Honestly, Here For Fun. I like numerous things, but mythology is my favorite!|YT: C.Azzraill — Ao3: Road_Work — Cara: azzraill|. (Do whatever with my art, I know it’s mine anyways.)
32 posts
Calypso | Character Concept
Calypso | Character Concept
Heyo! This will probably be a multiple part drawing thing/series. I made art of my character named Calypso along with the goddess Calypso!
(Not exactly EPIC related, but maybe later.)

The goddess is based off that one painting picture you’ll see when searching her up. I thought she looked pretty. The one next to her, my character named Calypso, is a concept I have for him. No, that’s not his outfit or his eye color. His hair was going to be put back into a loose ponytail, but it would be similar to my (god) Apollo design. Yes, vermillion hair. Pretty. ✨
Also, sorry for bright colors. It was a random pick.
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More Posts from Azrail-emer
Penelope | Art
I have never painted before, so this is new for me. It actually resembles my irl style like a lot- 💀 I don’t know how to feel about that. Anyways!!! I decide to draw everyone’s favorite wife, ✨Penelope✨!

I saw a drawing thing with her having cool looking blond hair. I thought it looked nice and drew it myself! Her outfit (and kinda the hair) came from that one statue of her that I saw. Don’t talk about the background. I had no idea what the actual fuck I was thinking.

no children of the labyrinth escaped out alive.
reason's to watch kaos:
queers everywhere
the furies are butches that ride motorcycles
the fates are genderqueering it up in a sexy little dive bar in the desert
eurydice and orpheus tale but eurydice is sick of orpheus and about to break up with him before she's sent to the underworld. except she can't pass over because orpheus also took her gold coin to keep her in place so he can rescue her. cue eurydice growing more bitter about him.
disabled daedalus
trans amazonian stories
dionysus is there getting rawed by cute boys in bars
prometheus and charon are boy toys together
billie piper as cassandra
zeus and poseidon torture human beings for fun. it's a pass time of theirs.
hades is a sleepy old man who can barely keep his head up and pesephone is a hot babe secretly in charge of the underworld. she's hades backbone.
zeus has a house full of pretty boys in tiny shorts that he kills for sport and they never complain :)
poseidon's huge bulge on display at all times
hera is as much a prisoner to zeus as zeus is a prisoner to her and they keep esch other like prison wardens
What will your comic be titled? And where will it be posted? I’m excited for the release

You can find in english on webtoon and in portuguese on tapas ^^

Dionysus design
not epic but idk I wanted to draw the god ever, what a great guy