attackonbangtanfics - attack on bangtan fics.*
attack on bangtan fics.*

may. she / her. | lulu. they / them. requests open!

47 posts

Attackonbangtanfics - Attack On Bangtan Fics.*


type : namjoon x fem!reader.

synopsis : once upon a time, many years from now... music is forbidden across the spheres. on three different planets, three different bands have openly defied the ban. dj lafrique, on her alien radio ship, continues to unite them via holoband with you as her new protege. all the while they are hunted by the silencers...

status : one-shot.

rating : pg.

a/n : this was a random idea that i had, but i hope ya’ll enjoy a little bit of space boy!namjoon.  xoxoxoxoxo.

“Do you think that we’re far enough away from the Silencers, Ri?” You ask your good friend and mentor as she fiddled with knobs and buttons on her ship’s wall panel. She was in full concentration, but seemed to be unbothered by the question; piercing blue eyes flitting in your direction finally after a bit of time had passed. She was an intimidating-looking woman, but you knew her well enough at this point to know that she wouldn’t cause you any harm. “I think that we’ll be fine for the time being.” A soft hum left your lips with a nod and then you turned your attention over to the holograms of the three different bands, watching as they sang to their heart’s content. You sat down and rested your elbow down onto the front of the table, your chin nestled in the palm of your hand as you admired the handsome man toward the middle of the group he sang with. “And what about them? Are they safe?” She mumbled as Lafrique watched her friend with a small smirk on her face. She knew of the crush on Namjoon that you had acquired while helping him and his band, BTS, safely bring peace and music to their planet. To say that it was risky to even think of relationships during such an unknown time was an understatement, but maybe it was also needed precisely at a time such as this. She chuckled and then turned to face her panel again, checking her radar to see if they were all still in the clear. “I think that they’ll be just fine. And if they aren’t, well, it’s up to us to help them.” You got a look of satisfaction that etched across your soft features, loving the fact that their music and planet’s survival was all up to her and her friend’s involvement. It was a huge role to play, but you knew that you had it in you to keep everything the way that it should be. After the first major invasion from the Silencers, Lafrique had found a way to communicate with all three bands to let them know that they were in danger. They would have a heads up the next time something happened. Unfortunately, that something seemed to be sooner than they initially had thought. Cursing under her breath as her radar screen alerted her of incoming enemies, her hands flew as she tried to work her magic to keep them away. The look on your face had quickly changed from strength to cowardice, as you thought of the coming moments. You knew what this meant... You had to broadcast for the first time. How were you going to do this? You weren’t even nervous about memorizing your lines, but the fact that Namjoon was going to see you. A love story wasn’t expected, but it would gladly be received if it were meant to happen.

Before your friend could say another word, knowing that she was frustrated at your lack of urgency, you raised a hand to her to let her know that you were on it. Slamming down on a button in front of you, you stood up straight and took a step back so your hologram was seen fully to all watching on the channel. “Alert! Silencers are imminent. Please cease all music until this threat has passed. I repeat, Silencers are imminent! Find shelter as quickly as you can, until further notice.” Once the message was sent, you sighed deeply and hoped that the signal had made it through to them.                                                      * * * * * * *

Music had been a part of Namjoon’s life for so long and, now that they found a new home on the planet Calypso, their song and dance was needed now more than ever to rebuild. It was an honor to be chosen out of so many people on Earth to be representatives and they would take their jobs seriously, until the day that they’re no longer needed. But, until that day came... They would continue to fight.

The next thing that any of them knew, a broadcast hologram was shown from DJ Lafrique’s radio ship and their fun was cut short; knowing that something like this was probably meant to bear bad news. And they were right. Used as a warning for them to hide from the Silencers, Namjoon knew that he should’ve been more worried; but all he could think about was how beautiful you were as you confidently gave your speech and protected them from harm.

His guardian angel.

Even though your face had disappeared a bit of time ago, his gaze remained fixed on the spot as if he were memorizing every single feature that he could see on the glitchy recording. He had become so entranced, that the threat had been all but forgotten by him; having to be shaken back to reality by his good friend Suga. He had actually stayed behind as the others left to make sure that his leader was out of harm’s way. “Hey. We need to go. What’s gotten into you?” He asked in an irritated tone, hands still wrapped around one of Namjoon’s muscular arms.

“That girl... I need to know who she is. I need to see her.”

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2 years ago

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OKAY so I am having so much fun writing Jin as like, such a dominant and possessive person in abmol that I like…am making myself blush☺️

 like here is a sneak peak:

This time, it was Jin who moved forward, gripping your chin in his hand, tilting your head up so you could look at him.

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“Words little one.”

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im having way too much fun with this😂

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3 years ago


#happysugaday to our producer, rapper, daegu boy.  may this year bring you even more incredile oppurtunities to showcase your skills.  thank you for being so passionate about what you do! ♡

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3 years ago

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