augustnotes - SOLARIAN.

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Do You Know Much About Composite Risings? I Have Model Friends And We Have Theories That A Really Great

do you know much about composite risings? i have model friends and we have theories that a really great composite rising to have for looking good together is taurus composite rising. but i know only a few certain risings can have it. i’m lucky enough to have cancer asc and people i’m able to look like the ideal duo with are aries, pisces, and sometimes aqua but i only know cap rising models and i accidentally made them jealous while talking about why i think taurus composite rising is a cool mix of people aesthetic wise. i don’t want you to feel obligated but like… for each composite rising(or ones you are most comfortable talking about) what would you say is a vibe they give off? like platonically for looking like hot shit when together? and are there any kpop/celeb duos you immediately think of as woah they look freaking cool together that you can give as examples?

✩ The Composite Ascendant and the vibe you give off together ✩

Do You Know Much About Composite Risings? I Have Model Friends And We Have Theories That A Really Great
Do You Know Much About Composite Risings? I Have Model Friends And We Have Theories That A Really Great
Do You Know Much About Composite Risings? I Have Model Friends And We Have Theories That A Really Great


Disclaimer: It's really hard to find legitimate composite chart examples for k-idols, because their birth times are often not officially confirmed, vague or come from unreliable sources, so I hope it’s fine that I didn’t include them as examples. Also, please keep in mind, that the rest of the composite, the synastry and individual natal charts influence the outcome of a vibe two people have together a lot. This is written in general terms, it's also about vibes, not about physical looks, so let's focus on how energy can contribute to how people look/appear together in the eyes of others. Because truthfully, everybody can look good together despite the composite Ascendant, since aesthetics are subjective.

As always: to get a better and more specific look of the vibe you embody together, look at the placement of the composite chart ruler!

Do You Know Much About Composite Risings? I Have Model Friends And We Have Theories That A Really Great

✩ Aries: Passionate and energetic, even if it's not visible at first glance and thus only revealed in certain situations, these people unite and are energized by Mars, so they can ooze with that fierce, vital, youthful and lowkey intimidating energy. I feel the latter is especially true for people who're close with each other, there's a natural drive to conqueer the world around them together, might possibly be very defensive over the connection as well - the general more offensive and direct stance with an Aries Ascendant can let the two appear like a force to not be messed with. Can make two people go-getters.

✩ Taurus: Usually very chill/comfortable and in tune with the other, as a Venus ruled Ascendant those two seek to be comfortable around each other, with people who are close I also see them often retreating into their desired comfort zone, they value and enjoy quality time, they also really try to keep the vibes good. It makes sense that they appear very stable and harmonious together and thus can naturally appear 'pleasant' in the eyes of others (similar to Libra Venus), since there's a strong focus on working and cultivating the energy of Venus aka how we unify and harmonize. I personally found people with a Taurus Ascendant to radiate reliability and dependence as well. Solid like a rock. But not like a giant, intimidating cliff, like Capricorn Ascendant, more like a round, smooth rock that perfectly fits in the palm of your hand asdfgh

✩ Gemini: Vibrant and youthful - chatty little busy bees, but unlike the Virgo Ascendant they are more on the expressive and interactive side, less task focused, more focused on actual social interactions and engagement and having fun! With Gemini in the 1st house, there's definitely something mischevious about how they two appear together. Like it can seem like they're talking about you, even if they really don't, lol. Can appear distant/impersonal with each other maybe, but it's because they are all about the mental stimulation and having fun with it. Unless other aspects/placements don't interfer, they just don't seem extremely hyperfocused on the other.

✩ Cancer: I witnessed that this Ascendant can make two people appear 'moody' if they're close, like if they're comfortable in front of you you'll be able to see how they generally operate on emotional responses, hence 'moody'. It's not that they'll show you everything, but expect that they can be comfortable enough to bicker and throw some looks in front of you, as much as they can be happy, angry, affectionate, etc., basically showing the rawness of the connection haha. There's definitely a sensitivity around them. Generally though, it's very tender. They search for emotional comfort, security and stability in another and will try to recreate it around them somehow, so I feel that when it comes down to it very soft and tender. Feels natural and comfortable, at least two people try to make it as comfortable as possible.

✩ Leo: Can definitely give off very strong 'power-duo' vibes, but I feel for people who're actually close it's more in the fun and loving way, very warm! I noticed with people that are close, there is a strong vibe of 'we belong together' and 'you can't shake our ground'. Protective over the other as well! An Ascendant that lets two people appear very vital and vocal when they're together, or at least they can appear more vocal and energized when they are with said person/talk about them, etc.

✩ Virgo: Even though these two can function like a well oiled machine together, they can still appear distant with each other to others at times, but this is mainly because they set priorities on getting things done first. I believe the more time they spend together the more one will feel how familiar and deeply intuitive these two can be with each other, even though they might not appear overly affectionate with the other all the time. Though they do have their moments were they can look cold, generally they appear very approachable and helpful/friendly (they do tend to assist and help everyone around them out and often people approach them to ask for guidance/help, if they don't do it themselves). Can also be slightly intimidating when they teamp up and decide channel their witty and clever side.

✩ Libra: Very in sync! Also harmonious like Taurus, but these two might possibly mirror the other a lot unintentionally and adapt each others individual quirks. I feel with this Ascendant you just get that they belong together even if they don't speak. It's that weird merging of feelings and thoughts, that they feel like one at times. There's definitely something pleasant about these two together due to the harmony,probably because they just like being together as a pair and doing things together, so they mash and merge their individual perceptions and impression a lot, that even if they look like the complete opposite people will find they look alike! They can also appear lowkey intimidating to others because they can come off like a strong team.

✩ Scorpio: Strong, inseperatable, for people who're close together they can seem almost glued together - not physically, but people have the feeling they will never be able to get in between the two, and often they also don't dare. Very protective over each other, thus this Ascendant can naturally give one a lowkey aggressive vibe. Like don't mess with us/don't mess with my friend/partner/etc., no matter how smiley/chill they are. The energy of these two can cut others like a knife, especially if they're fighting/have unresolved issues asdfgh

✩ Sagittarius: Can appear very cool/chill and/or (simultaniously) wild and untamed, there's a rawness to them. To be fair, they can also act like two misfits/rebels, there is an 'idgaf' attitude to them, as long as they have themselves. Generally though, these two seek a good time and like to just ride on their own wavelength even if it means excluding others from it (possibly they don't even notice it). Can be really loud together or at least can be very vocal, there's something hopeful about them, probably because we look at two free spirits that choose to discover life together.

✩ Capricorn: There's something grounding and deep here, also can easily give off family-like vibes. Calm, yet powerful, but in subtle ways. Can demand respect from others, similar to Scorpio rising also carries the 'don't mess with us' vibes. Appear strong together, but not in a demonstrative or even pretentious way, it just comes very naturally. Again, the rock metaphor, when Taurus Ascendant appears like a smooth rock, Capricorn Ascendant is like a cliff (kinda intimidating). Another Ascendant that can make two appear cool/brash at times. I also feel like with people who are close with each other there is a strong, unspoken vibe of loyalty with this Ascendant. Usually very straight forward with each other (and others).

✩ Aquarius: Cool vibes, lots comes down to a respect and acceptance for each other's individuality, so no matter what the connection might look like there can be an air of detachment around these two, they value giving each other, but also the connection itself, enough room to breath. Another composite Ascendant that can make two appear approachable for others, though with Uranus as the chart ruler not all might agree with the way they handle and approach their connection, so chances are there can be something off-putting about them (at first).

✩ Pisces: Unreachable, in their own little world. Not to play into stereotypes but there really is something mysterious and serene about these two sometimes. It can feel very hard to read the dynamic and love language of these two, regardless the energy feels sweet, but also kind of untouchable. Of course, fully in Pisces nature, people might read into them a lot and therefore project their own ideas onto them. Can appear secretive even if they don't want to come across like that. An almost strangely emotionally charged atmosphere can be around this duo.

Do You Know Much About Composite Risings? I Have Model Friends And We Have Theories That A Really Great
Do You Know Much About Composite Risings? I Have Model Friends And We Have Theories That A Really Great
Do You Know Much About Composite Risings? I Have Model Friends And We Have Theories That A Really Great
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More Posts from Augustnotes

3 years ago

venus + and -

venus in aries

+: active approach to connecting, knows how to instantly link with strangers, above-board about affection; believes we’re all brothers and sisters; tells it like it is, takes the initiative in sex and in love, exciting, independent, warm, passionate, demonstrative, gives love openheartedly

-: bores easily, rides roughshod over subtleties, naive, too idealistic, impulsive, comes on too strong, sees love as a contest, lacks ability to express tenderness or romance, selfish, impatient, emotionally immature, wears themselves and their lovers out with their fiery intensity, lacks stability

venus in taurus

+: sensual, tactile, loyal, decadent, loves beauty, has innate good taste, often dresses well, affectionate, emotionally vibrant, romantic, intuitive, graceful, loves nature, knows how to please their partner physically, believes in love, generous to a fault, steadfast and true

-: boring, stingy with resources and with love, possessive, jealous, territorial, lazy, only appreciates what they can see and touch, wants constant companionship, feeling > thinking, less than understanding of their lover’s shortcomings, cloying, demanding

venus in gemini

+: verbally charming, witty, has a way with words, light and effervescent, artistic, complex, outgoing, curious, warmly expressive, loves to communicate, reinvents themselves, enjoys intelligent people, aesthetically gifted, fun, lively, experiments with possibility, free spirits, intriguing, flirty, loves variety, open to all the possibilities of life, others often find them very attractive

-: flighty, bores easily, noncommittal, evasive, disloyal, shallow, faddish, relationships are often impermanent, changeable in relationships, romantic attractions are often sudden and causal, often feels stifled and restless, promiscuous, thinks too much, talks that talk but doesn’t act on it, hates to feel bonded to something or someone, not fond of emotions/emotional scenes, flesh and blood often falls short of their ideals

venus in cancer

+: gentle, generous, caring, loving, sympathetic, devoted to their loved ones, nurturing, compassionate, artistic, romantically idealistic, vividly imaginative, emotionally strong, loyal, attentive, warm, domestically gifted, supportive, sincere, wants the best for their lovers, good business sense

-: insecure, allows loved ones to take advantage, clingy, needy, undisciplined, too sensitive, mawkishly dependent, susceptible to flattery, possessive, shy, excessively emotional, takes things for granted, bad at communication, emotionally blackmails their loved ones, unrealistic expectations of their lover, codependent, manipulative, controlling, secretive, often tries too hard to create the type of environment from which their partners dare not leave

venus in leo

+: warm-hearted, fun-loving, romantic, heartfelt, playful, courtly, surprisingly sensitive, makes grand gestures of affection, often sets standards of beauty and fashion, generous, exciting, ardent, loves others as they love themselves, likeable and friendly, stylish, makes others proud to be with you, desirous and has a healthy sexual appetite, colourful

-: very selfish, dramatic, love standards are often too high and this placement looks down on those who don’t meet them, too preoccupied with appearances, too prideful, sulks childishly when they feel unappreciated, ostentatious, uses others to bolster their own self-image and ego, self-serving, domineering, overindulgent, bossy, honest yet calculated

venus in virgo

+: neat, conscientious, dependable, has high standards for their love and won’t settle, patient, will talk about how to resolve issues in their relationships, helpful, often extremely romantic, creative in love, kind-hearted

-: highly strung, too practical, overcautious, overanaylzes emotions and relationships, nothing is ever good enough for them, inhibited, covers up their many insecurities and inadequacies in love by being hypercritical of their lover, too self-conscious and neurotic

venus in libra

+: charming, polite, socially skilled, loves the concept and reality of love, promotes peace and harmony, aesthetically gifted, gracious, good-natured, often conventionally attractive, a friend to all, diplomatic, tactful, refined, doesn’t hold grudges, sophisticated, thinks the best of everyone whether they deserve it or not, can’t love someone they don’t respect, emotionally direct

-: fake, too nice, often goes along to get along, their relationships lack substance and depth, tries too hard to be liked and perfect, often quite contrived, terribly vain and will hate when old age takes away their looks, lacks integrity, easily hurt, superficial, can’t handle honest displays of emotion, insincere, social climbers

venus in scorpio

+: dynamic, sexy, desires orgiastic merging with another, expresses their sexuality like no one else, believes in transformation when it comes to love and relationships, their love is deep, seductive, magnetic, believes that nothing of value comes easy, not afraid of the darkness of life or the soul

-: obsessive, jealous, territorial, volatile, suspicious to the point of paranoia, touchy, becomes so intertwined in their lover that they can’t tell their emotions from their lover, vengeful, unforgiving, self-frustration, destructive, too intense, domineering, controlling, manipulative, takes love too personally and seriously, bitter, has no sense of humour

venus in sagittarius

+: generous, intentions are good, exciting, rapturous, adventurous, light-hearted, demonstrative, honest, open, wild yet ethical, has a natural and healthy appetite for sex, friendly, outgoing, loves to laugh, funny, needs spontaneity, dares to feel, is unafraid of love and will push the boundaries of race, religion and class in order to find their true love

-: tends to love the unattainable, lacks perspective, may be a bit wanton, immodest, impersonal, wants their lover to behave in the upright manner that they feel they themselves ought to but fail to, needs game-playing more than a relationship, is as anxious for a stable relationship as anyone else but they want to be the one to stabilize it

venus in capricorn

+: strives to make their loved ones happy and secure, controls their desires very well, steadfast, creative, responsible, patient when it comes to building a relationship, offers unconditional support to their loved ones, devoted, deeply emotional but controls it well, enduring, trustworthy, has a slow-simmering sexuality

-: emotionally cold, opportunistic and calculating in love and relationships, repressed, fearful, selfish, tremendously insecure, relationships are based on what someone could do for them, self-abnegating, their ability to love is hidden by a self-protective wall, judgmental

venus in aquarius

+: believes in fairness and equality, believes in universal love, can’t stand jealousy or possessiveness, independent, open-minded, unusual, easily bored, objective, friendly, needs excitement and experimentation, stimulating, needs a relationship based on friendship, often one-of-a-kind, sensuous but not sensual, excellent as friends

-: fears getting too close to people, cool, distant, impersonal, a bit outlandish, affections are often unstable, sexual habits are often eccentric, has stubborn emotional attitudes, too idealistic, spreads their love around, generalities > specifics, may be superficially attracted to beauty

venus in pisces

+: loves unconditionally, sensitive, unselfish, accepts their lover as they are for better or worse and doesn’t hold it against them, affectionate, helping others makes them feel better about themselves, understanding, has a wonderful sense of fantasy, romantic, can be compassionate

-: sentimental, maudlin, suffers from a martyr complex, insecure, expects their lovers to read their mind, too fanciful and is unrealistic about their relationships, naive, easily trusting, often refuses to see the ugly truths in front of their face, escapist, deceptive

3 years ago

hello! @riuascita & @umepnnn thank you so much for the tag <3<3<3<3<3<3

Hello! @riuascita & @umepnnn Thank You So Much For The Tag

tagging: anyone wearing fuzzy socks

🌙 🎃 Happy Halloween 🎃 🌙

I was tagged in some lovely appreciation posts by mutuals and I'd like to give you something back. So, here's a cute picrew for you witches to try!


Here's for you @snowflakz-world , @laissez-fire-oh , @the-wild-candy , @represents-the-miracles , @parsfortunaneptune , @smriti23 , @moonsetlover , @viv2101

@ all who want to play

 Happy Halloween

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3 years ago

omg besties GUESS MY BLOG'S BIG 3

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3 years ago

Advice that’s meant for you based on your Neptune

this post is mainly inspired by @/sagistarbb on twitter.

Advice Thats Meant For You Based On Your Neptune

1H: you could be a lazy person or you find yourself feeling depressed often. you usually have no motivation for many things and that’s what makes you feel hatred towards yourself. you hate that you’re so lazy even though you want to do more for yourself. you need to become more, achieve more and experience better. isolating yourself from reality and running from your problems will always haunt you negatively until you decide to bring some changes into your life

2H: growing up you might’ve had to become mature at a young age or you just had a rough childhood in general. some people with their neptune sitting in their 2H even experienced being broke at some point in their lives. you always felt like or you were the second choice in many situations for many people which made you become possessive and selfish. you want to be understood and you possibly self pity a lot, but your neptune being in your second house suggests you to not let ANY situation that has happened to you shape your personality and your way of thinking. you were born a good person and there’s no need to change that because of anyone or anything. you need to give more in order to receive more, wether that be love, money or affection.

3H: your past trauma affected many parts of your life but mainly your view on life itself. you developed trust issues which leads you to having a hard time being social and especially because you feel like it won’t last anyways. wanting to be alone can feel great but feeling alone won’t feel anything near great. you need to go out with people and socialize, you need to experience life no matter your age. don’t think of yourself as someone who’s not worthy enough because you are, talk to yourself and tell yourself you’re the best, you love yourself, you’re beautiful. no matter how happy you can feel you never will be as happy as you can ever be until you develop more self love.

4H: you’re a very sensitive person who depends on how other people feel about you but you don’t want to admit it. you put this careless act on and you’d do whatever to protect your own emotions/feelings. this is a good personality trait from one side - but from the other it’s not. acting so cold and nonchalant hurts the ones who care for you the most more than it hurts you knowing what type of person you’ve become. you have to care more and deep down you know that too.

5H: as much as you care so much for certain people, let it go. in life it is important to learn and to know that forgiveness can actually be the right answer to a situation sometimes but not always. you have to stop putting other people’s feelings before your own. stop being a people pleaser because you don’t look like a good person in other people’s eyes, instead you look very weak. stand up for yourself and protect your own name, let someone treat you like royalty because you deserve love too. let yourself feel and be loved by somebody who won’t judge you for your uniqueness and who will love you for you!

6H: you could already know or feel like you don’t or never had good luck on your side - and that’s only because you never tried putting effort into your daily life, your daily routine. you can’t live with your head in the clouds and expect money to randomly grow on a tree so you can pick it up. if you’re still in school put effort into it, work more, study more, be ambitious and follow your dreams. be your own provider and stop depending on other people. so if someone else can’t eat you can’t because you’re waiting on their salary to come by? no. that’s not the life path for you, in this lifetime everything that happens to you and that you try making happen to you has to be caused by you and by hard work and not your friends, parents or anyone.

7H: as much as you want to live with the motto go with the flow it’s not for you. you can’t be the person ignoring your problems, you can’t expect forgiveness from everyone and you especially can’t and should stop acting immature in serious situations. you could be a loving person who tries to see the good in everyone - even your own enemies, but you can’t let things happen in YOUR life based on what other people decide for you. you need to have your own life in your hands and not give it to anyone else. no one will love you like you want to be loved until you love yourself first the most. avoid getting involved with toxic people and focus on your life path, not the past.

8H: you’re the person that’s able to move on from literally anything as time passes by but you for sure won’t forget anything, in fact you might just remember everything into detail. trauma and the hurt you have been through shapes you into a stronger person who learns how to be less sentimental day by day, you’re the only one that’s there for yourself when you’re going through it, through depression, through isolation and so on. people could perceive you as someone self centered, conceited or unapproachable. you need to learn how to not hold grudges and how to forgive but if you can’t seem to do that then you need to let things go because you remembering everything into detail manifests into having intrusive thoughts very often that constantly haunt you

9H: you HAVE to stop trusting people so easily. not everyone is your friend, not all of your family members wish you the best and not every new partner you get into a relationship with is meant for you! you have probably been lied to a lot in your life but you decide to ignore it just because you hate not being at peace with the people you care for. don’t ignore red flags, don’t ignore toxicity and don’t ignore advice. being a good person is good but enough is enough.. you can’t believe everything, trust everyone as mentioned and you can’t keep trying to see the good in people that you deep down know aren’t good people at all. when someone gives you advice that you don’t trust listen to it especially if your intuition is saying so.

10H: stop doubting yourself and stop believing certain things are impossible to ever happen because nothing is impossible. you deserve love, affection, success, money and so much more. do what makes you happy and go after your goals. don’t let anything stop you. people might’ve tried controlling you a lot in your life or during your childhood but you have to become independent and okay with being on your own. you don’t need anyone but yourself because at the end of the day no one will care for you and think about you more than you think about yourself.

11H: you have to let people connect with you. you’re so afraid of failure, of wasting your time on the wrong people but look at it from the brighter side - it’s life. you’re living life, you’re meant to experience new experiences every now and then. let people love you and let people feel loved by you! you will meet many new people (if you let yourself) and through all those new people you can meet the love of your life, your platonic soulmate and your happy place. you can’t be alone forever even if you feel like that’s the right thing to do, because there’s truly people out there that want to be there for you and love you

12H: you could’ve been screamed at a lot which now you fear, you could’ve been verbally abused, cheated on, lied to constantly but you always find reasons to still stay around those people. you go through many illusions in life that make the environment you’re around more negative and toxic the more you entertain it. get out of your comfort zone and ignore any sort of negativity. don’t wonder why you feel sudden mood swings or headaches, it’s because you let other people control you telepathically. you have to be your own person, your own boss.

this post was created by @moonianbbyg on tumblr <3 if reposting my work please give credits.