But Its Okay - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

I need everyone to wish me a happy cancer day.

I had cancer 17 years ago today.

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7 months ago

the week after we died.

a poem about life after the death of andre kriegman and calvin gabriel, written by me.

The Week After We Died.

we lie on the cold floor,

brains and bone shattered and splayed on tile.

the body bags are too big.

they aren’t made to hold someone so small.

the strength and weight of our guns had left us.

with tortured minds,

our families tear through our belongings,

yearning for a letter, an explanation

of where they went wrong,

but they will find nothing.

they will go outside and spot the fire pit,

find the charcoals still smoldering.

burnt plastic and flakes of paper

that can only be explained by a tape,

by a video made in solitude.

the church refuses to hold our funerals.

we are buried with no celebration,

caskets closed for the sanity of others.

there is a family gathering for those who care:

our siblings, our parents, rachel, and mel.

our hell is our minds,

focused on one singular thought.

we go in circles,

finding ourselves in the exact place we tried to escape,

hurtling towards the point of extinction.

people are told not to live in the past

as if their loved ones do not reside there.

they are told that life will be better without us,

that life will be happier and more fulfilling,

but how can anything fill the void in which we used to reside?

we lie on the cold floor,

now only in memory and in mind,

as people avoid the space where we lay.

the way they swerve around the spot is almost natural,

as if we were designed for their hatred.

the week after we died,

graduation was halted.

the week after we died,

the police came knocking.

the world fell apart in the week after we died.

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7 months ago

CAL POWER BOTTOM HEADCANONS PLEASE if youre okay with that 😅😅

Power Bottom Cal Headcanons


- He constantly tells Andre what a good job he’s doing and how good Andre is making him feel, but he also sneaks some mean things in. He knows how much Andre likes it.

- He lets Andre think he’s in charge at first, but quickly changes the roles. Andre becomes like putty in his hands, especially when Cal sucks him off or rides him.

- Cal knows how to get what he wants. When he wants to mess with Andre while they’re in one of their rooms, he’ll wear just his boxers and bend over or “accidentally” back into Andre.

- Cal bites. Not just simple bites. Violent and deep bites. He likes seeing blood. He’ll gather some of it on his fingers and suck it off.

- He loves sitting on Andre’s face. He grabs onto Andre’s hair and pulls hard. He barely gives Andre time to breathe and only backs off if Andre does their signal (two pinches on the thigh.)

- He loves making Andre flustered. He’ll ask Andre what he wants and make Andre tell him. He pulls away while Andre whines for him to come back, but he’ll only come back if Andre uses his words.

- When Andre’s close, Cal tells Andre to come inside him and Andre almost finishes right then and there.

- Cal teases Andre in public constantly. If they’re out to eat or eating at home with family, he’ll place his hand a bit too far up Andre’s thigh and look at him innocently. When they’re at parties or at school, Cal randomly whispers things in Andre’s ears like “I bet you want to bed me over that table” or “You look so hot right now.”

- He likes being on top. Not being the top but being physically on top. It makes him feel powerful and he likes how Andre looks at him with pure love in his eyes.

- Cal often keeps Andre from finishing. Right when he gets close, Cal tells him to stop. He does this over and over again. Honestly, Cal wants to finish too, but he loves seeing Andre fall apart.

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7 months ago

I want to throw rocks at you in the nicest way possible I love you

i’ll gladly get rocks thrown at me

i love you too!!

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7 months ago

Sometimes i’m just like What if I shot myself in the face

okay cal 😟

no but seriously i’m here for you!! if you’re serious about this, reach out to someone!! it can be me or someone else, maybe even professionals (that’s the best option)!

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5 years ago


Abby had felt a bit lost for…well, she couldn’t quite place how long. It seemed that every time she was finally starting to settle—be that in a social or mental situation—, something would change. People that she considered herself so close to to the point where she finally felt like she was making huge steps towards normalcy would suddenly disappear, and she’d fall into a weird pseudo-isolation where she had to adjust to life without them. She would weigh her heart so heavily on someone or something only to have it taken away from her. Which is why she probably shouldn’t be standing in a mini theatre room right now, lap weighed down with all sorts of snacks and containers from various breakfast places, waiting for Aiden to figure out the projector in the back area. Talking to Aiden had been easy, almost as easy as it had been for Abby to talk to everyone else who had eventually gone on their own path. But then why was she still doing it? Why was she setting herself up for inevitable disappointment? Well, besides the fact that she couldn’t resist a good old fashioned nerd education, there was something about Aiden. It was like seeing a reflection of herself. Looking at him and knowing that there were secrets that he held in his heart but showed in his eyes. Secrets that Abby was sure were similar to her own. 

Okay, it was probably the nerd thing, too. 

With a groan, Abby tilted her head back, cracking open one of the breakfast containers and picking up a piece of bacon. They were starting with Harry Potter, since it was the easiest, and Abby had already made sure to sort her new friend to get him the appropriate themed outfit to wear. “Have you finished figuring out what’s going on with that thing? I want to start this before I turn 30.” @aidenjcarter


Aiden didn’t get attached to people. He knew the consequences of that from a young age. He always pushed people away. He’d find a way to get rid of people before they could see him for who he really is. Yes, Aiden was kind and friendly and did his best to be a good friend to everyone, but there was more to him than just those adjectives. He chose to not familiarize himself with most of the town. Sure, he had close friends, but there weren’t many people that he could really see a long lasting friendship with. He’d make excuses to not go out or just find some way to turn these friends back into acquaintances. However, Aiden had different hopes for Abby. It was a feeling of coziness he hadn’t really felt in a long time. She felt like a cup of hot chocolate during winter. It was the best way he could describe the way he felt around her. The two had barely met, but he felt an instant bond when they talked at the coffee shop. It was strange how everything transpired. From their first meeting to him needing a seat at the coffee shop to now a movie marathon. He was going in blindly. Most of the time he knew how things were going to go, but he had hope with this friendship with Abby. It was a nice feeling to feel like Abby understood him without having to say anything and he was sure that the two would grow even closer during movie nights.

“Are you already insulting me? I should just shut down the theatre so that you don’t get to watch your beloved nerdy movies anymore,” he teased the girl. “Just give me one second,” he said, tinkling around with the projector and really hoping he doesn’t break it. “There - I think I got it,” he said, as he turned to see the screen finally come down and the lights slowly dim. “That was way harder than I expected.” He made his way back to Abby and sat in the chair next to her.


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11 months ago


This is the most random ask I've ever got but I like you sent a music app 💞 Hope you're having a good day or night 💖

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currently DEEP in this ateez fic rabbit hole, and i cant say I'm complaining. the absolute heart-wrenching AGONY that this fic put me though, while i continually begged for more??? i cry, yeosang cry, we all cry.

give and take - k.ys, j.wy, k.hj 18+


pairing; wooyoung x yeosang x hongjoong genre; angst, smut, 18+, the angst isn’t bad i swear it’s temporary wc; 16.8k summary; watching the two people he has feelings for come together in a relationship that holds some of the greatest moments of intimacy. and sure, yes, yeosang acknowledges that it could be something purely physical for them, but that doesn’t negate the fact that the two people he has feelings for are fucking and have been fucking right under his nose for the last several weeks. warnings; explicit smut, fingering, oral sex: m, dirty talk, praise, lil degradation, slight exhibitionism and voyeurism, explicit smut, multiple orgasms, come sharing, masturbation, handjobs, threesome, sub woo, sub yeo, dom joong, yaknow the works an; happy belated valentine’s day! i hope you all enjoy muahmuah xx also this is grossly unedited im sorry but my internet is gonna go out again at any second and i just wanna post this ;;-;


It starts, as many things do, with a little bit of jealousy. And honestly, Yeosang could not for the life of him tell you what exactly that jealousy was in the slightest (at least that is what he tries to convince himself on nights where his thoughts all but consume him). He was not the first to notice the sudden dynamic shift between Hongjoong and Wooyoung, and he was positively certain that the others would catch up soon enough. He was the third to detect the shift in their demeanors around each other; Seonghwa obviously being the first since he’s so close with Hongjoong and apparently has to vacate his own bedroom whenever Wooyoung disappears inside. Jongho, the ever-observant and perceptive youngest, was the second to notice, and he is actually the one who prompted Yeosang to take a deeper look into what was going on.

Keep reading

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3 years ago

omg noooo bae what happened why did u have a bad day? ☹️ sending kithes ur way 🥺👉💓

BABYY!! ur a sweetheart oml it was shit ton of stuff that kinda built up and it all happened in one day yk I'm just kinda mad at it ig

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3 years ago

LMAOOO yall idk what I do here that makes everyone think I'm cool but tell me what it is so I can do the same irl since all my friends think I'm a big baby loser </3

can you do your moots as types of siblings

okioki this looks fun

i will never take back what i said btw <3

@srkuv is the cute lil sister u sometimes wanna yeet out of a cliff out of love <3

@shoyotime is that one sibling who loves to annoy the younger ones (especially mae)

@izuyams is that lazy sibling u wanna slap (love u bestie)

@mysterystarz is the kind, smart sibling with crackhead energy

@trvncyz is that one sibling who's more like your best friend

@v-i-x-o-n and @catzula are both that one cool big sis who helps u do shit behind your mom's back

@suna4lifers is that crackhead sibling who's either annoying or funny (ily bestie let's be annoying together)

@https-inarizaki is that one sibling who either says no to everything or yes to everything - they're probably done with the younger ones

@blazedbakugou is that one sibling who's done with the others and refuses to deal with them anymore (they probably also hate lune and me but <3)

and @bokutoslittledoll is the cool big sis who lets you do whatever you want bUT she still follows the rules and is a good good kid

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6 months ago

Set up my streaming stuff and realized OOPS this mic is NOT for asmr!

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6 years ago
You're Embarrassing Him, Kiri

You're embarrassing him, Kiri

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1 year ago

If you struggle with intrusive thoughts, and those intrusive thoughts sometimes (or often) involve the Gods, They are not going to strike you down for it, and They are not going to judge you based on those thoughts.

Intrusive thoughts are not a mark of who you “truly” are” as a person, nor what you “truly think”. If it worries you, try to tell the Gods about it. They’ll understand, I am sure of it🧡.

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1 year ago

Six Sentence Sunday

I was tagged by @pluttskutt for this one! Thanks for the tag!

Six Sentences from the chapter I'm currently working on from Enchanted Illusions (it's titled Date with the Soul-Snatcher, for anyone wondering)

The six sentences in question:

[...] “Where are we going…?”  Harriet asked with a light chuckle, tilting her head as she followed him.

Augustus turned to her with a twirl but did not stop in his path, only walking backwards. There was a mischievous smile on his lips and an uncharacteristically cheery glint in his eyes as he tapped her on the shoulder before turning around again. “You’ll find out in a bit, darling. It’s a surprise, after all.”

“We’re not hiding a body, are we?” [...]

+ Bonus Snippet/Continuation (for context and because I love this scene/interaction so much)

Her question was playful, spoken through a smile, though there was the slightest hint of seriousness behind it. Augustus laughed, shaking his head while meticulously arranging the lapel of his suit for the third time.

“Oh, dear, no. Not this time - of course, unless you want to, you know I can always be convinced. Depending on the person, if they're bad or annoying, sure then - but later!”

Harriet gave him a deadpan glare, to which Augustus seemed oblivious, merely continuing his bouncy walk down the sidewalk, humming a tune. She knew he really meant it - and at this point, it wasn't as concerning as much as it was just one of the weird "perks" of living and traveling with a necromancer.

“No, never mind! Lead the way.” The girl shook her head with a sigh, a strange habit she realized she might've started to pick up from Vincent, but smiled as she gestured ahead.

Tagging - @oh-no-another-idea, @clairelsonao3, @rickie-the-storyteller, @little-peril-stories, @memento-morri-writes, @inky-duchess, @doublegoblin, @gummybugg, @dreaminggoblin, @your-absent-father and @lola-theshowgrl + OPEN TAG

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5 months ago

Penelope | Art

I have never painted before, so this is new for me. It actually resembles my irl style like a lot- 💀 I don’t know how to feel about that. Anyways!!! I decide to draw everyone’s favorite wife, ✨Penelope✨!

Penelope | Art

I saw a drawing thing with her having cool looking blond hair. I thought it looked nice and drew it myself! Her outfit (and kinda the hair) came from that one statue of her that I saw. Don’t talk about the background. I had no idea what the actual fuck I was thinking.


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4 years ago

omg it really took me 100 dvs to get that levi ur+😔

didn't get the beel ur+ but i got levi's card, mammon's, and maxed the skill level of all the SRs cheat cards so i guess it's not so bad. witchy snek boi card is what i really want anyway😌

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