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İnsanın kalbi, yaşadığı yere yansır
Ya da yaşadığı yer bir süre
Sonra kalbe bulaşır..

Üzgün bir insan değilim.
Sadece üzerimde haklı bir kırgınlık var.
Geri kalan herşeye şükürler olsun.

Kitapları seviyormusunuz..?¿
Öyleyse hayatınız boyunca
Mutlu olacaksınız demektir..
( Jules Chore )

Bayım, bu gidişleriniz
Beni şair sizi şiir yapacak..''
/ Didem Madak /...

Sahiden herkes..
Yaşar mı yaşattığını..?¿

''Her insan biraz romandır.,
Kahramandır biraz yalandır.''
( Sezen Aksu )

Seni sevdiğim günden beri..
Kalbim çiçek..

İnsanlar kötüydü
Kitaplara sığındım..
( Cemil Meriç )

Otuz ömür geçse de ömrümün
Üstünden yine yarınım gibi

Her daim kendin ol...
Sen seni anlaya bilene mucizesin..

"Belki birgün
Aynı kitap yaprağında denk geliriz.."

Ölümün olduğu bu dünya da..
Hiç birşey çokta ciddi değildir aslında..
_______________Franz Kafka..🍁🍂

"Tanıdığım en güzel insanlar, yenilgiyi, acıyı, mücadeleyi, kaybı yaşamış olan ve diplerden çıkış yolunu kendileri bulmuş insanlardır. Güzel insanlar öylece ortaya çıkmazlar; onlar oluşurlar.."

Appreciate your locally owned bookstore or else
(Books Galore, Erie, PA)
So a while ago I was working at the little town bookstore (as you do, more stories about that sure to come) and I got so invested in a particular author (Alix E. Harrow) that I went and stalked her Instagram for a good long time while the store was quiet. And I found that she had recommended a book that wasn’t out yet, but was going to be out in a few days. It was Becky Chamber’s Psalm for the Wild Built.
And oh, oh boy, did that book change me. There are some people out there that you will meet who reach right into your body with their words and physically alter how your brain works. I was going through a rough time when I read this book, and I wept on the back porch of my parent’s home in the dappled shade of sugar maples and it was the first time I’d cried tears of happiness and relief in… a long, long time.
I recommend that book to everyone I met. It is my comfort book. It is a warm hug from someone you miss. It is a kind word from a stranger. It is a cup of tea on a rainy day and a glass of lemonade on a hot one. You ever want to feel seen, instead of observed? Comforted and encouraged instead of force-fed horrors? Reassured that people are good, and goodness finds a way, and small comforts are not luxuries to be ashamed of but essentials to be shared with anyone willing to sit by your table? Go read this book. It took me less than two hours to read.
It is not magical, it does not force a strange world upon you. It simply looks at you softy, offers you a drink and some food, which it has made itself but is happy to share, and tells you that it sees you, that you are real, and you are being cared for.
The second book came out a year later and I read it as soon as I could get my hands on it. It was equally comforting, and it challenged me to think about what I was giving to myself, and question whether enough of that was kindness. It challenged me to think about my faith, both in something greater than myself and something that was shared equally among everyone I will ever know. And once again, this time sitting in the dimly-lit kitchen of my first apartment, I wept tears of relief and joy. It was okay to feel how I was feeling. My grief had been seen, validated, and held in someone’s hands like glass until I could place it on the shelf of my experiences: never gone, but finally in its place.
This book of small comforts and gentle joys and big questions inside of small people made me feel safe. My greatest struggles have been with anxiety, with never feeling safe, and this book, for days at a time, made me feel safe in my own mind and body. Becky Chambers managed, in about 150 pages, to write a story that changed how my brain worked.
I’m pretty sure these are the best books I’ve ever read. And they came to me exactly when I needed them. I’m looking forward to what comes next.
What changes is the Wolf Full Moon (the moon after Yule) bringing into your life? PAC

1. 2. 3.
To those who have been waiting for this, it’s finally here!!! I was supposed to do a Yule reading but a ton of things got in the way so I settled for this! :))
If you enjoyed this reading and would like to leave a tip, feel free to press the tip jar! ^^
Tip Jar ✨
Take a deep breath and choose the image or number that calls to you the most. Use your intuition or ask the help of your guides/universe to help you pick your pile. Please note that if this doesn’t resonate, then this reading is probably not for you so don’t feel bad! 😊
Disclaimer: For entertainment purposes only
Pile 1 🍃
A lot of passion will be coming your way! I see you working hard and dedicated to a dream of yours! For some of you, this could be a wish fulfillment that you’ve been working hard for. Manifestations are now rushing in faster than before! For others of you I sense something related to love. Possibly a potential romantic connection is in the air. Whatever this is, it’s bring you a breath of fresh air! I see you being seeing things in a new perspective. I’m also hearing new beginnings and the numbers 0 & 1. This could signify a brand new start of something or just like I said, new beginnings!! So happy for you pile 1 ^^
Pile 2 🌌
Healing or resting from something is what I’m seeing for you. Maybe you have healed from something in the recent past and your now resting or you could have dealt with something painful and now you’re backing away from it and just taking some time for yourself. I hear that this could be a burnout for some of you. Doing this is helping you regain back your power. I see a lot of people pointing their fingers towards you, trying to bring you down :(( but this time around, you’re more determined than ever to face the challenges ahead!! I see you standing more in your power and rising above these hurdles. Walking away from something is bring you more peace and some of you may be receiving an offer or a wish coming through that your guides are rewarding you for standing up for yourself! :)) Hang tight my sensitive souls!
Pile 3 ☕️
You may recently have been or may be at crossroads. Regardless, life moves on and so you move forward, too, towards being financially stable. Your hard work is brining in opportunities. I see you being more focused on your career and finances. You have an idea or plan and you are determined to push forward even if it’s going to take quite some time. This is bringing more balance in your life and yes, more abundance soon! You are leaving something behind for others of you here. You’re looking towards a bright horizon, uncharted waters but I see you definitely being excited taking on this path!
Reading Alcove, Bookstore, San Francisco, California

Little Switzerland Books And Beans
My new favorite place to be.
And it's here you'll find me, nestled between the bookshelves and cozy atmosphere with my nose in a book 📚