averwonders - wow i'm here
wow i'm here

impulsive decisions, might overthink later

876 posts

Averwonders - Wow I'm Here - Tumblr Blog

5 months ago
Unknown, Persian Bowls, 10th-13th Century
Unknown, Persian Bowls, 10th-13th Century
Unknown, Persian Bowls, 10th-13th Century
Unknown, Persian Bowls, 10th-13th Century

Unknown, Persian bowls, 10th-13th century

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5 months ago
A screenshot from Seven Samurai, including four Japanese men - two of which are samurai. The elder samurai is saying; "Two or three samurai won't suffice."

watching Seven Samurai

5 months ago

Random linguistic worldbuilding: A language with six sets of pronouns, which are set by one's current state of existence. There's a separate pronoun for people who are alive, people who are dead, and potential future people who are yet to be born, and the ambiguous ones of "may or may not be alive or aleady dead", "may or may not have even been born yet", and the ultimate general/ambiguous all-covering one that covers all ambiguous states.

The culture has a specific defined term for that tragic span of time when a widow keeps accidentally referring to their spouse with living pronouns. New parents-to-be dropping the happy surprise news of a pregnancy by referring to their future child with the "is yet to be born" pronoun instead of a more ambiguous one and waiting for the "wait what did you just say?" reactions.

Someone jokingly referring to themselves with the dead person pronouns just to highlight how horrible their current hangover is. A notorious aspiring ladies' man who keeps trying to pursue women in their 20s despite of approaching middle age fails to notice the insult when someone asks him when he's planning to get married, and uses the pronoun that implies that his ideal future bride may not even be born yet.

A mother whose young adult child just moved away from home for the first time, who continues to dramatically refer to their child with "may or may not be already dead" until the aforementioned child replies to her on facebook like "ma stop telling people I'm dead" and having her respond with "well how could I possibly know that when you don't even write to us? >:,C"

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6 months ago
The Internet Is Such A Beautiful Haunted Echoey Warehouse

The internet is such a beautiful haunted echoey warehouse

6 months ago

where is the world where my friend never thinks of dying and just watches the rain from her window that has jade green curtains and there is a radio that only plays static and her slippers are under the bed and a half eaten plum has made her fingers and table and homework atop that very sticky and everything smells citrusy and clock on the nightstand glows and say 'you're so needed, nothing's worth it without you, stay' on repeat like thunder.

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6 months ago
Me And My Aver
Me And My Aver

me and my aver

(if we were a picture)

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7 months ago
Semi-separated Nuclei Of Two Cells Form A Heart-to-heart Shape. The Nuclei Were Labeled By Lamin.

Semi-separated nuclei of two cells form a heart-to-heart shape. The nuclei were labeled by lamin.

By Di Lu (China)

Olympus Image Of The Year Award

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7 months ago

my first favorite hobby is yapping. second is being extremely quiet and not talking ever at all ever.

7 months ago
Ari B. Cofer, Unfold: Poetry + Prose

ari b. cofer, Unfold: Poetry + Prose

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7 months ago

i make decisions n then i’m like . is this even what i Want

7 months ago

maybe if you had been made right, you would be better at being alone. if you'd assembled yourself out of the particulate, coagulating into amber and diamond - you'd be lovely and desirable. instead of pewter and hungry and anxious.

when she doesn't text you back, you should be normal about that. you should shrug and move on and get back to your beautiful life and your wonderful dog. when you wake up shaking, don't call her, don't beg for her attendance. if someone says i love you, aren't you supposed to feel warm and held and gentle. what is wrong with you that your first instinct is to reject: no, you don't, not really.

what is wrong with you. asking for help from your friends and loved ones is supposed to be a moment of connection and vulnerability. instead you spend hours preparing and weeks recovering. you've done all the reading and you know you are supposed to accept-love-as-it-is presented.

but still the internal questions, litany of the prey animal. do you still love me. am i still attractive. do you care about my interests. am i boring you. are you becoming distant. are you going to leave me. do you like me or are you just managing. am i telling you too much. am i bothering you. do you want me there. am i embarrassing you.

the problem is that your prayers have been right before. you loved someone and they hurt you and now the words sluice against the floorboards no matter how tightly you lock the door. you go to therapy and try to trust and try to be kind and try to assume the best. that everyone is honest and loyal. that you can be happy and alone and miss her but still feel easy, at-home.

it feels like waving a flag in front of a sinking ship. you hold up the scripture and research, preaching: i can do this. i am not going to let my insecurities and fears ruin another relationship.

all of the drowning passengers have your face. they try to say i told you so. i told you this is what ends up happening. their voices are swallowed by the water and the deep below.