Purpleyoonn - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Dance of Time 1


D A N C E   O F   T I M E

“A love like that was a serious illness, an illness from which you never entirely recover.” -Bukowski

Summary: You were finally back in the hometown you left right after graduation, researching the mysterious manor that laid outside of the town limits. Your family was acting weird, and the owner of the manor seemed to know more about you than he should. Everything changed when you entered the manor, and you weren’t sure your dance with time was going to last very long.

Pairing: Vampire BTS x Human Reincarnated Reader

Status: Ongoing (random updates)

Genre: soulmate au, reincarnation, yandere themes, possessive boys, angst, fluff, poly au, vampire au, 

Warnings: smut, violence, tempers, mentions of death, murder, some explicit descriptions of violence, blood,

Chapter Warnings: stalking, small town legends, death, violence, mentions of stabbing and blood, slight yandere behavior, 

Masterlist // Chapter 2

Taglist: @psychosupernatural​ @carolinexkpop​ @strxwbloody​ @strawberry-moonpies​​ @dustyinkpages​​ @iamkookiesforyou​​ @anaspectoflife​​ @btsw1fe​​ @yoongisgirl69​ @toughbook​ @yoongibabs​



Albert Einstein once said that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Following the same routine and believing things would change, would move how you wanted them to.

Through studying history, you found this phenomenon to be accurate. So many events in history could have been prevented if they only looked back and did something different. Followed a different course. Chose a different path.

You were reminded of this every day, as you stared at your research, wondering why nothing was changing in your life. You were coming up on 27, the past six years of your life spent doing research and visiting historical sites. You were a historian, your passion for learning turned into a love for digging deeper into different events.

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1 year ago

Mari. Please do this. This idea is just 🤌 *chef's kiss*

okay but hear me out…

Royal mc x idol bts soulmate au.

Where mc is the youngest child of the now King Charles and the late Princess Diana. Maybe the mc was the result of a Diana to save their marriage? between the two before the divorce became final (like maybe she didn’t know that camila was charles’ soulmate? or something but here comes the mc nine months later.

Like all of the marriages within the royal family are with their soulmates (if the queen approves) and maybe the mc attends the un conference and meets bts. the soul bond ignites and omg the princess has seven soulmates who are now considered “princes” (not really but you know).

Just imagine the world coming to terms with bts being actual real life royalty now.

Annnnyywaaayyysssssssss might write this as like a one shot series or an actual one maybe. Idk

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2 years ago

Not me: going straight to tumblr for comfort and to read my favorite comfort stories

Not Me: Going Straight To Tumblr For Comfort And To Read My Favorite Comfort Stories

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1 year ago

Happy Yoonie Day!💜💜💜

I Just Realized It's Saturday So Happy @purpleyoonn Day To All Who Celebrate With Me At The Altar Of

I just realized it's Saturday so happy @purpleyoonn day to all who celebrate with me at the altar of our phones. Praise Be to The Miracle Called Mari.

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2 years ago

A Bond Made of Love


C H A P T E R  1 

“I will protect you from all around you. I will be here don’t you cry. For one so small, you seem so strong. My arms will hold you, keep you safe and warm… 'Cause you’ll be in my heart. Yes, you’ll be in my heart. From this day on now and forever more. You’ll be in my heart no matter what they say, you’ll be here in my heart always.” 

-Phill Collins

Summary: Your last owner had almost beaten you to death, leaving you at the very shelter he had adopted you from. This time, two tall men walk in, immediately drawn to you as you rested in your small cage. You couldn’t help but become attached, just hoping you wouldn’t be abandoned once again by the idols you grow to love. 

Genre: fluff, angst, hybrid, bts idol au, mates, bonding, comfort/hurt, poly relationship,

Pairing: poly idol!bts x hybrid!reader

Word Count: 4.0k

Warnings: feelings of abandonment, major angst, fluff, polyamory love, mentions of violence, mentions of sexual assault, reference to rape, discrimination, 


Masterlist // Chapter 2


The light over head was entirely too much for you to handle, but none of the workers seemed to every listen to you.

Yes, you hadn’t shifted to your human form in months, your last experience with your owner being the reason you were brought back to the adoption center.

You were considered a rare hybrid, your kitten form contradicting your grown woman human form. This made you undesirable to most people, as most humans wanted a kitten because they were cute and cuddly, while your human form was highly independent and not cute.

While some others wanted you because both of your forms drew people in, people willing to pay lots of money to “play” with you. You had a couple of homes like that. You would always run after the first night, making your way back to your cage in the adoption center before anyone could notice you were gone.

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2 years ago
Rest In Peace : Me.

rest in peace : me.

OKAY so I am having so much fun writing Jin as like, such a dominant and possessive person in abmol that I like…am making myself blush☺️

 like here is a sneak peak:

This time, it was Jin who moved forward, gripping your chin in his hand, tilting your head up so you could look at him.

“So, are you saying you don’t want to be mine? You don’t want to be my pretty baby girl?” His tone scared you a little bit, different than how he was talking to you only a few minutes ago. His words had you immediately shaking your head.

“Words little one.”

“No Jinnie. I want to be yours.” Everyone in the room picked up on the double meaning in your words, something you didn’t want. You didn’t want them to know the struggle you were dealing with. At your words, his grip tightened on your chin, taking all his willpower not to smash his lips into yours. 

im having way too much fun with this😂

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2 years ago

Maybe some of the ideas he thought abt for the shoot and tried out?.. Dunno whats more in store for us...

Now that I see these all lined up… I’m really starting to think this might be his photofolio photoshoot🤨🤨🤨

Now That I See These All Lined Up Im Really Starting To Think This Might Be His Photofolio Photoshoot

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2 years ago




Zero O’clock

“and you’re gonna be happy…and you’re gonna be happy. when everything is new, zero o’clock”

Summary: When everything seems to go wrong, you come home to the comfort of your boys and realize that maybe the universe isn’t against you. 

Pairing: idol!bts x reader

Genre: fluff, comfort, soft

Word Count: 2.6k

Warnings: mentions of mental illness, some depression, sad thoughts, reader is struggling

A little drabble filled with major fluff and comfort for when you are having a bad day❤️



Words always seemed to fail you when you needed them the most.

Today had been one of the most overstimulating days you have experienced in a long time, leaving you completely drained of any and all energy.

You were late to work because you had to run and get some last-minute supplies that you had failed to get the night before, you had almost run out of gas in your car and barely made it to work, and during an important meeting, your computer shut down because you forgot to charge it.

You had tried to hard not to melt down during the day; you couldn’t afford to let your feelings overwhelm you when you already had your boss and coworkers staring you down, just waiting for you to mess up again. You just wanted to go home and lay in your big makeshift nest, surrounded by your boyfriend’s scent.

Leaving the office finally, you went to make your way to your car, now filled with gas as you took a trip to the gas station on your lunch, leaving you with no food eaten all day, when it begins to rain, leaving you completely soaked by the time you make it inside your car.

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1 year ago



Individual Masterlist 

One Shot Masterlist

This is my main poly bts master list and will include all of my poly bts works including fics, one shots, and drabbles. 


💕 poly relationship                 💣mafia                    🔥 smut 

🐥 hybrid                                 ❤️‍🩹 angst                   🌹 soulmate

🦕 slow burn                            💜 fluff                     🌙 yandere

🐺 werewolf                             💼 ceo                       🧛🏻 vampire

Czytaj dalej

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1 year ago

My Light


“Your beauty brought out the light in him, made him see how dark the world truly was. He couldn’t bare the thought of leaving you in the dark.”

Summary: Your uncle had left you a home in some seaside town you hadn’t heard of. Moving out there was easy, but living there was harder. Until he found you, then…you didn’t know what to think.

Pairing: Mermaid Prince Jimin x Human Reader

Genre: soulmate au, yandere au, fantasy au, mermaids, mental illness

Word Count: 3.7k

Warnings: mc has depression, thoughts of depression, mermaid Jimin, yandere Jimin, Jimin stalks the mc, possessive Jimin, mermaid customs, forced marriage, perceived dream sex, smut, kidnapping, stalking, 

(please let me know if I miss any tags/warnings)

Masterlist // Navigation 


The waves crashed against the shore, the dock swaying to the pulse of the water rocking against the wood. You sat on the dock, pants rolled up as you rested your feet in the water. Your flannel was dark from the dirt you had mucked through. It had been a long day, helping your neighbor sort through his garden.

You lived alone in a small cottage, about a couple yards away from the shore, your favorite place. You had inherited the small home from some uncle you had never met, your name the only one written in his will. You remember laughing at the lawyer, thinking the entire meeting was a joke.

But now, you were thankful.

Czytaj dalej

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9 months ago

@purpleyoonn I found it!!!! I know why I never knew it existed!

@purpleyoonn I Found It!!!! I Know Why I Never Knew It Existed!

My Grammerly add-on was covering it! I am currently going thought and fixing this! Especially with any chapters of more than like 500 words!

@purpleyoonn I Found It!!!! I Know Why I Never Knew It Existed!

Thank you for mentioning this note! It really helps newbies, newbs, baby writers, new posters, and dumbdumbs like me!


i'm not gonna lie, i wish more writers on here would make use of the cut-off option things for long texts. i would rather not have to scroll for minutes just to move on from a post.

it may just be me and that's fine. but sometimes it is inconvenient and annoying.

this thingie ⬇️ is what i'm talking about.

I'm Not Gonna Lie, I Wish More Writers On Here Would Make Use Of The Cut-off Option Things For Long Texts.

but also, i kind of mean this to be more like a rant because i totally tried to scroll past a ch for 3 minutes that was a huge trigger warning that didn't have any tags and was about rape and abuse on an mc by a bts member. so please please please learn to tag fic. 🙏🏻 😭

but yeah sometimes it is inconvenient and annoying

rant over now sorry guys😭😂

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7 months ago

Oh!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 thank you so much for the recommendation and the compliments @purpleyoonn ! 💜💜💜

You are absolutely one my favorite writers on here! I love how I can see myself in the MC even if they don’t necessarily “look” or “act” like me. Your stories are so well written. It’s like I’m seeing a movie in my head when I read them. Plus I really like reading them again and catching things I either missed or interpreted differently. 

Sorry I just really needed to get that out lol

That’s being said, what are some of your favorite multi-chapter fics or writers on here or AO3?

thank you so much🥺 this made me smile for the first time in a couple days so thank you. you never realize how disabling a disability is until you become disabled.

i love when stories like suck you in, transport you to another place and time and omg i'm so glad my stores do that for some people. that's like the highest honor for someone who loves to experience that same thing! please done be afraid to rant/ramble about my stories! i'll ramble right back with you!!

one of my fav writers on here is definitely @imnotlauriane. their works are amazing and definitely suck you into the world just like mine. they have some amazing ideas and beautiful wips that there is never a need to question if you'll like their works. i guarantee they've written something for everyone. they do write soulmate aus like i do so if you're into mine you'll love theirs!

i've also been reading the fic american mate by @ldysmfrst! it's such a good storyline and plot that i haven't seen before so i'm really enjoying that one as well!

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1 year ago

Petrichor Masterlist



Petrichor /ˈpeˌtrīkôr/  (noun)

“a pleasant smell that frequently accompanies the first rain after a long period of warm, dry weather.”

Summary: You had been working at Bangtan Corporation for almost two years now, and not once have you ever laid eyes on your bosses. That was, until you met them when out with some of your coworkers. Now, you almost wish you hadn’t. Almost.

Pairing: CEO BTS x Chubby MC

Status: Ongoing

Genre: werewolf au, ceo au, soulmate, polyamory relationship, angst, fluff, omegaverse, a/b/o dynamics

Warnings: smut, violence, mentions of knotting, heats, ruts, workplace discrimination, fat phobia, sexism, insecurities,

Some warnings may be added to the beginning of individual chapters. 



Bangtan Corporation


the mc’s style


Preview 1

Preview 2

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22


Red Riding Hood

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1 year ago

the Little Fox Masterlist


“The idea of being free was a foreign concept. Being free meant having choices, having opportunities. Being a hybrid meant never being free.”

Summary: Just as you escaped the Little Fox, a bidding house, you find yourself at war with your thoughts, not wanting to go to another shelter. You didn’t expect yourself to find a home anywhere, especially not with the men who found you, and their pack.

Pairing: eventual polyBTS x hybrid reader

Genre: hybrid au!, fluff, angst, poly, mentions of abo, slowburn, eventual smut

Status: Complete

Warnings: insecurities, anxiety, past abuse, past sexual abuse, mentions of rape/noncon, some violence, mentions of violence. Some warnings may be added to the beginning of individual chapters. 





character profiles


Preview 2

Part 1: The Beginning

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5 

Chapter 6 

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Part 2: Roaring Realizations

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18: The Finale


drabble 1

drabble 2

Grocery Shopping

This Is Halloween 

‘Twas The Night Before Christmas

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