name ish yoongi whath ish your name?" The boy help (Y/N) sits down next to him "(Y/N)" She replied quietly and notices how the boy sent her happy waves making her smile returning the warm feeling toward Yoongi.

The two of them busy playing while Yoongi did most of the speaking and (Y/N) replying with small no's and yes while sending emotion wave to help. It was such a cute sight. When it was time to put the toys away and go out to the park (Y/N) helped Yoongi put the toys away and held hand when they finished.

"Come on, kids, it's time for the playground!" One of the caretakers said that all the kids were ready with their shoes and formed a line.

"(y/n)-nie pway withh yoongi righth?" Yoongi asked while walking toward the caretaker to help them put their shoes on.

"Hyungie hewp (y/n) pweashe?" Yoongi tugged the male caretaker pants how had kneled down and smiled at both kid. (Y/N) not sure about the male, she hid behind Yoongi, making sure that her tail covered her head and face.

"Of course, Yoongi. Is she your new friend?" The male was a panda hybrid, so the cute rounded ears poked out from his honey-colored hair. "Yesh! shhe ish my friend and shhe shmewwsh reawwy preththy! shhe shmeww wiwe fwowersh" Yoongi smiled brightly, his tail wrap around (Y/N) and pulled her in a hug.

"I see. Well, hello (Y/N). My name is Jackson, and you dont need to be shy! Oppa will help put your shoes on" Jackson held (Y/N) shoes and told her to sit down. Yoongi sat next to her and started playing with (Y/N) long hair, carefully making sure not to hurt her.

After the two got their shoes on, they went to the line where at least twelve children stood. "Ok, children, we are going outside when you hear a bell. That means it is time to come in." Shina explains while leading the children out to the playground. It wasn't (Y/N) first time at a playground, but it would be the first time she plays in the playground with a friend.

The children started to run around, leaving (Y/N) and Yoongi to walk toward the sandpit. "weth mawe a big cashthwe and you can be thhe queen (y/n)-nie. I wiww be your wnighth!" Yoongi excited about his suggestion (Y/N), started to gather the buckets and shovels. She usually played with her daddy and mommy, but today, she was playing with Yoongi. Maybe she could shake her gummies with Yoongi. Gummies were her favorite, especially the berry ones.

The two were occupied building the castle to notice another boy approaching them. The boy had more of a canine look and looked younger than Yoongi but still older than (Y/N). Who could it be? Will this new boy play with the two adorable hybrids?

Little Paws & Cute Tails| Hybrid

© 2021 UntamedGrape

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3 years ago

I just finished Within Us! Omg! I curious how the story will progress given that Bitna already met Jimin and Hobi. Also, I'm curious what will happen when Bitna meets Jin, given that he doesn't like Alphas that much huhuhu Thank you for sharing this lovely story to us! 💜

Hahah thank you I am glad you like it! Your be surprised that the ver you are reading now is the third ver. I am very curious too! When I get back on my feet I’ll be sure to make it extra juicy 😋☺️

I Just Finished Within Us! Omg! I Curious How The Story Will Progress Given That Bitna Already Met Jimin
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3 years ago

Little Paws & Cute Tails| Hybrid™


Paring: OT7 X Female Reader (Platonic, Friendship, light innocent crushes)

Au: Hybrid| kids AU 

Themes: Fluffy time

Synopsis: In a hybrid universe, you are born into two loving parents who love you so much they would give their lives up. Toddler, you will experience many faces as you learn to overcome your challenges and meet a group of loving boys that would support and fight for you.See how our main character faces the world with her new friends.

Rate: G

























© 2021 UntamedGrape

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3 years ago


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If you’ve written something using my prompts and wish to be included on this list, please message me the link! 

3 years ago

Shy Dom & Sassy Sub| Hybrid™


Posted: 15/1/2021



Jimin hand (Y/N) walk next to her as they enter the bakery hybrid friendly. The ahjumma, the owner, has adopted many hybrids in the hope of giving them the love and care a mother couldn't give them.

"Good evening Jimin, Hello cutie!" The ahjumma stood up from her spot and hugged both of them, giving (Y/N) a peanut butter cookie in secret. (Y/N) smiled and quickly hid the cookie from Jimin's view and nuzzled the old lady with tender love.

When Jimin had just adopted (Y/N), she wasn't in the greatest condition. The shelter they had her in was losing money, and she would rather have the youngster eat before her—some days were scraps, and some others were just water or milk. She was malnourished, but at least she had a place to sleep.

The day Jimin came in to adopt (Y/N), he wasn't looking for anything in particular. He was scanning around the place when his eyes land on a skinny girl with a matted tail and ears that looked like it hurt. He felt the need to help the girl not out of pity because when he saw her, her demeanor asked not to be pity but held a strong spirit despite the conditions she was in.

That day Jimin quickly adopted her getting her first collard and a proper meal. He clothes her and feeds her. He nourished her to health, and now she was there stand healthy and happy with him. Two months in living together, Jimin had created a routine of waking up early and taking a morning jog. They had stumbled a bakery that (Y/N) couldn't help but melt at the smell of it.

Jimin followed the smell that (Y/N) was smelling and entered inside a cozy bakery. A hybrid was working in there with an ahjumma. "Good morning! Would you like to try our sweet red bean bread?" The ahjumma said with a big smile. It was warm and inviting. (Y/N) shyly looked at the ahjumma and back at Jimin. Jimin encouraged (Y/N) to take the delicious smelling bread and try it.

When (Y/N) bit into it, she was delighted the bread's sweetness exploded in her teased bud, making her want more. She savored the bread as it was the last one she could get. Jimin happy to see (Y/n) enjoying the bread giggling at the sight it was like (Y/N) had turned into a puppy. Her tail wagging, and small whines escaped her mouth.

Jimin got three more for his pup and went to pay, but the ahjumma decline saying that it was a gift and since they were fresh her made (Y/N) a small basket of 5. (Y/N) excited hugged the ahjumma and said thank you.

After that, (Y/N) would visit the bakery and even help the ahjumma.The ahjumma offered (Y/N) to work with her two to three days a week making coffee or helping in the kitchen, making the delicious pastries.

"Today (Y/N) is going to share her favorite bread with a new friend, so we came to pick up some!" Jimin said while picking up a tray and gabbing the plastic tongs, and placing the sweet red bean bread on the tray. Jimin also got other things from different compartments. When getting ready to pay (Y/N) had already finished her cookie, which left her mouth with crumbs. Jimin nodded his head in amusement and wiped the crumbs from (Y/N).

"Silly pup." Jimin took out his wallet and paid for the goods while one of the workers packed them in a cute box and with that (Y/N) hugged the ahjumma. The pair started to head to the park. Jimin saw Yoongi with a big bag that he could imagine was where the food was stored, and another one that held the cold drinks.

(Y/N) saw Yoongi, and her eyes shifted to the next person with a pink shirt and knee-length khaki shorts. Rolling her eyes at the cat, she took a deep breath and let out before arriving near the two.

'Be the better person.' the words resonated in her head, but how? She was forced to her favorite bread.

"Bodyguard!" Jin said with a big smile and took her hand into his."Let have fun!" Jin had the cutest smile she had ever see. It, not that it wasn't there is that she never to notice it. She felt her chest squeeze the feeling and dust of red across her face. She did not know what to do but panic and shy away, ripping her hand off Jin and held Jimin's hand. Jimin petted her as they walked in the park, finding a spot where they could eat and watch the two-hybrid play.

(Y/N) had missed the sad look on Jin's face that was now replaced by a smile again. (Y/N) had to admit Jin was very handsome. He wasn't as tall as her, but he was around there. On the other hand, Jin was trying to find ways to reach out to the wolfdog, determined to get any different reaction from her was a trophy for him.

That day Jin had the goal to get (Y/N) to like him.

"(Y/N) why dont you go and play with Jin? I bet you want to run around, and I brought you a toy if you want to play with him. Just be careful he is smaller than you." Jimin told more like pushed (Y/N) next to Jin.

Jimin and Yoongi started to set up the picnic. Right there, Jin to the chance to speak to (Y/N) without hiding behind Jimin.

" You know, if you smiled more, you would live longer, right?" Jin said with a smile.

"Did you know that if you smile too much, you ger wrinkles, right?" (Y/N) replied in the same tone as jin had.

(Y/N) without any more words to say, she shifted and started to run into the area. She went into the spot that had trees and bushes. It was near the owners but far enough to give me their space. Jin, surprised at the reply, stood still. A smiled crept up his face again and shifted, going after her.

" I know we probably started on the wrong foot, but maybe we could start over?" Jin said, looking at the big wolfdog laying down on the shaded area.

"I dont know. Am I just a bodyguard, right?" (Y/N) huffed.

"Im sorry. It's just hard to make actual friends that like you for your looks. It's kinda impossible to not just put a persona on." Jin looked down, his ears droppy and tail liMP this was not only a sign of sadness but also a sign of submission toward (Y/N).

(Y/N) scan the Maine coon and stood up, strolling toward the cat and laying in front of him. (Y/N) gave the cat a forgiving lick and scenting him lightly in a friendly gesture.

Jin, again surprised by her action, picked up his face to face those icy blue eyes that he found exciting and scary at the same time. Jin purred and rubbed his head on the bottom of the wolfdogs head. The action made a new impact on both of them. It was the start of a fresh start, and they wanted to be there for each other.


© 2021 UntamedGrape

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