Averwonders - Wow I'm Here - Tumblr Blog
I wonder what parts of the events we are living through right now will go in school textbooks as a part of history, I wonder how they will say it
"I think trust is a social practice, and today it is being replaced by transparency and information. Trust enables us to build positive relationships with others, despite lacking knowledge. In a transparency society, one immediately asks for information from others. Trust as a social practice becomes superfluous. The transparency and information society fosters a society of distrust."
- Byung-Chul Han being interviewed by Gesine Borcherdt, from "Byung-Chul Han: 'I Practise Philosophy as Art.'" Art Review, 2 December 2021.
maths enjoyers and bug enjoyers and horror movie enjoyers and so forth all need to come together and unite against the common enemy of people telling you how much they hate something as soon as you mention you like it

Ellen Bass, "The Thing Is"
how to get over somebody
You guys don't even word these as questions anymore. You treat me like bitch google.

fatima aamer bilal, excerpt from moony moonless sky’s ‘i am an observer, but not by choice’.

this is me

“I am a cemetery by the moon unblessed.” ― Charles Baudelaire, Paris Spleen
I am like hair, I keep on falling
they hate me at the bike repair shop due to the fact i am always trying to break the cycle

They just don’t assassinate politicians like they used to anymore

‘Bikharne ka mujhko shauq hai bada’
Never have I ever related more to a song line ever

YOU don’t have to be perfect to be loved. but I do