avawritingsfc - guilty pleasures
guilty pleasures

Ava 🪩🥂🍒23 | Libra | She/HerSF9 - Cole Palmer - Joe Burrows OPEN (headcanons & short scenarios)

39 posts



May I ask you to write bestfriends to lovers fluffy oneshot for Yoo Taeyang when you have time, please? 😍


Hi💓 here you gooo!

P.s I wrote it as a headcanon instead of a oneshot, I hope that’s fine!😣



Okay so, my first thought is Taeyang would need to be pretty close with you in order to develop feelings in the first place so assume you guys are already really good friends.

Anyways ~~

• Your friendship with Taeyang was unexpected as you were pretty loud and extroverted while he was calm and introverted so others hadn't expected you guys to remain good friends for so long.

• Despite being perceived as someone cold, quiet and reserved, with you, Taeyang shows quite a different side

• In reality, he was just a sensitive and soft-hearted person who was very talkative and vibrant when he opens up

• You would even argue he was the more outgoing one in your friendship, always suggesting new cafes, art galleries, museums, city parks you guys should visit together

• As friends, you guys would also go as each other’s date to everything because it’s “convenient”

• You coordinate your outfits because #aesthetics

• But now you've got everyone thinking you guys are a couple

• Which you both don't really deny and just find it amusing

• But all of a sudden, you’re staring a little too long at each other

• Taeyang isn't one to play games or act hard to get. When he knows he has developed feelings, he will be straight forward about it and confess to you

• But he will likely be hesitant at first until he is completely sure you feel the same way too

• You do.

• As Taeyang is a super attentive person to begin with, the transition from friends to lovers is fairly smooth. He already knows all your likes and dislikes

• He is very nurturing and romantic in love, so he will often hold your hand in public, while would save kissing you and giving you back hugs in private

• All of which make your heart melt

• This is him trying his best to create an intimate connection with you

• Also wants to take pictures with you everywhere

• As his partner, you're now his full-time photographer…not that you weren’t already before lol

• You may also notice his character in your relationship changes slightly as he may act different towards you

• He starts being somewhat possessive more protective over you

• Asserting more responsibility of your relationship by becoming the organiser and planner for most things

• He’s always planning lunch dates, reserving dinner at your favourite restaurant, and even organising romantic nights away

• It’s like he wants to show you he can take the lead and take care of you

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3 years ago

Hello! Can I ask you a request on you learning pole dancing for a while and finally made a little show for them? It can be with either Inseong or Taeyang. Thank you <3

Hi anon! Super sorry but I find pole dancing super cringe to write, if you could please send another type of prompt/scenario and I'll be sure to write it for you🤧❣️

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ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 왜케귀엽냐 니덕분에 행복했어 니 내꺼해라 태양아❤️ #JAEYOON

7 months ago

Hiii❤️ loved your bf!colepalmer headcanon!! I was wondering if you could do one based on how arguments would be like with cole? In need of some angst haha 😭

Thank you!! xxx

Hey!💓 Aww I'm glad you liked it🤧

Okay so in terms of how I like to write arguments, I always like bringing an astrological twist to things. I find it adds a different dimension. Although, we don’t know much about Cole’s birth time, we know he is a taurus sun so I have based my thoughts on how he would behave during an argument with his partner on that.


Arguments with Cole Palmer: Headcanon⚡️🖤

Hiii Loved Your Bf!colepalmer Headcanon!! I Was Wondering If You Could Do One Based On How Arguments

before you read: not too angsty, pretty realistic. again these are my thoughts and opinions, please don't take it too seriously.

The Silent Storm:

The silent storm is truly how i would describe Cole during moments of conflict with his s/o.

Cole is not the type to raise his voice during an argument.

When tension first arises, he tends to go quiet, his brows furrowed as he tries to process his emotions.

He’s not one for impulsive reactions, so he’ll often take a moment to collect his thoughts before responding.

This can sometimes feel like he’s shutting down, but really, he’s just trying to avoid saying something he might regret.

Stubborn as a Taurus:

This man is STUBBORN!!!

True to his Taurus nature, once Cole has made up his mind about something, it’s hard to get him to see things differently.

In an argument, this can be both a strength and a challenge.

He stands firm on his beliefs and will defend his point of view with solid determination, not backing down.

This stubbornness can sometimes make it difficult for him to compromise or admit when he’s wrong.

Protective of the Relationship:

OKay so yes he's stubborn and irrational at times BUT...

Even in the heat of an argument, Cole is deeply protective of the relationship.

He hates the idea of anything coming between you two, so he’ll avoid saying hurtful things that could cause lasting damage.

No swearing here pls!!

If the argument escalates, you might notice him taking a deep breath, his voice softening when he finally speaks, as if to remind you both that you’re on the same team here.

Physical Reassurance:

While words might be harder for him in the midst of a disagreement, Cole instinctively reaches out to you, whether it’s holding your hand, gently placing his hand on your shoulder, or simply staying close by.

He believes that physical touch can help bridge the gap when emotions are running high, and he hopes that these small gestures will convey that he still cares deeply, even when you’re both upset.

This man's love language is definitely physical touch, i could talk about it all day.

Long Drives to Clear His Head:

The rarer times, when an argument gets too intense, Cole might suggest taking a break.

He’ll often go spent time with his friends or go for a long drive to clear his head, giving both of you time to cool down.

He’s not walking away from the problem but rather trying to come back with a clearer perspective.

He’ll text you something like, “I just need a minute, but I’m not going anywhere,” to reassure you that he’s still committed to resolving the issue, but just not right now.

A Soft Apology:

I cant lie but Cole isn’t the type to apologise right away, especially if he feels strongly about his position.

However, after he’s had time to reflect, he’ll come back with a heartfelt apology if he realises he was in the wrong.

His apologies are quiet but sincere, often accompanied by a simple “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you,” and he’ll make it clear that your feelings matter more to him than being right.

Rebuilding with Care:

After the argument, Cole is all about mending things slowly and carefully.

He’ll suggest doing something together that you both enjoy, like watching a movie or going out for a meal, as a way to reconnect.

He’ll be extra attentive and affectionate, making sure you feel loved and valued, reinforcing that the argument hasn’t shaken his commitment to you.

my conclusions: overall I think Cole truly takes arguments seriously. It might shake him up a bit but he is emotionally intelligent enough see them as opportunities for you to grow closer together. After things have calmed down, I definitely see him want to talk about what happened—not to rehash the argument, but to understand how to avoid similar conflicts in the future. He feels a sense of responsibility. Once he's committed, he's all in. Deeply invested in making the relationship stronger, he always wants to learn from such moments to become a better partner to you.

AHHHH i wanna cry🥹

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3 years ago

Just finishing up a bunch of fluff requests💕 (will release this weekend / early next week).

But I’m in the mood to write some angst🥺

Guys please send in some angst ideas /prompts with the boys …. think: arguments, jealousy, commitment issues, miscommunication drama etc..

This can be MTL, short scenario or headcanon!!


Just Finishing Up A Bunch Of Fluff Requests (will Release This Weekend / Early Next Week).

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