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You Become A Makeup Artist For Bts ( Maknae Line ) / REACTIONS!
you become a makeup artist for bts ( maknae line ) / REACTIONS!
disclaimer : this is completely for entertainment purposes, so i don’t actually think / know that the boys are like this. don’t come for me.
* ( park jimin )

jimin is one of the most accepting and instantly friendly members of the group, making sure that you were comfortable being around all of them.
when he’s in your chair, you spend most of the time giggling with each other when he’s getting his hair and makeup done by you.
both of you have cute little nicknames for each other that no one else is allowed to call either one of you. not even the boys.
when you’re sad, he’s the one you go to for comfort and reassurance.
he’s come to find that he loves making you blush, when he turns on his confidence around you.
your first date would either be at a very popular contemporary dance show after a romantic dinner or a really fun day at disneyland.
* ( kim taehyung )

this man always seems to know how to pick out the good seeds from the bad with his internal bullshit-o-meter, so he made sure to put you through it as a safety precaution.
when he deemed you safe, he essentially “adopted” you into his group of friends and became one of the most clingy boys around you... not that you were complaining.
tae thinks that your lap is the best pillow whenever he wants to take naps in the room you work in.
he’s very attached to you and will make sure that, if anyone in the company gives you a hard time, they’ll pay for it.
not to mention he would DEFINITELY purposefully hang all over you in front of jealous workers.
your first date would most likely be at a really swanky jazz club, where you and taehyung enjoy each other’s company with a soulful sax playing in the background and dancing the night away.
* ( jeon jungkook )

jungkook is most def the most shy when he meets you for the first time, only speaking a few words at a time whenever you ask a question to ease him in.
little by little, he becomes used to your presence and often invites you over to play games with him.
he would constantly introduce you to new games and felt proud whenever he was the one that could teach you - using it as an excuse to sit closer to you.
whenever you’re apart, you’re always texting or facetiming one another just to see the other’s face... though both of you were too shy to admit that you liked one another for the longest time.
the boys had to knock some sense into you guys obvi.
your first date would lowkey be something really thrilling, along the lines of bungee jumping or rock climbing together. be prepared for a very active jungkookie.
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More Posts from Attackonbangtanfics

I’m a hoe for brows pt. 4/?

↳ type : ot7 x fem!reader. ↳ synopsis : y/n was just an ordinary girl that was trying to get through high school, after dealing with the loss of her parents in a tragic accident. when she stumbles across the bangtan boys’ home and finds out their secret, what kind of chaos is bound to ensue? ↳ status : ongoing. ↳ rating : pg. ↳ a/n : the time has finally come for my favorite person to finally appear. ENTER THE CAT! honestly, kyo was the character in fruits basket that i was in love with and having yoongi as him was the best decision ever, so please love on him and his adorable grumpiness.
↳ trigger warnings : violence / two of the main characters get into a fight and colorful language.
↳ zodiac masterlist : chapters here.

↳ taglist : @amarillyis
if you would like to be tagged and notified for when this series actually becomes available, please let me know and you’ll be added immediately!

You had almost forgotten what it was like to have your own room - a sanctuary that you could call your own. With all of the cleaning and clearing things out, the storage room had become yours and it almost felt like a dream. The last time you had your own room was when your parents were still alive and it had already been a couple of years. It came as a surprise to you that Jimin had invited you to stay with him and Jin without fully knowing your situation, but you weren't complaining. Despite the fact that you really didn't care about discussing what had happened, it was nice to sometimes have that privacy and not have anyone poke and prod you for answers. Jimin had always been different than everyone else, intuitive really, and you seemed to wonder now if he actually knew your predicament all along. It would make sense, as he was your classmate and had been there the day that you had received the terrible news of your parents' passing. But, you decided to remain quiet on the situation until the timing was right.
Jimin had left the room to take some boxes downstairs when Jin had stopped him, gently grabbing onto his shoulder with a serious look. "You have thought this through, correct? This could be really risky for us, her staying here." He didn't want to be the bad guy, but he knew that something could go completely wrong if their secret ever got out to someone outside of the circle. Jimin just sighed and carefully lowered the boxes onto the floor with a nod, shoving his hands into the pockets of his school uniform. It was a most uncomfortable outfit to wear and he normally would've changed right out of it as soon as he got home, but you had taken priority immediately... It didn't go unnoticed by the eldest, either. "I have. Y/N is a trustworthy girl, hyung. She and I have been in the same classes for quite a few years now and she's always been such a good person. I have no problems in believing that, if anything happened, she would take our secret to her grave." He responded in a lower tone, being careful as not to announce anything that you could hear. A deep sigh left Jin's lips and he gave a nod, releasing the other's shoulder and used it to direct him to the front door. "You can take that last box outside in the shed. We don't have anymore room in the house."
With a last look to him, Jimin grabbed the box back up in his arms and then headed for the front door, slipping his shoes back on to walk outside. He did as Jin had said and put the box in their shed, finding the perfect spot for it and closing the door. As soon as the lock clicked into place, he looked up and set his eyes upon a looming figure in front of him now. Their eyes found each other and electricity sparked between them, though one was more excitable than the other in the hopes of finally winning a fight.
"Look what we have here... A disgusting rat just begging to get his ass kicked."
A bored expression played on Jimin's perfect features and then he looked down to his nails on purpose, pretending to find them more interesting than the person before him. With a slight huff, he brushed past him to start heading back to the front door of the house. This woefully apparent diss really got under Yoongi's skin and caused a growl to rip out of his throat, quickly turning on his heel to follow after him angrily. "Don't you dare ignore me! Come back here and fight like a man!" He yelled out and reached out to grab ahold of Jimin's shoulder, causing him to whip around and grab hold of his wrist with a glare so fierce it could kill. It was so sudden that it actually managed to startle the cat himself, staring at him with wide eyes and his breath catching in his throat. "Don't touch me with these disgusting hands. I might actually throw up."
Just as Yoongi's anger started to rise again from the cruel words being thrown at him, a clap of hands resounded beside them and their heads turned to see Jin standing at the front door happily. "Yoongi, dear! You came back! I'm so happy, I could burst. I didn't think you'd ever come back to see your hyung and I nearly cried myself to sleep every night..." He sniffled a bit, grabbing a tissue from his pocket to dab at fake tears on his cheeks, causing Yoongi's eyes to roll dramatically. "I'm not here for you, hyung, and you know it. This is between Jimin and me." He hissed at the mere mention of his arch nemesis and Jimin simply dropped his hand, sighing deeply. "Okay, okay. If you really want to be beaten so badly... Again... I'll teach you another lesson, mangy cat."
- - - - - - -
The sounds of yells were coming from outside and it sounded almost like a fight, so you naturally had to go and see what was going on. Luckily, you didn't have much to put away, so it was all already done after putting the fresh sheets on your new bed that had graciously been given to you by Jin ( who also happened to mention that they used to be his and decided to throw in a little eyebrow wiggle ). Maybe Jimin was right. He was too nice. Cautiously making your way downstairs, the yelling only gets louder along with sounds of Jin's fake sobbing? And punches being thrown? Once you stand beside Jin, who barely acknowledged your presence in that moment as he was too wrapped up in his acting, your eyes drifted ahead to see Jimin fighting with another boy. He wasn't one you had met before, but he looked livid. It could've been because Jimin was far too quick on his feet for the other to even get a hit in. Jimin, on the other hand, had socked his rival in the stomach multiple times and even threw a mean left hook square in his jaw. Neither of them had even noticed that you had joined the audience.
"Come on, rat! Stop running away from me and take your ass beating like a man!" Yoongi yelled out in frustration and Jimin just gave a completely deadpan look to the other, shaking his head to try and understand the stupidity being spewed from the other. "I'm not the one that's getting hit more than a punching bag. Maybe if you actually tried, instead of being a lazy piece of shit, you would be able to finally beat me in a fight." A fire burned in the other's eyes and it was apparent that he had a passion for being triumphant, but none of them knew just how deep that really went with him. Giving up, Jimin blew out some air to get the hair out of his eyes and turned to walk back to the house to finally see you standing there with wide eyes. Had you seen him in a different light now that you witnessed a fight with his old friend? Just as he was about to say something to you, his senses kicked in and he jerked his head to the side; seeing a rock whiz past him and straight to you. He cursed under his breath and knew that it was too late, but ran to you regardless as the rock hit you straight on the forehead.
All of the boys froze in their spots, waiting to see if maybe something terrible would happen if they moved again. But, all that came from you was a little whimper from the pain and then Jimin noticed blood coming from the cut that had formed. Before he had a chance to rip a new one into Yoongi, the cat was by your side while still harboring a temper. "Who the hell are you and why are you standing out here like some zombie?!" He yelled at you, even though you couldn't manage to get a word out of your mouth. Were you just flabbergasted by the way they were behaving toward one another or were you in such shock that you couldn't even form a coherent sentence in your mind? Jin gasped a bit at the blood and then hurried inside to grab his first aid kit, mentally patting himself on the back for being so prepared like a good adult.
With another glare directed at Yoongi, he began to stomp over in his direction so that he could end the fight and kick his ass to send him into oblivion. "It's sorry, you asshole. Tell her you're sorry right now!" The normally calm rat hollered. Yoongi seemed taken aback briefly, almost as if he had forgotten how to apologize to someone. He knew that this was his fault and that he hadn't been paying attention to his surroundings, but he also felt like she was to blame as well. Whenever a fight is happening and someone sticks around, they automatically become responsible for their own well-being and the dangers of being in the same vicinity as said fight. Clenching his fists at his sides as he groaned, slowly opening his mouth to say the words he hated uttering, but as soon as he did... You suddenly felt faint and fell right into his arms.
Normally, this would be a moment where he caught you and maybe made sure to carry you somewhere to make sure you were safe. But, that's not what happened. After a puff of smoke ( smoke? ) enveloped you, the skin that you had felt suddenly turned to fur and the sturdy body had become much smaller than before. As your vision finally cleared, you gasped out loud when you saw an orange tabby cat in the place that the other boy had been. What on earth was happening here? You looked up to Jimin in shock and he looked back at you with wide eyes, struggling to find a way to explain this whole situation but coming up short. "Y/N... I know that this probably looks insane to you, but please -" As he had made his way toward you desperately mid-sentence, he didn't realize that he would step on Yoongi's tail; causing the cat to screech in pain and trip the other in the process.
And just like that... You now had a cat and a rat in front of you.
"I finally found the first aid kit! Aren't you proud of m-" Jin's cheerful voice had instantly been cut off when he saw the scene before him. He had only been gone for five minutes and both of the boys were already in their zodiac forms? He couldn't ever leave them alone. He wasn't sure how he was going to explain this one to you, but as if you had a delayed reaction, you cried out and scooped up their abandoned clothes while looking at their small forms in fear. "What have I done to you?! Oh my god, I'm so sorry! Please, tell me what I need to do to make this better!" You whined and finally looked up to Jin with a pout and pleading eyes, silently asking for his help now since you had nowhere else to turn. With that, he relaxed and gave you a fond smile, knowing that he had no reason to fear you at all with how you reacted. Maybe inviting you to stay here would be good for all of them.
bts performing twice, the crowd chanting for nobody but bts, bts winning all 3/3 of their awards all before headlining 4 sold out 90,000 capacity stadium shows. they deserve this. nobody deserves this more than bts. im honoured to be here with them.

type : namjoon x fem!reader.
synopsis : once upon a time, many years from now... music is forbidden across the spheres. on three different planets, three different bands have openly defied the ban. dj lafrique, on her alien radio ship, continues to unite them via holoband with you as her new protege. all the while they are hunted by the silencers...
status : one-shot.
rating : pg.
a/n : this was a random idea that i had, but i hope ya’ll enjoy a little bit of space boy!namjoon. xoxoxoxoxo.

“Do you think that we’re far enough away from the Silencers, Ri?” You ask your good friend and mentor as she fiddled with knobs and buttons on her ship’s wall panel. She was in full concentration, but seemed to be unbothered by the question; piercing blue eyes flitting in your direction finally after a bit of time had passed. She was an intimidating-looking woman, but you knew her well enough at this point to know that she wouldn’t cause you any harm. “I think that we’ll be fine for the time being.” A soft hum left your lips with a nod and then you turned your attention over to the holograms of the three different bands, watching as they sang to their heart’s content. You sat down and rested your elbow down onto the front of the table, your chin nestled in the palm of your hand as you admired the handsome man toward the middle of the group he sang with. “And what about them? Are they safe?” She mumbled as Lafrique watched her friend with a small smirk on her face. She knew of the crush on Namjoon that you had acquired while helping him and his band, BTS, safely bring peace and music to their planet. To say that it was risky to even think of relationships during such an unknown time was an understatement, but maybe it was also needed precisely at a time such as this. She chuckled and then turned to face her panel again, checking her radar to see if they were all still in the clear. “I think that they’ll be just fine. And if they aren’t, well, it’s up to us to help them.” You got a look of satisfaction that etched across your soft features, loving the fact that their music and planet’s survival was all up to her and her friend’s involvement. It was a huge role to play, but you knew that you had it in you to keep everything the way that it should be. After the first major invasion from the Silencers, Lafrique had found a way to communicate with all three bands to let them know that they were in danger. They would have a heads up the next time something happened. Unfortunately, that something seemed to be sooner than they initially had thought. Cursing under her breath as her radar screen alerted her of incoming enemies, her hands flew as she tried to work her magic to keep them away. The look on your face had quickly changed from strength to cowardice, as you thought of the coming moments. You knew what this meant... You had to broadcast for the first time. How were you going to do this? You weren’t even nervous about memorizing your lines, but the fact that Namjoon was going to see you. A love story wasn’t expected, but it would gladly be received if it were meant to happen.
Before your friend could say another word, knowing that she was frustrated at your lack of urgency, you raised a hand to her to let her know that you were on it. Slamming down on a button in front of you, you stood up straight and took a step back so your hologram was seen fully to all watching on the channel. “Alert! Silencers are imminent. Please cease all music until this threat has passed. I repeat, Silencers are imminent! Find shelter as quickly as you can, until further notice.” Once the message was sent, you sighed deeply and hoped that the signal had made it through to them. * * * * * * *
Music had been a part of Namjoon’s life for so long and, now that they found a new home on the planet Calypso, their song and dance was needed now more than ever to rebuild. It was an honor to be chosen out of so many people on Earth to be representatives and they would take their jobs seriously, until the day that they’re no longer needed. But, until that day came... They would continue to fight.
The next thing that any of them knew, a broadcast hologram was shown from DJ Lafrique’s radio ship and their fun was cut short; knowing that something like this was probably meant to bear bad news. And they were right. Used as a warning for them to hide from the Silencers, Namjoon knew that he should’ve been more worried; but all he could think about was how beautiful you were as you confidently gave your speech and protected them from harm.
His guardian angel.
Even though your face had disappeared a bit of time ago, his gaze remained fixed on the spot as if he were memorizing every single feature that he could see on the glitchy recording. He had become so entranced, that the threat had been all but forgotten by him; having to be shaken back to reality by his good friend Suga. He had actually stayed behind as the others left to make sure that his leader was out of harm’s way. “Hey. We need to go. What’s gotten into you?” He asked in an irritated tone, hands still wrapped around one of Namjoon’s muscular arms.
“That girl... I need to know who she is. I need to see her.”

rest in peace : me.
OKAY so I am having so much fun writing Jin as like, such a dominant and possessive person in abmol that I like…am making myself blush☺️
like here is a sneak peak:
This time, it was Jin who moved forward, gripping your chin in his hand, tilting your head up so you could look at him.
“So, are you saying you don’t want to be mine? You don’t want to be my pretty baby girl?” His tone scared you a little bit, different than how he was talking to you only a few minutes ago. His words had you immediately shaking your head.
“Words little one.”
“No Jinnie. I want to be yours.” Everyone in the room picked up on the double meaning in your words, something you didn’t want. You didn’t want them to know the struggle you were dealing with. At your words, his grip tightened on your chin, taking all his willpower not to smash his lips into yours.
im having way too much fun with this😂