Moodboards - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
"You Will Believe In Me, Slaughtered Under The Tree. 'Cause I Won't Leave A Witness, So Much For A Merry

"You will believe in me, slaughtered under the tree. 'Cause I won't leave a witness, so much for a Merry Christmas."

-Merry Axe-Mas by Ice Nine Kills 🪓

(Inspired by 1984's Silent Night Deadly Night)

Creepmas (7/7)


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10 months ago

Here's a moodboard I made for a friend! The theme they gave me was "sparkly black", and I added butterflies cuz it's one of their favourite things :3

Here's A Moodboard I Made For A Friend! The Theme They Gave Me Was "sparkly Black", And I Added Butterflies

I hope you guys also enjoy it!

Here's A Moodboard I Made For A Friend! The Theme They Gave Me Was "sparkly Black", And I Added Butterflies

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9 months ago

hi may i get a moodboard for a white ringed/greyscale/monochrome umbreon with some moon imagery? rest is up to you! thank you ^^


Yesss absolutely you may!!!

I tried to be a lil creative with it, but I think it turned out decently!!

Hi May I Get A Moodboard For A White Ringed/greyscale/monochrome Umbreon With Some Moon Imagery? Rest

I hope you like it!!! It was fun to make :3

Hi May I Get A Moodboard For A White Ringed/greyscale/monochrome Umbreon With Some Moon Imagery? Rest

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5 months ago

too cute 💋💌🎀

hii, im new here on tumblr, im a spanish girl who loves the kpop, the jazz, the R&B, drawing and making icons/moodboards <3 i created an acc here bcs @fluttershy-vanilla (one of my comfort persons, i love her sm seriously) have and account here and i saw that the app was pretty so i decided to post my some things of pinterest here too, hope u like my account !!💕

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7 months ago
Pink Moodboards
Pink Moodboards
Pink Moodboards
Pink Moodboards

Pink moodboards

Made by me !! ♡

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6 years ago

Yandere!BTS Moodboards and Types

Hi! I'm planing to do Yandere!BTS reactions and I didn't know how to start. So I decided to start at first with moodboards and what type of yandere they would be. Hope you like it!😊

Warning: If you don't like yandere and toxic relationships don't read this! And english is NOT my first language ,so I'm sorry if I write something wrong.

Yandere!BTS Moodboards And Types







Yandere!BTS Moodboards And Types

Type: Medical Yandere

He has a full access to medicines and deadly chemicals. He would probably be little overprotective of you. Always take care of you. And if he can't ,because you can take care of yourself. He will make you be not able to do things by yourself. How? He would make you sick. Adding something to your food or drink ,when you weren't looking. And voilà ,food poisioning!

"Ah is my baby sick again? Let me take care of you!"


Yandere!BTS Moodboards And Types

Type: Possessive Yandere

He would make you his. If you like it or not. Kidnap you? Lock you in his basement? YES. He would if you don't like/love him back. And if you want to leave him ,then good luck with that. He found his soulmate (you). You think he would let you go ,just like that? After all that years of being alone? And if he can't have you...nobody can. He would even be able to kill you ,and then himself. So you can be together forever.

"Y/N ,I'm your soulmate and you are mine. We love each other! And we will be together forever. I will make sure of that."

J Hope

Yandere!BTS Moodboards And Types

Type: Overprotective Yandere

Hobi would be VERY overprotective of you. But he wouldn't be clingy. He just wants to make sure that his loved one is safe. Would he be paranoid? The answer is YES. Because of that he would secretly put cameras in your house and small microphones on your clothes whenever you would go out.

"Who is that? Who is she talking to? I don't know that voice. Wait ,is that a guy?! Is she cheating on me......"


Yandere!BTS Moodboards And Types

Type: Manipulative ,gun Yandere

He would manipulate you. Control you. Give you ideas that you would think are yours. Not his. You would stop hanging out with your friends. Talk to your family. Using your phone. Going out. Transport your money to his bank account. Because the only thing you need is him ,right? And if someone is looking at you for more then a second he would kill them. Most of the time with a gun.

"Think about it again Y/N. Do you really think that it's a good idea to go out? With THEM? I don't think so ,but it's your decision."


Yandere!BTS Moodboards And Types

Type: Clingy ,sad Yandere

He would be very clingy. Always wanting hugs ,kisses ,cuddles.... If he wasn't with you or see you a whole day ,he would be sad and cry a lot. Sometimes angry. But most of the time sad. Very sad. He wouldn't want to kill someone(at first). But he would hurt himself. Drugs. Self harm. But when he would get really angry ,he has no problem of killing someone. Just to get your attention.

"Y/NNNN cuddle me!"

"Don't you ever leave me ,Y/N. I will kill myself if you did."


Yandere!BTS Moodboards And Types

Type: Otaku Yandere

Taehyung would get most of his ideas from other yanderes from different animes. He would see the real world as an anime. And you were perfect to him. That perfect he would tottaly lose his mind. There is no way that this is the real world. The real cruel world. Right?

"Taehyung stop! This is THE real world! This is NOT an anime!"

"No Y/N. You are too perfect to be in this world!


Yandere!BTS Moodboards And Types

Type: Stalker ,Intelligent Yandere

He would stalk you for days ,weeks and months. He would know everything about you. And when I mean everything I mean E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G. He would probably kidnap you if you don't love him back. Your kidnap would be perfect. He would plan it from the day he first saw you.

"Ah ,you don't love me back? No don't worry. It's okay. Because I know you will fall for me."

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6 years ago


I've seen so much videos on youtube about BTS as 7 deadly sins ,so I decided to make this. The edits are mine.










Pride is excessive belief in one's own abilities, that interferes with the individual's recognition of the grace of God. It has been called the sin from which all others arise. Pride is also known as Vanity.

"Pride gets no pleasure out of having something, only out of having more of it than the next man... It is the comparison that makes you proud: the pleasure of being above the rest. Once the element of competition is gone, pride is gone."



Sloth is the avoidance of physical or spiritual work.

“I've heard that hard work never killed anyone, but I say why take the chance?” ...

J Hope


Greed is the desire for material wealth or gain, ignoring the realm of the spiritual. It is also called Avarice or Covetousness.

"If there was a simple acronym for greed, I'd use that. There's a lot of money at stake."



Lust is an inordinate craving for the pleasures of the body.

"Lust is the feeling you get when you see someone and all you want to do is fuck the shit out of them."



Anger is manifested in the individual who spurns love and opts instead for fury. It is also known as Wrath.

"I don't usually lose my temper, but if I get angry, it's true - I'm scary. "



Envy is the desire for others' traits, status, abilities, or situation.

"You can only be jealous of someone who has something you think you ought to have yourself."   



Gluttony is an inordinate desire to consume more than that which one requires.

"There is no love sincerer than the love of food."

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