Kingdom Of God - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago

Can you explain more about Christian anarchy?

Would love to! I'll pull it straight from the Christian Anarchism Wikipedia Article:

"Christian Anarchism is a Christian movement in political theology that claims anarchism is inherent in Christianity and the Gospels. It is grounded in the belief that there is only one source of authority to which Christians are ultimately answerable—the authority of God as embodied in the teachings of Jesus. It therefore rejects the idea that human governments have ultimate authority over human societies. Christian anarchists denounce the state, believing it is violent, deceitful and idolatrous. Christian anarchists hold that the "Kingdom of God" is the proper expression of the relationship between God and humanity. Under the "Kingdom of God", human relationships would be characterized by horizontal organization, servant leadership, and universal compassion—not through the traditional structures of organized religion, which most Christian anarchists consider hierarchical and/or authoritarian structures. Most Christian anarchists are also pacifists who reject war, militarism, and the use of violence."

Here's the link if you want more information!

There's tons of evidence in the Bible that Jesus/God was/is a pacifistic anarchist... Could go on about it for hours.

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11 years ago

Jewels of Truth Statement: "Beyond Time & Space Our Unformed Souls"

Hello All, Just yesterday I was writing another freshly minted "Jewels of Truth" statement in the series of #1482. As always I write in long hand using notebooks by means of becoming motivated by inspiration. Such an inspiration takes on the form of what some would call psychic automatic writing. If others want to call it taping into your own sub-conscious by pulling yourself out of the equation. Than fine, however the technique of automatic writing I utilize is a collaborative effort with my spirit guides or Angels. Where I stand at the ready to receive sometimes "Word for Word" of what to write not having a clue where I'll end up in such a writing endeavor. I usually go on such a route where I write and write having to double back to add punctuation and minor corrections. So as to conform to a near semblance of a written structure for you the reader. What I end up with often profusely astounds me as something that is eloquent and sharply to the point.  Since I do not write in chapters, but in concise statements if not shorter proverb like forms. Also very often these statement have a double meaning that they are directed to me personally from my Angels. However in a universal sense also apply to you the reader in the broadest appeal of the words and meaning contained herein. So last night I was writing about how we all are a macro collective as Life itself by means of the Soul. Or in other words we are the "Kingdom of God" become manifest here on Earth. My Angels by my automatic writing dropped a massive discovery on my lap with a Paradox in expression. As in the contrast of living as a human being versus that of living as a divine being within creation. May statement #1482 in the "Jewels of Truth" series provoke and expand your notions of the soul as a multidimensional entity in your own minds and hearts. Enjoy. ------------------------------------ 1482) We are the "Kingdom of God" become manifest and whole before our very eyes. We are more than mammals considering ourselves to being homo sapiens in existence. We are the finely distinct nature of God broken into an infinitesimal amount of creatures within creation itself. Come to be reborn on this side of the veil of the physical universe. We have come so life may beget more blessed and God centered Life in all that is Holy and beautiful. To grow by finite experiences so we may make mistakes and learn lessons again in eternity. We have come to give love and to be taught how to hate another being. We came as souls to know the difference between good and evil. By hopefully returning to the Divine Light once more since that is what we are beings of light as unformed energy. Just as God(dess) is unformed energy or light in his or her own Image and Likeness. The unformed Divine being does not need time nor space as a constraining dimension. Only mortal carnally oriented human beings need the constraints of time and the limitations of space in order to survive. We love you once more dear child of God so that you may awaken. To only realize that you are the "Kingdom of God" become self-aware. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

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11 years ago

Kingdom of God: To see the "Kingdom of God(dess)" one must look with the eyes of a child. With innocent bewilderment and awe ushered forth with a plain simplicity. So the grandeur of creation to be recognized as surrounding us during this very moment. This awareness is a very powerful reality of the mind and heart enfolded in one instant known as the "Now". Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

"Jewels of Truth: The Wayfarer of the Soul", Volume 2 pg. 85

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11 years ago

Jewels of Truth Statements & Favorite Quotes of the Month

Hello All, Again it seems I have left this segment of "Jewels of Truth Statements & Favorite Quotes of the Month" to the very end. As the Summer heat wave grips the country if not certain parts of the world. I hope many of you are finding yourself well hydrated and protected from the intense rays of the sun. Today's all original trio of "Jewels of Truth" spiritual wisdom statements written originally back in early January 2010. Are on the topics of the "Kingdom of God, Source, and Achievement" in the series of #1009-1011. As always enjoy them and may you find them insightful according to your own spiritual tradition in life. ---------------------------------- 1009) For those that seek the "Kingdom of God" in your own midst. First look within your being poised in silence where all is quiet in heart and mind. There while calm without stirring you shall within the fullest scope of harmony find yourselves in the gap between moments. This space between moments allows you to become enshrined in all things holy. Your awakening becomes true as a soul. There is no arrival, you just are who you are in essence. In finding yourself you encounter unity with all things in a stillness that is loud to all the senses. A nexus begins to take form where thought and intention are one in your presence. What one wills becomes so in spirit. This is where eternity and infinity become realities of your own making in the stillness beyond the witness, but of the being within. You are at the intersection between Heaven and Earth in spirit. Who you are as a person means little to whom you are in divinity. Such an awareness forestalls all that is rational to the mortal mindset, and yet for the awakened soul it is as sweet as the morning dew. In being in such a realm you have arrived within the "Kingdom of God(dess)". This is your home and in all reality you have never left such a place. Only in your ego do you believe you are separate from the womb of Creation. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. 1010) We are the "Living Waters" of the Source we know as God. All things become nourished in our divine spirits. For this we give praise to God for such an all encompassing grace. These "Living Waters" is of the very same delta where the Angels drink and bathe in the "Rays of God". We are not shunned as foreigners from such a holy and sacred wonder known to us as God(dess). All beautiful souls are welcomed to stay awhile, although awhile is another word for eternity. All that belong to Heaven by means of the "Holy Spirit" within us all are entitled to rejoice in the splendor of the gods of Creation. We are all little deities in the making on the scale of the absolute. This is in part the meaning and truest essence of becoming in the Image and Likeness of our Creator, God.  Not all realize such a grace in this life, many more will fear it as heresy.  Those not wanting of Heaven in its purest form can wait longer to enter the lesser realms of grace.  As slivers or pieces of God we are Infinite aspects of the One. Reflections of Creation bound together as a whole body of Life. What one entity tears apart another will sew back into form. This is the cycle of life, not all is as chaotic as it seems dear child of Heaven. Take heed, allow your faith to become whole once more. We are mighty heirs to all things of wonder and grace. Denial of such a truth only delays our justice that is at hand, it does not erase it however. Amen.

---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. 1011) There are three pillars to achievement for the human condition. They are as follows: academics, athletics, and the arts. Where each one represents a sphere of influence in any society at large. All are outlets for personal growth to become attained for the greatest good of the many.  For example, Academics permits the robust development of the discerning mind. All things of the learned come into view allowing critical thought to become joined with reason and logic. Next comes development of the human form meaning the body by means of Athletics. This is where athletes perform for the masses and at times for their own self-mastery of all things of physical accomplishment. Taking great pride to best their own peers and for the truly renowned to become living legends in their own time. Next comes the Arts where the expressiveness of the Soul becomes paramount. No matter the medium selected art fashions the mortal world of form to its own devices. At the behest of the artist or their own tempest from within that can drive them to extremes if not weary enough. Artists of renown can help define and articulate the collective unconscious that stirs in the hearts and minds of the masses. The greatest of these become Oracles of their own age seeking to serve rather than to profit for personal gains alone.  These are the 3 circles of the mind, body, and soul in a steady progression in seeking to reach a state of excellence for the human condition. This becomes the path of the noble hearted expressing for a society what it could not otherwise do for itself on the scale of the macro. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. --------------------------------- All I can say about life is, Oh God, enjoy it! ---Bob Newhart. There must be always remaining in every life, some place for the singing of Angels, some place for that which in itself is breathless and beautiful. ---Howard Thurman. Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase. Just take the first step. ---Martin Luther King, Jr. Providence has hidden a charm in difficult undertakings which is appreciated only by those who dare to grapple with them. ---Anne-Sophie Swetchine. I have said these things to you so that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be complete. ---John 15:11 The arts must be considered an essential element of education... They are tools for living life reflectively, joyfully, and with the ability to shape the future. ---Shirley Trusty Corey. The fragrance always remains in the hand that gives the rose. ---Heda Bejar. One must be a wise reader to quote wisely and well. ---Amos Bronson Alcott.

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7 years ago

Jewels of Truth Statements: The Kingdom of God Is At Hand As Us

Jewels Of Truth Statements: The Kingdom Of God Is At Hand As Us

Hello All, The season of Summer is now in full swing and the month-long observance of Ramadan for Muslims the world over is in blessed effect. Fasting from dawn to sunset in regards to honor how the Arch Angel Gabriel as the voice of God gave Muhammed the first words of the sacred holy Quran. Where piety of good deeds and being true in character is celebrated for all concerned regardless of one's role on Earth. In Christianity, this almost feels like the Advent calendar how the Resurrection will be observed at the culmination of Easter Sunday. Today's first "Jewels of Truth" channeled angelic wisdom statement in the longhand format will be on the topic of the Kingdom of God 2,463. With subsequent channeled spiritual wisdom memes of Heaven 2,383, Truth 2,407, and Divinity 2,393. Followed by the social media shorthand format from Facebook on Heaven 540B, Truth 542B, and Stewards 544B. Lastly with the Twitter one-liner spiritual posts of Precious 541B, Truth 543B, and Life 545B. That will be 10 statements in all across 7 topics of inspiration and empowerment in your sacred spiritual or religious tradition in the world. Namaste. Kingdom of God:

2463) Every generation before us upon the world has lamented strongly why God has forsaken the righteous allowing Devils to walk the Earth stamping out goodwill for all. We the Angels deeply understand this legitimate lamentation but there is a larger and wider metaphysical symphony of God at work. Often as it has been cited as the Great Mystery by the Indigenous tribes of North America. This is not to say one can predict the patterns of God, but a contrast between good, neutrality, and evil is a great indicator. In what has flourished in certain periods of world history as to the motivations of the divine in the world. Think of each movement of actions and reactions as pendulum shifts having the right to exist fully. There is nothing pure beyond 100% in this reality where each stage of life and death co-mingle having a beginning, a middle, and an end. This is why certain periods in human collective history flourishes with justice and injustice. What is a power struggle on Earth and the like kind primitive worlds elsewhere upon Creation is paradoxically not the case in the afterlife. A total unconditional Enlightenment of God is the only figurehead of this majestic truth we call Life itself in all its splendor and perils of woe. When religions such as Christianity state that they await the arrival of the Kingdom of God like a thief in the night. (1 Thessalonians 5:2) Have literally missed the Ark of the Covenant of God on Earth by a perpetual divine hierarchy. That the Kingdom of God is also the Queendom of Goddess as the identical everlasting Glory of Glories as our Immaculate Creator. God has never ever left Creation as a meta whole embodiment as an absentee Creator. We in a strictly metaphysical sense are the whole meta culmination of God in a macro expression of universal inclusive proportions to a supremely colossal scale of divine being. God is Constant as it is in Heaven, Limbo, and Hell as a spaceless and timeless phenomenon eternally forever. The Kingdom of God is the first and last Utopian Civilization in Heaven and the first and last dystopia in Hell. Akin to what the Christian Greeks surmised as the Alpha and the Omega as the beginning and endings of all things in a circular motion to existence. No one is exempt from such an everlasting Glory of God that sincerely welcomes it in their heart in life. We all benefit collectively when this is celebrated and cherished as the living Grace of God(dess). Amen.                                        ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. Heaven:

Jewels Of Truth Statements: The Kingdom Of God Is At Hand As Us

540B) All is refined upon our souls as God as the Great Equalizer balances all karmic debts with a mercy known as absolute forgiveness. Life in this duality of the world jeopardizes our sacred truth by thrusting wrong doing in our direction to illicit reactions as to our self-worth. Many falter even the Saints have stumbled profusely in anguish only to realize that only through a unity of benevolence can a quality of life be achieved. No soul is in a vacuum from its peer spiritual relatives upon the afterlife be this in heaven, limbo, or hell. Those that choose grace as their mantra by a mutual love known as divine bliss have asked, sought, and knocked upon the pearly gates of paradise. Only to realize that heaven has never left their side on the Earth or elsewhere upon Creation. Our multi-dimensional souls exist everywhere God has loved in sublime truth and so do we metaphysically by extension. We are the victors of paradise because this is our inheritance and birthright as the embodiment of God(dess) in us forever more. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.


Jewels Of Truth Statements: The Kingdom Of God Is At Hand As Us

543B) To take the truth to its fullest expression one must moderate their behavior in order to gauge their chances of success so as to overcome. 

542B) Not always does the truth vindicate us in our human undertakings especially when we have wronged another person. Nonetheless, we must strive collectively for that golden ideal of a better world led by an elegant truth that removes obstacles in the world. To engage in half-truths short circuits our chances in reaching for peace of our highest good in the world. Creating more heartache than it is worth for eventually, half-truths will become whole lies of our undoing.

Instead, pursue a just truth with hopefully laced with compassion that restores sensibilities in ourselves and the one's we wish to influence with convictions. Compassion with the unconditional truth in moderation makes us angelic in the world by our conduct. We become role models to all others whether they seek us out or not. We sleep better at night that we gave life our best and have nothing to be ashamed of by our attempts to do right. Truth paves the way for justice and success to take hold where lies and half-truths cause a seismic downfall in time. Amen.  ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.


Jewels Of Truth Statements: The Kingdom Of God Is At Hand As Us


541B) Always rekindle what is Precious to God in Life and thus you shall be a triumph of good cheer upon the world a promise of plenty for all.


545B) Life is not over by a long shot for both the gracious and the wicked we each worship God in our own flawed Image of humanity. Be Divine instead with unconditional Love and Forgiveness for All as One. 


544B) Every once in awhile we witness the Glory of God in it's most pristine innocent beauty as mother nature herself. How we feel insignificant upon such majesty of such audacious beauty that leaves us dumbfounded and love struck by the grandeur of it all. This is when we could offer up a silent prayer of thanksgiving to God and the Angels for guiding us to such a remarkable feat of nature to behold. Something that has taken often tens of thousands of years and is still a gradual work in progress in its subtle movements in terms of eco-systems.

Often we are given the label by our capitalistic free market economies the world over as consumers making us sound like a legion of locusts. Rather we are guardians of this Earth and each other in the best possible holy light of God in all of us as One. I always choose the latter rather than the former for one sings in my heart instead of beguiling my lower sense of self-worth. Whether we pick up our mantle of greatness handed to all life forms out of absolute love or we reject the omnipresence of God in us. We have a role to play here on Earth and I hope we do so as stewards rather than unconscious consumers. Amen.                      ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. 

Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 21 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels inspired conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 11 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.

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7 years ago

Atrayo's Oracle Vlog Part 1: On The Kingdom of God

A Jewels of Truth angelic channeled spiritual wisdom statement 2,463 on the "Kingdom of God". As the original first and ultimately last Utopia upon Creation as a whole expression of God himself. Jewels of Truth Website: Jewels of Truth FREE Angelic Blessing Invocation. Jewels of Truth Blog Entry.

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