High Definition TV
High Definition TV
I've only recently started watching hi-def TV and blu-ray DVDs. I never felt that I was missing anything without them. This time around, I really didn't need to be the first kid on the block to have these things. But I do have to say that I like to be able to read the credits on the TV. Granted, we did get a larger screen, but without the hi-def, I can't read all those blurry, moving letters.
The one thing that I didn't expect was the way it felt to watch programs and movies on the new TV. The crispness gives the picture a feeling of immediacy that wasn't there before, except, perhaps, in soap operas. Actually, that's exactly what it reminds me of: watching a soap opera. The other thing I noticed, and I haven't figured out why this is yet, is that the blu-ray movies seem like they're entirely CGI. I never noticed either of these things while browsing through the TV section of my local electronics store. So what is it that makes it different now that I'm watching it in my home? Let me know if you have an answer to that.
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