attackonbangtanfics - attack on bangtan fics.*
attack on bangtan fics.*

may. she / her. | lulu. they / them. requests open!

47 posts




type : jungkook x fem!reader.

synopsis : when you go on a much needed vacation with your friends to hawaii, you know that you're bound to have a great time in paradise!

but, when you somehow manage to run ( quite literally ) into jungkook of bts, it turns into a wild ride.

status : ongoing.

rating : pg.

a/n : thank you so much for showing interest in my upcoming story! i really hope that you enjoy it as the chapters come and i'll try my hardest to keep your attention. i appreciate all of you! xoxoxoxoxo.


                                ˗ˋˏ 𝐎𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐀 𝐌𝐄𝐀𝐍𝐒 𝐅𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐘. ˎˊ˗

TRIGGER WARNINGS : there's really nothing to worry about in this chapter, aside from plenty of fluff.

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This trip to Hawaii had been a long time coming for you and your girlfriends. You had spent the last year and a half planning and saving to afford the best of the best during your stay and, you had to admit, it really paid off in the end. Not only were you staying at one of the nicest hotels on the island, but all four of you had even been able to fly first class on the way there. You were living the good life and you really didn't want to go back to your stressful life back home ever again.

You had needed a break from your job for so long and this was, really, the first time you had ever taken a vacation in the four years that you had been working there. Most people wouldn't believe it, but being a secretary for the CEO of a growing company was rather tiring. It was amazing that he had even allowed you to leave and enjoy yourself, when he had so many clients piling up. You reminded yourself that selfishness was allowed every so often, when it came to taking care of your mental and physical health - a vacation was involved in that.So, taking off with that thought in mind, you and your friends decided to bite the bullet and have some fun!

"How is this suite even real?!" Your friend Sophie exclaimed after all of you had claimed your rooms and began to put your things away in your rightful closet spaces. You let out a soft laugh and shook your head in disbelief, letting your eyes take in the beautiful space that you had been able to afford. It gave such an island feel in the decor and with the various windows and the sliding glass door in your room that allowed you onto a balcony, it showed all of the surrounding area's beauty. Not to mention how close to ocean actually was to you; the smell of sea salt wafting in the air.

Hanging up your last article of clothing, you glance back over at her and give her a small smirk. "I'm not sure, but you'll hear no complaints from me! This place is going to be my safe haven for the next week and a half." You teased, knowing full well that what came out of your mouth was mostly truth. Even your residence back home never seemed to make you feel comfortable enough to call it safe, but you dealt with it because it was all you could really afford in Southern California.

Born and raised in California, it was all you had ever known for the longest time as your family had never been ones to vacation. When you were old enough and out of college, you decided that you wanted to take that time to travel outside of your native country to find more exciting places. Your heart had become perfectly content in South Korea the one time you visited, instantly feeling as though it was your true home. During your time there, you had really come to love the culture and traditions that they had; even becoming a big fan of K-Pop music. When the time had come to leave, you were devastated... But, vowed to return to it again someday.

Someday."We're going to the beach, so hurry up and get your swimsuits on or else we're leaving you behind!" You heard your other friend Tasha call out from the living room area, causing you to playfully roll your eyes. She always threatened to leave people behind when she was in a hurry to get somewhere, but she consistently ended up being the last person in the room to make sure that everyone was included and out the door. That part of her alone instantly made her one of your favorite people.

Once you and Sophie had changed into your swimsuits and sarongs, you both met up with the rest of your small group to help one another put sunblock on until everyone was ready to go. "Okay, since some of you babies don't want to actually swim in the water, you can just chill on the towels to sunbathe." Your one friend Ciera spouted out as you all entered the elevator and an eruption of laughter filled the air, causing some of the girls to playfully push one another. "I can't help that Jaws has forever ruined my fun in the ocean, Ci." You stated and gave her a pout, causing her to smirk in response. These girls pretty much knew everything there was to know about you and you about them, so it was a sisterhood that had formed for life. They were your ohana.

Once the elevator doors opened and your group stepped outside into the warm and sunny weather, a race had suddenly begun between all of you to see who could reach the beach first. What would happen to the loser? Nobody knew. But, it was also a fact that no one wanted to find out. Bolting at full speed, you ran to keep up with the rest of the girls, but were slightly hindered by the heavy beach bag that you were holding onto. Unfortunately for you, or maybe fortunately, you weren't quite sure yet, you were going to lose this round. As you ran down the last set of steps before the crosswalk to the beach, you managed to slam right into another person; causing you both to fall to the ground with synchronized groans.

Dazed and confused for a moment as the wind had been knocked out of you, you blinked a few times from the sun beaten down right into your eyes until a shadow was cast to block your vision from its rays. It took a moment, but you could finally see clearly at the person that was above you now; seemingly worried about the state that you were in. You could see his lips moving, but no sound was heard as you stared over his face. He had gorgeous raven black hair with curls that hung perfectly in his face, the kindest and widest eyes that you had ever seen and a voice that was so adorable ( finally able to hear it after zoning out for a moment ) that it warmed you up more than Hawaii's weather did. But, wait...Why did he look so familiar to you? Who was this guy?

You shook your head as you slowly sat up in your spot and you instantly became overwhelmed with guilt for running into him, temporarily forgetting the familiarity you felt with him. "I am so sorry! I should've watched where I was going!" You were nearly pleading with him, hoping that you would be forgiven, but you received a smile from him that nearly melted you into a puddle right in that very spot. With his nose scrunched like a little bunny as the smile continued, he shook his head to you and extended his hand to help you rise to your feet. "No, no... It's... My fault." He said slowly, making sure that his English was accurate. He was definitely getting better at it, but he still felt a bit uncomfortable not having Namjoon around to help make sure that what he was saying was accurate.

"Are you okay?" He asked curiously, looking you over as he spoke. Was he looking to see if you had any injuries or looking just to look? You had no idea, but you were perfectly fine with either from this fine specimen of a man. Blushing slightly with a hand raised up to wave off his worries, you laughed nervously under the gaze of this man. "I'm perfectly fine. I promise!" You did the "scout's honor" hand gesture, but he seemed a bit confused by it. Albeit, he thought that you were adorable, regardless of not knowing what exactly you were doing. Could you have been flipping him off and had him still thinking the same of you? Most likely. He would've loved to talk to you more, but he knew that he had to meet up with the guys after sleeping in for a bit too long; so he reached down and grabbed your bag for you to hand it back carefully.

With a smile, you graciously took your bag back and gave him a single nod of the head in thanks and bit your bottom lip as the both of you stood there in silence for a moment. "Are you... Here? This hotel?" He suddenly asked, pointing back to where you had just left from. Was he really asking if you were staying there right now? Was this all a dream and you were really unconscious on the ground without realizing it? "I am! I'm staying with my friends. You?" You returned the question and he nodded excitedly, causing you to giggle in a very school girl-esque way. How embarrassing. "Sooooo, maybe I'll see you later?" The words came out of his mouth, but you were still unsure if this was actually happening. How would you even get that lucky? Normally, hot guys were never really interested in you, let alone asking if they could see you again.

"I'd like that, yeah." You both smiled to one another and he bowed a bit, not able to wipe the smile off of his lips. He waved shyly, causing you to as well, and laughter was all that was heard between you as he walked away backwards so he could watch you longer. You could feel your face going as red as a tomato until he finally turned back around and left. You let out a shaky sigh and then turned to finally make your way back to your initial destination, not caring what your punishment would be for placing last in your long forgotten race. Once your feet hit the sand, you froze in your spot and whipped your head back in the direction of where you had met the dream boat earlier.It had finally hit you. You knew exactly who that man was.

That was freakin' Jeon Jungkook of BTS.

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More Posts from Attackonbangtanfics

2 years ago

i’m trying to decide if i should take a little break from my zodiac series in order to focus on a storyline that’s been made entirely by me. i want something that readers are hooked on and want more of... something that came from my mind and is not based on a movie or show or even a book. i’m not an amazing writer, but i try my hardest and i just want to give content to make people happy. so, there’s a possibility that i may try and come up with something new.

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3 years ago


if anyone is interested, i’m really hoping to write a future fanfic with someone else. i frankly find it more fun to brainstorm together and work things out with someone else! if you think that you’d be up for it, please let me know in messages!

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2 years ago

what reaction topic should i do next?

i’m really getting into the reactions that i’ve been posting so far and a lot of you seem to like it too. so, i’ve chosen three different topics to do my next posting on. let me know which one you’d like to see first!

help me choose!

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2 years ago

I think a lot of people forget that Namjoon is so young. He was 19 internationally when they debuted. He is only a year older than Jimin and Taehyung and the maknae of the hyung line. At 19 he carried the hopes and dreams of six other boys and a company close to bankruptcy and it’s easy to cringe at 2013 Namjoon. He tried too hard, he made mistakes, he did expensive girl, his hair was stupid, and named himself Rap Monster! But 2013 Namjoon was also the one who was hungry for success, who lived diligently, produced music, wrote lyrics, and pushed forward despite an entire industry and underground artists he once respected insulting and degrading him and his brothers. 2013 Namjoon was desperate and terrified to show the world his heart and soul, and the layers peeled back revealed the kindest and wisest soul. So I love 2013 Namjoon. I love him to bits. I love his stupid hair, his sunglasses, his try hard attitude, his cringey, terrible mistakes, because 2013 Namjoon is what made 2019 Namjoon. He carried the weight of the world on his shoulders and turned it into a beautiful strength.

Cr twt ddaengifyuagree

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2 years ago
Rest In Peace : Me.

rest in peace : me.

OKAY so I am having so much fun writing Jin as like, such a dominant and possessive person in abmol that I like…am making myself blush☺️

 like here is a sneak peak:

This time, it was Jin who moved forward, gripping your chin in his hand, tilting your head up so you could look at him.

“So, are you saying you don’t want to be mine? You don’t want to be my pretty baby girl?” His tone scared you a little bit, different than how he was talking to you only a few minutes ago. His words had you immediately shaking your head.

“Words little one.”

“No Jinnie. I want to be yours.” Everyone in the room picked up on the double meaning in your words, something you didn’t want. You didn’t want them to know the struggle you were dealing with. At your words, his grip tightened on your chin, taking all his willpower not to smash his lips into yours. 

im having way too much fun with this😂

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