atrayo - Atrayo's Oracle
Atrayo's Oracle

Is a humble blog site for my recently posted Inspirational Angelic Heavenly channeled psychic ability. Via Clairaudience and Claircognizance offering inclusive spiritual wisdom, metaphysics, and mystical "Jewels of Truth" topic statements. Copyright © 2005-2024 All Rights Reserved

499 posts

Kingdom Of God:To See The "Kingdom Of God(dess)" One Must Look With The Eyes Of A Child. With Innocent

Kingdom of God: To see the "Kingdom of God(dess)" one must look with the eyes of a child. With innocent bewilderment and awe ushered forth with a plain simplicity. So the grandeur of creation to be recognized as surrounding us during this very moment. This awareness is a very powerful reality of the mind and heart enfolded in one instant known as the "Now". Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

"Jewels of Truth: The Wayfarer of the Soul", Volume 2 pg. 85

More Posts from Atrayo

11 years ago

"Atrayo's Oracle" Turns 8 Years Old!

Hello All, With a happy heart I'm proud to say "Atrayo's Oracle" has turned 8 years old here at Google's Blogger service. I would have not had an inkling that I would be around for 8 years time online. I'm happy to say I'm glad I was proven very wrong. For when I first started "Atrayo's Oracle" I was two years out from publishing my first book ever of "Jewels of Truth: A Soul Odyssey Within", Volume 1". Today I continue the joy of sharing the Good News of inspiring souls from the well spring of the "Holy Spirit" within all of us. Besides offering a plethora of "Gem of Opportunities" or otherwise known as my original innovative concepts. Across a litany of industries, including non-profits and governmental sectors. I have at times gone onto spotting long term mega trends as potential societal impacts I for see possibly occurring. Especially as it relates to here in America and the growth of the Hegemony of China. As I stated back on July 5th "Atrayo's Oracle" can be found in these satellite locations online. Such as: 1) Google's Blogger: 2) Tumblr: 3) Facebook Fanpage: 4) Twitter:  (My Personal Profile) 5) Google + (Plus)  (My Personal Profile) However I've expanded to 2 more spiritually oriented communities online. They are: 6) (Select "Journal Tab" on the left hand side of my profile page) 7) Temple Illuminatus:  (A esoteric often Pagan alternative spirituality based on Benevolence Online Community.) No matter where you find my writings online be they spiritually oriented steeped in wisdom. Or the more secular minded innovative ventures as potential approaches of opportunity. I hope you come away from "Atrayo's Oracle" inspired, bemused, intrigued, if not challenged at times. For we all become the richer of this union of giving and receiving. Amen.

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11 years ago

Jewels of Truth Statements & Favorite Quotes of the Month

Hello All, Again it seems I have left this segment of "Jewels of Truth Statements & Favorite Quotes of the Month" to the very end. As the Summer heat wave grips the country if not certain parts of the world. I hope many of you are finding yourself well hydrated and protected from the intense rays of the sun. Today's all original trio of "Jewels of Truth" spiritual wisdom statements written originally back in early January 2010. Are on the topics of the "Kingdom of God, Source, and Achievement" in the series of #1009-1011. As always enjoy them and may you find them insightful according to your own spiritual tradition in life. ---------------------------------- 1009) For those that seek the "Kingdom of God" in your own midst. First look within your being poised in silence where all is quiet in heart and mind. There while calm without stirring you shall within the fullest scope of harmony find yourselves in the gap between moments. This space between moments allows you to become enshrined in all things holy. Your awakening becomes true as a soul. There is no arrival, you just are who you are in essence. In finding yourself you encounter unity with all things in a stillness that is loud to all the senses. A nexus begins to take form where thought and intention are one in your presence. What one wills becomes so in spirit. This is where eternity and infinity become realities of your own making in the stillness beyond the witness, but of the being within. You are at the intersection between Heaven and Earth in spirit. Who you are as a person means little to whom you are in divinity. Such an awareness forestalls all that is rational to the mortal mindset, and yet for the awakened soul it is as sweet as the morning dew. In being in such a realm you have arrived within the "Kingdom of God(dess)". This is your home and in all reality you have never left such a place. Only in your ego do you believe you are separate from the womb of Creation. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. 1010) We are the "Living Waters" of the Source we know as God. All things become nourished in our divine spirits. For this we give praise to God for such an all encompassing grace. These "Living Waters" is of the very same delta where the Angels drink and bathe in the "Rays of God". We are not shunned as foreigners from such a holy and sacred wonder known to us as God(dess). All beautiful souls are welcomed to stay awhile, although awhile is another word for eternity. All that belong to Heaven by means of the "Holy Spirit" within us all are entitled to rejoice in the splendor of the gods of Creation. We are all little deities in the making on the scale of the absolute. This is in part the meaning and truest essence of becoming in the Image and Likeness of our Creator, God.  Not all realize such a grace in this life, many more will fear it as heresy.  Those not wanting of Heaven in its purest form can wait longer to enter the lesser realms of grace.  As slivers or pieces of God we are Infinite aspects of the One. Reflections of Creation bound together as a whole body of Life. What one entity tears apart another will sew back into form. This is the cycle of life, not all is as chaotic as it seems dear child of Heaven. Take heed, allow your faith to become whole once more. We are mighty heirs to all things of wonder and grace. Denial of such a truth only delays our justice that is at hand, it does not erase it however. Amen.

---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. 1011) There are three pillars to achievement for the human condition. They are as follows: academics, athletics, and the arts. Where each one represents a sphere of influence in any society at large. All are outlets for personal growth to become attained for the greatest good of the many.  For example, Academics permits the robust development of the discerning mind. All things of the learned come into view allowing critical thought to become joined with reason and logic. Next comes development of the human form meaning the body by means of Athletics. This is where athletes perform for the masses and at times for their own self-mastery of all things of physical accomplishment. Taking great pride to best their own peers and for the truly renowned to become living legends in their own time. Next comes the Arts where the expressiveness of the Soul becomes paramount. No matter the medium selected art fashions the mortal world of form to its own devices. At the behest of the artist or their own tempest from within that can drive them to extremes if not weary enough. Artists of renown can help define and articulate the collective unconscious that stirs in the hearts and minds of the masses. The greatest of these become Oracles of their own age seeking to serve rather than to profit for personal gains alone.  These are the 3 circles of the mind, body, and soul in a steady progression in seeking to reach a state of excellence for the human condition. This becomes the path of the noble hearted expressing for a society what it could not otherwise do for itself on the scale of the macro. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. --------------------------------- All I can say about life is, Oh God, enjoy it! ---Bob Newhart. There must be always remaining in every life, some place for the singing of Angels, some place for that which in itself is breathless and beautiful. ---Howard Thurman. Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase. Just take the first step. ---Martin Luther King, Jr. Providence has hidden a charm in difficult undertakings which is appreciated only by those who dare to grapple with them. ---Anne-Sophie Swetchine. I have said these things to you so that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be complete. ---John 15:11 The arts must be considered an essential element of education... They are tools for living life reflectively, joyfully, and with the ability to shape the future. ---Shirley Trusty Corey. The fragrance always remains in the hand that gives the rose. ---Heda Bejar. One must be a wise reader to quote wisely and well. ---Amos Bronson Alcott.

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11 years ago

God(dess): Eternity speaks through us, with our loves and our turmoil's. This compels the evolution of the one we call God. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

"Jewels of Truth: A Soul Odyssey Within", Volume 1 pg. 25

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11 years ago

Where You Can Locate "Atrayo's Oracle" On The Net

Hello All, Some of you my readers may know perhaps of only this source where I publish my works. Such as the "Jewels of Truth" spiritual wisdom series or my other passion of futuristic innovations that are solutions based in abstract summary form. Yes, that was a mouth full on the latter portion, which I call a "Gem of Opportunity". No matter I try to keep up a social media presence on a shoe string budget. Here are the 5 places where you can find my work online: 1) Google's Blogger: 2) Tumblr: 3) Facebook Fanpage: 4) Twitter:  (My Personal Profile) 5) Google + (Plus)  (My Personal Profile) There you have it. Some plain and simple means to locate my works on the Internet. However only here at Blogger do I have links where you can purchase Volume 1 & 2 of my spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth". Published by, also available on the "Amazon Kindle" (Lending Library Feature) and "Barnes & Nobles Nook" book reader device. ("Atrayo's Oracle", is also available on the Kindle device as a monthly blog subscription.) Thank you for being readers and certainly enjoying my own dharma. Namaste.

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11 years ago

Jewels of Truth Statement: "On Souls"

Souls: Many have stated why are we born into corporeal form as physical beings? It is said for the purpose to grow and mature by acts of unconditional Love. As souls we are perfect due to the Image and Likeness of God(dess) within us. But as physical beings paradoxically we are flawed. It is for this purpose we are born to live and than eventually die to physical creation. This paradox of being a perfect soul and yet have a flawed physical corporeal body. Allows us as spirits to grow and mature for the common good of creation. The womb of creation allows all life be it physical or spiritual to flourish. Without such a physical realm of creation perfect souls would have very little to keep occupied with on behalf of God's grand majestic mystery. Amen.

---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. "Jewels of Truth: The Wayfarer of the Soul", Volume 2 pg. 154-155

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