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you know sarangeul haetta uriga manna? the great hanbin composed that.

HYUNJIN and SEUNGMIN fightig over jeongin
After all this time... [SF9 Zuho Oneshot]
♥ I wanna ask you to read this while listening to Dylan Conrique’s “Birthday Cake” on loop ♥
[Warnings: ANGST!, Heartbreak!, toxic relationship, commitment issues, wrong understanding of what love is, relationship fights, gn!reader]
![After All This Time... [SF9 Zuho Oneshot]](
Your love life had a sad beginning and you always were convinced it would have a sad ending too. You and Zuho have had a relationship for 3 years now. From the start it had been an unhealthy one. Him having commitment issues and you being so love deprived throughout your whole life that everytime someone loved you, you thought you would have to do something to deserve it. Zuho and you getting into a relationship was a miracle. It took 4 attempts to finally be able to call each other boyfriend and girlfriend. People always thought you two were the perfect couple, your relationship being so ‘powerful and strong’ when truely it was a day to day fight. This hasn’t always been the case. After about one year of Zuho and you tricking yourself into believing that what you had was love for life the fassade and all the fakeness started falling apart. The trigger point was Zuho’s commitment issues coming back to life, although they where never gone but instead just buried deep down in a chest of untouched feelings. What made it bearable for you two was the fact that you where the one who always tried to push him into thinking different. You remembered him that he would not have to walk alone but instead you would take his hand, him sometimes being more strict to himself and sometimes giving in to your words easily. ‘Communication is key’ was your motto. Putting this rule into practice was barely needed because you two were lacking problems. Thats what you two thought. Thats what you had to pretend for your little bush of roses to keep growing and, of course, to hide what was underneath it. There came a time where both of you thought you would never face any hardships in your relationship so that you two agreed on instantly talking it out if one of you had a problem, not realising that, this being a lie, would’ve been needed way before you set it.
Two full years into your relationship and a little war of pointing at each other and telling your partner that they had a problem and them not admitting it, on both sides, had started. Pretending that your relationship was all fine was getting harder and harder. Your opinion was always the stronger one while Zuho never seemed to face his issues. Occassionally you would wake up from that rage fit and at that time this was the last straw that kept you two at stake. You always tried to speak in a calm tone, telling him you don’t mean bad when the truth was that your helper syndrom was at it’s peak and you were near to exploding. Two and a half years in, that exact same barrel was constantly overflowing. You openly blamed him for not beeing able to show love when all you did was powder his butt with love and affection and yes, at first you were totally fine with it because that was what kept you driving. You thought you would get some praise for all the stuff you did because praise for you meant love. Why would anybody ever be nice to you when there wasn’t something they would wanna benefit from nor why would you get love when you did nothing very lovable. You had to earn yourself the love you always wanted. Zuho being that mysterious and heart broken guy you thought you could fix was the perfect experiment, just that you thought you were being genuine in what you did for him, and you were at first. But one day Zuho snapped.
Zuho: “How could I possibly take any of your love serious when honestly all you do this for is yourself, to not feel useless?!”
Y/N: “Who are YOU to judge who never even went out of his comfort zone and never EVER appreciated one thing I did, no wait, that ANYONE did for him? Are you that heartless? And you say you are the one suffering?!”
Those arguments went on and on for months and they were getting so bad that sometimes you wouldn’t even talk for a week straight because thats how either you two got your piece or how long it took for one of you to apologize, if that was even in any of yours vocabular. The hardest times were when guilt started kicking in and you realized you never even gave Zuho a chance to explain himself or you never saw listening to him as an option. And it’s true, pride shouldn’t be stronger than the knowledge of being able to step back with your own needs when someone else is suffering more and can hardly handle it. Sometimes. When you’d pull yourself together to reach out a hand to Zuho he would just slap it away, rarely ever accepting it and when he did, you two would surprisingly well talk it out, sometimes just sit next to each other or in each others arms while listening to each other cry. In those times of you two sharing words, apologies weren’t needed. Your tears spoke for you. But shame would often take over, then ignorance, and then the cycle started over and over again. Zuho, who, to your unbeknownst, analysed those situation more than you thought, took the courage to speak up about it in another of your rough conversations.
Zuho: “-Y/N I understand you... I have, in fact, two weeks ago. We have been at this point. Aren’t you tired of all of this? Why can’t we break out of this cycle? Everytime we two barely make it through the last argument and seem to make a good end, it all starts again because one of us is too full of themselve to admit we are having a problem. Listen I- I love you okay? I know we have said that like... maybe thrice in the last two months but honestly I just feel so exhausted when I hear it from you. I wanna accept it. I really do but can’t you imagine that every time I think we found a good basis and the hill is going up my hopes of us getting closer are thrown out the window because of a stupid fight? All this is stupid!”
Y/N: “...Gosh Babe I know I KNOW you’re right and I wish I could show you how I feel the same but... i feel like you say you understand but in fact you don’t because if you did you would’ve changed things... I don’t know but the past year I have always been the one to take steps towards you and my strength to do that is slowly fading. I feel like I am running on hot coals when sometimes I feel like I deserve for you to come and pick me up and carry me on your hands. I don’t wanna blame you here but I fear I just don’t have the mentality anymore and it- it destroys me from the inside. Why is it so hard for you to just give back a bit of love? I see we both seem delighted by the concept of ‘give and take’ but do you know how hard of a punch in the face it is for me when you say you cannot take my ‘I love you’s” serious anymore but then demand that I put down my guard of basic needs for love when in all those years this was your main problem and you NEVER made an attempt at stepping out of your bubble? Zuho that is taking but never giving!”
You flinched.
Zuho: “Shit Sorry... excuse me I didn’t mean to yell I- *sigh*”
Y/N: “No Zuho, you meant that. Sometimes, and I am sorry for what I am about to say but I can’t do this anymore, sometimes I desperately wish for us to fight after we didn’t talk for a week because I really hope we find each other in fights where we end up in each others arm just crying... Because that has been the ONLY time over the last year where we have truely been emotionally on the same level and where we exchanged some kind of affection. Shit we don’t even have Sex anymore Zuho!”
Zuho: “We did have reconciliation Sex-”
Y/N: “ ZUHO WAKE UP! That has literally been hate Sex! Do YOU not ever wish to be held gently? To be carrased??? Surprise, surprise: I DO!”
The long pause that filled the air made you anxious.
Zuho: “I... I really have never given you the attention you deserve, have I?”
His question made you unbelievably sad and heartbroken, tears started running.
Y/N: “No Zuho... you haven’t. And I am shook it took you three years to realise. I... *sob* Zuho I know I haven’t been nice to you over the last year either. But I was desperate and helpless. All those fights I started were a call in hope for you to wake up. Everytime I tried talking sublty about it, trying to approach you to rationally talk about my needs I hoped for you to do better but you took it personally and made it seem like I had bad intentions. I noticed that if this wouldn’t work and that you would only yell at me- I thought yelling back would be the only way to get through to you...”
Zuho has long started crying too, holding his hands infront of his face, running them through his hair, walking up and down the apartment and sitting back down again.
Y/N: “And YES Zuho. I DO wanna apologize for all the things I have said. But don’t you realise that while I know you deeply wanted to fight your commitment issues, you pushed me away and did the exact opposite? I don’t wanna reach out anymore. I love yo- ahrrghh I don’t dare to say it when you might think I don’t mean it but I always meant it. And Zuho I still do, but I need to safe myself now.”
Zuho was shaking his head. He couldn’t get himself to look into your eyes because that meant accepting the situation. His breathing got heavier and heavier until he broke down and all came out. He just realised that he was the perfect example of ‘People only start to appreciate something when they lost it’ and he did not want to see your crying form because that meant to look at what he had done, how he broke you and how your instability was his fault.
Zuho: “Please no... Please tell me WHY WHY WHY when all we want is to be loved- WHY can’t we take the courage to do it NOW? Y/N please tell me you give this a chance if you love me! This can’t end like this, I was so so stupid PLEASE I can’t loose you! I- I-”
Zuho was now facing you, begging on his knees while you sat on your shared sofa, his head laying on your thighs and his arms hugging your lower body so tight in fear of letting you go, feeling his tears on your legs. You had to wipe your own away, fast enough for them not to hit Zuho but you have never felt something so heavy in that moment and it was too hard for you to hold all of them back.
Y/N: “Zuho I- I start to think that I used to love the old you. I loved the thought of naive little me thinking I now found my prince and that now my time to be loved has come and I miss the time I found joy in us. I was disappointed once and I just cannot handle a second time and I don’t want to take the risk. That’s delusional for both me AND you. Gosh you don’t know how hard it is for me right now but-”
Zuho: “No, No, NO I am begging you please don’t say it please Y/N I cannot handle another person leaving me... I can’t!”
Y/N: “I know Zuho, I know but it has to be said! I don’t think we do each other good and for both our sakes it is better for each of us to start and learn to love and accept ourselves first and... and learn how to deal with our issues first and-”
You took a deep breath.
Y/N: “I think it’s time to end this relationship.”
Zuho’s sobbing got immense in that exact same moment, he had difficulties containing his breathing and when he started to stand up to furiously walk through the apartment it stung like a knife right through your heart to see his red eyes, his puffy lips and cheeks, you so badly desired to hold him, kiss him and tell him that everything is going to be fine but you promised yourself you wouldn’t lie to yourself ever again. Seeing him like this, who you always dreamed about would love you, made you do him justice and you broke down in whimmers too, holding your hand against your mouth, your vision blurring due to all the tears collecting themselves.
The scene was pure heartbreak and the world you two tried to poorly create fell apart,
I wrote this for a friend of mine and while I wrote this I thought “Wow Niwi are you okay? This is damn sad”... I am not. I was bawling my eyes out the whole time- I really hope you enjoy this one. Niwi~
Forget Me Not

Word Count: 1.06k
Tags: angst
A/N: I know I’ve been inactive recently, and my most recent posts all contain excuses of being busy, and I’m genuinely really sorry about that, but summer school has been giving me a lot of stress, as well as I don’t have a lot of time to read fics and when I do, I feel like I’m just rushing through the story for the sake of finishing it, instead of actually reading it to give a genuine review, which is unfair to you guys. However, on a brighter(ish) note, after a month of summer school, I’ve finally gotten the chaos somewhat under control, so I decided to write something instead of the typical fic recommendation. I’ll make an official announcement post to detail out more of what I want to say, because you probably want to read the story, so to that I say enjoy!
“Yah, Han Jisung!“
The sound of Minho’s voice snapped him back to reality. Jisung knew Minho wasn’t here; it was only a video after all, but in a half asleep daze, he almost believed his best friend was right beside him. Blinking several times, he paused the video he’d been watching on his laptop.
“Cleaning, eh?“
Jisung whipped around to see his roommate, Felix, standing at the doorway.
“Yeah, cleaning, I, um,“ he scratched the back of his neck. “I was, but then I found my old laptop and got......distracted.“
Felix let out a laugh. “Well, why don’t you take a break? Changbin hyung, Hyunjin, Seungmin, and I are going to the arcade. Wanna come?”
Jisung paused to think about it. “Actually...I’ll pass this time. There’s a lot to go through anyway.” It probably would have been fun to go out to the arcade, but tonight, he’d much rather go through his old stuff, as much as some of it hurt.
Felix opened his mouth as if to say something but seemed to change his mind. “Call me if you need anything,” he said instead. Jisung gave him a thumbs up, and turned back to his laptop.
As soon as he heard the telltale click of the door shutting, he un-paused the video, eager to re-live old memories from his high school days.
“Stop filming me!“ Minho’s voice continued.
“Why not?” Video Jisung asked. ”You consider yourself her parent, and Doongie’s still young, plenty of parents video tape their babies! You can keep this video to rewatch when she’s older.“
Minho snorted. “She’s not exactly happy right now, I’d rather not have video evidence that my cats scratch me.”
Video Jisung laughed. “Fair enough. Want me to stop filming?”
“Yes, and help me get her out from under the bed.“
Video him laughed again and the video ended there. Jisung let out a quiet chuckle before closing his laptop, deciding that he was done going through his stuff for now. He picked up the the bin containing his old belongings, and shoved it in the corner, telling himself that he would come back to it later that night. He sent a text to Felix, letting him know that he was going to go out for a walk then picked up an umbrella and headed out the door.
In Jisung’s opinion, rain was a beautiful thing. It gave life, and if it wasn’t for rain, he wouldn’t have met his best friend.
Seven year old Jisung sat on the swings, pumping his legs as hard as he could to move the swing higher. He felt something fall on his head, but ignored it, but then there was another, then another, and another, until he realised it was raining.
Quickly stopping the swings, he looked around for somewhere he could wait for the storm to pass, deciding to wait at the playground for the rain to stop instead of running all the way home, where he could potentially slip and fall or catch a cold.
“Hey, you!“ a voice called. Jisung looked up to see a boy, maybe a year or two older, standing there with an umbrella. “Need an umbrella?“
Jisung nodded. “We can share mine,” the boy said, moving to cover Jisung. “I’m Lee Minho, by the way, what’s your name?”
“Han Jisung,“ He replied, somewhat timidly. “How old are you?“ Minho asked. “I’m nine.“
“Seven,“ he said. “Then you should call me hyung,” Minho replied. They stood there until two mothers, each frantically searching for her own son, found them huddled under an umbrella.
Jisung smiled at the memory, and decided to go to the playground where they first met.
Walking at a brisk pace, he wondered how long it had been since he had seen him. It had to at least have been a year or two. He knew they’d stop contacting each other the first year after Minho left, both becoming increasingly busy with their current lives. Video calls everyday became video calls once a week, quickly becoming once a month, which turned into eventually losing contact. As much as it pained him to admit, Minho was slowly becoming a distant memory, no longer an active part of his life.
Jisung shook his head and walked faster, not watching where he was going. “Oomph,” he muttered, feeling his head hit something. When he realised he’d walked into someone, he quickly apologised.
“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry! I wasn’t watching where I was going.”
“No worries,“ The person said. “Are you okay?“
“Yeah, I’m fine-“ Jisung looked up at the person, the familiar eyes of Lee Minho staring back at him. “M-minho hyung? Is that you?“
Minho blinked at him. “I’m sorry, do I know you?”
Jisung wanted to laugh. This was a joke, right? It was only two years since they last spoke, he couldn’t have already forgotten him. One didn’t forget their best friend of 11 years that quickly. He shook his head. “Oh, um, I must have mistaken you for someone else.” He dipped his head in apology, holding back panicked tears. “I’ll be going now, have a great day!”
“You too!” Minho chuckled, before walking past him. Jisung stared at his back, slowly becoming smaller as he disappeared into the distance.
“Hyung! I’m so sorry, I’m late!”
Minho rolled his eyes. “You’re always late,” he teased. Jisung pouted. “Hey, it wasn’t my fault that traffic was bad today!”
Minho stuck out his tongue. “Anyway, now that you’re finally here, I have something to give you.“ He reached into his bag and pulled out a carefully wrapped bouquet of blue flowers. “For you,“ he said handing them to Jisung.
“Well that wasn’t a very you thing to do,“ Jisung joked. “Who are you and what have you done with my hyung?”
"If you don’t want these then I’m taking these back,” Minho reached for his bag.
“Wait, no, hyung, I was kidding!“ Jisung reached out to take the flowers. “Forget me nots,“ he observed. “Interesting choice of flowers.”
“Yeah, well, I...“ Minho’s cheeks felt on fire. “Just....don’t forget me when I’m gone.“
Jisung laughed. “I could never forget you, hyung.”
There was a moment of silence between them.
Suddenly, Jisung pulled Minho into a tight hug.
“Don’t forget me either, yeah?“
“I promise.“
How ironic that Minho would forget him first.

Situationship!(Seungmin x Deppressed! Reader)

Your life had always felt like it was happening without you, like you were standing in the corner of a room, watching everyone else move effortlessly through their routines while you struggled to even exist. It wasn’t that you didn’t try—you did. You tried harder than most people. Harder than they could even imagine. But no matter how much effort you poured into it, no matter how many sleepless nights you spent staring at the ceiling or hunched over a desk, it never seemed to matter. It was like you were swimming upstream, and the current kept getting stronger, sweeping you further and further away from where you were supposed to be.
No matter how much effort you put in, it never seemed to be enough. You were never enough. Your grades reflected that. Every failed test, every paper marked with red corrections—it all told the same story. Your relationships were just as hollow. Conversations felt like they were happening on autopilot, a script you followed without ever feeling the emotions behind the words. Your friends smiled, made plans, but you could tell there was always something missing in their eyes when they looked at you. Like they could see it, too.
That disconnect.
And it wasn’t just them. It was your teachers, your classmates, even people you barely knew. They all had that same look in their eyes when they talked to you—a mix of concern and pity. A silent, shared thought that they weren’t brave enough to say out loud but was painfully obvious every time they glanced your way.
She’s not going to make it, they were thinking. She’s going to fall apart.
And maybe they were right.
It started slowly. You stopped showing up to your classes. At first, it was just once or twice, convincing yourself that one missed lecture wouldn’t hurt. Then it became more frequent. What was the point, anyway? You sat in the back of lecture halls when you did go, staring blankly at the professor, not absorbing a single word. Your notes were a jumble of half-written thoughts and doodles, but even that was more effort than you had to give most days.
You couldn’t keep up. Not with the assignments, not with the expectations, and definitely not with the version of yourself that everyone else seemed to believe you could be. Your mind was somewhere else, detached from the reality in front of you, drifting off into daydreams where life wasn’t so heavy. Where things made sense. You fantasized about escape, about disappearing entirely, about what it would feel like to be free from the crushing weight that seemed to pull you down further every single day.
But that weight—it wasn’t new. It had been creeping in for years, so gradually that you hadn’t even noticed until it was too late. Depression didn’t hit you like a sudden storm, didn’t knock you over in one powerful wave. It was subtle, insidious, sneaking up on you in the quiet moments until, one day, you woke up and couldn’t remember what it felt like to be anything but numb.
The heaviness in your chest became a constant companion. Every breath felt like it required more effort than you had the strength for. The dull ache of exhaustion never left, settling into your bones and refusing to let go. You weren’t just tired from lack of sleep, you were tired in a way that no amount of rest could ever fix. Tired of trying. Tired of pretending to be okay when every part of you screamed otherwise. Tired of going through the motions of a life that felt more like a burden than a gift.
You used to tell yourself that things would get better eventually. That this was just a phase, a rough patch that you could fight your way out of. But now? Now, you weren’t so sure. The future felt like a blank page you had no desire to fill. And the present? It felt like a slow, suffocating crawl toward something you couldn’t name but were sure you weren’t ready to face.
You were sinking, and no one could see just how deep you had already fallen.
That’s when Seungmin came into the picture.
You’d heard his name around campus before—how could you not? He was everywhere. Everyone seemed to know him. There was always someone mentioning him in passing, a smile on their face as they talked about the way he joked around in class or how he somehow managed to be at the center of every social circle without even trying. He was that kind of person, the one who seemed to bring a little bit of light with him wherever he went, making everything seem just a little less heavy.
You had never spoken to him directly. He existed on the fringes of your awareness, part of the background noise of campus life, while you drifted further away from it all. But that changed one day when you found yourself sitting alone, the campus library buzzing quietly around you as you stared blankly at your textbook. You were supposed to be studying for an exam, but the words on the pages didn’t make sense anymore. Nothing did. It was one of those bad days, where even breathing felt like too much effort and the weight of everything—your failures, your fears, your own mind—was too much to carry.
You hadn’t noticed him approaching until his voice broke through the haze.
"Hey, you look like you could use a break."
Startled, you looked up, blinking as though you were waking from a dream. And there he was, Seungmin, standing in front of you with a smile that was both playful and warm, as if he had always been there, waiting for this exact moment. His eyes met yours with an intensity that caught you off guard, like he saw something in you that you had long forgotten existed. You managed a weak laugh, rubbing at your tired eyes in a futile attempt to appear less... broken.
"Yeah... I'm kind of in the middle of a mental breakdown, so..."
He chuckled, the sound light and unbothered, and without asking, he slid into the seat across from you. "Sounds serious. Need company?"
The truth was, you didn’t want company. You didn’t want to talk, didn’t want to be around anyone. You wanted to sink further into yourself, to disappear. But there was something about Seungmin—something in the way he carried himself, so light, so full of life—that made it hard to keep your walls up. It was like his presence, uninvited as it was, was already filling the empty spaces inside you that you had gotten used to living with. For the first time in a long time, you felt... less alone.
"Sure," you replied softly, your eyes flicking back to your textbook, pretending to study even though your mind was now entirely focused on the boy sitting across from you. "Why not?"
He leaned in a little closer, lowering his voice as if he were about to tell you a secret. His tone was teasing, but there was a softness to it that made your heart skip a beat. "You know, I’m really good at making people feel better. Guaranteed results."
You couldn’t help but smile, despite yourself. The words were silly, almost a joke, but the way he said them made you feel lighter, like the weight of your mental breakdown had shifted, if only slightly. "Yeah? What’s your secret?"
"Oh, it's a whole process," he said, grinning wider. His gaze dropped to your lips for the briefest of moments, a movement so subtle that you might have missed it if you weren’t already hyperaware of everything about him. Then he leaned back in his chair, stretching out as if he had all the time in the world, and shrugged. "But I might be willing to share my techniques... if you're nice to me."
There was a flirtatious edge to his words, but it wasn’t overbearing. It was just enough to make your skin tingle, enough to make you wonder if this was just his natural charm or something more. The casualness of his posture, the easy way he spoke—it all felt so effortless, and yet here you were, hanging on to every word, every glance, every shift in his expression. It was like he had reached into your world, the one you’d been sinking in for so long, and pulled you back to the surface without even trying.
And maybe, just maybe, you wanted to let him.
"And what does 'nice' mean, exactly?" you asked, trying to play along. Your voice came out lighter than you intended, like you were trying too hard to sound casual, to match his playful energy, even as your pulse quickened under the weight of his gaze.
"I’ll let you decide," he teased, the corners of his lips curling into a smirk. There was a glint in his eyes, something mischievous, like he knew exactly what he was doing but wanted you to feel at ease anyway. He leaned back in his chair, still so effortlessly relaxed, like this was just another moment for him. But for you, it was becoming something else entirely.
You didn’t know it at the time, but that was the moment everything changed. Up until then, Seungmin had just been another face in the crowd, another name floating around campus. He was someone you noticed but never really saw. But now, with just a few words and a smile, he’d broken through the fog that had surrounded you for so long.
Seungmin wasn’t just another guy you met in passing. He became something else entirely—a bright spot in your dull, gray world. It was like, for the first time in what felt like forever, someone had reached into your life and flipped a switch. He brought a kind of lightness you hadn’t known you needed, a warmth that made everything seem less heavy, even if only for a little while.
But even in that moment, as your heart fluttered and your cheeks flushed, you didn’t fully understand what was happening. You couldn’t know that this was the beginning of something that would unravel you, that would pull you in deeper than you ever intended to go.
You tried to keep your distance at first. You told yourself it was better this way. Safer. If you didn’t get too close, you couldn’t get hurt. You convinced yourself that letting someone like Seungmin into your life, with his easy smiles and laid-back charm, would only make things more complicated.
But Seungmin was persistent, in a way that was never overbearing, just… present. He kept finding you, whether you were alone in the library, trying to lose yourself in a textbook you couldn’t focus on, or sitting by yourself in the cafeteria, picking at your food while the noise of everyone else’s lives filled the room. Sometimes, it was like he knew exactly when to show up, slipping into your life so effortlessly that, before you knew it, he had become a part of it. He’d sit down, uninvited but always welcome, flashing that smile of his that made you forget—if only for a moment—how hard everything else felt.
The more time you spent with him, the more you found yourself drawn in. He was funny in a way that felt natural, not forced or trying too hard. He didn’t need to say much to make you laugh—sometimes, all it took was a look or a playful nudge. And he was charming, but not in the way that made you feel like you were just another girl he flirted with for fun. There was something about Seungmin that made it all feel so easy, like being around him took the weight off your shoulders, like for the brief moments you were together, the world wasn’t so heavy.
You couldn’t help but notice the little things—the way his eyes would flicker over your face when you spoke, as if he was paying attention to every word, memorizing every detail. It was subtle, but there was something about the way he’d smile at you, this soft, almost private thing that made your heart stutter in your chest. Sometimes, when you reached for something at the same time—a notebook, a pen, whatever—his hand would brush against yours, just enough to send a spark through your skin. It always seemed like an accident, but you couldn’t ignore the way it made your breath catch every time.
Then there were the moments in class, where he’d lean in a little too close to whisper a joke, his voice low and warm in your ear. You’d try to act like it didn’t affect you, but the truth was, it did. Every time he was near, every time he smiled, laughed, or looked at you with that glint in his eyes, the tension between you became harder to deny. You knew it was there—unspoken, lingering between you like a thin thread that neither of you had acknowledged yet.
But acknowledging it meant risking something, something you weren’t sure you were ready for. You kept telling yourself that Seungmin was happy with things as they were, that he didn’t need or want anything more. And yet, with every shared smile, every subtle touch, you found yourself wishing he did.
Because Seungmin didn’t fall like you did.
You weren’t like that. You weren’t the type to drift into things casually, to let emotions brush against you without sticking. You were careful, methodical, the kind of person who always kept one foot on solid ground, never giving away too much of yourself too soon. You observed, calculated, and took your time. You thought things through. You built walls, not because you didn’t want to feel, but because you knew what it meant when you did.
Because when you fell, you didn’t fall softly, like most people. You didn’t stumble into feelings with a smile and a shrug, letting them pass through your life as easily as they came. No, when you fell, it was different. It was like breaking bones—not the physical kind, but something deeper, something that left invisible fractures running through you. The kind of falling that made you lose your breath, that made the ground feel like it was shaking beneath your feet, even when everything around you seemed still.
Even the small, beautiful things you’d nurtured in yourself, the quiet moments of peace you’d carved out, began to wilt. The lightness, the carefree attitude you once tried to mimic, couldn’t survive the weight of what you were feeling. It was like flowers, vibrant and alive, slowly curling in on themselves, unable to bear the intensity of something so one-sided. You weren’t built for half-measures. You never had been.
And then there were the waterfalls. The quiet, contained feelings you had once kept hidden—behind easy smiles, behind casual glances—they started to overflow. You didn’t even realize when it happened, when the quiet admiration turned into something more. Something you couldn’t control. It was subtle at first, just a trickle, a rush of warmth when he smiled at you, a lingering look that made your heart skip. But eventually, it was all too much. The affection you tried to suppress became an unstoppable force, threatening to drown you in its intensity. But still, you held it back, because that’s what he wanted. He wasn’t looking for anything more. He wasn’t falling the way you were.
And the monsters—they were the worst of it. The doubts, the fears, the voice in the back of your mind telling you to stop, to walk away before it hurt too much. But even as you fought those monsters, they never truly went away. They whispered, warned you that this wasn’t going to end the way you wanted it to. That he didn’t feel what you did. He was content with things as they were. The casual touches, the laughter, the connection that always felt just short of something real. He was happy with the ease of it, with the in-between.
But you? You were falling. Hard.
And it wasn’t the kind of fall that left you bruised but able to get back up. It was the kind of fall that changed everything, that left you standing there, heart in your hands, wondering if you’d ever find solid ground again.
It came to a head one afternoon during class. The professor had called on you to answer a question—something about a reading you’d barely skimmed—and as you stood up to respond, fumbling for the right words, your mind a blur of half-formed thoughts, Seungmin reached over without warning.
He brushed a stray lock of hair out of your face.
It was such a small, seemingly insignificant gesture, but in that moment, the room felt like it had stopped. Your breath hitched, and suddenly, all the words you were searching for evaporated. The space between you and Seungmin felt like it had shrunk, pulling you into some invisible gravity you couldn’t escape. Your heart pounded so loudly in your chest that you were sure everyone could hear it, the thud of it drowning out everything else.
For a split second, your eyes met his, and the warmth in his gaze made it feel like the world had narrowed to just the two of you. It was like time had slowed down, like that simple touch had altered something between you, something neither of you had been willing to acknowledge until now.
Everyone else in the room noticed too—the tension hanging thick in the air, almost palpable. You could feel eyes on you, the quiet murmurs and exchanged glances, the way people shifted in their seats, suddenly more interested in the subtle drama unfolding than the lecture itself. Even the professor paused, glancing between the two of you with raised eyebrows, clearly sensing that something unspoken had just passed between you.
But Seungmin? He acted like nothing had happened. He sat back in his seat with that same easy smile, his hand dropping casually back to his desk like brushing your hair out of your face had been the most natural thing in the world. Like it hadn’t just flipped your entire reality upside down.
And maybe for him, it was natural. Maybe it was just Seungmin being Seungmin, effortlessly close without ever crossing the line. But for you, that tiny touch had ignited something, something that had been simmering just beneath the surface for too long. Something you weren’t sure you could keep ignoring.
Every time Seungmin hugged you, it felt like the rest of the world disappeared. He had this way of pulling you in, his arms wrapping around you with just the right amount of pressure, firm but never overwhelming. It always started the same—his grin wide and teasing, a playful spark in his eyes as he reached for you. But then, in that moment where his arms encircled you, everything softened. His touch became something more, something that made your pulse race and your breath catch, even though you tried to act like it was nothing.
He had this habit of lifting you off the ground and swaying you around, as if to remind you how effortlessly strong he was. It was never for long, just a brief moment, but it was enough to send a jolt of warmth through you, like you were being swept away from everything else, held up in the air for a second where nothing else mattered but the feeling of him holding you. And then there was the way he swayed, side to side, as if you two were dancing to some music only he could hear. It was always casual, lighthearted, but you could feel the gentle rhythm of his body against yours, the subtle sway making your heart beat just a little faster every time.
What made it even more impossible to ignore were the reactions from everyone around you. There was always someone there to witness it, to comment on it—friends, classmates, even random bystanders. "Aww, you two are so cute!" they’d say, their voices dripping with playful teasing. You’d laugh along, forcing yourself to play it cool, but inside, your heart would be a riot of emotions. The warmth of his embrace, the feel of his arms holding you so securely, the sound of his laugh as he pulled you close—it was all too much and never enough at the same time.
And the way he teased you? It made it even harder to keep your emotions in check. He’d tilt his head down, leaning just close enough to whisper, "You’re lighter than you look," or "Are you sure you don’t need me to carry you everywhere?" His voice was always laced with that playful edge, but there was something else in the way he spoke, something that made your skin prickle and your thoughts spin out of control. You’d roll your eyes, shove him away, laugh it off like you always did, but the truth was, those hugs—the way he held you, even if it was just for a moment—made it impossible to keep pretending.
Because for you, every time Seungmin hugged you, it wasn’t just a friendly embrace—it was a reminder of how easily he had slipped into your life, how close you had let him get, and how badly you were falling without knowing if he’d ever catch you.
Then, one day, you overheard him talking to Jeongin in the hallway. You hadn’t meant to eavesdrop, but you froze when you heard Seungmin’s voice.
“Yeah, dude, I like her,” he said, his tone easy, like he was talking about something as simple as his favorite band.
Your heart skipped a beat. You felt your entire body flood with a sudden rush of hope.
“But not like that,” Seungmin continued, and your world shattered. “I like things the way they are. No pressure, no commitment. Just… fun.”
Your stomach twisted painfully, you knew this, you thought so, and you had to force yourself to keep breathing. It wasn’t a rejection, but it wasn’t what you wanted either. He liked you, but not enough. Not the way you liked him.
That night, you lay in bed, staring at the ceiling as his words replayed in your head. You were always the girl who fell too hard. You couldn’t just enjoy the casual flings, the almosts. When you fell, you fell all the way—head over heels, heart in hand, ready to give everything, even if it meant shattering yourself in the process.
You didn’t want to confess. You didn’t want to put yourself in a position where you’d hear him say the words you feared most. But you couldn’t keep living in this half-space, this limbo where he liked you just enough to keep you around, but not enough to give you what you really needed. You had to know.
So, you confessed.
It wasn’t a grand gesture. There were no fireworks, no sweeping declarations of love. It was just the two of you sitting in the park one evening, the air cool and the sky turning dark overhead. The moment felt fragile, like anything you said could break it apart.
You remembered that fall as a kid, the way you fractured your ribs and still smiled because your friend was about to cry. Even back then, you put others before yourself. And now, standing before Seungmin, you realized you were about to do it again.
“I like you, Seungmin,” you said, your voice trembling with the weight of the words. “I… I think I’ve liked you for a while now.”
He didn’t say anything right away. He just looked at you, his expression soft, like he was processing what you’d just said. For a brief, fleeting moment, you thought maybe—just maybe—he felt the same way.
But then, Seungmin sighed, a quiet exhale that felt like a cold wind cutting through the fragile hope you'd been holding onto.
“I like you too,” he began, his voice gentle, as if he was trying to soften the blow of what was coming next.
“But not in the way you’re thinking.”
It felt like the ground beneath you gave way, and you were falling—falling hard, but this time, not into love. It was into the crushing realization that your feelings, once again, were too much for someone who could only give so little. You looked away, blinking rapidly as the sting of unshed tears blurred your vision. You had expected this, hadn’t you? You had overheard him say as much to Jeongin. But hearing it come directly from him, in this quiet, intimate moment, made it feel all the more unbearable.
“I don’t want to hurt you,” he continued, his words hesitant, as if he was searching for the right thing to say. “But I don’t want something serious. I like what we have—this fun, easygoing thing. I don’t want to lose that.”
The words hit you like a freight train. It was as if everything inside you shattered, the glass of your heart breaking into a million tiny pieces. You stood there, in front of him, trying to understand, trying to breathe.
“I…” you began, but nothing coherent came out.
He gave you a small smile, not realizing the damage he had done. “Let’s not make this complicated, okay? It’s better this way.”
You nodded, though your mind screamed in protest. Better for him, maybe. But not for you. Not for the girl who fell too hard, and now had nothing left but broken pieces.
You swallowed hard, forcing yourself to speak even though every word felt like it was tearing you apart. “I get it. I… I knew this was coming, I think. But I had to say it. I couldn’t just keep pretending like I was okay with the way things were.”
Seungmin’s eyes softened, filled with a kindness that only made things harder. “I don’t want to lose you,” he repeated, his hand reaching out to brush your arm. The touch was meant to comfort, but it only made you feel worse, like the very thing you wanted was slipping further out of reach.
You shook your head, biting back the tears that threatened to spill. “I just… I need some time. To figure things out.” you said, your voice barely above a whisper.
He nodded, his hand dropping back into his lap. “Take all the time you need. I’ll be here when you’re ready.”
But the problem wasn’t time. It was the fact that no amount of time could change what he wanted, or what you needed. As much as you cared for Seungmin, as much as he had brought light into your life during your darkest moments, you couldn’t keep living in this space between friends and something more. It hurt too much. It made you feel like you were breaking apart from the inside, constantly wondering if you were enough for him, knowing deep down that you weren’t.
That night, you cried. Loud, guttural sobs that echoed in the sterile walls of your room, the hospital bed from years ago coming back to you. The memory of falling, of fracturing ribs and smiling through the pain. But this pain? This was different. This wasn’t something you could just walk away from.
And there it was—the exact thing you had feared. The fun, the ease, the lack of commitment that had become the foundation of what he wanted, what he was happy with. But it wasn’t enough for you. You needed more. You needed certainty, not this constant uncertainty that gnawed at your heart, not the half-smiles and fleeting touches that left you wanting more.
You replayed his words over and over, letting the pain sink in until there was nothing left but the hollow ache in your chest, the knowledge that this love you had for him would never be returned the way you wanted it to be.
True love doesn't exist.
You’d heard people say that before, and for a long time, you believed it. Love was always this fleeting, fragile thing—something people talked about but never really held onto. But it does—it was raw and overwhelming, the kind of thing that consumed you completely.
What you felt for him was real.
True in every sense of the word, because it wasn’t dependent on him returning it. It existed, all on its own, growing in the spaces between your shared moments and quiet confessions.
And if that wasn’t true love—if that wasn’t proof that love, in all its messy, complicated forms, could exist—then what was?
But still, even as lifeless, cold, and dying as you might feel some days, there’s a truth that runs deeper than the hollow ache in your chest: you deserve to be loved. Not just casually, not just with fleeting affection or half-hearted promises, but loved as deeply and painfully as you love. The kind of love that crashes into you, shakes your very core, and refuses to let you go, even when you’re falling apart.
What Seungmin gave you—it wasn’t enough. It couldn’t be. Not for someone like you, who felt things so fiercely, who loved with your entire soul, even when it meant breaking yourself open in the process. You deserved more than the fun, easygoing moments he was content with. You deserved someone who looked at you and saw not just your smiles, but the pain you hid beneath them. Someone who could love you, even in the darkest corners of your mind, where you felt unworthy and small.
Because love—true love—wasn’t just about the good days. It was about seeing someone at their worst and choosing to stay. It was about loving through the storms, through the doubts and insecurities, through the moments where you felt like you were fading. And as much as you wanted Seungmin to be that person, to be the one who loved you the way you needed, he wasn’t.
It hurt, knowing that the love you gave was so much more than what you received. But even in that pain, there was a quiet realization: you deserve to be loved, fully and completely. Not in half-measures or in casual, carefree moments that only left you longing for more. You deserved a love that matched yours in intensity, in depth, in the way it made you feel like you were worth fighting for.
And Seungmin—his affection, his light, his presence in your life—it wasn’t enough. It never could be. Not for someone like you, who needed more than what he was willing to give. And even though it shattered you, that realization was the first step toward something greater, something truer. Something that would one day remind you that you were always worthy of the kind of love that takes your breath away, even when you don’t feel like you deserve it.
In the quiet of your room, with the world outside moving forward without you, all you could think was: This is not enough.
And you were going to get rid of him.

shall I do a part 2,(reader x felix, where reader gets a happy ending she deserves?)??
<Based on the song "I Like It" by STRAY KIDS and some experience>
Closet Confessions
The holiday party at the company was supposed to be a straightforward affair some cheesy holiday music, questionable punch, and forced small talk with people I had only ever exchanged post-it notes with. Yet, as I stood there trying to look as festive as possible in my ugly Christmas sweater adorned with blinking lights, it became clear that the night would take a turn I had not anticipated. And let me clarify: when I say "turn," I mean a full rollercoaster loop-de-loop with enough ups and downs to make even the bravest stomach churn.
Let’s rewind just a bit. Minghao and I had been dancing around our chemistry like two awkward penguins on a date. Every subtle glance he threw my way was met with a blush that I swore could outshine Rudolph's nose. We'd spent countless hours together, from late-night work sessions to sharing awkward coffee runs. Our banter had evolved into something flirtatious, the kind that had me imagining romantic dinners and maybe a pet goldfish named Snickers. But that was merely the underlying subplot of our forbidden love story, considering we worked for a company that thrived on repressing such ... unprofessional, romantic antics.
As the night wore on, I felt liberated by the festive spirits and a couple of cups of holiday punch that I definitely did not need but couldn't resist. In moments of merriment, I caught Minghao's eye through the crowded hall. He was, as ever, dressed impeccable his designer jacket hugging his frame like it was tailored by a world-renowned seamstress specifically for the occasion. He raised an eyebrow and gave me a grin I can only describe as "dangerous." That’s when I knew something exciting was about to happen, and not in the holiday-movie way either.
After what felt like hours of enduring office chit-chat, I decided to snag another drink from the refreshment table. But just as I turned around, a hand grabbed my wrist, and the next thing I knew, I was being pulled to the back of the hall. Mingho’s eyes danced with a mischievous light, his grip firm yet gentle, leading me toward a door marked “Storage Closet.” In my inebriated state, I did not fully process the implications of our destination. Perhaps if I had, I’d have taken a moment to stumble through the myriad of potential consequences. Instead, curiosity trumped caution, and my heart raced like it was gearing up for the Olympic sprint.
Once we were inside the closet—which, to be fair, did not inspire confidence; it was cramped and filled with half-eaten holiday baskets and the remnants of last year’s Secret Santa gifts—Minghao immediately closed the door behind us. My brain fuzzed with a cocktail of excitement and confusion. This hadn’t exactly been what I imagined my evening would entail, but who was I to complain?
“Have you ever thought about what it would be like to get caught in a storage closet?” he asked, leaning against the wall like he owned the place—or like he should’ve been getting a bonus for risking his life in it. His breath was warm against my skin as he leaned close, and I could barely hear the muffled sounds of the party outside.
My cheeks flushed an alarming shade of crimson as I tried to work up a witty comeback but settled on the sagely “Uh, no?” instead. It was official; I had turned into a total mush-brain around him.
Before I could gather my thoughts and eek out some semblance of coherent speech, he reached for me, hands resting on my waist, pulling me closer. “Well, I think we’d be pretty scandalous,” he said with a smirk that suggested he’d been brewing this plan for ages. And honestly, when don’t we romantic interests dive headfirst into chaos like a bunch of heroine addicts?
His lips brushed against mine softly, a mere whisper of a kiss that sent shivers down my spine. My brain short-circuited; maybe I was dreaming? In fact, perhaps I’d had one too many cups of that dubious punch totally worth it! Just as I began to respond by deepening the kiss, a distant noise made me jerk back. The muffled sound of laughter of my co-workers, specifically those from the Seventeen team who had a strange allure of being overly enthusiastic and embarrassing reached our ears. And thus began the internal struggle of my life should I laugh nervously or enjoy the audacity of our joined chaos?
“Anyone could stumble in,” I whispered, a mix of exhilaration and terror gushing through me, effectively fuelling my desire for what was clearly a forbidden moment.
He chuckled, brushing his fingers through my hair. “What’s the fun in that? Besides, what’re they gonna do, judge us? No one will ever believe it was me. I’m the quiet one.”
A wave of realization hit me. My cheeks burned with a mix of excitement and laughter as I held the ridiculousness of the situation close to heart. Minghao had just suggested we indulge ourselves in an illicit rendezvous while our co-workers those dedicated listeners of office drama who creeped on every little detail were effortlessly blinded by their own holiday cheer.
“Alright, you infamous closet-lover,” I teased, my heart beating faster with each passing second. “Let’s give them a story they won’t forget.”
With that, we dove headfirst into the unpredictably thrilling, wonderfully awkward world of office romance. Outside, the party continued, innocent and cheerful, blissfully unaware that their ‘quiet’ co-worker was in a closet with me an unscripted scene that made for the juiciest office gossip. As the laughter grew louder outside the door, little did they know that Mingho and I were busy becoming the leads of our chaotic, yet undeniably romantic, holiday tale.
And so there we were lost between the shelves of festive cheer, sneaking kisses, laughter spilling from our lips like punch onto the floor, two unlikely protagonists writing a plot twist even the best holiday rom-coms wouldn’t dare to feature. After all, who needs mistletoe when you have a storage closet?
(This is my first ever time doing something like this haha so sorry its bad just wanted to give it a go)
So... what now?

Did Taehyun bias wreck me? Yes. Am I ashamed? Not even a little bit. I love him <3 THIS IS ALSO THE FIRST ONESHOT I'VE FINISHED IN SO LONG OH MY GOD
Paring: Kang Taehyun x Reader
Aus: Bed Sharing, Childhood Friends to Confused, GN! Reader, Reader is shorter than Tyun, its raining, and Taehyun is also still an idol btw :D (it just has no significance)
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Cuddles with Taehyun, mild and fluffy make-out, mild swearing, it's raining, y/n is a lil spooked by thunder and lightning btw, I'm really not good at this anymore, but I tried my best :D
Moving out was always scary. It's a big step into the real world. It's always nice to have a friend by your side.
Especially when that friend is Taehyun...
I look over to see Taehyun smiling at the movie we're watching. I can't help but smile to myself as I watch my best friend. His tapioca pearl eyes glisten with the bright tv, illuminating his face.
"You okay?" I jump at the sudden voice. Taehyun looks at me worriedly. "Yeah, I'm good, just thinking," I say with a closed-mouth smile. He pats my knee and continues to watch the movie. He drapes the blanket that's on him over the both of us, quickly stealing glances.
"I'm off to bed, you should probably get some rest as well, Y/n." Taehyun yawns patting my head. "Goodnight," He continues walking towards his bedroom.
"Goodnight!" I yell out so he can hear me. I fold up the blanket and head over to my room as well.
As I curl up in the warm blankets, the room fills with rain softly hitting my window. Suddenly a loud crash of thunder fills the silence, causing me to jump. "Why.." I groan, seeing a flash of lighting. I quickly climb out of my bed and waddle over to Taehyun's room.
"Tae?" I gently open the door and I see him reading a book. His warm honey skin glowed with the dim tableside lamp. "Can I stay in here until it stops storming?" I softly ask. He slowly looks up at me and smiles, patting the empty side of the bed. I hear another crash of thunder and speed up my pace walking to his bed.
I climb under his soft covers and immediately am greeted with comfort. Crash! Thunder goes off and I hide in Taehyun's arm. I hear him chuckle as he strokes my head a little bit. "It's okay... I got you," He reassures. He puts away his book, getting himself comfortable in his bed. He faces me and strokes my arm. "I got you," He continues to reassure.
I don't know what came over me but with our sleeping arrangements, his addicting voice, and the comfort of being with him; I had my hand on his face and pressed my lips against his. Tae didn't even wait for a second to kiss me back as if he were waiting for it. His large hands quickly grab my waist and pull me towards him. "Y/n... why are we doing this?" He abruptly stops and rests his forehead on mine.
"I don't know... but please don't stop." he reconnects his lips to mine. His arm lightly holds my waist. He's my best friend... and I know we should stop... But I don't want to. His lips are so warm and his bed is so comfortable. Everything about this moment is perfect.
Taehyun's soft hands reach behind my back, pulling me close to him. Our chests touch and our kiss stay gentle.
His tongue dances with mine and my eyes open, seeing his beautiful features up close. I smile into the kiss and he does as well. "Y/n, you're so beautiful," He mumbles into my mouth as he continues to kiss me. He grips my waist, desperately trying to keep me closer. I rub his face with my thumb and enjoy the feeling of being so close to Taehyun. Alas, the beautiful moment comes to an end when a loud crash of thunder booms through the room and I immediately hide under the quilt with a yelp.
"It's okay, I got you. You're safe with me." Tyun holds onto me and quietly hums. The warmth from his body and the comfort of the situation slowly lulls me into sleep.
The Next Morning
"Mmg," I let out a loud groan as I stretch. I open my eyes and see I'm in my own bedroom. How did I get in here? I stand up and exit my bedroom looking around to find Taehyun. There I see him, standing in the kitchen, cooking something for breakfast.
He looks up but quickly shifts his eyes away. "Goodmorning," I said while yawning. I open the cabinet to get a cup for some water. He makes a soft hum sound, finishing up with the food.
"May you set the table so we can eat?" He quietly asks, avoiding my gaze. What's up with him? I set the table, occasionally watching him. "Okay, breakfast is done," He announces monotonously. We both sit down to eat and he picks at his food.
"Are you okay?" I finally asked breaking the silence. He nods, still avoiding eye contact. We continue eating. I'm really not enjoying how quiet this all is. He won't look at me or talk to me. "This is really good, Taehyun," nothing but a nod.
"Kang Taehyun look at me goddamnit!" My hands make contact with the table, shocking Taehyun. He gasps and lets his mouth ajar. "Why are you avoiding me?" I'm worried about him and our relationship.
"I don't wanna talk about it," he mumbles walking towards his room. I stand up and follow him.
"Well too fucking bad, we're talking about i-"
"I'm in love with you! I'm in love with you, y/n!" He suddenly shouts, cutting me off. "Is that what you want?" My gaze softens as tears seem to fill his eyes.
"I don't know why you kissed me last night, but it was the best night ever. I really felt as if you and I were more than friends. I knew that you didn't feel that way about me, so I carried you back to your bed while you were fast asleep. I love you so much you have no idea." His voice remains shaky but he keeps himself together. I stare directly into his eyes before stepping closer to him. He shuts his eyes and a tear falls down his cheek. I quickly wipe it off but don't remove my hand from his face. His soft lips make contact with mine and I immediately force him to hold my waist.
His soft lips fit mine perfectly and he gently hums. I move my hands to his hair and he smiles. Taehyun pushes me towards the wall and holds me close. Eventually, he pulls away and rests his forehead on mine. "I never told you how I feel," I tease with a smile. Instantly, Taehyun pulls away and stares into my eyes. His big, glossy eyes stare worriedly into mine... I almost feel bad. "God, Taehyun I love you so much you have no idea. Every single day it just pains me that we're nothing but friends," We stand there in silence before he breaks out into a blushy smile.
"So... what now?"
Okay hey y’all I’m currently working on an actual fanfic not a one shot rn but I’m like really sucky at writing for some reason so I’m gonna keep working on it!
Okay so I saw 5sos the other day and so now I’m continuing my 5SOS Songs x TXT one shot series so here is the list:
This is Everything I didn’t say
Soobin x Reader
She Looks So Perfect
Yeonjun x Reader
Fluff, Romantic Smut
Taking the Long Way Home
Beomgyu x Reader
Heartbreak Girl
Huening Kai x Reader
Fluff, Angst(?)
I Wish I was Beside You
Taehyun x Reader
Good Girls are Bad Girls that Haven’t Been Caught
Soobin x Reader
Mrs. All-American
Yeonjun x Reader
How did we End Up Here?
Beomgyu x Reader
Don’t Stop
Taehyun x Reader
I Wish I Could Wake Up With Amnesia
Huening Kai x Reader
I Can’t Forget my English Love Affair
Beomgyu x Reader
Ethalia - Chapitre 7
Ethalia - Jongin
Paire : Jongin x OC (Yo Jeong)
Genre : Fantasy AU, Surnaturelle AU, Academy AU
Nombre de mots : 9315 mots.
Chapitre : 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4 ; 5 ; 6 ; 7 ; 8 ; 9 ; 10 ; 11 ; 12
A/N : Mon dieu, vous avez vu la longueur du chapitre ! Quand je l’ai écrit je ne pensais pas qui allait être aussi long ! C’est mon nouveau record !

Crédit au propriétaire de l’image
Chapitre 7:
Le soleil venait juste de se lever que je devais déjà faire de même, prendre mon petit déjeuner, et être préparer pour partir à Ethalia,
Ye Yag m'avait obligé à prendre la potion de changement d'apparence, après avoir mangé, c'était la pire chose que je n'avais jamais bu, j'ai bien failli vomir plusieurs fois. Mon corps n'a pas eu de réaction comme il avait fait la veille avec le biscuit que Man Yeo m'avait donné, c'est-à-dire de suite après l'avoir avaler, mais d'après Ye Yag, c'était normal, et que mon corps changera, avant notre arrivée à Ehtalia.
Je me trouvai maintenant sur une charrette avec Ye Yag, elle allait nous emmener à la '' gare '' pour que je puisse prendre le moyen de transport qui allait m'emmener jusqu'à l'académie.
Je posai ma tête contre la planche en bois de la charrette et regardai le soleil se levant doucement et tranquillement dans le ciel bleu, ma tête bougeant au rythme de la charrette, et de ses roues roulant sur les quelques pierres dépassant du sol.
Je baillai, ce qui était plutôt surprenant puisque je ne m'étais pas couchée très tard la veille et je ne m'étais pas réveillée pendant la nuit.
'' Ah les voilà! '' Je tournai mon regard vers Ye Yag, attirée par sa déclaration soudaine, je le regardai alors en levant un sourcil. '' Les premières réactions de ton corps à la potion. ''
'' Tu veux dire que mon corps commence à changer? ''
'' Oui, ensuite tu auras sûrement quelques frissons dans ton corps, et puis les parties changeantes de ton corps vont commencer à picoter, ça va se passer très vite, à ce rythme ton corps sera changé avant notre arrivée à la gare. '' J'acquiesçai alors comprenant plus clairement ce qui va se passer à mon corps.
'' Mais dis-moi, je me demande vraiment quel sera le moyen de transport qui m'emmènera à l'académie. ''
''Eh bien quand j'étais encore élève là-bas, on y allait en bateau puis on montait les escaliers à pied, mais à l'époque l'académie n'avait pas énormément de budget, donc ça ne m'étonnerait pas que vous vous envoliez jusqu'à l'académie à dos de Thunderbird *! '' rigola-t-il.
Un gigantesque oiseau, noir avec des motifs bleu foudre indescriptibles dessiné sur tout son corps, se tenait juste devant nous, il était caressé par un gros homme barbu, et musclé, qui ressemblait à un viking à cause de son casque décoré par deux grosses cornées, sur sa ta tête.
Je tournai la tête vers Ye Yag, il était absolument sous le choc, la bouche grande ouverte, les yeux aussi gros d'Amaryllis *, je le regardai comme si je ne croyais pas à ce qui arrivait.
'' Je ne savais pas que les humains avaient la capacité de lire dans le futur. '' remarquai-je le regardant tourner en tête vers moi, avec la même expression inscrite sur son visage.
'' Je te promets que c'était juste une simple coïncidence! '' jura-t-il. L'énorme oiseau qui était devant nous se trouve être un Thunderbird, il était le même qu'avait décrit ma mère dans son carnet de voyage.
'' Oui, oui, je te crois. '' répondis-je en fermant sa bouche. Je soupirai puis déclarai-je. '' C'est sûr que c'est complètement différent des bateaux de votre époque. '' il acquiesça doucement.
'' Bref, euh ... je pense que le changement d'apparence est terminé. '' déclara-t-il en reprenant ses esprits. J'écarquillai au souvenir, qu'il avait raison, je ne ressentais plus les picotements, les frissons et ne baillais plus, je passai ma main vers une de mes oreilles, et je ne les sentais presque pas, au touché, elles n'étaient plus longues et pointues, non elles avaient l'air comme celle de Ye Yag, petites et rondes. Je pris ma capuche entre mes mains, et la baissai difficilement, j'avais plutôt peur et que ce n'était qu'une illusion, je tournai la tête vers l'humain, et il me regardait, en écarquillant un peu les yeux, mais il reprit rapidement ses esprits, et moi sourit en levant son pouce en l'air. '' Parfait, la transformation s'est bien passée. Tu ne ressembles plus à un elfe. ''
'' C'est vrai?! Waouh c'est incroyable! '' m'exclamai-je en n'arrêtant pas de toucher mes oreilles, et sautant de joie.
'' A TOUS LES ÉLÈVES DE PREMIÈRE ANNÉE! QU'ILS VIENNENT VERS MOI! '' ordonna, un vieil homme relevé par une caisse en bois.
'' Vite c'est à toi qu'il parle! '' déclara soudainement Ye Yag, en me poussant le dos avec sa main. '' Ah non attends, tiens mets ça à ton poignet. '' dit-il en me tendant un petit bracelet, décoré par une pierre translucides blanche, et traversées par un fil en cuir marron. '' Ce bracelet deviendra opaque quand ta potion de changement commence à s'affaiblir dès qu'il change envoie moi une lettre que je t'envoie des potions. Et aussi rajoute ça dans ton sac. '' ajouta-t-il en me tendant un sachet des mêmes biscuits que m'avait donnée Man Yeo. '' Mange-en un quand le bracelet commence à devenir opaque, d'accord?'' Je hochai la tête en rangeant le paquet dans mon sac, et accroche le bracelet à mon poignet. '' Super, allez vas-y! ''
Je me suis retourné alors de lui, en lui disant au revoir et le remerciant pour ce qu'il avait fait pour moi, et me dirigeai vers l'homme sur la caisse en boite qui commença à parler:
'' Bien puisque tout le monde est là, je vais pouvoir vous expliquer comment va se passer le vol de Thunderbird! '' déclara-t-il en regardant minutieusement tout la foule, très extravertie, à l'intérieur, il y avait énormément de races différentes, allant de vampires, jusqu'à des fées en passant par des sirènes, et puis il y avait moi qui avait aucune caractéristique physique pouvant donnée un indice sur ma race. '' Mais tout d'abord, laissez-moi me présenter! Je suis Monsieur Jo Su *, je suis le directeur adjoint de l'académie, je suis en charge de vous, les premières années, et du bon fonctionnement de l'académie, je ne vous laisserai donc aucunement faire n'importe quoi ni à à l'intérieur ni à l'extérieur d'Ethalia, compris? '' demanda-t-il en nous lançant des regards meurtriers, me faisant presque penser à ceux que me lançaient ma grand-mère je ne sais comment, il me faisait penser à elle, il était petit, des cheveux gris bien soignée, le même air soigné collé sur le visage, les lunettes posées sur leur nez, et... la moustache. Bref, tout les deux se ressemblait surtout niveau pilosité.
Nous acquiesçâmes tous intimidés par son égard. '' Bien, donc les vols de Thunderbird, tout d'abord, ça ne sert à rien de se précipiter sur un Thunderbird, il y en aura pour tout le monde! Ensuite, chaque Tunderbird est assigné à un homme, il vous expliquera plus en profondeur comment le vol se passera, et comment le passer sans aucun problème. '' Puis il continue à tout nous expliquer, et ce que l'on fera après être arrivés à Ethalia.
Quand il finit de tout nous expliquer, il nous autorisa à aller vers les Thunderbirds, il eut malgré les paroles de Jo Su un mouvement de foule et tout le monde se précipita vers un énorme oiseau, je finis enfin à m'échapper de la foule , et cherchai un oiseau, malheureusement pour moi, les seuls, que je pouvais apercevoir, étaient déjà pris par quelqu'un, je me dirigeai vers le rivage, et par chance je vis un vieil barbu, en train de caresser un oiseau noir, celui-ci était plus petit que les autres que j'avais vu, mais je me dirigeai quand même vers lui sachant que c'était sûrement le seul de libre.
L'homme était dos à moi et beaucoup plus grand que la moyenne il devait facilement atteindre les 3 mètres, il portait un casque décoré par des cornes, des courts cheveux roux s'échappant de son casque.
Je serrai les bretelles de mon sac à dos, puis me dirigeai timidement vers le grand homme.
'' Euh ... euh, excusez-moi? '' L'homme roux se retourna, faisant apparaître : de petits yeux marrons acérés, un gros nez, une épaisse moustache et une barbe rousse, recouvrant presque tout le bas de son visage, à cause d'elles, nous ne pouvons presque pas voir ses lèvres. Il me regardait profondément dans mes yeux, me faisant avaler ma salive, puis tout à coup, il m'offrit un énorme sourire montrant des dents dont une qui semblait être en or.
'' Tu dois être une première année n'est-ce-pas? '' demanda-t-il me souriant toujours.
'' Ah euh ... oui ... '' répondis-je timidement. '' Je ... j'ai vu que vous étiez seul donc ... ''
'' Eh bien tu as bien vu! Enchanté, je suis Havard Abaran, mais tout le monde m'appelle Arban! '' se présente-t-il en me tendant sa main deux fois plus grosse que la mienne.
'' E-enchanté, je suis Cho Na Mu ... '' me présentai-je à mon tour, en lui tendant la main tremblante.
'' Bien! C'est ton premier vol en Thunderbird? '' me demanda-t-il en me lâchant la main, je hochai la tête. '' Bon ce n'est pas grave, je vais t'expliquer comment bien passer son vol. Tout d'abord, quand tu vas monter sur Lino, il faut que tu places de sorte de ne pas gêner ses ailes! '' expliqua-t-il.
'' Lino? ''
'' Ah oui ! J'ai oublié de te le présenter, voici Lino, un jeune Thunderbird! '' il me présente l'oiseau, qui sortit un petit cri, comme s'il me saluait. '' Bien aussi sache que les Thunderbird sont connus pour leur vitesse incroyable, donc il faudra bien t'accrocher. C'est tout! ''
'' C'est tout? '' répétai-je en écarquillant mes yeux. Il acquiesça en souriant, puis soudain il se baissa, et il passa ses mains en dessous de mes bras, et me souleva étonnamment facilement presque comme si j'avais le poids d'une mouche, il me posa à califourchon sur l'oiseau, je me trouvai devant les ailes noires de l'oiseau. Il plaça mes mains sur le cou de la créature, me crispant presque.
'' Accroche toi, bien à ses plumes, sinon tu peux dire adieu à la vie! '' m'avertit-t-il. '' Bien Lino, emmène Na Mu à Ethalia, et en chair et en os! '' lui ordonna-t-il, en lui souriant, et en lui tapotant l'épaule, puis sans que je puisse me préparer mentalement, il écarta ses ailes, et s'envola à la vitesse de la lumière dans les airs, pendant toute la montée je lâchai un long cri, et m'accrochai le plus fort possible aux plumes de Lino.
Je fermai mes yeux d'horreur, mais aussi à cause du vent dû à la vitesse de l'oiseau, je le sentis battre des ailes coupant facilement l'air, parfois il ne les bougeait même pas, se laissait juste porter dans le vide .
J'ouvris difficilement les yeux, nous nous trouvions dans un nuage, je tournai un peu la tête l'oiseau laissait derrière lui des éclairs turquoises, pendant qu'il volait les motifs qu'il avait sur tout son corps, s'illuminait d'une belle lumière bleu foudre, puis tout à coup tout s'éclaircit, nous étions au dessus des nuages, je ne pouvais plus voir la terre ferme, juste une mer grise, en face nous pouvions apercevoir un énorme château construit sur une montagne , il était construit en pierre marron, le toit se trouve juste être plus foncé que les murs, il était énorme, il était tellement grand, Lino faisait le tour de celui-ci, on pouvait voir un grand jardin à l'arrière du château , on pourrait presque le croire comme une énorme prairie, avec énormément de verdure, de différentes fleurs, arbres et arbustes et même voir un ruisseau coupant l'espace en deux.
Il faisait encore quelque fois le tour du château, descendant peu à peu, pour enfin atterrir, devant les portes du château, où se trouvaient d'autres Thunderbird, il écarta ses ailes, comme pour ralentir, pour enfin atterrir sur les pavés, je descendis faiblement de l'oiseau, en titubant un peu et en reprenant difficilement mon souffle.
Puis je levai la tête vers Lino qui me regardait comme s'il s'excusait, je lui souris doucement, et lui caressai la tête tendrement en le remerciant. Il fit un petit cri reconnaissant puis il se décolla du sol pour sûrement rejoindre Arban. Je soufflai et regardai l'énorme devanture du château, c'était tellement impressionnant, seulement le plus surprenant n'était pas le fait qu'il soit aussi grand, mais que malgré sa position au-dessus des nuages, nous puissions respirer aussi facilement qu'en bas, j'imagine que cet endroit est comme un magique ce qui est plutôt évident puisque c'était une académie dans un monde complètement magique.
Je continuai à admirer la devanture du château, quand j'entendis un cri et des battements d'ailes irréguliers venant d'au dessus de moi, je levai la tête vers le ciel, pour voir un Thunderbird encore plus petit que le mien, il était monté par une jeune fille aux cheveux roses, c'était d'elle que provenaient les cris, elle avait les yeux fermés, et serrait le plus possible les plumes du cou de son oiseau, les arrachant presque. Mais ce que je ne remarquai pas, était qu'ils s'approchaient de plus en plus de moi, j'écarquillai une énième fois mes yeux, et essayai de m'écarter le plus loin possible de l'oiseau, mais ce fut trop trop tard quand je sentis un lourd poids sur moi. Pendant ma course, j'avais enlevé mon sac au cas où il allait quand même moi foncer dessus - et j'avais bien raison - et qu'il n'abîme pas mes affaires et surtout mon trésor.
J'étais maintenant littéralement écrasée par un oiseau qui devrait sûrement faire trois fois mon poids, avec une fille aux cheveux roses dessus, qui étaient en train de pleurer toutes les larmes de son corps.
Je ne savais pas quand ni comment, mais l'oiseau était enfin levé de mon dos, j'étais vraiment sonnée par le coup, mes yeux se fermant presque, j'entendais en arrière-plan semblant être à des kilomètres de mon corps, des cris appartenant certainement aux autres élèves présents dans la cour, j'allais tomber dans les pommes, quand je sentis une soudaine et réconfortante chaleur, elle venait de ma gauche je tournais la tête vers la source de cette sensation, et vit la fille aux cheveux roses, les mains tendues vers moi, une étrange lueur verte s'échappant de ses paumes, c'était tellement ... apaisant, rafraîchissant, réconfortant, grâce à elle j'ouvris mes yeux et réussis à bouger - difficilement - mon corps, un gémissement sortit de ma bouche, quand je me suis assise par terre, la main contre mon front, c'était comme si j'avais reçu un marteau sur ma tête, quand j'entendis une douce voix:
'' C-ça va ? Je suis tellement désolée, il-enfin j'ai dû lui faire perdre le contrôle de son atterrissage. Je suis sincèrement désolée ! '' dit-elle en posant ses mains sur ses cuisses, en tournant ma tête vers elle j'en profitai pour la regarder. Ses cheveux roses étaient attachés en une longue tresse atterrissant au bas de son dos, elle possédait aussi une paire d'yeux mauves, remplis par des larmes, des petites lèvres rose pâle, un petit nez, et était habillée par une robe faite de feuilles et de fleurs roses, mais le plus surprenant était ses ailes à l'arrière de son dos, elle voulait sûrement être une fée, une vraie. Elle était vraiment belle, je reprends mes esprits en secouant ma tête et la regardai en lui souriant.
'' Je vais bien, grâce à toi, je te remercie et je te pardonne tant que je vais bien. '' la rassurai-je en lui envoyé le sourire le plus réconfortant que j'avais. Dans ma vie, au village, on m'a toujours dit que je pardonnai trop facilement les gens, je me rappelais encore, je devais avoir dans les alentours des six ans, et une elfe sûrement dans les alentours de mon âge,avait, sans faire exprès, fait tomber un bocal en vert sur ma tête, sur le coup, j'étais devenue inconsciente pendant quelques heures puis à mon réveil, on m'avait raconté ce qui c'était passé, et toute la scène qu'avait causé ma grand-mère contre la petite fille, seulement dès que j'ai été dans la capacité de pouvoir aller la voir, je l'ai pardonné, parce qu'elle était encore jeune, et qu'à cet âge là on ne faisait souvent pas attention.
Puis tout à coup j'ai été pris dans de chauds et petits bras, la petite fée était en train de pleurer sur mon épaule, pris par le dépourvu je lui tapai juste tendrement le dos.
'' Eh bien Mademoiselle Ilg Da*, vous savez vous faire reconnaître dès le premier jour. '' remarqua soudainement une voix, Ilg Da me lâcha et tourna la tête vers la voix, je fis de même, et découvris Monsieur Jo Su, les bras croisés dans son dos, et les sourcils fronçaient. '' Vous avez bien de la chance d'être une fée Mademoiselle, et que Mademoiselle Na Mu soit une personne compréhensive, enfin pour l'instant. '' remarqua-t-il une seconde fois en me regardant. '' Je compte sur vous pour que ceci ne recommence pas ! '' déclara-t-il en lançant un dernier regard vers Ilg Da, et nous en tournant le dos.
Je me relevai avec l'aide de Ilg Da, qui ensuite alla me chercher mon sac, puis me le tendit, je la remerciai, le mit sur mon dos, et commençai marcher vers les portes du château, avec la petite fée à mes côtés qui vérifiait que tout allait bien avec moi.
'' Ne t'inquiètes pas Ilg Da, je vais bien grâce à tes soins. ''
'' Oui mais on ne sait jamais! '' déclara-t-elle en vérifiant encore une fois. Puis tout à coup je m'arrêtai sur mon chemin et me tournai vers elle, et lui dis une dernière fois que tout allait bien, elle soupira, puis accepta, quand soudain elle tendit sa main. '' Recommençons depuis le début: je suis Kim Ilg Da, une fée venue des bois des fées tout au sud d'Esthéris, enchantée! '' Se présenta-t-elle, Esthéris ? Qu'est-ce-que c'était déjà, j'avais déjà attendu ça quelque part, ah oui, c'est vrai c'était notre royaume, dans le journal de ma mère, il disait que notre monde était divisé entre quatre royaume, Esthéris le royaume de l'Est, Ouesthéria, le royaume de l'Ouest, Nordaris, le royaume du nord et Sudéria, le royaume du Sud, la majorité d'entre eux sont en paix, seul le royaume du Nord qui lui était complètement coupé du monde, il n'acceptait ni venue d'autre royaume, ni accord de paix, on ne savait donc rien au sujet de Nordaris. Revenant à mes pensées, je haussai les sourcils par la soudaine présentation de la fée, mais je rigolai un peu et tendis ma main et pris la sienne.
'' Je suis Cho Na Mu, une el- je veux dire, une hybride humaine et fée, ravie de te rencontrer Ilg Da... '' me présentai-je, maladroitement.
'' Oh toi aussi tu es une fée, quelle surprise! ''
'' Oui enfin je ne suis pas tout à fait une fée, j'ai aussi du sang humain. '' remarquai-je.
'' Ce n'est pas grave, tu as quand même du sang de fée! '' elle sourit.
'' QUE TOUT LE MONDE SE RÉUNISSE DEVANT MOI! '' ordonna Monsieur Jo Su. Je lâchai la main de la fée et nous partîmes toute les deux vers Monsieur Jo Su. '' Bien je vous rassemble tous ici, pour vous dire certaines choses, tout d'abord, ce qui ne sont pas encore aller voir le concierge de l'école, Monsieur Gar Deu *, aller le voir dès que je fine ce que j'avais à vous dire pour qu 'il vous donne votre clef. Mais là n'est pas le sujet, je vais vous dire le règlement de l'académie, les premières années ont l'interdiction formelle d'accéder à la tour du château ni de sortir du domaine en pleine semaine de cours sans y être autorisés ou sans l'attestation de votre responsable, pendant le week-end, vous pouvez sortir de l'académie. Les dortoirs sont par quatre et seulement quatre, ils ont été à l'avance choisis en fonction du domaine que vous avez choisi au préalable lors de votre inscription. ''
A la fin de son discours, il nous libéra, Ilg Da et moi nous sommes parties rencontrer le concierge de l'académie, pendant le trajet j'ai beaucoup appris sur Ilg Da et sa famille. Elle a vécu une enfance heureuse en compagnie de ses parents et de son petit frère, c'est sa mère qui l'a inscrite à l'académie, à part son enfance nous avons beaucoup de point en commun, elle veut par exemple elle aussi devenir médecin, elle me dit qu'elle veut sauver le monde grâce à ses pouvoirs.
'' Et toi alors Na Mu? Parle-moi de toi. ''
'' Eh bien, je n'ai pas énormément à raconter, j'ai grandi sans mon père, je ne l'ai jamais vu, j'ai quelque fois vu ma mère quand j'étais petite, j'ai vécu la majeure partie de ma vie avec ma grand-mère et mon grand-frère, c'est d'ailleurs lui qui m'a inscrite ici. ''
'' Oh désolé Na Mu, cela doit être un sujet difficile. '' s'excusa la fée.
'' Oui, un peu, mais je me dis que là où mes parents sont, ils doivent être heureux. '' répondis-je. Nous continuâmes notre marche, puis nous vîmes soudain un homme, il y avait très peu de cheveux sur la tête, un visage visage creusé par les rides, des yeux fermés ne laissant même pas voir ses pupilles, un long pointu avec une verrue au bout et des poils sortant de ses narines, on ne voyait plus la couleur de ses lèvres, un corps voûté, ses jambes pliées comme si le haut de son corps pesait plusieurs tonnes, il s'appuyaient sur une vielle canne bois.
'' Ah il y en a encore! '' s'exclama-t-il d'une voix tremblante par la vieillesse . '' Bien qu'on en finisse rapidement, donnez moi le papier de votre chambre. Je déboutonnai alors rapidement la poche de mon long manteau, et sortis le papier où était écrit 1645, et lui tendis à deux mains, il me le prit agressivement, puis prit celui de Ilg Da de la même manière, et se retourna vers une haute étagère, où était rangées différentes clefs, Monsieur Gar Deu prit deux clefs et nous les tendis. '' Ça tombe bien vous êtes colocataires! '' s'exclama-t-il nous nous regardons en souriant, puis prîmes les clefs qu'il nous tendait. '' Maintenant partez, je n'ai pas que ça à faire! '' Nous le remerciâmes, puis sortîmes en trombe de la petite pièce.
Arrivées dans la grande cour, nous nous regardâmes soudain, Ilg Da me sauta dans les bras en criant de joie, je rigolai de sa réaction joyeuse, et souris en enroulant mes bras autour de sa fine taille, mais nous fîmes interrompues par une puissante voix féminine.
'' Que toutes les premières années, les filles étant dans le domaine médicinal viennent ici pour que je leur montre leur chambre! '' Nous partîmes vers la femme, elle était magnifique, elle possédait de longs cheveux blonds orangé aux racines se dégradant dans un rose fraise, ils étaient décorés par une belle fleur d'hibiscus rouge, ils encadraient un visage fin, composé par de grands et doux yeux bleu océan, de lèvres pulpeuses roses, sur son cou on pouvait apercevoir quelques écailles de la même couleur de la pointe de ses cheveux. Elle nous sourit apparaîtra des dents blanc nacré.
'' Waouh! Elle est magnifique! '' s'exclama Ilg Da en murmurant, je hochai la tête beaucoup trop aveuglée par une telle beauté pour pouvoir parler.
'' Bien je pense que tout le monde est là, je pense que je vais pouvoir vous montrer vos chambres, mais je vais d'abord me présenter, je suis Kim Taeyeon je serai votre professeur d'études de plantes médicinales, pendant toutes vos années à Ethalia, mais aussi votre responsable de dortoir, pour faire simple si vous avez un problème quelconque dans le dortoir, venez me voir, d'accord ? '' demanda-t-elle. Nous hochâmes toutes la tête. '' Super ! Alors suivez-moi ! '' déclara notre responsable, en se retournant, et commençant à se diriger vers nos futurs dortoirs. '' Ah oui, ça m'est complètement sorti de la tête, appelez-moi Madame Taeyeon, il y a énormément de professeurs s'appelant Kim ici, alors si on s'appelle tous par nos prénoms on ne va jamais se retrouver ! '' expliqua-t-elle riant doucement, ce son semblant être le plus beau que nous pouvions entendre sur cette Terre, et continua son chemin. En nous expliquant comment allait se passer ses cours, j'avais tellement hâte d'y participer, j'adore les plantes médicinales, c'est vraiment ma passion, ce sera surtout grâce à elles que je pourrais soigner mes patients, en tant que médecin, puisque je n'avais aucun pouvoirs comme ceux d'Ilg Da, je devais me débrouiller avec les moyens que j'aurai à ma disposition.
Pendant notre chemin, je regardai tout autour de moi, même les couloirs étaient beaux ! Le plafond était tellement que je me disais que même un géant ne pouvait le toucher, les murs semblant être tailler dans la pierre elle-même, des statues étant sûrement être de grands personnages de notre monde, étrangement, il n'y avait aucune elfe, cela est vraiment étrange, à un moment donné était bien encore libre, et non enfermé dans un dôme de ronces, ét ça pendant depuis la création dans notre monde, il y avait vraiment aucune elfe qui est entrée dans l'histoire ?
Nous tournâmes dans un des nombreux coins de l'établissement, quand nous croisâmes un groupe d'hommes, ils étaient plutôt intimidants, la majorité d'eux faisait plusieurs têtes de plus que moi, et pouvait sûrement m'écraser avec un seul de leurs doigts.
'' Bonjour Monsieur Seunghyun ! '' salua Madame Taeyeon, en faisant un signe à l'homme semblant être le responsable de ce groupe d'hommes, qui lui donna en réponse un simple hochement de tête, les hommes en question étaient d'ailleurs en train de fixer sans aucune honte Madame Taeyeon, bavant presque devant elle, leurs joues aussi rouges que la fleur dans les cheveux de celle-ci.
Après que leur responsable leurs criait dessus, ils partirent vers sûrement leur dortoir, et nous fîmes de même.
Après quelques minutes de marche, nous nous étions enfin arrêtées, nous nous trouvions devant un grand tableau d'une serre. Madame Taeyeon se retourna vers nous et nous dîmes :
'' Bien je vais vous dire la règle numéro 1 des dortoirs ! '' Elle leva son index. '' Il est strictement interdit, que des élèves d'un domaine autre que le vôtre entre dans le dortoir, compris ? '' demanda-t-elle, nous dîmes toute oui, elle nous sourit puis se retourna vers le tableau. '' Mais nous ne faisions pas confiance à tous les élèves, chaque dortoir possède un code spécial pour entrer, interdiction stricte de le donner à d'autres élèves que ce dans votre domaine. ''Elle posa alors une de ses mains sur l'une des fleurs sur le tableau, c'était une tulipe bleue, et appuya dessus, elle fit le même geste mais sur cette fois-ci un géranium étrangement devenue vert autrefois rose, puis elle tourna un motif de fleur sur le cadre de la peinture. Le tableau s'illumina, tous les motifs sur le cadre s'éclairèrent et le tableau s'ouvrit, laissant place, à un long et profond couloir sombre.
Madame Teayeon rentra dans le couloir, et nous fîmes comme elle et rentrâmes peu à peu dans le couloir sombre, le tableau se fermant ensuite derrière nous.
Je sentis soudain une main prenant la mienne, c'était celle de Ilg Da j'arrivais à la discerner malgré l'absence de lumière.
'' Qu'est-ce qu'il y a Ilg Da ? '' demandai-je en murmurant pendant que nous sentîmes des marches descendantes.
'' Les fées ont toutes peur du noir. '' déclara-t-elle murmurant à son tour. '' J'imagine que ça ne te fait pas ça à cause de ton sang humain. ''
'' O-oui ça doit être ça. '' déclarai-je serrant sa main pour la rassurer.
Nous descendîmes encore et encore dans les escaliers, je pensai personnellement que c'était une très mauvaise idée de faire descendre des escaliers à des jeunes adolescentes comme nous, dans le noir sans aucune lumière en sachant que certaines avaient peur du noir comme dans la situation d'Ilg Da.
Puis tout à coup une petite voix rompit le silence qui s'était installée :
'' Euh Madame, j'ai une question. ''
'' Oui laquelle ? '' demanda Madame Taeyeon.
'' Les prochaines fois que nous allons aller dans le dortoir, nous pourrons prendre de la lumière, n'est-ce-pas ? ''
'' Eh bien, en fait normalement le couloir est allumé, mais le seul jour où il ne l'est pas, c'est le celui de la rentrée. Donc pour celles qui ont peur du noir ou qui sont tout simplement mal à l'aise à devoir marcher et descendre des escaliers dans le noir, ça sera éclairé d'ici demain matin. '' Quelques soupirs de soulagement se firent entendre, par la déclaration de notre responsable, je sentis la main de Ilg Da se desserrait de la mienne, elle était sûrement soulagée elle aussi par ce que notre responsable avait annoncé.
Nous vîmes enfin une lumière à la fin de l'escalier, elle nous aveuglait toutes à cause de tout le chemin traverser dans le noir, mais c'était aussi très réconfortant de pouvoir enfin voir de la lumière, et celle-ci était tout simplement naturelle, car notre dortoir enfin en tout cas la pièce principale de celui-ci était exactement le même décor que la peinture au début du couloir, il y avait une grande baie vitrée donnant vue sur la mer de nuage que l'on aurait vu voir lors de notre vol de Thunderbird, c'était vraiment beau, il y avait plein de sortes de plante, de fleur, de plante médicinale, au milieu de l'énorme serre se trouvait une grosse jardinière faisant pousser une grosse et épaisse bignone, sûrement la plus grande que j'ai vu de toute ma vie, elle escaladait sur je ne sais quoi à cause de ses épaisses feuilles verte,et faisait comme un toit en s'accrochant à la vitre de la serre, et descendant parfois les sièges aux coussins rouges, jaunes, roses, verts, qui entourée la jardinière.
'' Voici votre dortoir! '' s'exclama Madame Taeyeon en se retournant vers nous, nous étions toutes stupéfaites par une telle salle, c'était magnifique. '' Venez je vais vous montrer où se trouvent vos chambres. '' dit-elle en commençant à descendre l'escalier en fer blanc nacré des motif de roses constituant les marches. Nous la suivîmes regardant tous les détails de la pièce qui sera un peu comme notre future maison. '' Bien tout d'abord celles dont leur numéro de chambre est en dessous de 1500 me suivent! '' Après ça, la moitié du groupe la suivit alors, disparaissant à la droite du dortoir, alors que l'autre partie du groupe seule dans cette énorme pièce.
La pièce était alors devenue silencieuse, aucune personne ne parlait.
Pour m'occuper, je regardai la grande et belle bignone au milieu de la salle, nous étions en pleine période floraison des bignones, on pouvait donc voir les belles fleurs en trompette rouges et oranges habituelles des bignones, mais seulement quelque chose m'a rendu curieuse, les couleurs normales des fleurs de bignone sont le rouge et l'orange, mais certes celle-ci en avait de cette couleur mais elle en avait aussi d'autres couleurs : du rose, du jaune, du vert, du bleu, du violet, du blanc et du noir, enfin qu'une seule en noire. C'était impensable comme couleur! mais pour dire vrai ça ne m'étonnait pas trop, puisque nous sommes dans une académie magique, je me disais qu'on lui a sûrement jeté un sort, ou qu'ils l'ont créé eux-même.
Je m'assis, sur un des bancs donnant face à cette étrange plante, en posant mon sac à dos par terre et posa ma tête contre l'immense vitre, me reposant de toute cette marche grâce au silence de la pièce, on avait tant marché, j'avais presque l'impression que mes pieds étaient devenus de la bouillie, l'activités n'a jamais été mon domaine de prédilection. Il fut malheureusement coupé par la même voix que celle dans les escaliers.
'' Euh ... est-ce-que ça vous direz que l'on présente? Je veux dire on va sûrement passer toutes nos années ensemble donc... '' Il y avait toujours le même silence, personne ne lui avait répondu, et maintenant elles la regardaient toutes. Elle avait des cheveux noirs avec des mèches bleu foncé, et des yeux gris clair, sa peau avait l'air d'être plus blanche que la moyenne, sa race devait sûrement faire partie des spectrales, dans notre monde il y a plusieurs types de races, les types naturae, celles qui sont liées à la nature donc les elfes, les fées, les gnômes etc... Les types spectrales, donc les fantômes, les esprits, les types advercum, ceux qui sont hostiles, même si c'est un grand mot puisque bon nombre des races dans cette catégorie ne sont en fait pas du hostiles envers les autres races, je pense notamment aux vampires ou aux démons, puis il y a les neutres, pour bien comprendre comment les races sont triées, il faut savoir que c'est avec ce qu'ils mangent, les naturae sont végétariens, les advercum sont carnivores, les spectrals ne mangent pas, en tout cas ils n'en ont pas besoin et les neutres sont omnivores, donc ce serait les humains, les deus et bien d'autres. '' Après si vous ne voulez pas vous n'êtes pas obligées! '' déclara-t-elle en levant ses mains mais elle fut suivie par l'accord de toutes les filles dans la pièce. '' C'est vrai? Alors, je commence! je m'appelle Kim Chae Won, je suis un esprit des bois, ravie de vous rencontrer! '' se présente-t-elle en s'inclinant. Un esprit des bois? J'ai déjà lu à leur sujet dans le carnet de ma mère, ils protègent les bois de tout être maléfiques, et faisaient donc bien parti des type spectrales.
'' Bien je continue alors! '' déclara Ilg Da. '' Je suis Kim Ilg Da, je suis une fée venue des bois des fées au sud d'Esthéris, j'ai hâte de passer mes années avec vous! '' finit-elle en nous souriant joyeusement.
'' Oh mais c'est toi, qui a écrasé la fille dans la grande cour avec le Thunderbird! '' remarqua une fille avec des cheveux châtains.
'' Je n'ai pas fait exprès! Je lui ai fait perdre sans faire exprès le contrôle pendant son vol! ''
'' Certes mais c'est toujours de ta faute! '' continua la même fille.
'' Arrrgh Na Mu, dis-leur! '' demanda Ilg Da, en se précipitant vers moi.
'' Oh mais tu es celle qui s'est faite écraser. ''
'' Ah euh oui, je suis Ch-cho Na Mu, je suis une hybride fée et humaine, en-enchantée. '' me présentai-je en déglutissant nerveusement suivie par plusieurs chuchotements de la part des autre filles dans la pièce.
'' Et malgré ce qui s'est passé, Na Mu et moi nous sommes devenues de très bonnes amies ! pas vrai ? '' demanda la fée en me regardant, je hochai alors la tête.
'' Eh bien tu es très compréhensive, Na Mu. '' remarqua une fille avec des courts cheveux bleu foncé, des yeux marrons chocolat, et avait quelques écailles noires sur le côté de son cou, en apparaissant du fond groupe, elle se dirigeait vers nous, puis arrivée devant moi, elle tendit sa main en souriant. '' Je suis Shin Ryujin, une Naga*. '' je lui serrai alors la main. Puis alors toutes les filles se présentèrent une par une, elles étaient principalement toutes des fées, ce qui se comprend puisque celles-ci sont spécialisées dans la botanique, et la médecine.
Après quelques temps, où nous discutions tranquillement, Madame Taeyeon sortit enfin du côté droit du dortoir, et nous sourit :
'' Je vois que vous avez fait connaissance ! C'est super ! Mais je dois malheureusement interrompre votre discussion, pour vous montrer vos chambres. '' Nous hochâmes la tête et commençâmes à la suivre. Je mis mon sac sur mon dos, et me dirigea à côté de Ilg Da, qui était en train de sautiller d'excitation.
'' Dis Na Mu, tu n'as pas hâte de savoir qui seront nos colocataires ? '' me demanda-t-elle en me regardant les yeux brillants de joie.
'' Si, j'ai vraiment hâte. '' lui répondis-je en lui souriant à mon tour.
La foule s'arrêta alors, notre responsable se retourna et sortit alors un papier de sa poche :
'' Alors, écoutez-moi, sur vos clefs se trouve un nombre, quand vous entendez le vôtre, venez à côté de moi, d'accord ? '' Nous hochâmes la tête. '' Super alors, le numéro 1510, 2080, 1762 et 1800. '' lista-t-elle et quatre jeunes filles se dirigea vers elle, et elle leur donna une seconde clef chacune. '' Voici la clef de votre chambre ! '' Puis elle leur ouvrit la porte, et les laissa rentrer. '' Installez-vous pendant que je fais les autres chambres, quand vous aurez fini aller dans la salle principale. '' Elle continua alors à faire les chambres une par une. Mais si les clefs données par le concierge n'était pas celles de nos chambres à quoi servaient-elles alors ? Elles étaient juste là pour savoir notre chambre ?
A la fin du couloir il ne restait, plus que Ilg Da, Ryujin, Chae Won et moi, alors voilà nos colocataires.
'' Eh bien voilà vous êtes les dernières ! Kim Ilg Da, Shin Ryujin, Kim Chae Won et Cho Na Mu ! '' nous appelâmes-t-elle, elle nous donna nos clefs de chambre, et l'ouvrit. '' Je sais que c'est un peu injuste, mais ne vous installez pas tout de suite, répartissez-vous juste les lits, d'accord, sinon nous n'aurons pas assez de temps pour la suite. '' dit-elle en nous ouvrant et nous laissa rentrer.
Notre chambre était vraiment énorme, et aussi très lumineuse. Elle avait un toit et un demi-cercle du fond tout en verre, donnant alors vue sur la mer de nuages et le ciel bleu, la vue devrait être incroyable de nuit. Deux lits se trouvaient sur une mezzanine donnant vue sur la grande fenêtre tandis que les deux derniers, se trouvaient en dessous, à côté de chaque lit était placé un bureau personnel, avec une multitude de livres et une petite lampe en fer doré. Sur le côté gauche de la pièce, il y avait plusieurs étagères vides, seule des pots de fleurs verts, avec leurs feuilles vertes pendant certaine même touchant le sol.
'' Waouh elle est incroyable ! '' s'exclamèrent Ilg Da et Chae Won en courant de partout dans la chambre. Ryujin soupira à côté de moi, et monta vers la mezzanine en déclarant :
'' Je prends un lit en haut. ''
'' Si ça ne vous gêne pas je vais en bas, j'ai le vertige. '' déclara Chae Won en se grattant l'arrière de sa tête gênée. A sa déclaration, je haussai un sourcil, un esprit avec le vertige que c'était étrange, en sachant que l'une de leur capacité était de voler, alors avoir le vertige, c'était vraiment.... étrange.
'' Moi aussi, je préfère être le plus proche possible de la porte, vous savez pipi noc- ''
'' C'est bon, on a compris pourquoi Ilg Da ! '' s'exclama Ryujin en la coupant.
'' Na Mu, ça ne te gêne pas d'aller en haut ? '' demanda Chae Won.
'' Non ça va. '' répondis-je en montant les escaliers en bois sombre, menant à la mezzanine, Ryujin avait déjà choisi son lit, il devait sûrement être celui le plus caché du soleil.
'' Désolé, mais ma race me l'oblige. '' déclara-t-elle dos à moi.
'' Ça va, ça me convient. '' la rassurai-je, en posant mon sac sur la chaise en bois de mon bureau, enlevant enfin mon manteau trop grand pour moi et le fit pendre à un petit porte manteau. J'avais maintenant une certaine affection pour lui, j'imagine que c'est parce qu'il m'a protégé d'une mort certaine en cachant mon ancienne apparence, et peut-être aussi car c'est Man Yeo qui me l'a offert enfin plutôt qui me l'a donné, en parlant d'elle je me demande vraiment ce qu'elle fait en ce moment, elle a sûrement dû rentrer au dôme, où grand-mère doit la harceler pour savoir pourquoi elle m'a aidée à sortir, et Hi Jin et Geom Jeong doit lui demander comment est l'extérieur, si je vais bien ou quelque chose comme ça.
A la pensée de mes deux meilleures amies je souris nostalgiquement et pris le collier qu'elles m'ont offert avant mon départ, je caressai alors doucement la pierre verte avec mon pouce. Mais je fus interrompu par une main sur mon épaule, je tournai la tête, c'était Ryujin.
'' Tu viens? Madame Taeyeon nous a dit de nous dépêcher. '' elle demanda.
'' Ah oui, j'arrive. '' Elle enleva sa main de mon épaule, et commença alors à descendre les escaliers en bois. Je soupirai alors, et suivis alors les filles dans le couloir, pour ensuite arriver dans la salle principale du dortoir. Toutes les filles étaient assises sur les sièges, alors nous fîmes de même et nous regardâmes notre responsable se trouvant au milieu de la pièce en nous voyant nous asseoir elle commença alors à parler.
'' Bien depuis tout le monde est là, je vais pouvoir commencer! '' déclara en s'adossant à la jardinière en pierre blanche. '' Tout d'abord je vais commencer par quelque chose que certaines d'entre vous ont déjà remarqué, dans chacune de vos armoires se trouve un uniforme, c'est celui de l'académie vous êtes dans l'obligation de le porter en dehors du dortoir, pour celles qui ont peur qu'il ne soit pas à votre taille, ne vous inquiétez pas de le mettre, il s'adapte directement à votre morphologie, il existe une autre tenue obligatoire, c'est celle de la pratique de combat vous avez beau être dans un domaine exclusivement théorique, vous devez quand même avoir les capacités de base pour vous battre et au moins pouvoir vous protéger, ah oui il y a une dernière quand vous aurez vos travaux dans la serre de l'académie, obligation de la porter celle-ci c'est pour votre sécurité. '' Elle expliqua en nous regardant toutes. '' Ensuite certaines me l'ont déjà demandé, les toilettes se trouvent au fond de chaque côté du couloir, ne vous inquiétez comparé à toutes les pièces dans votre dortoir, il n'y a pas de grosses baies vitrées. '' déclara-t-elle, ce qui nous fîmes soupirer de soulagement . '' Bien avant de vous laisser finir de vous installer, les horaires: le petit déjeuner est à 7 heures, les cours commencent à 8 heures et se finissent tous maximum à 17 heures, mais il peut y avoir des études du soir à la bibliothèque maximum 20 heures, le déjeuner est à midi, le dîner à 19 heures, et le couvre-feu à 22 heures. '' dit-elle listant tous les horaires. '' Bien maintenant je vous laisse vous préparez, sauf si vous avez des questions bien sûr. '' déclara-t-elle en tournant la tête pour trouver une fille du premier groupe, levez la main, elle hocha la tête pour lui donner la parole.
Tout le long de quand elle listait tous les horaires, je sentais une grosse boule nerveuse dans mon ventre, c'était la nuit, si le couvre-feu était aussi tard, je vais devoir me coucher encore plus tôt que d'habitude, bon pour l'instant puisque nous sommes en été les jours dure plus longtemps donc je pourrais dîner sans trop de problème, mais quand on va être en automne, ou même en hiver comment vais-je faire? La nuit va se lever plus tôt, et le jour plus tard, il faut juste prier pour que Ye Yag trouve une alternative.
'' Euh, est-ce-que nous sommes obligées de porter notre uniforme pour le dîner et le petit déjeuner? ''
'' Eh bien pour le petit déjeuner oui vous êtes obligées, mais le dîner non, ce n'est pas la peine. '' Elle vérifia sa montre je soupirai de soulagement, pour le dîner je pourrais porter mon manteau, et cachait mes oreilles, c'est déjà un bon point, bon certes j'aurai l'air bizarre, mais au moins mes oreilles seront cachées du monde. '' Bien, il vous reste pile une heure pour finir de vous installer ou de commencer à vous installez, quand vous aurez fini retrouvez-moi ici, pour que je vous emmène à la grande salle (A / N: Je sais ça fait Harry Potter mais je n'ai pas trouvé mieux.) '' Puis quand elle finit sa phrase, nous nous levâmes, et nous nous dirigeâmes vers nos chambres respectives.
Arrivée à la nôtre, je montai directement dans la mezzanine, et ouvris mon sac pour ranger mes affaires. Je plaçai d'abord mes livres, sur la bibliothèque vide parallèle à mon lit puis rangea le carnet de note de ma mère dans le tiroir de mon bureau, et le mien sur celui-ci. Pendant que je rangeai les livres restants, je regardai ceux qui étaient déjà rangés, j'en ouvris à une page au hasard, et découvris une page de recette, pour faire un remède contre les fortes fièvres, je tournai les pages de ce livre, il y avait plein de recette de remède, de pommades et autres. Ça devait être mes livres de cours.
J'ouvris mon armoire pour effectivement trouver un uniforme, il avait un blazer blanc avec des boutons dorés et un blason était cousu sur la poitrine gauche du blazer, c'était une épée grise entourée par un beau magnolia tout deux emprisonnés dans un globe, en dessous se trouvait une chemise blanche sans défauts avec une cravate à carreaux verts, comme la jupe aussi d'ailleurs.
'' Eh bien, c'est très.... '' Ryujin cherchait ses mots en regardant de haut en bas l'uniforme.
'' Clair ? '' proposai-je.
'' Un peu dire ça. '' dit–elle, en fixant l'uniforme en fronçant les sourcils.
'' Par contre, Ryujin, le blason, c'est celui de l'académie ? ''
'' Attends, tu veux dire, que tu ne reconnais pas le blason de ta propre académie ? '' demanda-t-elle en écarquillant les yeux.
'' Eh bien disons, que j'ai vécu un peu coupée du monde donc... '' expliquai-je en ayant toujours le réflexe de me gratter ma lèvre inférieure. Elle soupira, et recommença à ranger ses propres affaires.
Je fis alors de même en rangeant mes propres habits dans l'armoire.
Après plusieurs minutes de rangement, il ne restait plus qu'une seule chose dans mon sac, c'était tellement important pour moi, je fouillai alors à l'intérieur, puis sortit la photo.
Cette si belle photo, elle était à la fois magnifique et dangereuse, si quelqu'un la voit, je pourrais complètement abandonner mes rêves. Je réfléchis alors à où je devais la placer, enfin plutôt où la cacher. Je ne pouvais pas la mettre dans un de mes tiroirs, c'était beaucoup dangereux, n'importe qui dans ce dortoir pourrait la voir, la laissai dans mon sac peut-être ? non, il y avait le même danger, sous mon lit ? non, dans mon armoire ? non ce n'est que des cintres.
Je pensai encore et encore à où je pouvais la cacher, sans l'abîmer, quand nous entendîmes la voix de Madame Taeyeon, nous appeler, pour partir, je soufflai d'agacement et rangeai ma précieuse photo entre deux livres, dans un des tiroirs de mon bureau, et me dirigeai un nouvelle fois dans la salle principale du dortoir.
Arrivées nous suivîmes alors, notre responsable dans l'escaliers et le couloir, qui n'était toujours pas allumer avec la main de Ilg Da serrant la mienne à cause de sa peur du noir.
Sortie du couloir et retrouvant la lumière de l'académie, nous arpentâmes une nouvelle fois les longs couloirs de l'académie pour enfin nous trouver dans ce qui semblait être la grande salle (A/N : Dans la description, il y aura quelques similitudes avec Harry Potter, encore une fois désolé !).
Elle était à la fois grande et longue, on y trouvait quatre longues tables en bois sombre, chacune avec un tissu d'une couleur différente, les trois se s'étalant de la porte jusqu'au fond de la salle où se trouvait la dernière table perpendiculaire aux trois autres avec derrière elle 7 chaises placées côte à côte.
Elles étaient remplies de nourriture, et d'élèves en train d'apprécier leur nourriture, jusqu'à que nous entrâmes dans la salle, tous les hommes regardaient notre responsable ce qui était compréhensible en voyant sa beauté.
Nous marchâmes le long des tables, pendant la marche, je me faufilai le plus possible au milieu de mes camarades, j'étais étrangement intimidée par les regards qu'ils nous lançaient, et à ce que je voyais je n'étais pas la seule , puisque Chae Won se faufilait à côté de moi sûrement pour la même raison que moi, elle me sourit doucement et croisa mon regard, je lui souris en retour. Mais notre échange fut interrompu, par l'arrêt du groupe, et la voix de notre responsable, nous disant de nous asseoir et de commencer à manger, ce que le groupe fit sans aucune hésitation.
J'étais assise, entre Ilg Da et Chae Won, Ryujin quant à elle, elle se trouve juste à gauche de Chae Won. En face de moi se trouve un jeune homme aux cheveux bruns ondulés et aux yeux marron clair. Il était en train de boire une soupe ayant l'air à la fois chaude mais délicieuse, je baissai alors le regard, et commença moi aussi à me servir de la nourriture, ce qui était plutôt dur à faire à cause du grand nombre de plats proposés, ils avaient l'air tous tellement délicieux. Mais je choisis alors quelques plats et commença à manger en silence différemment à Ilg Da qui elle parlait et sympathisait avec ses voisins de plats, elle était tellement sociable, c'était incroyable, je l'enviais, j'ai toujours eu du mal pour me faire des amis, je suis en fait étrangement reconnaissante que Ilg Da m'ait percuté avec son Thunderbird. Chae Won parlait elle aussi tranquillement avec nos camarades de dortoirs, elle semblait être moins sociable que la petite fée. Ryujin, elle, faisait comme moi, elle mangeait silencieusement sans lever les yeux de son assiette.
Malheureusement pour moi, je me sentais vraiment mal à l'aise ici, je n'étais pas habituée à tant de personnes réunies dans une seule et même salle et autant près de moi. Je baissai alors la tête, prenant une grande respiration et serrant la fourchette dans ma main de toutes mes forces. J'essayai de faire le vide, de ne plus rien entendre, faire comme si j'étais seule dans cette pièce, et étrangement ça marchait, je n'entendais plus aucun bruit. Je relevai alors la tête en ouvrant les yeux pour continuer à manger, en regardant autour de moi, pour en fait remarquer, qu'il n'y avait aucun bruit, car tout simplement personne ne parlait et se concentrait plutôt sur quelque chose d'autre, je fis alors de même, et tournai mon regard vers là où ils regardaient, pour voir un groupe d'hommes, ils étaient vraiment imposants.
Je ne peux pas mentir, ils étaient vraiment beaux, tous sans exception, mais ils étaient aussi un peu effrayants. Je les regarde tous un peu plus en détail, quand trois d'entre eux se séparèrent du groupe, un aux cheveux noirs de jais, un autre avec la même couleur des cheveux mais se finissent par un dégradé bleu et s'assirent à la table la table la plus éloignée de la nôtre, et le troisième avait des cheveux marron chocolat se dirigeant à notre table, alors il faisait partie de notre domaine.
Le reste du groupe s'assirent à la longue table à côté de la nôtre .
Cet homme, ce deus, celui qui m'avait fait ressentir la vraie peur, la veille, il faisait partie lui aussi de l'académie.
Il leva le regard et regarda le droit dans mes yeux, je sentis un choc électrique à l'intérieur de mon corps, et me retournai lui faisant maintenant dos à lui et je passai mes mains dans mes cheveux anxieusement.
'' Pourquoi a-t-il fallu qu'il soit ici? Pourquoi?! '' me demandai-je dans ma tête. Je sentais toujours son regard sur moi, il me regardait toujours et ça me rendait encore plus anxieuse. Je commençai à respirer de plus en plus vite, prenant de plus grosses et de plus profondes respirations, ma vue devenait de plus en plus floue je ne pouvais presque rien reconnaître, la sueur apparaissant sur mon front, coulant dans mon dos, mes mains devenant moites et une boule se trouvant à l'intérieur de mon estomac avec l'impression qu'elle grossissait de plus en plus. Je n'en pouvais plus, je levai le regard et regardai autour de moi, tout le monde semblait avoir repris ses anciennes activités, c'est-à-dire parler, rire, boire et manger, ils étaient joyeux, ils rigolaient aux éclats ,
Tout était redevenu normal. Je pris alors une grande respiration ne sentant plus le regard dans mon dos, et revins à mon assiette, en repassant à ce qui mettait arriver juste à cause d'un simple regard.
Bonjour !
J'espère comme toujours que ce chapitre vous avez plu, et que la longueur ne vous a pas trop ennuyé.
Alors dans ce chapitre, j'ai mis quelques détails comme par exemple les couleurs des fleurs, et elles ont toutes enfin presque une signification que je peux vous donner sans trop vous spoiler l'histoire.
Tout d'abord:
- la tulipe bleue dans le tableau à l'entrée du dortoir: les tulipes bleues symbolisent le respect, la tranquillité et la confiance, c'est tout simplement ce que veut faire ressentir l'académie aux élèves.
- le géranium devenu vert, le géranium est le symbole de la détermination, tandis que la couleur verte à plusieurs significations comme le bonheur, l'optimisme, la jeunesse, etc ... mais parmi toutes ses significations, j'ai choisi celle de la réussite, donc ce petit changement de couleur signifie que si vous avez de la détermination dans la vie vous obtenez la réussite.
- et le dernier symbole, le blason de l'académie, à l'intérieur est réunis les symboles des trois domaines d'Ethalia, le combat, médicinal et l'Etude Du Monde (EDM), le combat est représenté par une épée je sais, pas trop d'originalité, la médecine par une magnolia celle-ci symbolise l'amour de la nature et aussi connu pour ses remèdes contre l'anxiété, la nervosité et les troubles du sommeil, et ensuite EDM est symbolisé par un globe qui est le symbole du savoir.
* Ilg Da: Je sais plus la traduction de son nom, et je n'arrive plus à le retrouver, enfin des souvenirs que j'avais c'était une fleur.
Jo Su: Assistant
Gar Deu: Garde
Amaryllis: Ce sont des fleurs provenant d'un énorme bulbe, une légende de Noël raconte que lors de la naissance du Christ, elle fut annoncée par des trompettes et donc elle raconte que l'amaryllis fut créée à l'image des trompettes, ce qui a donné sa forme de trompette. Si vous offrez cette fleur à quelqu'un cela voudrait clairement dire '' Ne me résiste pas! ''

Thunderbird: c'est une légende amérindienne, il est l'origine des orages et des pluies. C'est lui qui est représenté en haut des totem indiens.

Naga: Ce sont des créatures mi-femme, mi-serpent, elles sont d'une grande patience et d'une grande intelligence, elles sont très pacifiques mais peuvent devenir agressives grâce à leur morsure toxique et mortelle. La légende des Nagas provient de l'Inde .

Little Paws & Cute Tails| Hybrid™
Paring: OT7 X Female Reader (Platonic, Friendship, light innocent crushes)
Au: Hybrid| kids AU
Themes: Fluffy time
Synopsis: In a hybrid universe, you are born into two loving parents who love you so much they would give their lives up. Toddler, you will experience many faces as you learn to overcome your challenges and meet a group of loving boys that would support and fight for you.See how our main character faces the world with her new friends.
Rate: G


© 2021 UntamedGrape
Wet The Bed.

Genre- SMUT
Requested- No
Pairing- POC!Reader × Monster Woo
Feedback is ALWAYS Welcomed
(Y/N) was dancing to Tank- When We. As she danced whilw finishing cleaning up the living room. Her natural 4c afro bounced with ever head twirl she made. She paused the song as it got to her favorite part. She ran into her room digging into her closet pulling out the stripper pole she recently brought. She grabs her favorite pair of thigh high boots pulling them up and zipping them close so her feet wouldn't slide out of them. She wore her usually booty shorts and lace bralette. She began to put the pole together making sure it was steady, pushing the couch out of her way to have more room before going to play the song. She had the whole house to herself since Woo was currently at the dance studio filming with Tres. She turned the music up so it was loud of enough to drown out any sound. She started off walking towards the pole slowly as she grabs at it with her dominate hand slowly going dowm to the squating position as she twerks a little to hit the beat before standing back up. Her ass jiggled with every move she made, slowly whining her hips to the song. She jumped towards the top of the pole before slowly spinning down the pole and onto the hardwood floor into a split twerking before turning around so she was on her hands and knees whining up her back before sitting straight up bodyrolling. She ran a hand from her fro towards her body. Standing straight up as the song came to an end. She was breathing heavy before she felt hands grasped her waist. Scaring her a little bur she relaxed as the male spoke. "So is this what you do all day while I'm at the studio with Tres?" He asked in his deep rough voice. His hands traveled down her body and the grip her ass giving it a rough smack. She lets out a moan as her head rolled back and eyes closed. He picks her up with ease. "You are not allowed to cum unless I say so, you can only call me daddy or you may face the consequences." Woo eyes glazed over with lust. You took one look at him and knew that were in for a very rough night.
Woo picked the melanin female up. "I want you to hold onto this pole and don't let go until i tell you too." (Y/N) Nods aggressively as she held onto the pole as Woo lifted her up over his shoulder as her core was in his face. She was already wet for him as some of the juices soaked through her panties and shown through the shorts. She lets out a soft gasp as he pulled down her shorts with so much force she had to readjust her grip so she shouldn't fall, not the he would let her anyway. She closed her eyes and bit down on her bottom lip as she felt Woo blow a gust of cold air onto her core, goosebumps began to rise on her skin from the sensation. He began teasing her core with slow long tongue strokes. She jutted her hips outwards to get more friction but he just held her hips in place as he continued the teasing. He circled his tongue around her small bundle of nerves. She began to ache for him to be deep inside of her. She bit down on her plump bottom lip to stifle the moan that threatened to spill out. He then plunged his tongue into her as his thumb fiddled with her clit. (Y/N) eyes went wide as she couldn’t hold back the moans as his skillful tongue worked on her. "Daddy, I- Fuck." She couldn't form full sentences as all she thought about was his tongue inside her. She began to let go of the pole as woo carried her to their shared bedroom. He tossed her onto the bed as he began to unbuckle his belt. "On your back now." (Y/N) knew what he meant as she laid down on her bed with her head hanging off of the edge. Opening her mouth widely his cock began to get pushed into her mouth until it hit the back of her throat which caused her gag reflex to activate. She continued to deep throat him as he lifts her up off the bed. With his cock still in her mouth as her pussy juices leaking onto him. He dove right back into her taking long rough stroke with his tongue which caused her to moan around his cock. Feeling that he gave her ass a rough smack which caused it to jiggle. (Y/N) took Woo's cock from out of her mouth to catch her breath before her legs began to shake. "Daddy- I'm" Woo understood what she meant "That's it come for me, baby girl." (Y/N)s whole body began to shake as her eyes began to roll to the back of her head. She didn't know if it was from being upside down too long or the orgasm that came crashing over her body as strings of curse words left her mouth. Her body still feeling the aftershock while gripping the sheets. Woo shook his head at the girl. "I hope you don't think we are finished yet." He smirks slyly as he flips the girls body around with ease as his tattooed hands smacked and massaged her asscheeks. She arches her back at the sensation. Woo was now kneeling at the end of the bed while he began to each her out from the back. Her gripped tighten on the sheets as they also muffled her moans. "You little whore, you like that don't you?" She stood up rubbing his cock. "Yes, daddy.... I do" she said between scattered breaths. Woo slowly entered his cock into her pussy inch by inch. She felt him stretch her out until she felt his skin against her ass. His hands held a tight grip on her hips as he began to pound into her. Not giving it any second thought about it. Her ass bounced with every stroke he made. He turned her around and lifted her legs up to chest as he leans closer to her. He captured her lips into a heated kiss as his strokes began to get deeper than she thought he could go. Her toes began to curl as she moaned into the kiss. Her pussy still sensitive from the previous orgasm she had. She knew that she wasn't going to last much longer. He releases her lips from the kiss as they were know swollen. "Daddy- I can't hols on much longer." She whispered between gasp since her voice was hoarse from the loud moaning she had done. Her walls began to contract around him. Which caused his orgasm to come closer. He moved his hand from gripping her waist and began to rub small fast circles around her clit. Something triggered in her as her toes curl harder than before as her legs shake with anticipation. Light spots began to cloud her vision, her back arched off the bed as she gripped onto the bed sheets as liquid sprayed from out of her. She squirted for the first time. Woo continued to pound into her chasing after his own high with one last thrust he came undone. As he laid down on the female still shaking body below him. "I may have to just do that to you again. A lazy smile graced over her features as they laid there. Woo still inside her as she played with his hair finally getting her breathing back on track before look down at him. "How about another round?"
❝ WHAT IF TXT HAD BEREAL? ❞ in which txt shares a glimpse of their daily lives. in the given span of 2 minutes. - 【 TWO. THREE. 】
A/N … pls ignore the usernames i ran out of ideas i am SO sorry 💀 but this was so fun to make! might do some more in the near future :]


「 YOUR PLACE IS EMPTY 🥀࿐ ˊˎ- W. 최범규 」
two. your place is stuck
there's a lot of things you're not quite sure you know of: the reason why you and choi beomgyu parted ways, the person who hacked into your guys' godforsaken shared twitter account from middle school, and the account's password. now it’s up to you and beomgyu to work together and solve the mystery. great... just great.
TAGLIST IS OPEN! @kooktattoos @openingssequence @ahnneyong @miyawwn @breadcatcreations @pokyloky @obeymeharemowner @luvsoobs @jeongintwt @cha0thicpisces @0x11s @thatgirlwithafatty @beatr2x @thisisnotjacinta @todorokiskitten @erisisblue @agisajinn @impureperhaps @forever-in-the-sky2 @ineedsomezzz @taekwondoes @catsyoon @woncheecks @wondersgyu @txtbrainrot @aestheticsluut @concatpng @yumilovesloona @wonyoungsvirus
WARNING! mentions of choking (but no one here is choking i promise.)

Married To Mr Choi - TXT Series

Please read the Masterlist before continuing ahead with the chapter. (Check the warnings and read the interlude before reading the first chapter. Thank you)
Chapter 1:
Every young girl dreams of her moment, the one where she drapes a sweet pearl gown over her figure and the sparkiest diamond headpiece over the crow of her head. Some even go as far as filling the grooms place with their ever-growing recent crush they have over the boy next door or their special friend in nursery.
Even I had those thoughts, me being the pride and joy of my family, the youngest girl -the only girl- in my house. The house of Tesoro, or Treasure in other words. Noble, famous, and extremely rich. Surely my moment in the snow gown and tiara would be the talk of the century? My marriage would be to the one I find, my soulmate, the true love and my prince that would save me from the towers I was locked in.
But as I stand here in front of my reflection, I didn’t feel any of the infatuations that I had as a young girl. No giddy or jittering feeling at the silky lace skin I wore over my own.
“What do you think of this one?”
“I don’t like it.”
A loud sigh sounded from behind me, she wasn’t even trying to hid it. The frustration dripping from between her teeth.
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